
KIMCHAY MOMENTS " If Our Love Is True"

Joeysparkles · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter - 3 ( best friends )

Alert ⚠️ : the chapter involves brutual violence with a minor so read it at your own risk please .


But suddenly my ears exploded , i could think of nothing, my hands were on my ears trying to not hear that voice of gunshots and I bent on my knees and tears flowing through my eyes with no mercy " hia ...hia " was only i could say.

I was frightened and shocked

I tried to bend down and have a pique at the situation outside and my mind stopped functioning anymore. My eyes widened and for a minute i forgot i was in between the fucking firing state in my own house at midnight.

wtf ? Hia and p'kinn were loaded with guns .

But hia's working at an office and p'kinn is his colleague right ? or more than that ? whatever chay ! It's not the right time to think about that . But why the hell are they firing guns and most importantly where the hell they get it from ?

" Argh " i pinch my skin a bit & now my fear worsen more looking at them .

I could see p'kinn holding a gun and firing like crazy at the entrance not worried about getting hurt by any as if he's a professional killer but hia ? My feet stumbled back looking at my own brother here this time . When did you learn to shoot ? Hia was loaded with guns in both hands and shooting ahead of p'kinn like a shield trying to cover p'kinn and him shouting at hia for coming ahead of him angrily

" it's not the right time you idiot! Run from here " he shouted. He was telling hia to protect himself first and call for help but instead hia yelled back

"i won't ! I'm your bodyguard and it's my duty to protect you . You should run and protect yourself " what the hell !!!!!!!!

Hia p' kinn's bodyguard ?

what the fuck is happening at my house ?

I was trying to analyse the situation when suddenly p'kinn came from behind and crawled grabbing hia's waist with one empty hand and was trying to be horny at that time. Really ? At this point p ? I could feel my temper getting high . This man ! Hia was right , he's a horndog ! Who gets aroused at this situation ?

He was sniffing his ears and landing small butterfly kisses on hia's neck and my brother squirmed going weak with his touch . What the fuck am i here to witness ? But suddenly he sucked hia's neck and hia pushed him and I slapped my mouth in shame .

" Are you out of your fucking mind kinn ? " He shouted . Very well!!!!

You're going right he's out of his fucking damn mind . Leave him and let's run now .

But to my surprise p'kinn pouted. I can't believe it he's horny when literally he can get killed ? Fuck you ! Get killed but leave my brother's life.

I wanted to shout " is this ur honeymoon ? You'll die here without doing anything or better fight for your lives first " but suddenly my heart stopped . Hia was on gun point and P'kinn tried to help hia but he was hit by guns back and he fainted .

" Leave him ! " Hia shouted in pain and agony looking at p . I was frightened. What about hia ?

But suddenly there was firing from all sides some men in black came covering p'kinn & hia' for safety and soon everything was over .

I came out and this first time in my life i felt good for nothing . My brother was crying uncontrollably while the others were standing still saying nothing to him .

I looked at him with pain .

" Get up kinn.... please get up. " He cried more .

P'kinn's head was in hia's lap and he was unconscious. I could see the pain in hia's eyes , and then he also collapsed

" Hia ! " I shouted to hold him.

They were taken to hospital by the black suit people and i wanted to be with him but I was stopped by one of the bodyguards who introduced himself as p'pete . " Sorry nong but you can't come with us " he bowed in apology

" Please phii ? He's my brother my only family i have. please let me come ? "

I begged and hugged him . I didn't meet him ever but his name was pete . And hia told me that he was his friend. I remember hia telling me about how he helped him adjust to the new work and how good and reliable he was .

" Nong chay . I'm really sorry but i can't. But i promise I'll take care of him well . Let us go. We need to hurry " he wiped my tears off and i nodded immediately looking at hia's pale body & his lover for the last time.

I was ensured the best treatment and safety of hia but just that i couldn't come along as it might put me in trouble . I agreed to exchange my number with p'pete and he gave me an assuring look with a smiling look .

I smiled back though tears didn't stop coming from my eyes ever.

Soon after , i got a call that they were good and now i could relax . They said that it was just because of some tensions or suddenness of some body movements nothing else .

Yeah.. yeah. ! body movements . Must be that only I saw it myself. No doubt the doctor said that . I can now sleep but i wonder what they'd be doing in hospital ? but they might not right ?

