

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


Duke ignites his combination technique dropping to a lotus as he focuses attaining ATTUNED mastery of his 'Force' arts',  seeing this Jhon turns away, upon exiting the training warehouse he's blocked by Tobi,

"I figured you would come up to me eventually" Jhon,

"Train me too" Tobi replies,

"Sorry it's occupied" Jhon states attempting to walk pass him,

"There are several more storages that are fit for use" Tobi replies,

"Ugh" Jhon sighs exaggeratedly, "fineee!, After you" he waves.

Tobi leads the way, just over a minute later they meet the front gate of a big storage unit, Tobi pulls up the gates stepping into it's enclosing confines with Jhon in tow, Tobi turns to face him, dropping into a stance, Jhon lifts an eyebrow, am arrogant smirk blooming from his lips, 

"What're you waiting for big guy, come at me" he muses.

Tobi empowers his Enforcer technique : Raging bull, a technique that uses 'Force' to enhance the user's physical abilities the more the user moves the more momentum and 'Force' they build up, his hulk like frame blurs, in a flash his Enforcer is swapped out for his Striker: : Force coating 'Shockwave', a technique where 'Force' is compressed then released through the body in high pressure vibrations to cause shockwaves, his fist blurs, a shockwave is released from behind his arm, the force blurring his fist aimed to crash into Jhon's skull, Jhon smiles, twisting his sheathed kitana unto it's hilt his hand blurs in reply connecting softly at the point of Tobi's Shockwave's burst, the 'Force' implodes with Tobi's hand getting blown back, the latter spots Jhon's widened smirk well aware he'd be dead should this be a real battle, nevertheless he presses on, switching quickly to his Enforcer as he blurs past Jhon's to just under a metter behind his back and toward's his right, switching instantaneously back to his Striker with seamless efficiency his fist crashes toward's Jhon's liver, the latter who watched on in momentary thought,

(Is he truly unable to layer his arts? Or is it his ploy to catch me of guard?) Jhon ponders in amusement, Jhon strikes out his kitana with it's sheathed edge, Tobi haven expect him to aim for the point of release shows astonishing control stalling for the bearest of split seconds, that second would make all the difference.

Jhon's kitana is blown back upon release forcing him to momentarily exercise his superior advancements control over his body to bring his sheathed kitana's blade against Tobi's Shockwave blow, the two meeting in a massive release of 'Force', 

(He actually made me swing my sword) Jhon mules in approval, Tobi presses switching to his Enforcer as to Jhon's pleasant astonishment Tobi's feet crash to his side against his kitana, 

"Since when does the DEALER'S second in charge use kicks?" He questions,

"Since he realised he wasn't strong enough, i'll do whatever it takes" he replies,

"Is that so" Jhon replies his smile turning manaically, "very well then, how about taking things up a notch" he states with manaical amusement, his hands blur striking against Tobi who swings in response, Jhon replies with a heavy counter unbothered as Tobi's blow connects with air, his eyes watch alight with 'Force', his auxiliary technique empowered, : Pre sight, 'a technique that enables the user to observe the intended flow of 'Force', in essence, a type if premonition', several seconds went by like this, every hit against his body felt like a sledge hammer's hit, and despite his best efforts at guarding Jhon's leisurely strikes, each swing the exercision of a flick of his wrist dances away behind and over his guard's at impossible angles, watching this Jhon's smile turns to a frown,

(Wait, are is Force arts also incomplete?, To be as strong as he is with such blatant defects, it seems i have another project on my hands) he ponders, his grin widened with twisted pleasure, 

"Enough" Jhon calls, bringing their bout to an end, "are you truly willing to to do whatever it takes?" Jhon questions,

"I am!" Tobi replies with no hesitation, 

"To die for it?" He re-eiterates, 

"I won't die" Tobi replies, "i have a duty to fulfill" he concludes emphatically.

Jhon bursts into manaical laughter at his reply, 

(Yes!, I like this!), He muses rapidly drawing up a plan of progress for Tobi, 

"Fist you need a defense technique, once learned you will focus on your Combination technique, because of your limited knowledge on your Defense technique to be your Enforcer and Striker will have to suffice, we will train ceaselessly and relentlessly until you can transition between the two states with seamless ease" Jhon concludes,

"Understood" Tobi gives in reply, Jhon pulls out a cell phone tossing it to Tobi, taking a look on the screen is what appears to be a manuals text, 

'Force' Art: (ANCHORED HELM)

'Force' Art Mode: (DEFENSE)


"One week, learn that to a suitable mastery in one week, if you can, i'll make it my job to turn you into a beast Tobi Park" Jhon states solemnly,

"Ill do it in less" the hulking teen's voice booms,

"I'll be waiting expectantly" Jhon smiles in reply, turning away he makes his exit, 

(This might not be so boring afterall) he muses, his smile very quickly turning into irritation at the sight of the two DEALERS following Tobi in command, 

"Please!" Bradley states, 

"Train us too!" Daniel shouts, 

"PLEASE!" the shout in tandem,

"N..." he begins before the visage of a certain person flashes to mind, "Ahhh fuck!" He growls, "lead the fucking way" he states irritatedly.

Raven and co marvel at the sight before them, beneath the Young's massive mansion an elevator leading to a titanium re-enforced underground facility, containing living quaters, training areas and a re-enforced underground bunker,

"So this is what being rich rich is like" Jayson exclaims with his mouths agape, 

"Don't moan, your dad is pretty well off" Laura quips,

"Definitely not this well off" Jayson replies,

"You shouldn't let materialistic thing's cloud your minds" Yanick states while gaping with absolutely wonder and childlike excitement at all the Shifter dedicated exercise gear, re enforced weights, dumbbells and barbells weighing in the tons, a physical gravity weight device which he had never seen before and much more,

"Like you're doing any better you workout junkie" Jayson quips in response,

"Wow" Maya exclaims yet again, 

"Remind me what the girls are doing here again?" Jayson questions turning to Amy, 

"We've called a girls meeting" Amy replies, Maya, Laura and Kaytlin are the only ones left",

"Left to do what?" Yanick questions,

"To become Shifters" Konan picks up easily, 

"No way!" Jayson states emphatically,

"I do agree that it would be safer for them, but make no mistake the procedure is agonizing, and should they lose consciousness, death is certain" Yanick speaks stating his opinion, 

"It's my choice Jayson" Maya states with willed determination, 

"Rave..." Laura calls softly, Kaytlin turns astonished by the gesture,

(It seems my absence has but me behind) she frowns, her chubby face contorting visibly, luckily no one took note, 

"Right, I'd like the big bosses opinion" Amy states, Raven picks up on Amy's ploy quickly, 

{Oh, i like her!} Silver states with amused approval, 

(Subtle) Raven mules, (calling me leader),

{Will you shy from the responsibility?} Silver questions,

(Why would i) he grins mentally in response,

"I agree, they should do it, it's their choice, and ultimately the best option for their safety, for now though we wait, i'll have Mari come coordinate the process and the training" he states,

"Why can't we train with you guys?" Laura questions, 

"CAUSE THEY'LL BE IN HELL!"  An authoritative voice booms as the person in questions hulking frame steps into light.