
KIMCHAY MOMENTS " If Our Love Is True"

Joeysparkles · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter - 6 ( Authoritarian Chay )

" A new morning with a new target " i murmured and went down rubbing my eyes. It was a rough day yesterday.

I opened my eyes to step on the last stair and to my surprise everything was the same as night, men in black standing at small distances and they bowed down in respect so i did the same.

I looked at each and every corner of my house finding it suffocating to see them around

" I don't want to fight early in the morning "

i cried looking at them and they stared down saying nothing

" Where's mr Kim ? " I asked and they quickly pointed at the backyard. I nodded and walked to the path .

I whine and started moving to the backyard looking for him . My eyes widen watching him

" MR KIM ! " my heart stopped in confusion.

He was still there all drunk lying on the ground, clothes filled with dirt and whine bottles broken on the ground . I was angry as fuck looking at the mess he made . Maccao will kill me by watching it . I swallowed hard thinking about how much he will swear after this .my mouth opened but shit down immediately.

I was going to yell but stopped when i held his hand and tried to wake him up in anger

" wake up ! "

" Shit ! He's burning hot " i was surprised .

What the hell were all his people doing here ?

I snapped back " come here mr Kim's has fallen down " I yelled in anger .

I told them to take him to a hospital but no one responded and kept staring down in the ground.

I was frustrated as hell and wanted to kill them with that whiskey bottle only

" What ? Your boss is burning . You won't take him to the hospital ? You want him to die or what ? " I speak angrily holding his head on my one knee and checking his temperature with my hands consciously .

" No need khun " One of the men came forward

" mr kim doesn't go to the hospital . Don't worry we'll take him home and he'll be alright by himself "

He came forward to lift kim up asking me to get aside so i did . They were trying to wake him up but when he didn't they picked him up on the shoulders and started walking away and my stomach clenched. What's happening with me ? Why does every time this guy look sad or weak I don't feel good ?

They got to the gate but i stopped them immediately rushing towards them and i was out of breath.

"Hey, Wait ! So if he goes home are there people to take care of him ? " I put my hand on my chest trying to breath normally because i was panting. I fucking ran at high pace from the backyard to the gate . They looked puzzled and stared at each other.

" I don't want him to die and maybe it's my fault , maybe I was too harsh . He just confessed & i .." I said but the guy interrupted my thoughts

"No , we'll drop him in his room, master lives alone and he doesn't like doctors, he gets good by himself . " He said casually and my brows ceased looking at them .

I felt a sting in my heart and it was agony . I looked back at me Kim . Yesterday he looked too different and now too week . He helped me when no one did and saved me or God knows what could have happened that day right ?

My heart was aching by the thoughts of leaving him by being selfish .

I'm not going to do that.

" Alone ? Does this mean he has no one to take care of him ? Like me ? " I asked looking at him .

Hia's also not here so I know how difficult it is when i get unwell . There's no one to give a glass of water to me and i have to fetch it myself. That's the worst time and i crave for someone to just sit beside me patting my head and looking at me lovingly.

" No , no need for that . Take him inside, I'll treat him" i said . I don't know what was happening.

But one thing that i was sure of . I'm not letting him go until he's good . But everyone was confused and looking back and forth alarmingly. I was scared but i know one rule. Even if you're scared pretend you're not and you'll be safe for sure .

" You're boss likes me, Don't forget this "

I yelled to show that i was not an unknown . They looked down and no-one said anything further.

" I said Take him inside you fu*king bastards""

i yelled again at them. I'm sorry guys.

In no time they picked the man up and went inside the room . I told them the way to my room

I immediately sat beside him and looked at the men with an angry face.

" Bring some medicines and ice packs and yeah who knows how to cook ? Anyone cook some porridge and bring it fast "

I ordered and started rubbing his hands and feet rapidly to warm him up a bit.

Myy mind was screaming that chay this is not the first thing you do after waking up man ! But i ignored and the people rushed like air .

" Mr Kim your okay ? " I asl while i continously rub his feet and caressed his face softly looking at him .

Something was not good and i know it was weird. Doing something that i was doing would be considered abnormal ofcourse but i couldn't control it . I couldn't just see him like that . I kept repeating these words holding his hands sitting next to him on my bed

My mind was getting scared and so did my heart thinking different perspectives of him laying over here. Is he going to die because of me ? Will I go to jail ? No please , get up quickly. I promise to never be rude again to you mr Kim . I. So sorry. And i didn't even realise from how long i was just crying looking at him .