There are so many people so they won't But what about p'kinnn ? I try not to laugh at them . It has been a week since that incident but hia didn't come to visit me. I was told that hia and p'kinn are alright but somehow i m not satisfied with just this answer

I want to ask hia what the hell was all that Rape ? P'kinn ? Bullet firing ? And that makeout session ? but didn't hia said p'kinn raped him but it was not looking that way at all. His moans argh.

My heart stopped and i swallowed hard

Shut up ! you're a kid forget all ! Don't let the devil overpower you, it's adult stuff . Remember your manners chay !

I was informed by p'pete about hia and p'kinns health and about the gossips also . Actually i am embarrassed but shocked more listening to his tales

P' Pete said that both hia and p kinn were treated in different rooms but they ended up sleeping together hugging each other's tightly legs overlapping arms tugged at each other's bare torso and waist. They thought that porsche got kidnapped when the nurse couldn't find her anywhere but when the guards opened the door of p'kinn's room to give him medicine their steps halted and everyone came out without my noise but the two woke up the next minutes . The two were calmly sleeping together, sweetly lapping over each other like a newly married couple . I wonder what had happened at night .

It was even heard that p'kinn even after everyone witnessed the morning bliss didn't let hia go out of his arms instead he shouted the hell at the bodyguards & visitors as if they did something wrong but my hia on the other side was fully embarrassed

But truly saying i trust p'kinn he won't let my hia cry again. I can see the sincerity in his eyes but what job do they actually do? Why bodyguards ? Is he a businessman but then why carry guns like goons ?

I looked outside my window of class trying to think about the reason but couldn't find one.

" Hey ! Take this " i turned around and saw a familiar face with a long sleeve shirt and a black cap . I looked at him carrying a tiffin box and he put it in my hand quickly

I looked up to see his gaze . An empty gaze looking at me. I tilt my head in confusion. I haven't heard from him for a long time.

" Me ? " I pointed at myself and he nodded back .

I looked around and saw some children looking at us both gossiping and laughing and I turned my head down.

" Don't want it. You may ho ! " he frowned.

" I'm not offering you but ordering you to eat right now porchay ! " I looked at him my eyes full of tears and i turned my head down nodding quickly to him . I could hear people say stupid things about him and me and it hurts more. I'm dragging him down with me now.

" Does anyone have a problem with me coming here u dick heads ? " I cover my ears . He yelled angrily, i got scared by him instead .

" N-no ." The students whispered and immediately ran away.

" You don't need to come here . They will bully you too with me " i whisper while crying and he stopped yelling at them and turned back immediately

He pulled a chair in front of me and sat down his arms crossed. " Look at me..."

I did as he said and his eyes met mine and i felt a sudden hug coming from him . " you're safe . I'm here to protect you " he whispered softly into the hug .

I don't know what happened with me but my tears flowed down like a waterfall when he did that . I wrapped my hands around him and cried . I don't remember someone saying these words except my brother but unfortunately he could never save me from this hell I chose myself because of my love for music . I sob even more when he warmly patted my back making circles

But somehow it felt good to me. Nobody came into the class for the next one hour and we stayed like that only. I cried and cried even more until the agony in me disappeared. He asked me back to back why I was crying but i couldn't tell him . I want to be strong. I'm not a weakling like they said to me .

The school was over and so did my tears . Maccao compelled me to pick up my bag and drop me home because he was afraid I'll cry again . He said i was annoying and so childish but in my heart i knew he didn't mean it . Instead he looked at me as if he was asking if he could cry too . Arrogant bastard!

The whole school was watching us as we went by . The driver opened the door but maccao said that he'll drive and he can go so he did and followed us in another car that was leading behind us . I turned back and frowned immediately and looked at him worried

" Why do you carry these people around ? Are u scared ? "

" Scared and maccao terupankayal ? " He laughed and i turned to look ahead .

" Arrogant !" I murmured but he turned around brows creased

" what did you say little bird ? " shivers run my body and i shook my head but he rolled his eyes back in annoyance

Then it ended and it was time to go home . The car stopped . I didn't know what to say to him . It was the first time i got a friend who dropped me home.

" See you then " i said

He didn't say anything but just shrugged . I roll my eyes. He'll never behave properly i should stop expecting that from him.

But suddenly " oii ! Won't you ask me to come in ? " I turn around and point a finger at me surprised " you want to come in my house ? " i ask in shock

" You don't want me to ? " I shook my head immediately. This was not what i meant at all.

" I mean it'll be uncomfortable for you only . My house isn't grand like yours and ----"

i couldn't even complete and he came out and threw his bag at me and opened the gate and stood near the door. I was deadly awkward but let it be if he wants to come in. I put the key in and opened the door.

