
King of Conquerors

Once Popularly known as the Most Unfortunate Kid, Ma Feng, A Child of sorrow and a Curse to the world suffers terrifying illness On the Day of his death, He was murdered By a Gang only to be Reincarnated into an Unknown world as a Dragon. An Unfortunate Child becoming one of the most powerful beings in the world, He is set out to become the Ultimate being. To Return back to his former world and to exact his revenge..... He shall become the King of Conquerors

Wonder_Emeh · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 62: The Rage

Rose has being brawling with the Assasin Cochio for thirty minutes now, They were both speed type Assasins with quite the dangerous moves, Rose evaded every fatal attacks that came her way without hesitation.

The Blood Contract Artifact of Cochio is an Artifact specified for Aerial attack, It is quite the Dangerous and potent level of Artifact meanwhile The Abilities of Rose's Artifacts hasn't being known.

Rose could be seen running into the deepest parts of the forest while Cochio chased after her, Sending aerial strikes Against her without hesitation, Rose was quite quick enough to evade all those attacks.

Rose leapt when she landed on a tree branch, She felt the tree was already shaking after Cochio cut it down with an Aerial attack, Rose dived to another tree with smiles on her face while holding her daggers.

" Are you already giving up? You know you cannot defeat me " Cochio voices out!

He strucked his Spear on the ground, The ground shook Vigorously as a response to the force of the Artifact, The Artificat has the design of the Marcel Kingdom which meant it was bought by an unknown party.

" Na, You have already lost this battle...I would have loved to show you my Second Assasin Technique but you are too weak to bare the Destructive force of its attack, So I saved you from the torment " Rose spoke out.

" Huh? Watch what you are saying young lady or perhaps, You would like me to chop off your head with my Spear? " Cochio asked when he grabbed his Artifact, Reacting to his blood, The Artifact glows brightly.

Within two minutes...The Bright Force Surging out from the Artifact died down, Cochio was suprised to see what was happening when he turns to glare at Rose, Rose was smiling non stop while staring at Cochio.

" Li... Little Girl, What did you do to me? " Cochio asked in shock when his face became red!

" Your Artifact is aerial based and since it's a weapon to be sold on the market, It won't have much potential Destructive force in it, I on the other hand possesses Deadly Artifacts that you would never want to encounter " Rose said.

" A single cut from my Artifact renders my opponent's body under my total control, If your Artifact is magical Essences based then it would register your Magical Essences and bend it to my will but yours is Different "

" Your Artifact is a Blood Contract Type so it's literally at your disadvantage, Your Blood has being registered into my Artifacts, Literally gaining me Complete Control over you and now, I will strip You of your life force " Rose said.

" That's impossible, You are nothing but a weak little girl who should be at my house, How can you be stronger than me..." Cochio spoke out when bloods started Gushing out of his ears and his nostrils.

" Hmph, What a fool you are... Can't you feel it? Death is already at the corner for you mister man, I am already destroying all the red blood cells in your body, Manipulating the concept of your body Through your blood "

" I have your life registered into my hand and now, It's time to end you " Rose spoke out when the Artifacts in her hands glowed brightly, Immediately she landed a cut across Cochio's face, She already won.

" No...No...No...No, This Shouldn't be happening, You are the one who should be begging me for your life, how can a little girl like you be able to land this hit " Cochio said when he felt his blood boiling.

His entire body system was overwhelmed with pains when his skin began pure red, Melting down as his entire blood cells were being overheated by the Control of Rose and Cochio fell down on his knees.

" This is how an Assasin wields his weapon, This is quite a potent Artifact right? Good for Assasination " Rose said when she smirked at Cochio and Cochio fell down dead, His skin were already decayed.

His eye balls popped out until it became nothing, The Entire Flesh of Cochio melted down until all that was left was nothing but skeletons, Rose took a deep breath when she sighed out loud without hesitation.

" I never thought I would Activate This Artifact's Killing Ability before I reached the age of twenty but this feels great, It's so amazing to kill someone in such a manner " Rose said to herself before drifting off.

She is a speedster who moves at the Speed of Instant, But if it pleases her, She could also move at the Speed of Sound, Her ultimate goal is to move at the Speed of Light, But she has alot to learn to become a perfect Assasin!





Xi Jing was seen running across the dark parts of the Forest when he suddenly senses a few Presences in the air, He did a back flip when he landed on the ground, Evading the dagger launched Against him.