My heart ached for this man .


It has already been 48 hours and this man is still unconscious.. I'm here changing ice packs from time to time feeding him porridge that i had to made myself. This is not good now. How can they be so useless ? how come none of his men know how to cook ? Good for nothing i must say . I m thankful that i tasted that soup myself before feeding him otherwise he surely would've died eating that and i was going to jail .

" Stupid ass ! " I murmured watching the men out there.

my phone rang and i took it from the side table.

I sighed looking at the caller. How am I going to tell him what's happening ? I'm not ready to explain anything right now am i ? Still i have to pick up right ? So i did.

" Hey!! Where are u ? Why haven't you called me yet ? Or are u planning to ditch me by making a new friend ? Did u ask for my permission first ? "

He yelled and my ears felt dead now . I sighed but was angry as well now . He calls me everyday to ask if i needed anything or if i was good nothing more & cuts the call going back .

"Stop thinking about me and concentrate on your trip you idiot. I'm not running away from you ? So just enjoy and stop calling me will you or I'll ask you to come back immediately! "

He went silent.

I know he can't come but i miss him so much . Actually he's not that bad after the day i helped him , he daily greets me, and walks me till the gate but never says anything.

Maybe he's too reserved or insecure that's why he keeps checking if I'm making a friend and ditching him ? But at least he's not A BAD GUY . He needs friends and i know he's an outcast at school just like me .

" It's just that I have some work to do , I'll meet u at school after the 20th right? till then enjoy holidays and tell me where you went At least

we can talk about that since you want to have friends ? "

" Friends said who !? " he replied coldly

" gosh ! U have to ask if u want something maccao! " I yelled

"ok I want to have more friends ! "

" Okay I'll hang up now . I miss you. Come soon . Bye - bye "

i sighed looking at the call . I'm sorry I'm hiding it from you .

The call ended now .

I turned around and saw the man who's eyes didn't leave me even for a second and my heart was again beating erectically looking at him and a smile appeared on my face

" you're having a side chick !? Are u double timing me ? " my eyes darted on him.

He stood up angrily and walked towards me looking scary but i didn't got frighten instead i was happy But my happiness didn't last long when i saw how difficult he was feeling in walking stright. His legs felt weak and my heart clenched watching him ..

" Hey!!stop you're not fine . You will fall down "

i screamed and he fell down as expected .

My shut shut down but i rapidly got back to him all worried

" Why you're so stubborn ? " I said wrapping my hand at his waist that was wet because i gave him a sponge bath .

He looked at me and frowned but didn't say anything as if sulking and rolled his eyes back

" Don't Pretend To Care ! " My eyes dragged to his face in confusion

" What ? " But he kept quiet the whole time.

I put him in bed again and checked his temperature

" Good . You're recovering fast. I'm so happy "

i said smiling but he kept staring like i was an alien .

I held his hand and looked at him and wanted to tell him how much i got scared when i saw him but then he shrugged my hand off immediately and my heart sank deep in agony . Why do i feel bad !? he's no one to me but just a burden.

" Who brought me here ? Why are you here ? And what's all this ? " He looked at the bandages and ice packs frowning and threw one out of the door and my heart stopped in pain .

" WHERE'S MY MEN ? " I flinched.

He yelled and in no time all his men gathered around in fear and staring down . I just stared down.

I could have yelled and screamed but i felt ditched but why !? why was it breaking me.

In these two days i cared for this man and did everything just so he could open his eyes and see me but when he did he did this and made me cry ?

" Pick me up . What are you waiting for now ? " he yelled and they came forward immediately

" yes, mr kim ! " my heart wants to explode in pain right now. They took a step or two closer.

I was sitting right beside him with my head digging holes in the ground but soon they stopped.

" You son of a bitch! " I whispered . My hands clutched in anger and pain.

" what did you say!?" my breathing fastened.

" You're so damn ungrateful. You should die . Die to death!!!!" i screamed and threw the glass placed on the stool and it broke.

"..." our eyes met and everything stopped.

" What do you think of me and them ? Are we playing house over here ? I've been serving you for the past 48 hours and all these men here are providing you medicines and all and look how you talk back !!! If i would have known this is how you say thank you I would have thrown you out just like i picked you and brought into my room ! "

i screamed at him grabbing his shoulders pushing him down at bed and slapping his cheeks not so hard and moved upon him rapidly not thinking twice I didn't realise what i was doing...i was angry and hurt more .