He came inside and my instincts ran horses .

" Wait ! " I shout and he freezes

with a questioning look . I shut the door on his face and ran back to my room . I looked at it .

" As imagined ! Filthy " i fly the clothes off making it look acceptable for him to come and sit and then throw the waster in the cupboard to hide it .

" Looks much better now right ? " I ran back to the door and opened the door .

He looked at me angrily but didn't say anything. He looked around and my sweat was dripping as if i bathed in it.

Fucking hell ! It's so awkward .

Never in my life thought I'll invite a friend over and that too the maccao terupankayal.

But wait ! I didn't invite him! He invited himself & that too without asking first. I went to the kitchen to find some eatables but couldn't find any . Shit ! I forgot to buy groceries. I tried to find anything but couldn't except some eggs and vegetables . Embarassing!

" What happened ? " Fucking hell. I shut the door of the freezer and look at him.

" Hey ! you should make some noise while u come in . You would have been my death today " i gasp for air and he laughed . I look at him stunned. The first time i saw him laughing and he didn't seem to stop at it . His eyes became so small and his teeth flashed .

" You're a scared cat , porchay " He laughed

" Oh yeah ! " i replied sarcastically.

Fucking hell now you'll eat only eggs. I take out the bunch of eggs and some veggies and a knife immediately and yug my apron on

" Wait ! You're going to cook ? " He asked astonished

" Then would you ? " Forget the manners. He dropped it himself first.

" I'm not going to eat this. I'll order something " he took a step and now my pride hurts even more when he said that

" i told you to not come if you feel uncomfortable maccao ! but you came in and now you're showing off your money ? " i was offended

" Why do you always assume things on your own hm ? I never ever tried to do that with you " he crossed his arms .

" Then why are you ordering food ? If you want to order tell me. I'll order for you " i reply taking a step toward him in anger holding a knife . He stepped back awkwardly looking at me and i realised i was scaring him . I threw the knife off and apologised to him quickly

He sighed and sat on the counter because i said I'll cook for him and he didn't believe if i could make it right. I cooked according to what i thought was good and what i could make at the moment. He didn't say much but just stared at the pan and me. I served the omelette and ate it deliciously and i looked at him smiling spooning myself one more bite .

" Don't worry it's eatable" i say and he nodded. He took a bite and then one more and more . We ate the whole food at once laughing and i think he's not that bad but actually very kind and sweet but just tries to act differently around people. He's rich and smart but never looks down on me instead he protected me when i needed someone to come and help me. He's so kind to me .

We repeated the same for days. He came home for lunch and i made him whatever he choose ofcourse according to my pocket and if he wanted anything funky he even brought ingredients. I get to know alot of things about him and i felt happy and after hia now i have someone i can stay and share my feelings with . A friend

We even go school together and watch movies. I get to know that he's not even happy there but sometimes i wonder why he's there if he's not interested in business ? Like he has a good hand in bikes and designing why not choose anything with that stuff ? But i guess all the people have different situations . He's also bound by certain things like i am and that attracts us to be close.

It's been almost a month and we have become close friends but maccao doesn't admit it . Arrogant ! He wants me to come to him and when he comes just follow without any questions. Like what is it ? Am i a dog to you ?

Today we are having our terminals so we didn't meet in the morning or we have breakfast together too. He brings it for me . Daily a new cuisine and i guess is his mother a cook ? How can it be this awesome and new each day ?

" Hey ! Look at the faghot " i turned my head around and looked at the guys who bully me always. I get to know their fathers are business and they are just like maccao , Richie rich kids but my friend is hundred times better than these pricks !

" What did you say ? " I stood up angrily but he came towards me and put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it and i flinch back. It sent shivers in my body and they all laugh together

" Getting feelings hm ? " He said .

" I'm not saying you anything then why are you guys troubling me ? " i genuinely ask and they look at each other and grin.

" It's fun!!!! " one of them winked looking at the other holding hand teasingly.

I can't believe it ! Someone's misery is their fun ? How can it be ?

" Let me go " I took my bag and tried to move but the fat boy threw me and i bumped into the wall

" argh ! " I cry in pain Everything becomes silent and all the other kids leave the class one by one and my anxiety holds it peaks now .

" What the fuck you want pricks ! " I shout . I don't know from where this confidence came but it did and now I'm even more scared looking at them

" Oh ? Now you dare to curse us ? Looks like someone's getting confidence by sucking his dick hn ? " My eyes widen with disgust at him at it runs cold . I spit af him and then others become silent and he yelled throwing a punch at me.