Xi Jing turns to see that a couple of Syndrome's Warriors already surrounded him, Covering the entire area and not giving him a breathing space, They were all armed incase Xi Jing tried to outsmart them.

" You are member of the Dragon Knights right? " A Voice asked.

" And what if I am? I am the Vice Captain of the Dragon Knights...The Raging King of Disaster!! " Xi Jing voices out with pride, That's a nickname he gave himself after he was declared at the Vice Captain.

" The Vice Captain? The Raging King of Disaster? I guess we will have to deal with you right now...We won't let you escape " The Voice spoke out again when the Warriors charged at Xi Jing without hesitation.

Xi Jing stood firmly while Gazing at the incoming numbers of Warriors, Evading their attacks as he sent couple of them crashing to the ground, Warriors were scattered around as they encountered the Strength of Xi Jing.

The Super Soldier Xi Jing supersped when he landed a bone breaking punch across the chin of a Warrior, Sending the Warrior crashing with all his teeths being scattered into pieces as bloods gushes out of his mouth.

Xi Jing did a quick speed when he sent a Devastating kick across the face of another Warrior, Xi Jing grabs two Warriors by the face when he smashes them heavily on the ground, Bloods Gushing out of their skull.

After all, He has being given the freedom to kill them all, Tons of bone breaking fists were thrown Against the Syndrome's forces, It is a Devastating showdown of brute Strength that can't be unrivaled.

" This Monstrousity, This is not a human...This is a Monster " A Warrior spoke out in fear when he Welcomed a blow to the face, The Impact of the force sent him crashing to a tree when he spat out bloods from his face.

" This is quite fun, Is there anyone who wants to defeat me? " Xi Jing asked while bouncing, He strucked the ground with his leg when he supersped, He whooshed past three Warriors when he grabbed a warrior by the throat.

Lifting him up while choking him when Xi Jing crushed the bone of The Warrior and he dropped the dead body on the ground, The Rest were already shivering in fear when Xi Jing clenches his fist Ferociously.

He was about to make a move when chain whips were launched Against him, Xi Jing bounced back when he evaded the chain whips launched Against him, He could hear the clanging sounds of Metals when he looked up.

His eyes met with Seiko, A Member of the Syndrome's Commander when Seiko moves his fingers, Releasing Tons of Chain Whips Against Xi Jing when Xi Jing evaded the whips when he caught hold of a whip.

The Magical Essences released into the chain whips magic were intense that it burnt off his skin that Xi Jing let go of the chains, He maintained his composure when he Positioned himself well for an attack.

" You are the Vice Captain of the Dragon Knights right? The one who proclaims himself as the Raging King of Disaster " Seiko said when he came down from the tree branch and he landed on the ground.

" Yes I am and it's not a Proclamation, It's a Declaration of the Truth!! " Xi Jing said.

" I wonder what's the difference in between what I just said and what you just said now, But not to worry, I will be taking you down now " Seiko said as he stretched forth his hand, Six Chain Whips were unleashed.

Xi Jing frowns as he dodges the Chain Whips continuous attacks, Xi Jing could see Seiko's hand glowing vividly, He is Controlling the chains with a single hand to perform the magic spell he used.

The Chains whips were not relenting when Xi Jing vanishes and he appears Behind Seiko, Aiming for a bone breaking punch Against Seiko when Seiko clapped his hands, The Chains merged together.

Creating a Mighty Shield to block the punch of Xi Jing when Xi Jing bounced back, Seiko moves his hands when he releases the chain whips once again, While evading the chain whips, Xi Jing wasn't fast enough to evade the next attack.

He Welcomed a flying kick which sent him crashing into a tree, Just calmly sitted on the ground as he stares directly into the eyes of Seiko, Xi Jing remains sitted like a boss when he took a deep breath.

" You are a Vice Captain and you are this weak, I can see your Captain being weak and..." Seiko couldn't complete his statement when Xi Jing appears before him, Grabbing his face and smashing him hard into the ground.

The ground quaked heavily when Xi Jing fell back to evade the chain whips attacks and he wore a dark grin at the end of his lips, Seiko slowly rose up from the ground when he took a deep breath.

" You go for nothing bastard...How dare you strike me like that? " Seiko cursed at Xi Jing.

" You brought your own doom on yourself, Mr Man...So Don't beg for forgiveness once you have tasted despair, You are about to feel my Strength...I will be using my Artifact to Destroy you " Xi Jing spoke out with pride.