
KIMCHAY MOMENTS " If Our Love Is True"

Joeysparkles · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter - 4 ( Hook- up )


The whole week flew like air and i don't even recognise this guy anymore sitting infront of me . I swore either he got beaten so badly or he's truly like this from inside. From the day we talked about boundaries and preferences he's too casual with me around him .

He snaps back at me, curses at me and made me do the household chores like it's nothing. I bet I'm better at cleaning than my house maid because this guy is not a clean freak . He makes everything untidy while I'm in charge of cleaning the mess everytime. I don't know why ? But unfortunately I'm .

" Oii ! It's too cold here warm some water maccao! "

" I'm not your fucking maid " i turn & screamed loud from the kitchen. I looked at the vessel I'll not fucking do it anymore i have a reputation, an image

What is this I'm doing here ?

If someone knows it they'll die laughing at me . Especially hia ! I've never cut a bean in my own house and here i mop,

clean the floor and laundry too ..

what have I become now ?

" Maccao please do it na..."

" Argh ! Shit ! " And here i do it again for him here .

" Put the water and boil it until it leaves steam now " I sighed looking at the kitchen and my heart sank. I would become a pro at housework.

Should I stop this business studies thing and start a cleaning firm ? Ofcourse! I won't even need people to hire instead I'll train newbies I'm going to be the perfect role model for that .

Aren't i ? I smash the counter hard but look around scared . Gosh ! Thankfully he's not here or he'll yell again. I take a a deep breath looked around once more.

He's good as a horse. Just some bruises left but never does work by himself in his own house . Always making me do the work alone.

Asshole !

" Oii what you want to eat for dinner ? " I look at him and immediately frown

" Where's your coat ? " My eyes widen . He was just in a plain shirt and pajama

And shrugged off my question as if I'm barking like an unwanted pet at him .

" Chay your too ..." He cut me off .

" Apron ! " I immediately handed him over his bunny apron and he smiled turning towards me with hands straight asking me to tie it up.

" Fine!" And he starts cutting vegetables. I looked at him sincerely

He smiles too much but why doesn't it look real ? It looks more like a plastered one to me.

" You're staring, maccao! " i turn back .

He's sometimes fucking embarassing. Does he ever think before speaking or just open mouths to spill the beans ?

" You want to know anything ? " I turn back and nodd back. He sighed and looked at me excitedly

" what ? " He took the cabbage and sliced it gradually humming a song .

" Your parents ? " His knife dropped on the ground and he turned silent . But instead of him i got panicked rapidly

" Did i say something wrong ? I'm sorry chay i didn't know you'd..."

" I'm an orphan. It's just me & my hia "

He didn't look at me at all. I didn't force him as well .

" I live with my brother who works very hard to pay my school fees and he's been doing it since he was only ten " he turned back taking a tomato this time.

" Don't worry same here " he looked at me confused but i smiled

" My mother died and pa just passed away some time before and now I'm living with my brother and his mate " i smile excitedly but he frowned

" You miss them ? "

" Fucking not ! " He crossed his arms listening very carefully. To be honest I don't want to say it . It's creepy but it's him i can trust him i feel it .

" My mother left me when i was born and it was just a couple of months after that and my pa never treated us well. He beat me and my brother badly every time we did something wrong and moreover anytime he'd like. Nothing special about his mood . "

His eyes changed but I stopped him before he's going to sympathise with me " i hate that look and the words you'll say now . Don't do it please I'm already tired of them.. "

He pulled back my hand from his mouth and looked annoyed more

" You don't even know what i was going to say man ! At least have a listen. "

I shrugged off . A line I've heard a million times, going to hear it once more from him " what's new to listen to you ? You'll say ' oh maccao I'm so sorry it shouldn't have happened. ' "

I mimic it very curtly holding his hand and he smiled. I was amazed.

" HAHAHAHA !!! " He laughed crazily

" You've gone mad porchay ! " I whispered and turned back towards the bedroom taking steps eating a Tomato slice he cut .

" Your a fucking strong man mr maccao terupankayal and i don't need to sympathise with you because there's nothing to be sad about. "

I look at him astonished . He said something unexplained but I'd like it to be explained so i ask him to continue.

He roams around holding a strawberry in his fingers and makes me sit down and make me chew it sweetly. I'm sometimes scared if he'll serve me poison with his audacity inclining day by day but i eat it anyway. Not like he will make me eat poison. I guess .

He looked like he was telling me to eat or just throw it. Like why the hell would i throw my strawberry ? I fucking got it after roaming the whole town ! So i dip it in and swallowed deliciously

" Your mom left you . Darn good. You didn't deserve a mother figure like her who's so selfish towards her own child.