" Argh ! " I scream

" How dare u fucking shit try to rebel back ? You think that daddy of yours would save you when he can't save his own ass from his father ? " My eyes opened in agony listening to him .

" I've done nothing! Who are you taking about ? " I snap back immediately looking into his eyes and he looked at others with frowns.

" don't try to be oversmart you whore ! "

A punch landed on my stomach and i crawled on the floor in pain and tears came from my eyes .

It's happening again!

I just have to bear it and let them do it and then they'll leave. I need not to react or it'll hurt more . I lay on the floor almost dead trying to not scream in pain .

" Just because of people like you two this school is becoming a shit now ! I knew Maccao's a faghot but you too ? As if nothing good but atleast i don't want to see you two holding hands and announcing that you two fuck each other after school or do i ? "

My eyes opened wide in shock but soon i look at him in anger that I've never been showing others .

" Who gave you the rights to judge him ? He's far better than you are ! You are beating me because you know i won't fight back but if you're that capable of fighting try to fight with someone who can punch your ass back ! "

I screamed and he looked annoyed but i didn't stop at just this only.

I try to stood up and looked at him in the eye .

" He's hundred times better than a bully like you and what you are afraid of ? " I took a step closer to him while my feet stumbled in pain.

" Don't worry if you want his dick so bad... i can tell him to fuck you too maybe then you won't evny me right ? "


His group burst into laughter and so did i. I never felt this rage in me but i guess it came out because it was already enough. I can't have more . He's abusing my friend and so does hia .

" HOW DARE YOU ? " he snapped back and kicked me in my stomach and i bumped into the wall once more

" ahh " he choked my throat and my body was in the air now . My breath clenched and my toes squirmed while my hands continously trying to get out of his catch as he put more pressure on my neck . I could see stars and my consciousness started to blur .


I forgot to bring him breakfast, what should I do now ? Shit ! He must be waiting for me . Should I just go and say it but it looks too shameful Maccao . What would he think of you ? Shit ! Only if hia and i weren't fighting i could have bring something good right ? Ofcourse !

But today i guess he only has to eat this

I looked at the handbag carrying instant noodles and i smiled. I got someone i can talk to and he doesn't treat me because of my family or that.... Thankfully!

I walked towards the music department but my steps halted watching the students coming out gossiping about things and my ears twitched at a familiar name " porchay kittisawat ? "

I ran to the student and grabbed his collar

" what did you say about Porchay kittisawat ? "

I yell angrily.

My blood was boiling but he stood quiet . I slapped him and he fell down on the floor and soon my guards gathered around and i took one of the guns from them and loaded it pulling the trigger at his head and he got frightened and held onto my knees in fear . I shrugged off .

" Be quick or I'll kill you here ! " I scream .

I don't know why but something in me says that the boy has gotten himself into a problem somewhere but i can't find him and my anger seems to dwell more on it .

" He's in the music room . The boys have circled him there " he pointed and my breath twitched and i ran as fast as i could to where he pointed but disappointedly it was 2 blocks far almost 10 to 20 min far and going back to the car and bringing it was of no use. I ran as fast as i could towards him .

I don't know why i was running like crazy and actually there's no need for me to do that . He's no one to me. But still i found myself being paradoxical because the way i launched myself on that guy to know the address i got confused myself too. I reached the class and my heart clenched watching him getting choked but without thinking much i kicked the man's ass and my guards handled the rest of others. I didn't care about anything but just him at that moment .

I took him into my lap immediately splashing water droplets on him and my fear constantly raised the way he didn't said anything. " Get up porchay! Look I'm here . You're safe. Open your eyes " But he didn't reply to anything

We called the school dispensary and she came and did the CPR and he finally threw up and cried with pain . I immediately held him throwing the nurse away in panic " hey ! Are u okay ? Look up its me. I'm here. Your safe porchay. I'm here " i say hurriedly caressing his hair strands and he coughed trying to swallow the words. He got up and i gave him water while i continously stayed bedsides him patting his back second by second .

" Fucking prick ! Stop this show in front of us ! " I didn't say anything because my guard punched him well at his words already . My whole focus was on porchay . Who was scared , his body shivering and got scared more after that asshole yelled like that.

I wrapped my hands around him tightly and he tugged his hands at mine , he didn't make a sound but my hands got wet with his tears and my anger burst out . I pulled back and held his shoulders tightly looking at him .

