
KIMCHAY MOMENTS " If Our Love Is True"

Joeysparkles · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter - 5 ( My valentine !? )


----- CHAY'S POV:

Finally the great valentine's love week was here blooming love & togetherness among couples. One of those days i wished to erase from the calendar overnight. I fucking hate it . Why does it have to come every year like a crazy madam ?

I've never had a partner of course but i wanted one. I was growing and i could feel the changes in my body and it was difficult for me to be in that situation anymore and it became a nuisance since i met maccao. His eyes and the way he's always interested in pushing me up to the edge to hook up .

Damn ! He's crazy and makes me go crazy as well . My curiosity has made me a pervert now . It's not like i want to have sex because if it was only that , i would have asked maccao to arrange someone but i wanted something different .

I was looking for love and care . If only i had to choose one , i guess care would be enough for me to stay with a person . I've never seen love in my whole life in a relationship with couples. Hia was not a figure i could accept it from and my parents were dead long ago .

But the worst, i cannot even talk to anybody regarding this . Hia is also not around and Maccao's gone on a so-called trip otherwise he would have surely given me a solution. But my bad! I watched the trees ahead and looked straight carefully about the road .

I want to experience new things in life i also wanted to savour my first kiss, holding hands , being intimidated and other things . But I've never got the opportunity . I was watching the so damn couples giving gifts and flowers to express their love and what not !!!

" I want flowers , I want chocolates . I want to kiss as well, give me a partner "

I said under the mistletoe given by maccao that was placed in the backyard but thankfully no one was there . It brought me hope that maybe it'll bring someone in my life .

In the evening i was walking on home and suddenly i saw all types of flowers in white pink red blue and it was like a fairytale and my eyes widened . I was damn happy and surprised at most .

And thought " who could've done it ? Hia ?? But he's not here but i don't even have anyone besides him either ? What about maccao coming but wait ! He's not coming before the 20th right ? Then..."

Don't tell me about flower ghosts ? So was the tale of a flower ghost true ? It was already 9 at night and I had to go inside but my fear wouldn't let me .

I was fumbling with my words, hands twirling against each other and i bit my cheeks looking at the gate standing outside of my own house over here .

" What to do ? Should I call hia or maccao ? "

I think carefully looking in hope for someone to just get me in

" But it won't be any beneficial. They can't help me here right ? "

i look at the house once more. I can't fucking leave from here ! I need to go. I take a deep breath and pull my cuffs up. Do it chay!

I picked up a stick and some rocks for my self defence . I called the police and entered the house beside them.

" Kid ? You sure someone barged in ? It doesn't look like it ? " I shook my head in fear saying that it's not true. I have lived alone for a very long time and there's no one that can come in.

" No officer.... I live alone " i trembled and said the truth and he nodded pulling out a gun. I look at him scared . Again a gun ?

We went in but soon they went outside cursing me loud and telling me not to play a prank ever or else they'll put me in jail " you're a teenager that's why I'm leaving you with a warming you brat !"

I bow down immediately apologising scared of him. I couldn't say anything to them anymore after watching the view inside.

Wtf ! What's this ? What to say to them when i myself want confused as fuck ?


When we entered the house i could see the beautiful decoration with balloons and flowers. I looked around more. A beautifully presented table with all my favourite food on it

" what's all this kid ? Are you pulling a prank ? " I couldn't reply . I took a turn

" Holt shit ! " Some musicians playing the tunes of love songs and a man with a big box of chocolates and teddy bears coming to greet me smiling in a black coat

" greetings khun " he bowed .

I stumbled back looking at him and bumped into the officer at the back who looked scary now . I gulped down immediately standing still . I quickly moved away and looked at him.

" What's happening ? Who did it ? " I asked worried about looking at him .

I think they might have decorated the wrong house but do i have to pay for all this ? I looked around immediately. It looked fucking expensive to me. I don't have this much money . I can't pay for it . I frowned .

" Nice to meet you khun porchay "

The attendants gave me a beautiful bouquet of roses and showed me the way to the backyard after the officers took their leave yelling at me . What was happening here ? Will you really just leave me alone here ?