You're father he deserved to die. It's better to live like this isn't it ? " I smiled

" You know sometimes i guess you can be very cruel if you try to be, you know.

You have empathy but not for the ones who harm your loved ones .You're scary but innocent at the same time "

He wink back.

He was right. I was happy with the way it is now. I've never seen ma but from what I've heard she made hia suffer a lot . She vanished leaving us behind with por who wanted to chew us like a chewing gum and throw once he's done

He used hia for something that no parents can ever use . He used hia to make deals with clients . I know hia doesn't say it but he regrets it too much and after sometime he was okay like it was nothing. He did everything to satisfy that cruel man but unfortunately he couldn't ever .

He was always trying his best but that man never praised him and when i got into fights with dad in between helping me dad dragged me and beat him like a crazy shit ! And i thought he must mate me a lot of course he has the right to ! He was parenting the child he never gave birth to but did it anyway and the one who did give birth ruined us like no one could ever do.

" Hey ! Maccao ? " My body shakes and my eyes fell on the man in front int apron . I blink twice before replying

" Yes ? "

" Don't sleep here man ! Eat something then go and sleep after that " i nod looking at him but he kept murmuring things . He thinks isn't audible but he is.

I look at the dish he made . Fish toona with soup and vegan salad . I smiled and scoop my mouth full . It's so easy with him . I don't need to say anything or be on guard that what he'll do next moment. With him it's good but what if he finds a partner and forgets me ?

I clear my throat . " What do you think about dating ? "

" Good idea but i need a living person for that . Can't date this toona fish right ? " I smiled but then a grin twitched on my lips as I looked at him pointing my knife intentionally & he coughed. drinking a glass of water and looked at me confused

" You can have a partner but not forget me okay ? And u have to tell me if you like someone or just better don't hm ! I can take you to meet new people and we both can find someone to hook up with. So ----- "


" Argh ! " He screamed because i flip the empty plate on his head angrily .

" There you go again with that hooking up ? How many times i said find love not sex "

He smirked " you need sex to make you satisfy boy. You'll know once to taste it"

My food literally struck in that food pipe of mine. He can never ever understand my point . Always into perverted stuff

" how many times you've did it ? "

This man will literally make me perverted in no time like him .

" Not much but whenever I'm horny.. "

He shrugged


My eyes widened looking at him and i swallowed the last bite of the bread crump in my soup .

" When are you not horny man ? " He smirks and you can feel my cheeks bursting with red now . Bastard !

" Oh ! You're blushing ? You're feeling like DOING it ? Should I call a hooker ? '

" Fucking SHUT up ! I'm not a pervert like you . Asshole! Shut up and just eat "

He laughed at me replying slamming the table and glancing at me while i continously kept my head down .

How can someone be so open about this stuff ? Like I know you have needs but who doesn't man ? But that doesn't mean I'd listed to sex podcasts from you

It's a humble request to shut up maccao

I don't know how whenever we talk our first conversation leads to sex ?

Like we are not interested in each other but as i said earlier when two people of the same age interact & that too when they are both very close that you talk about sex stuff then conversations leads to that and I'm actually happy to have someone here around me.

It's lovely when I'm alone here . Though it's not a big house like Maccao's, but still staying alone is a difficult task .

We ate together and soon it's time to go for shopping . I've never seen a more picky boy like him or do all the rich people shop so much because they have do much ? I literally didn't needed anything but he forced me to buy and even paid no matter how much i cried to pay for my stuff . I had a great time so I can't complain as well.

" Chay I'll meet you at the cafeteria okay ? "

" Are u going somewhere ? "

I asked back and he said he needed to go to the bathroom and he ran immediately after i said okay. Silly boy ! I decided to wait for him at the cafeteria as he said


" Sir u need anything else ? "

" No ! Just get the bill please "

I look at the watch angrily. Did he go to the bathroom or did he start building one over there ? Wait till i reach you, i promise to kick you today !

I pay the bill and look for the bathroom and fortunately i got one after asking someone where's it . I went in and my feet stopped at the view of it.

Maccao standing near the sink drenched in sweat with a guy sitting on the sink legs wrapped around Maccao's waist and i don't dare to say what they were doing there openly.

My heart stopped breathing. I didn't come to watch this shit did i ? I try to gradually close the door like i opened and escape quickly. I don't want to see my friend fucking someone do i ?

I took a step but my heart speed up at their moaning sounds ringing in my ears and i could feel my breath getting warm and ears hot . I bet my cheeks are not looking less than a monkey's ass they do ?