" Who touched you ? " He looked down saying nothing and my anger went up

" PORCHAY! I'M ASKING YOU ! WHO DID THIS ? " My voice become louder as the strands in my body stood in anger looking at his bruises all over the face.

" You ? Aren't you ashamed maccao ? I know you have your throbbing dick looking at him & you can't control but him ? Really ? Man you've gone too down because of your needs and empathising with someone you fuck daily ? It is really the maccao i know ? "

My eyes opened wide and my grip on porchy loosened and his head dunk deeper in ground. My feet stumbled .I try to understand things and my heart broke. I turned towards that creepy motherfucker with anger and took the wood stick breaking it from the bench and broke it on his head & he cried in pain " argh! You're crazy !"

But i didn't stopped . Porchay cried like crazy asking me to stop but i didn't. My anger was taking over now .

" How fucking dare you ! What did you just called him you asshole ? " I took a bunch of his hair and pulled it and he screamed i can see the students gathered around but as if i fucking care about anyone here ?

I kicked him , punched him while his head dropped blood and all the other boys stood in fear looking at me.

" What the hell did you just fucking call him ? " I kick him once more and look at porchay and point towards him angrily

" He's not a fucking bitch i fuck ! U get it ! He's too good to become that bastard . I'm gonna kill you today " i scream and look around crazily to just kill him banging a hard wood on his head. I'll fucking cut him into pieces.

" Why don't i send you to hia ? " My lips twitch into a grin and i turn around looking at him lying on the floor and the bodyguards look scared.

Everyone knew what does sending them to hia means. He'll cut their eyes , nails and each and every organ until they die screaming in pain and regretting messing out with me .

I turned my steps towards them and held onto one of them very lewdly looking at him up to down " you are very eager to label someone who i fuck ? Would do like to be one ? "

" Nooo! Dont ! " He screamed and i can't stop laughing looking at him . I was really willing to do him here at this moment but i felt a sudden pull from the hem of my shirt . A very soft one.

I looked at the pulling force and all the evil thoughts vanished from my mind.

I can't do that infront of him.

" Two wrongs never make a right " he trembled and i immediately hold him my breath twitched. This shit happened to him because of me today .

" If not for me they wouldn't have ever troubled you. I'm sorry " i say and today i feel too small to look at him but then he hugged me back and patted my back like i did for him earlier

" Never think like that . You saved me today and I'll never forget this ever . I screamed but no one ever came to help me but you did today , you saved me so never say that it happened because of you. " He pulled back and my body stiffened. He smiled and looked at the boys holding my hand

" We don't need to explain anyone what we are . Do you get it ? " He turned towards me with hopeful eyes and a smile appeared on my face. I held onto him tightly and looked at the boys with anger and nodded with porchay's statement and they looked down .

" You don't get to choose whom we like ? How is it a problem if Maccao's into men or women ? Does he bother you oh wait ! My bad..." he said and made me stand up and smiled looking at me while i just stared at him blankly. what he was doing to me ?

" His standards are too high you see . You guys don't match with him . And moreover you guys aren't lucky enough to suck his dick ! " He took the water bottle and bang! He threw it in the head of the guy and looked at him annoyed.

I was shocked at his words and i tried to digest it well . I looked at him and my body stiffened .

But he coughed again and threw blood on the floor and my body reacted immediately and i took him to the hospital , guards following us behind. The other boy was admitted to the ICU but didn't die

How the hell did he survive even after that ? The others flew away after that . Cowards !

Porchay was discharged but he didn't say anything at all and that worried me more looking at him. He got bullied because of me firstly and then he got to know I'm into guys . Will he leave me like others do ? My mind continuously thought about that thing only while my heart stiffened because after that he didn't even look at me and i didn't have the courage to ask why .

His house came and i looked at him slowly taking steps towards the door. How badly i wanted to help him but he distanced himself like this now ? Maybe i deserve only this shitty behaviour.

I throw my head at the staring wheel disappointedly and my eyes felt numb.

" Oii ! How could you just stay here ? I fucking can't walk here maccao. Do you just come here to eat food ? " My head turned to the window and i looked at him astonished while he cursed crazily

" Oii get out and take me in will you ? " I immediately get out of the car and wrap his arm around me neck and take him in. I made him get conforatable but because of bandages and injections he couldn't work properly so i cooked and served him . He looked at it very carefully and then me .

