

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


"Guys" Amy calls, "meet my uncle, 

Harold Dune"

"No fucking way" Konan and Maya exclaim, "your Uncle's the president of the US?!!",

"Wait what?" Jayson's head blurs turning to James who nods, "definitely not this rich" he mumbles,

"Now now kids, as of now you all can call me teacher, i'll be incharge of keeping you ready for you up coming 'war'" he states, "ladies" he calls,

"That's our que" Amy calls drawing Maya and Laura along as she makes her exit.

"Now young men, who wants to go first Hmm?" He questions with leisurely amusement, "Yanick steps forward, wasting no time to empower his 'Force' arts combination technique all three 'Force' arts are enacted upon his frame, reddening slightly as his muscles tense, Yanick's high kick crashes against Harold's side with vicious precision, nevertheless the latter stands arms folded with not the slightest of a damage, 

"Hmm, maybe it's best you all come at me together" he states watching the fire in Yanick's eyes alight with flame,

"Not yet!" He replies taking fundamental from the basics of Kinetic Shifting as he releases his tense muscles before rapidly contracting them while concentration the amalgamation of 'Force' to his shin upon contact against Harold's jaw, the impact rings an explosion, nevertheless the man stands unmoved, infallible, Yanick falls back preparing to strike again,

"Enough" Harold's voice thunders,

"You're learned" he begins, "but painfully unimaginative, uninventive, though i will say that is no fault of your own, real fights against equals are rarely ever one without ingenuity" Harold concludes, "tell me, everything about your 'Force' arts" Harold states, Yanick compiles with little hesitation,

"I see" Harold states after momentary contemplation, "we'll be bringing each and every one of your 'Force' arts to evolution" he states,

"Uncle, you never made it sound this easy before" James states,

"It isn't" his uncle snorts in response, "i've told you lot already haven't i?, You'll be in hell" he muses.

"Yanick" Harold calls, from what you've brought to my attention there is ample room for improvement in the evolution fir your 'Force' arts, from the weight of your existence you're at the advancement of Bone Control, you must learn to incorporate your present advancement in your 'Force' arts, this goes for all of you, only then will you turn the most basic of 'Force' arts into a true exercision of will, :Overload" He pauses, "increased blood flow and pressure internal pressure, hardened muscles, tell me Yanick, you might not be the smartest but how do you think your bones can function with and aid this process?" Harold questions,

Yanick remains silent momentarily, then his eyes gleam with realisation,

"I could use my bones as internal heat rods, absorbing heat then functioning as boiling rings, that should increase all aspects of my physical abilities" he concludes,

"The question is if your body can take the increased stress" Konan interjects,

"You'll come to find that Shifter bodies are incredibly resilient and even more so adaptive" Harold replies, "as of now your priority is to focus on accomplishing this, though it's not enough to count as an evolution, it is a step in the proper direction" he concludes, "Now!, Whose next?" He questions.

 Jayson wastes no time stepping forward, his frame igniting with power, his combination technique holding his Striker: Blip and Enforce : Blister enacted, he blurs to Harold's side with raised fists jis body coiling like a spring and exploding in an after imaged blur as his fist crashes against Harold's liver, 

(Explosive) Harold ponders simply,

Seeing the infallibility of his opponent Jayson unwilling to drag thing's out needlessly empowers his Auxiliary technique in addition, groaning at the mental and physical strain it takes to keep the synergy enacted, his body begins to vibrate in place, so fast that the average Shifter would miss it, like a scene cut from a movies play Jayson disappears, his frame seeming to have been there at one point and just not the next, Harold smiles turning to meet the low blow Jayson aims at his crotch with a finger, Jayson had expected as such using the repelling force to his advantage as he spins lashing put with a thunderous kick, a sharp explosive release of a wave follows, nevertheless Harold stands infallible,

"Impressive" he states with apperant amusement, "i believed you a pure boxer, when  and where did you learn this martial art, there's only one man i know who uses it" Harold questions,

"A muscled old man with a big white beared and a shitty personality?" Jayson questions,

"So he's finally taken another disciple" 

"You know the old bast... I mean man" Jayson says with a rye smile which draws a booming laughter from Harold's throat,

"Between me and you kid i agree" Harold replies, "Back to the matter at hand, Bone Control, tell me, what is your path?"

"Using my bones as pressurised springs to increase my momentum and weight for my Striker, and for my Auxiliary something similar to Yanick's idea, i really can't think of anything in regards to my Enforcer" Jayson replies,

"Very well, Internal reinforcement, learn to transmit the weight experienced during vacuum creation to your bones through the vibrations experienced" Harold replies, "Next" he states turning James.

James is quick to grasp his uncle's ploy, nevertheless he complies, stepping forward he readies himself to drop to a stance but the later waves him off, 

(we've done this enough for me to know), "tell me little Jay Jay, what brilliant idea do you have for uncle" he questions,

"Polarization" James states simply, Knowing his nephews personality he speaks up in reply,

"Elaborate" Harold smiles watching as James's impassive face show it's irritation with expressionless ease, 

(Im sure he knows what i mean, this is to build trust, understanding, A team) James mules acquiescing to the command,

"Polarising my bones through my 'Force' arts depending on my position on the planet relative to it's gravitational pull" James replies, Harold nods, 

(That should make up for his lagging physical prowess, at least relative to these genetic monsters) Harold muses looking to Raven and co, 

"Big ears" he calls, "your with the girls" he states impassively,

"Konan stays!" Yanick replies,

"In my class, my word us law, a good strategist is not one that is weak, if you truly want to be of aid you must show dedication to the arts, to do that, you must find your reason, perhaps what it is or who it is your ready to die for" Harold states critically, 

"I obj...",

"Yanick!" Konan shouts, "he's right" he states, "when i saw you guys out there, battling, only being able to watch from afar, i felt pathetic, useless, incompetent even, i never want to feel like that again, LIKE THIS AGAIN!" he shouts, "I don't care about my pride, i just want to help, to win" he concludes, 

"Konan..." Yanick trails.

Harold watching on with a schooled expression nods in approval. The group watch as Konan makes his way out of the training area. With this it remained Raven,

"And so there was one, the leader, step forward" Harold declares, "my nephew has spoken many a word about you, do not disappoint" Harold states,

"I'd like to say the same" Raven quips with apathetic confidence.