
killing god

The elderly, weak, sick, and disabled residents of the old and dilapidated village of Daxu found an infant by the river and named him Qin Mu. They raised him with great hardship. As night fell one day, darkness enveloped Daxu, and Qin Mu stepped out of his home... "Be a captivating antagonist in the breeze of spring!" the blind man said to him.

eFly · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Chapter 11: Breaking Through the Barrier

If Granny Si or the village chief were here, they would surely scold him for his reckless behavior, risking his life in such a chaotic manner.

After all, the divine sound that appears during the breakthrough is different from the divine sound produced by the girls in the ruins. Using the demonic sound that opposes the girls' divine sound to confront the divine sound during the breakthrough is not only ineffective, but more importantly, if the divine sound and demonic sound undergo strange changes, it wouldn't be as simple as losing one's life. It might even lead to utter annihilation!

However, with no one to guide him and unaware of the danger involved, Qin Mu immediately began experimenting once he learned the demonic sound.

As his vital energy reached his brow, the ethereal divine sound, as if coming from the far reaches of the heavens, resounded as promised. His vital energy automatically retreated upon encountering the divine sound. Qin Mu silently recited the demonic sound, and the divine sound and demonic sound immediately clashed and attacked each other.

Taking advantage of this, Qin Mu urged his vital energy to surge towards the barrier of his spiritual fetus. However, the divine sound occasionally broke through his demonic sound, forcing his vital energy to retreat.

He failed time and time again, but he remained undaunted, constantly stimulating his vital energy for impact. After hundreds of failed attempts, his vital energy finally surged to the barrier of the spiritual fetus.

However, the barrier still remained intact, unbroken.

"I was disrupted by the divine sound, unable to gather all my vital energy for a full-force impact, thus unable to break through the barrier."

Qin Mu briefly analyzed his mistakes and immediately initiated the next impact. He experienced failure again and again until his vital energy achieved its second impact on the barrier.

Yet, once again, the barrier remained unbroken.

Not long after, he attempted the third time, then the fourth, fifth...

During his study of alchemy under the guidance of the pharmacist, he had developed great patience. Alchemy tested one's patience, wisdom, discernment, and techniques. Among them, patience was the most crucial. Without patience, one could never successfully refine a good medicine.

After countless failures, Qin Mu suddenly heard a slight cracking sound from his brow.

This soft sound was as beautiful and melodious as heavenly music. Even though Qin Mu possessed great composure, he couldn't contain his excitement.

A crack appeared on the barrier of his spiritual fetus, taking the shape of a lightning bolt.

The barrier was an invisible wall, imperceptible to the eye, only felt. But when this crack emerged, Qin Mu felt a beam of light shining through his brow, like a lightning symbol.

The sensation was truly marvelous.

When you close your eyes, all you see is darkness, devoid of any light. You cannot see your brow, the spiritual fetus, or the barrier.

However, when a crack appears on the barrier, allowing lightning-like rays of light to penetrate through the darkness, you can see the barrier.

Qin Mu not only saw the barrier but also saw the spiritual fetus hidden within the lightning-shaped crack on the barrier.

Inside the spiritual fetus, there was a hazy radiance, a golden glow, and abundant and potent vital energy overflowing from the lightning-shaped crack, continuously merging with his own vital energy.

The vital energy within the spiritual fetus was purer and more powerful, but it was similar to the vital energy he cultivated himself, without any attributes.

Qin Mu firmly believed that the vital energy he cultivated was the unique vital energy of the Hegemon Body. He paid no attention to the differences.

The spiritual fetus contained not only vital energy but also something even more extraordinary. However, since he only managed to create a lightning-shaped crack and hadn't fully broken through the barrier, he couldn't see what else lay inside.

The lightning-shaped crack was slowly healing, and Qin Mu's heart sank. Obviously, the barrier of the spiritual fetus was not as simple as he had imagined. It had a tangible but intangible nature, like sticky fluid that could be punctured and then heal.