I smiled awkwardly. " a little brown.... "

" Brown or black ? " I gulped down when he stared at me like that " haha " i smile scratching my head in shame .

" It tastes good porchay . You remember... eatables " i try to make him eat it. He looked at the food once more and pointed the fork at me

" dare you ever ever enter my kitchen. I'll cut you into pieces & burn you like you did to this dish "

I swallowed hard

" You didn't need to be this harsh "

" Harsh ? You almost fucking burnt my kitchen and then this ? " He took out the burnt pancake angrily and i looked down.

" Sorry " i admit immediately

A silent running in the room but then he burst into laughter shaking the whole table and i looked at him confused once more .

I want to ask him ' are u sure u didn't harm your head of anything because you act crazy ! "

He laughed even more and stopped watching me getting annoyed. Can he just really do that to me ? I cooked and he laughed like this at me ? Really ? I get up from the table angrily .

" Hey I'm just joking. You can't go "

" Then what the hell I'm supposed to do porchay ? " I yelled back and he stopped. I try to not be angry because he pursued his lips tightly looking down

" I just wanted to make sure you know that i don't have any problem with your sexual preference and it won't harm our friendship ever but i didn't know so i just thought of getting the mood light " I stiffened

" I don't want you to think that they bullied me because of you because it's not ! It's not the first time & instead you saved me and I'm so thankful that i don't know what to offer you in greatfulness so maccao i promise to stay by your side forever ... willingly "

My steps halted and i looked at him . He's gone crazy after getting beaten up

" you know what does it mean ? People will misunderstand you because I'm that kind that fuck anyone when he's horny , with consent but yes I'm that type and you'll get nothing but just humiliation from everyone! "

" Why should I care about someone i don't give a fuck about when my own friend feels pathetic ? I'm sorry. I can't do that! " he looked annoyed

" And your sexual preference had nothing to do with me . You can fuck or whatever whomever you want. I don't care unless you're not happy ! "

" You ! " I say but stopped. I don't know what to say him anymore.

He doesn't care about my sexual preference and the eyes from which people will see him now after ? This gossips won't stop just like this ! It'll grow like crazy to the point that make him understand what it means to stay with someone like me .

" Friends are for standing together not leaving you for something you don't have control over ! " he stood up

" Are you sure about my sexual preference ? Because i don't want a friend that'll leave me behind if tomorrow I'd say I'm into guys or any other gender "

My eyes shot side open and i looked at him like a maniac . His sexual preference? I never asked him .

" You ? " I pointed at him confused

" Shut up ! I haven't dated anyone so I'm not sure but i guess I'm bisexual " my mouth hung open at his statement. Fucking no ! I didn't know at all .

But he looked at me and frowned " you have any problem ? " I immediately said no . Why would I have. I'm fucking happy .

I couldn't control and hug him tightly and he squirmed screaming because he was hurt . I excitedly held his hand

" Let's go and hunt together ? I can take you to the best men out there wanna try ? " He looked dumbfounded but the next second my ears bursted and i yell

" Stop ! Stop ! " He pulled my ear and looked deadly angry .

" Stop this shit yourself you idiot ! I'm afraid you'll catch AIDs or STDs . Find love not sex ! "

" It's the same. When you're in love then also you'll have sex right ? I just have a little before. " I wink and he laughed and stopped pulling my ear and I feel happy .

I look at the man infront of me laughing looking at me . I never have seen such a pure soul before. While my whole life my brother and i got beating and humiliation to be gay he accepted me with no problem like it was nothing

What is he truly ? The first time i don't feel my dick throbbing but instead my heart beating. What is it exactly ?

I smiled and i stayed there only for the rest of the night . We talked about our preferences and he was interested in getting to know how was my first time Not quite innocent but cute . He blushed too much when i told him about how things went and how it feels. I could feel his heart beating fast but his innocence takes all the interest of the person with him .

I finally found someone i can be my true self with. I thought he'd feel awkward sleeping together but instead it was too fun . I got to learn that there's not only about sex in bed when I'm with another man but we can talk and have fun and the best part play videogames like a crazy ass .

I know what i felt was attachment that i was always scared of. I got attached to him like a fool with his words . It's not like I'm expecting him to fuck with me but i want him to stay bedsides me like a genuine man he is. To be exactly he's not a man to me but an angel i want close to myself as a friend

I want us to share and care . Hia is very big then me i can't share everything with him but with him i find a little soul i want to protect and I'm going to find the best person for him . Not an asshole that exists in our families.

We are awful !