What was i actually expecting from him ?

" You know what Kim ? This is my vacation and even if i can't go out I want to do projects that could help me learn but instead I'm nursing you ! making soups & porridges so you could recover quick and this is how you fucking treat me after all this ? HOW COULD YOU DUMBASS !!!!!"

I scaremed at my best looking into his eyes but that was it .My agony in my heart exposed me .

Without knowing my tears flowed down and no matter how much I rubbed it just ran crazily .

I cried while hugging him tightly.

My body overlapping his and i didn't mind

I just wanted to tell him how much i was scared

I was scared he will die because of me

I was guilty .

" Why ? Why are you doing it !? Can't you take care of yourself ? " my hands holding him restlessly and my tears pooling him crazily.

" I was so very scared that you are going to die because of me. I was so scared that you'll never open your eyes.!!!!!" i shouted.

"....." i cried more and more.

" Please don't get angry . I'm so scared now . Please just stay calm . Argh... Why can't you go to hospital ? Don't you have any family l!? "

I don't know whatever it was I just spilled the beans i was trying my best to hide off . But i felt so light that i cried. I wrapped my arms around his chest even more tightly & it somehow gave me an assurance that I'll be okay .

Why ? I still didn't know .

Suddenly i felt my hands on my back and i came back to my senses when he hugged me back and now i felt warmth and i knew it was the same warmth i felt the day he grabbed me by my waist . Suddenly my ears turned red.

I couldn't breathe, my body started getting hot & my mind stopped functioning at the moment and my eyes finally opened and i stopped crying now. What all i could feel was a hug and his arms gripping me tightly and his head on my shoulders and his falling breath on my nape sending thousands of shivers in my spine .

what was it really ? I didn't feel anything when he kissed me and now ?

No , not at all. I'm dead sure but this ?

This hug is so warm . His hands are consoling me for sure and i don't feel like pushing him.

I want to hug him more. Can I ?

My heart said and i did. I wrapped my hands once more and closed my eyes and once more i started sobbing like a kid in mother's embrace

His hands patted my back softly and it felt so close that i melted down in pain .

" You are an asshole. You bastard , you can't even take care of yourself ? "

I whispered slowly and now my throat can't even make a sob anymore . He didn't say anything more and nor did i. But i didn't get up .

" Sir chay - Boss is not fully - recovered i think u should get down or he will get more hurt ! "

"..." my eyes opened and finally my mind took control and my ears reddened. What the fuck was i doing .

I looked around and saw the people looking at us . I was totally laying down over him wrapping my hands on him and so did he . My eyes shout open and i jumped pushing his hands away and straighten myself up not looking back at Kim

" I'm sorry. I didn't realise it! " I apologized quick . What the hell i did ? So embarrassing god.

I was standing near the bed only and bowed to the guards .

But soon i felt a hand on my wrist and I looked at Kim and back to my wrist and he pulled me back and i landed on his chest hard " Argh ! "

I yelped out & the next second his hands wrapped around my waist grabbing me tightly.

" Stay here for just a few seconds more.... "

my heart skipped a beat . My skin burnt.

I couldn't say anything and i didn't have the chance . The way he gripped me, it looked more like a statement that he wants to stay like that and not a request i could deny anyway. A smile appeared on my face when i witnessed his slow hot breath on my collarbone . He was so close to me making my stomach full of happiness.

Why am I happy ? I admit i want to hug him too but my reason was different i was scared that he'd die and i did it unintentionally but him ?

The more closer he got the more my heart fastened erectically and my body inclined it's temperature. What was happening to me ? I could feel the nervousness in me spiked up .

" Stay! " He said this again pulling me up until i lay on his chest. He pulled the blanket & covered me too. My heart stopped at his gesture and i felt something i never felt before . Butterflies!

Does he really like me ? No , the question is do i like him ? Unintentionally my hands rested on his chest as i snuggled more into it when he pulled me up by my waist .

" Argh! " he hissed in pain & my heart clenched all of a sudden. I felt pain in my skin . why !?

" Is it paining ? " I looked up and for the first time our eyes met after i cried infront of him . My eyes flickered all red still some tears dropping .

He placed his hand on my cheeks and my body warmed up .

It felt really nice to be this close to him.

" A little " he said slowly and wipes my tears off His eyes tugged at mine & were full of emotions and his time real. I could feel it .