I begged the officers to take them out but they didn't listen to me once after the man talked to him and took a leave glaring and cursing at me outside while they didn't utter a single word in front of them.

I followed them quietly I don't know how I'm gonna pay for all this . Why me

Maccao help me . Hia, come here at least now ! I'll be on the road at this rate

" Here khun " the man left and I looked up. My eyes widened when i saw a man beautifully dressed in formals, his big eyes , long brown hairs tied in a loose pony , and a pretty white face . He was beautiful and looked like a walking model on a ramp. He was only wearing a suit , his broad chest was clearly visible through it where my eyes tugged and i swallowed hard .

I was actually shocked to see why he's here ? He's the same man right ? My heart stopped and the familiar warmth was spreading in my heart like earlier. How did he find my address ? Should I thank him ? I look around him as well . Did he do it ?

The man came to me and gave me a beautiful smile and held my right hand and offered to sit on the chair . His hand was holding mine and my heart was throbbing hard and my whole focus was on his hands holding mine.

It feels good .He's so handsome . I can't even move my eyes from him . I smiled but wait ! Before i could ask something the man bent forward, pulled my neck close to himself and my heart stopped.

My eyes widened and my body trembled. His hands on both of my cheeks as he caressed it warmly and i felt shivers running through my body . My body felt numb . He glared at me for a few seconds when our eyes met .

I looked at him not looking down . I've wanted to meet him for so long but what is he doing? And then he stuck his lips on mine once more. What the hell ? My eyes didn't close once and my heartbeat didn't stop beating like crazy holy shit !

He was kissing me ! His soft lips were moving on mine and i couldn't just move I was confused as fuck now . My breathing halted by his actions . But when i felt his thumb on my lips pushing it a bit my instincts powered on . My first kiss ? He fucking stole it ? Get the fuck out of here !

" Let me go ! " Wasting no time i pushed the man in front of me causing him to fall on the ground

" oh shit ! " He whined for seconds and looked at me " baby what are you doing ? It's valentine's and you're giving me this kick as a gift ? "

my heart stopped and i just stared at him dumbfounded. And he pointed looking back at me and my heart sank deep but why ?

I was confused .When did i become his baby ? I'm not getting on the adoption sale do i ? And even if I'm I'm not fucking going to take him as a parent. Look at him and then me . Does he look like an adopter ?

I was going to yell but then saw him whining on the ground and felt pathetic. oh my God what did I do ? I pulled my hair in confusion. It was so confusing to me. He helped me from getting embarrassed and i ? I said sorry to the man and offered him my hand to get up .

He looked at me for quite a long time but after that i myself pulled him not asking but just did what it deems right. I wanted to ask many questions . Why wasn't he there when i woke up ? Why did he help me ? And now this ?

" Oiiiii take some water and am sorry did u get hurt ? Should I get first aid for you ? "

I asked in concern but to my notice that man kept glaring at me emotionlessly . I could feel nothing in his eyes and that was something weird .The way he was staring as if i was an alien with two heads .

" Stay here okay ? I'll be right back "

I was about to turn to bring some ice cubes and he said " i have a name . Should I call u oii . Is it fine with you "

I could feel that pride and arrogance in his voice so i looked back at him .

What the heck ? Is he trying to be oversmart with me and that too in my house ?

Crazy man ! I thought about looking at him but his eyes were just closed and hands rested on the table openly . I sigh in frustration but then my eyes again tugged at his and again that person moved away as if he didn't bother to look in my eyes .

" oh my ! That's crazy . How can u even say that ? You're at my house aren't u ? And what's all this ? And baby ? What are you doing here ?" I say totally confused looking at him . The man just sighs and signaled me to sit so i sat quietly and he began to answer as he finally looked at me .

" my name is kim and do not call me oii and please can you not talk so loud ? It bothers me " he stops looking at me.

" it's uncomfortable and I'm here for you because you are my valentine. I don't know you but I'd like to know you and moreover we've kissed so don't you think we should at least get to know each other ? " He said and my heart stopped.

" Get to know each other ?" I whisper softly pointing at me. He smirked and moved my chair closer and closer to him and i just sat there unable to think or move as he tugged my hairs softly at my ears .