I gradually open the door taking slow steps out. Yes just two steps and we are out. I'll forget whatever I've seen here okay ? Perfect idea chay !

" Hey man ! Look out will you ? " i bumped into a man and he yelled at me angrily but instead of arguing i ran away because i heard both of them inside getting dressed murmuring .

" PUT THIS ON ! " I ran away as if i was running an olympics over there.

I was panting heavily and i reached the cafeteria once more and sat on the table where maccao left me.

" Calm down its nothing compared to what you saw at the back yard chay ! "

Breath... come on u can do it !

" Hey ! Had something ? "

" what the hell ? " I snap back immediately and found Maccao looking at me dumbstruck .

" What happened ? " His asked looking around and i quickly shook my head .

He smiled and just patted my head like usually and asked " did something happen you're red u know ? "

" Am i ? " I asked immediately looked at him and he nodded and i can feel my skin burning even more now.

We had a little talk and he took some refreshments saying he's hungry and i just kept listening to him and my eyes fixed on his hands .

" Shit ! " I slapped my mouth very awkwardly and he looked at me and confused

" are u okay ? "

" I am .... don't worry please " i said awkwardly looking at him. He frowned and immediately put his hand on my head to check the temperature and my heart clenched.

He looked at me in surprise the way i flinched back at him . It's more like disgusting. I don't know what I'm witnessing such things from a month back ? Firstly my own brother and now my best friend. Like why me god ?

He's a guide and mentor to me. There's was a lot of things i want to know about my body and everything but i can't ask hia. It's embarrassing but with maccao it's always been easy . So good .

Even if he does things like hia called vent outs or whatever it doesn't affect our friendship at all. It had nothing to do with me and as i said to him his choices have nothing to do with me.

I smiled back at him and we drove home once more. We entered and he immediately threw the brown , packed stuff on my bed laying down tiredly . I angrily looked at him annoyed with his behaviour

" What's with you ? " I say pointing at the stuff he threw on the bed untidyly

He looked at me and closed his eyes.

" It's for you Dumbo ! " I looked surprised at him and took out the packed material together. A bunch of things that looks costly but why was he giving it to me ?

I looked at him frowned and he got up and sat back looking at me and sighed

" It's called mistello tree. It's believed that if you kiss someone you like under it you'll have a long happy life"

" Why are you giving it to me then ?"

" Because I've understood you're not someone who can hook up broh ! You need a fairytale sweetheart and i hope this can help you for the Valentine's week. " He said casually taking the glass of water from my hand .

" Then why are you giving it to me ? You're staying here right ? " Is he going somewhere or what ? He stopped and looked into the ground tensed

" I have to go for sometime. I have an important work ."

" But where ? How long ? I'll be alone here maccao "

I whine looking at him and he sighed

" I'll be back soon just some days i guess I'll come after 20 th feb . Just be okay till then hm ? " He softly said looking at me I know he's tensed about my security after what happened that day but no need for that. I'm okay.

He looked too vulnerable and i didn't want him to look like this anymore so i sat next to him & teased him playfully

" Okay but if possible get a lover for yourself so that you don't need to do it in the bathroom with a stranger . "

" What ? " He screamed and i ran away laughing like an idiot .

" You ? I told you to wait didn't i ? "

He looked too scary but funny and my laughter didn't seem to stop at his reaction i didn't imagine him doing it. Oh my Fucking lord !

" You told me to wait but you were so busy fucking there ... taking eternity man . How do you expect me to not follow ? " I laugh and run behind the bed

" You bitch ! I'll kill you today . How could you do it to me ? I'll kill you porchay kittisawat! " He screamed pulling his hair out.

Finally he was happy and so was i .

I was sad because he won't be around and to be TRUE he's someone now i can call mine as a friend to be exact. I told him I'm into both men and women and he's with no problem and him being gay doesn't affect me.

Maybe people might judge us or think differently but what we have is pure . If someone asks what's a life partner and soulnemate ? I'll not hesitate to say my soulmate's maccao terupankayal because he's my guardian angel for now . I don't want to think about the future but who cares ?

At 18 , it's not about the future but about the heart . Who cares what's coming ahead of us nonetheless it's storm raging ahead spreading its thunders like claws for us.

The next week was all dull it's not even the start of Valentine's week and people were already celebrating it like crazy. And to be true i felt envy . I wish I could be the part of the crowd gathered around. It'll be better right ? Better than envy sitting alone right there.

I look at the tree around my house watching it while i sit under the sun taking its positiveity in my dull and boring life . It's good to share the house with anyone at least far better than staying alone here and dying.