His eyes conveying that something in both of us was attracting us but what ? I didn't know.

His eyes felt so deep that i could bear to see in it more i felt I'll sink deep and so deep that I'll never come back so i turned my eyes back and dropped my head at his chest slowly and so did my hands with a smile.

" I'll be right here , i promise ! " I whispered slowly patting his chest .

I can hear his heart beating so fast. Wait! can he hear mine too ? My cheeks rushed in pink at this thought.

He said nothing but closed his eyes and turned to my side as if still unsure that i could leave him . His brows frowned in question.

" I won't leave " I repeated looking into his eyes .

I stayed like this the whole day and didn't realise when i slept and now it was almost 7Am in the morning I got up from Kim's side and smiled

" Good Morning " i whispered and got off the bed. What a day to start with .

" Morning " i greeted the people first and sighed . This is what I'm doing in my vacations ? Can't believe it anymore I walk into the kitchen and look at the apron and ask a guard to tie it up for me.

" i should be paid for the services . Don't u think ? Like how many more days is this going to continue ? " I break an egg and take out the whole tray at once and some flour and juicy fresh fruits and grinder out .

" I'm tired dude " I heard one of the guards speak and my mind burst .

" I'm exhausted too. I want to rest as well. " I screamed but no one looked at me instead they were busy themselves

" Have a listen to me ! How many more days do I have to feed u guys here " none replied again and my anger raised up " Answer me damnit "

I yelled at the men in my house whom I'm serving food and slammed the vessel at the table and they looked up

" I would like to have steak please " the youngest of them said smiling and my heart bloomed with love for him. So cute .

He was younger than me by a month actually.

" Sure eat properly . You've worked hard "

I replied while offering food and Patt his lead .

I was turning back but then my feet stopped

" Are u trying to avoid this topic when are u guys gonna leave ? " I scream. I can't believe how easily they fool me with their unity .

" can i please get some curry for lunch , I've never eaten it after my mom passed away. I loved her so much" said one of the men while cleaning the room and others nodded and saw me with full hopes and mt eyes felt numb

" Ofcourse I'll make it for lunch i promise you . I can't believe we all are alike. I also miss my family " my eyes were on the verge of crying and i walk back to the kitchen room .

These three days have of course made me worn out but I've somehow got attached to these people . The first day was awkward for me, they all were wearing black suits and walking back and forth and it scared me . Grim reapers were walking alive in my house especially when at night i went for the toilet and saw one of them guarding the toilet when i came back

" Argh!!!!!! " i shouted . All the neighbours came in to check if everything was alright

It was embarrassing .

So i ordered angrily the next day

" none of u are allowed to wear these damn suffocating suits in my house and if u wanna wear it " I took a pause and held a knife pointing at them angrily

" GET OUT NOW ! You lazy bums " they stepped back in fear from me .

" if you're staying here then bring some normal comfy clothes and wear them and stop guarding the house i say . I'll kill anyone whom i saw standing doing nothing but guarding. You'll see your graves sooner and how the hell none of you know how to cook ? Do u eat grass ! ? "

I put the knife back and point at the instrument they should know now very happily. I got free servants.

" From now on everyone should be doing laundry, washing, gardening, cooking and if you don't then u see this knife ? I'm gonna stab you and kuch you out " i screamed once more and they nodded .

And from then on we are living in harmony . Yes i tried to make them cook but it's horrible . I'm sure to die if i eat it Not even one but everyone's a dumb head .

God knows how they got a job at Kim's place ?

But i think it's good to stay together with these people , actually it feels like family somehow and I'm too happy. We play cards and a lot of video games. I taught them how to clean, do laundry and much more, I hope it helps them in future they've actually helped me a lot and I'm truly grateful for groceries to medicines they are paying for everything i need . So I don't mind cooking . But what if they took it for granted ? That's why i try hard it's actually funny seeing them being scared of me . If maccao sees if he'll be dead shocked. HAHAH !

I cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner whatever they wanna eat and i make as much as they want and they eat happily and i like it . Never in my life anyone complimented me saying i cook good . Not even that dumb maccao. He just eats like he's hungry for ages. Actually now i don't feel alone at all . It feels home now. I'm happy but I still miss my buddy .

--- Present Day : Morning At 10

I think at present time we are about 20 people in one house though rooms are not sufficient but we adjust and it's beautiful . One room for mr Kim and i and hia's room is used by the guards . And the lobby as well . It's like a family I've always wished for . My heart flutters each time i hear so loud laughing echoing around in my house. It feels safe and assuring somehow.