" So what's your name ? " He asked and gave a small peck . my eyes widened. He just smiled but his eyes were again empty .

I tilted my head to look at him questioning again but couldn't see anything . I again took a step back and answered scared " porchay, I'm a highschooler and thank u for saving me that day mr Kim , i am really grateful "

i said and bowed down in respect .

I was thankful & finally i had admitted

Now my regret of not looking at the person who saved me was gone and now my mind just screamed one thing .

" Please help me I'm scared he's a psycho! " my insides were terribly scary and i didn't dare to look at him .

Then i felt a soft touch on my hair and i looked up . He smiled patting my head and i swallowed hard looking at him.

I think kim knew that i was scared he patted my head and smiled and said

" if you're grateful would you like to be my lover ? You can try me right ? Believe me I can be a good boyfriend and we can have a good time and if u didn't fall for me in these 14 days , i promise to never disturb you " and my heart stopped once more .

What's happening with me ? He softly lifted my chin up and now his eyes were not empty but i could feel the shine in those eyes and for the first time i could see the beauty of his eyes. Black coloured and the sparkle in it was something i couldn't get my mind off . But his idea ?

" No!!!! " I said clearly and turned to go out . How can I be his boyfriend ? Yes I'm single but then also ? How's he so sure that i am not into girls ? Even hia doesn't know this .

He's suspicious & moreover just because I'm thankful i can't be his boyfriends and is he offering me a trial period or what ? I'm not a hooker or a doll he can play with. What does he think of himself ? I didn't look back and just walked towards the house softly.

That man was shocked i bet he thought that this decoration, musicians and expensive gifts could buy me but no ! Mr Kim you're wrong . Actually he's handsome and really good looking but with zero etiquette . Hm! and i went back to my room without looking back .

Many things were going on in my mind but i didn't dare look back . The man was quiet when i walked away for a few seconds so it helped a lot to go away.

I need to tell this to Maccao . He had to come back . What if he kills me ? Or forces me to be his lover ? No sane person will barge into someone's house like this will he ? But somewhere in my heart he looked too cool.

Cool ? Porchay kittisawat, come to your senses ! He fucking barged in your house and complementing is what you'd do now ? I've gone insane for sure .


I'm sure of my victory nobody has ever said no to me .. I'm gonna make the best arrangements and i will get him . It's gonna be an easy peasy task and it's gonna be exciting... It was not difficult for me to find an address .

I ensured that the best arrangements have been done for my proposal and i think I'm gonna get him laid tonight .

He isn't that bad right ? Though I've seen him fully and didn't feel like doing anything but still he didn't look that bad

" But still, do it kim . U have to do it . Don't look at him just go and get him He'll not refuse sure as fu*k .... " I look at myself and smirk. There's no one who can deny this hot body ever. Even if i don't admit my looks are my power.

I look at the empty room once more

It was already 9 pm and my patience level was out of control now . I promise I'll shoot him if he doesn't come in the next few minutes.

" This kid ? Isn't he a high school student ? What the fuc*k is he doing late at this time ? I already have plans for tonight but I'm stuck at this not so good house waiting for him. I can't tolerate it anymore. " I groan in the open backyard terribly angry .

Soon i could listen to the voices playing and i knew he was here , he was brought to me by the attendants. He continuously looked down as if something was troubling him . I frowned but then ignored. Whatever!

But five minutes passed and my confidence shattered. What the hell . Won't he look at me ? Not even once ? Damn I've done it for you . Everything ! At least say that I'm hot ? Won't u ? My mind was screaming but he didn't care

I wanted it to end fast so i initiated. myself . I held his hand and made him sit next to me .. I can see that he's confused . So i patted his head and smiled. Fucking hell ! The darkest smile I've ever given but he looked scared.

what the hell ? He's saying nothing. Hey aren't u surprised ? I barged into your house , did all this and you are saying nothing ? Are u really Just gonna look down ? I frowned and continuously stared at him trying to get any reaction but he was still .

