

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


Men in black suits, communication gear and dark shades step into the house lifting the still unconscious guard out, 

"Although I'd love to stay and chat duty calls, i'll see you later little bird" she winks before turning to exit. Mari sighs turning to Dennis who'd remained layed out on the couch, 

"Do you need me to say it?" She questions,

"Where going with her?" He questions,

"Our mission is far from over" she replies, exhaling he nods rolling of unto his feet, as the two make their way out Raven calls,

"Mari!", She turns giving him hear,

"Thank you" he states,

"Anytime, what're friends for" she smiles before turning to make her exit with Dennis in tow,

"So" Maya states, "you we're saying something about training?",

"I know the perfect person" James grins.

"Sir" the man in a white shirt and black trousers calls with a bow,

"Speak" Cebasa replies,

"She's been captured",

"Then recover her",

"They've placed the white mamba on detail" the man replies, Cebasa holds silence, despite the soundless still encapsulated by the entrapping walls of his favourite library sound seems to come from the cup raised to his lips and the soundless sip of his wine,

"I see" he replies,

"Do you think she'll break?" He questions, his tone slow and immaculately steady, 

"No sir" comes the reply,

"You may speak your mind" he states,

"I do believe information could be gathered through techniques beyond her means, perhaps through the use of artifacts" he replies,

"Is she not warded?" Cebasa questions,

"She is sir, but the nature of artifacts are not one which can be definitely determined, especially not with our limited information" the man replies,

"How detrimental are the pieces of information she holds to us?" He inquires,

"A mild inconvenience at best sir, some plans will need re structuring, several locations and dealings compromised, most importantly the war between the children will need to be re-scheduled" he concludes,

"Do what you must, mitigate the effects, i want things done quickly and cleanly, do not disappoint me" Cebasa declares,

"YES SIR!" the man replies turning to make a brisk exit.

Cebasa finds feet, sauntering to the library terrace,

(Nathan Nathan Nathan, even your son is pain, it must run in the family) he muses.


Duke roars his fist crashing toward's Jhon's side, the latter steps aside striking with a small draw of his blade hilt, the hilt connecting to Duke's oblique, Duke transitions into a kick which Jhon stops by spinning his sheathed kitana and connecting the hilt against Duke's toe, spinning in place Duke transitions into a back heel round house kick, the latter simply stepping a step away, with each exchange Duke struck with increasing efficiency, with his Auxiliary technique empowered, : Reading Eyes, 'A technique that allows the user survey the adversaries 'Force' and physical patterns' while switching in and out of his Striker: Force coating 'In Force', a technique that allows the user draw any matter or specified matter withing a given area nearer while giving the user increase striking power' and his Enforcer: Overload, alternating between the two Duke with the use of his Striker misdirects Jhon's outstretched kitana before switching to his Enforcer allowing him to twist his knee to strike impossibly in and around the kitana with a kick aimed at Jhon's head, Jhon's eye's flicker with 'Force', he'd caught it through aid of his Auxiliary technique, Jhon in a ridiculous feat of flexibility pushes forward while leaning back dodging at the split second at the point the techniques raises, waisting not time he swipes across Duke's chest despite being just shy if a meter away, following the trail of his finger is a white line, one Duke knows of all to well, igniting a combination technique holding his Enforcer and Defense: Overlay, 'a technique where vibrating layers of moving force redistributes or negates impact force', his skin reddens slightly as his muscles tense from the increased pressure and blood flow, the line forms to reality, a severing line, a nasty gash appears instantaneously, despite the injury Duke pushes on, struggling to stack the last of his 'Force' art' technique into the combination, seeing this Jhon steps back flicking his wrist at a speed to fast for Duke to see as his jaw cracks back almost losing consiousness as he staggers away, 

"How much do you know about your father, Gray Wade?" Jhon questions, 

"Enough" the latter replies after reluctant contemplation,

"Clear not" Jhon replies, "do you know what the biggest misconception about him is?" He questions further,

"No" Duke replies,

"That he was talented" Jhon replies simply, "slightly above average maybe, gifted with natural strength yes, maybe even a little bit if a good guy muscle head, much like that friend of yours from Saiyan" he states,

"But he was the strongest",

"Arguably, and following' that person's' death yes" Jhon replies, 

"If what you say is true then how did he do it?" Duke questions, his interest piqued, noticing this a smile dawns Jhon's face, 

"Do you know the difference between a genius, prodigy and monster?" Jhon questions cryptically, for a while Duke contemplates this question, mulling over it incessantly, eventually he gives what he believes to be the answer,

"Prodigy is a child genius, a monster, well, is a monster" he grins,

"You'd be correct" Jhon frowns, "in literal terms, but no" he concludes,

"Then what is it?" Duke questions,

"A prodigy masters what is existing, a genius masters and innovates to improvement, a monster does both with overwhelming faculty" Jhon replies,

"What does all this have to do with my father" Duke frowns with budding irritation,

"If i were to tell you to rank them in order, which would first?" He questions with a smile seemingly egging on Duke's irritation,

"Following your definition, last would be the prodigy, followed by the genius the the monster above both" Duke responds,

"There it is" Jhon states,

"There what!" Duke exclaims,

"The misconception" The former replies, "you've already begun to subconsciously believe to be a monster you'd need to be either a genius or prodigy",

"I'm guessing no" Duke replies,

"Your father, Gray Wade" Jhon begins, "above even the prodigies and greatest of geniuses, was a monster, acknowledged by all, where he lacked in incomparable talent, he made up for with an incomparable will, your will is strong, but it's malleable" Jhon concludes, 

"My will..." Duke replies,

"For everything your father achieved he was ready to die for it" Jhon states, "I'm sure you're already much aware, the fact that sits in the dark corners of your mind festering, rotting" Jhon continues,

"Which is?" Duke questions with a settled glare,

"The fact that you lack talent" Jhon declares, "let me rephrase that, compared to those which you seek to compete with, you lack talent, you're a prodigy at the best of a stretch, and even more detrimental is the fact that your will is aluminium at best" Jhon replies, "if you truly wish to match and surpass them Duke Wade, you must do what you Wade's do best, you must forge your will to steel, this begs a question though" Jhon muses,

"Which is?" Duke questions,

"ARE YOU READY TO DIE FOR IT?" Jhon questions, his frame igniting with power.