I was making breakfast. Some vegetable omelet, toast , juices breadcrumbs and pancakes too while others were busy cleaning, repairing the house, laundry, gardening, folding the clothes etc making jokes and laughing and we didn't notice the glares of a man that stood at the stairs and glared us as if he was in a dream

But suddenly my ears twitched as i heard the guard stammer and they all stood like dummies in fear

" Good morning khun " they said in choras looking pale as if they've seen a ghost .

I quickly rushed out from the kitchen pushing them away and finally looked at him and I felt relief spreading in my nerves .

" Fu*k offf bastards " i said pushing them aside ..

" Let me see him first " i said while holding that man's hand and taking him to the sofa and checking his temperature .

" you are getting better . We are so happy "

I said with a smile and hugged him happily.

" I'm so damn happy for you " I pulled back and said holding his face in my palms and he just stared at me .

" What u wanna eat ? Spicy or light ? I'll make it . But no food unless you don't take a bath . You stink like a dead dog ! "

I laughed looking back at him and picked up the spatula i accidentally brought along with me while i ran to see him but my mind spin watching all of them looking at me as if i had grown three heads overnight. I rub my temple in confusion.

" what the hell are u guys doing ? You wanna die of hunger ? Take a bath or else no food for you guys too " i said looking at them and they nodded quickly.

" GOT IT !!!!!! " - i yelled & everyone disappeared except the guy sitting on the sofa that kept looking at me still .

It made me a little uncomfortable to be exact .

I turned around still hesitantly but showed nothing like that .

" Hey you ! You stink. Go and change before we throw you out of the house ugly duck... "

i said mockingly and went my way towards the kitchen while i kept feeling his eyes on me & i baffled time to time

-- At The Breakfast Table

I could feel the hesitation in the atmosphere at the table as soon as that guy entered the room wearing his clothes

" khun kharap sit here " they pulled the chair and i sighed cupping my face. Really ? It was silent. Everyone stood up & took over their respective postions and no one ate anything that i served on the plate leaving them alone and my anger raised looking at it .

I stood up and slammed the table

" What's all this you idiots ? you lazy bums I've prepared this all for you and you are standing there ? You have a death wish or what ? i said without thinking much and ordered them to sit

" sit before i throw you guys out from here ! "

They looked back and forth at me and kim as if trying to figure out what to do next .

I didn't know much but i worked hard for making it ! So i changed my target when I saw that the guy who didn't even eat a bit and my eyes shot red in pain .

I stood up and served the food without asking much to him while his eyes continuously travelled on my face and hands .

" I prepared this especially for you. You need to have light so i checked with the doctor and he said if you eat healthy you'll be fine soon . "

I took the pan of porridge in hands

" You are safe because I have cooked or else you'll be dead long back . These stupid men of yours would have ensured that u died eating their terribly poisonous food HAHAHA ! "

He looked at the food. I pointed at the guards once more but this time politely

" Now sit down . You guys have worked hard today or you guys also want to take a rest by falling I'll ? " i said and without thinking much they sat wherever they got a place and ate happily spooning themselves.

I served everyone including that guy and pursued everyone until they finished the whole stuff . I was happy

" It feels home now " i said without caring that the other party was looking at me continuously but not at the food .

His eyes are again empty . I could see nothing and that tells me that this guy was either going to be very good or very bad in my life but still

he can't stare at me like that . It's embarrassing and I'm gonna choke out any second. .

There's a lot of questions but I'm scared to ask but if u keep staring like this i might open up everything and i can't make myself vulnerable to anyone.

What to do ? Why he's gazing at me ? I'm feeling hot suddenly, this guy gives me chills whenever he's around . Don't look at me like that . I can't stand it !

" Hey, eat it while it's hot " i nodded quickly but didn't look at him at all. We all ate the food quietly. I went to the kitchen to clean and ordered everyone the chores they needed to do but that guy kept his gaze at me like a hawk at its prey .

I knew that he was staring at me only but didn't say a word but whenever I turned intentionally thinking that he'll stop doing it instead of backing off he stared me more intensely that my face flushed white and my hands started shaking terribly looking into his eyes.

So the only option left was to stop looking back at him and i did . I didn't turn back . I once got out brought my earphones and mobile and places the music on high volume.


I hope you like this story . Don't forget to comment and vote everyone.