I was furious I knew what I was doing and i knew what i needed to . I pulled my cuffs a little and he hitched. So i bent forward leaned closer to him and kissed him . When my lips met him i could feel how soft & gentle they were.

His lips were so soft and i felt as if he stopped breathing for some seconds . I opened my eyes to see his reaction but actually this guy is putting me in shock . His eyes were opened and wide like he saw a ghost but didn't utter a single word looking at me.

Aren't u gonna close ur guys and give in ? i took it slowly. yes!!! Yes!!!! That's it. I'm gonna ensure that he's on my bed tonight though I don't want to do anything with him, he's not my type . I think deeply looking at him but yes he's weird i can't deny . But cute also.

Shut up . Kim just go for it . Ignore him and continue. Just some sweet talks and these expensive gifts are more than enough to fuck him . That's how it works right ? Nothing new same old stuff . Don't get excitedly nervous over nothing

" Argh ! Damn what are you doing ? " I yelled but controlled myself immediately No kim u have to get him u can't shout ! . You'll fucking scared that shit out of him like this.

" Baby is this you're giving me as a valentine's gift " i said and pouted . That guy kept his eyes on me like a hawk i could see that his eyes were scanning me from head to toe and, his eyes were difficult . I turned to look away . It was uncomfortable. I've never done anything like this ever.

His eyes were like asking me a lot of things that he couldn't speak . I could see he was afraid of me but still he offered me a hand and even asked me if i was alright . For the first time in my life someone is daring to offer me a hand and that too after pushing me ? What is he exactly ?

What was this guy actually doing ?

I barged into his house and did everything and instead of asking questions he's just glaring at me and I don't know why but i can't look back at him . His glare was full of questions and his eyes were pure and innocent but aren't they all the same ?

Concentrate kimm !

He was again looking down , his legs shaking.. maybe again getting afraid ?? I somehow lifted my hand and Patt his head and then lifted his chin and again went for a kiss but i could feel he didn't want it , so i just gave him a peck .

But why ? Am I not looking good ? Does he want more gifts ? Or do u have a girlfriend ? Damn . I didn't think about it . He must not be into guys . Not everyone is gay kim just because your family is full of gay people.

This guy again pushed me and bowed down but why ? I looked at him confused and tried to guess what he was going to do next ? Is he gonna beg me to leave him alone ? my eyes stuck at him for all .

" I'm porchay kittisawat and thank you for saving me I'm really grateful Mr Kim " He said bowing down . He's weird . So does he remember everything but i didn't show myself that day and i don't think ge was in a condition to remember me ?

I still remember our first meeting when he was getting bullied . In the backyard he was tied up his t-shirt and pants were off and he was only in boxers, bruises covering the whole face and Nose bleeding and i felt sorry for him . When my eyes fell on him my stomach clenched for what ? I don't know.

I didn't know him and he couldn't even ask for help but i wanted to help him .

I ran as fast as i could to him but my rage was more than my speed that day.

I wrapped him in my Black Long coat and shouted angrily.

" dare u take any pictures & I'll ensure you visit the hell from my hands" The crowd disappeared in no second when they saw my bodyguards coming in with guns. I quickly placed him in my car and told the driver to drop him safely at his place . He was lost in words and was swinging between consciousness and unconsciousness.

I looked at him once more and came back to my senses and asked " so would u like to be my valentine ? We've kissed twice so at least we can get to know each other ? I promise to never meet u if u don't fall for me till valentine's week ? just 14 days i ask . "

I looked at him smiling and suddenly he turned and my jaw dropped in the ground " NO ! " his answer almost made me fall down on the ground again. Never in my life have I got rejected .

" No .. Never Ever Ever !" And he moved inside the house without turning back .

Is he saying I'm not worthy or I'm not enough ? All my men were staring down as if not looking up to avoid facing me ." Wtf ! " I yelled but he didn't stop at all instead continued to walk out .

" No-one says no to kim " I shouted

I know he could hear it all but that stubborn kid didn't turn back

Now i want him . I want him for myself.

" I want u and I'll get you. You wait and see. You'll be my bf and you will confess yourself . Mark my words "

I screamed in anger looking at his balcony that he shut down rolling his eyes at me. I feel offended.