Unless he could break through the barrier in one go, he wouldn't be able to open the hidden treasures within the spiritual fetus!

"My cultivation of vital energy is not strong enough yet, but creating cracks allows my vital energy to improve rapidly! It won't be long before my vital energy can completely break the barrier of the spiritual fetus!"

Qin Mu invigorated his spirit. Suddenly, he heard the crowing of chickens in his ears and his heart stirred. He quickly opened his eyes.

Among the beasts lurking in the ruins, there were several tall and majestic roosters with bald necks, standing as tall as a person. Their feathers were magnificent, but their necks were bare. The crowing just now came from those bald-necked roosters.

"It's getting light."

Qin Mu's heart trembled. The eastern sky was already showing a faint light, indicating that the sun would rise soon. He no longer had enough time to completely break through the barrier of the spiritual fetus.

Fortunately, he had already grasped the method to break through the barrier. As long as he could escape from Brother Qu and Sister Qing, he had plenty of time to make the breakthrough.

Although he couldn't fully break through the barrier, creating a crack resulted in a significant improvement in his cultivation. He had enough confidence to escape from the two of them!

"It's getting light," Brother Qu said with a meaningful look.

Senior Sister Qing said coldly:"If these three junior brothers die in the process of demon-slaying, wouldn't it be a disgrace to their spirits in the heavens if this little devil manages to escape?"

Qin Mu ignored her words and stood up, stretching his muscles and bones.

The girls in the square were still fighting against the darkness, engaging in a fierce struggle of light against darkness. The battle between light and darkness was intense and brutal, with neither side gaining the upper hand.

After a while, another crowing sound echoed, causing the darkness to become restless. The sound became incredibly loud and heavy, while the divine sounds emitted by the girls became more passionate and resounding. The clash between the divine light and darkness was fierce, with needles colliding and creating an overwhelming impact.

Suddenly, a third crowing sound came, and a ray of sunlight pierced through the eastern darkness, landing on the highest nearby peak.

As the ray of sunlight shone, the pitch-black darkness receded like a tide, rapidly retreating into the distance. The darkness retreated as swiftly as it had come, becoming faster and faster until it finally disappeared on the horizon.

With the morning sunlight shining down, illuminating the gorge, before it could reach the ruins within the gorge, a suspended pearl slowly descended. The colorful radiance that had filled the square poured into the pearl.

As the radiance faded, the girls in the square returned to being motionless skeletons, sitting cross-legged. It seemed that their valiant fight against the darkness throughout the night was nothing more than a magnificent dream.

Qin Mu had long heard the villagers talk about the strange occurrences in Da Xu. The events here were bizarre and inconceivable. But hearing about it was one thing, experiencing these strange happenings firsthand was even more shocking.

Every time night fell and darkness invaded, the faces within the darkness, the mysterious demonic sounds, the transformation of the ruins into young girls' skeletal remains, and the battle between light and darkness—all these were inexplicable phenomena.

These secrets awaited discovery by the people.

Qin Mu concealed himself among the moving herd of beasts and quietly made his way outward. The herd of beasts evidently had an unwritten rule: no fighting within the ruins. However, once outside the ruins, the beasts would likely become extremely dangerous.

On the other side, Brother Qu exchanged a glance with Sister Qing, and both of them blended into the herd of beasts, gradually approaching Qin Mu.

The herd of beasts continued to move outward in an orderly manner. Suddenly, a sword light silently arrived behind Qin Mu. He swiftly dodged, narrowly avoiding the sword from piercing through a beast.

The startled beast let out a roar.

"Sister, don't control the sword. If it injures the beasts, they will go berserk, and we'll all die here!"

Brother Qu's voice came, and Sister Qing quickly retracted her sword. She leaped onto the back of one beast and then onto another, swiftly approaching Qin Mu. Qin Mu watched with envy as she gathered Qi into threads, manipulating the sword to kill enemies from dozens of zhang away. Although this skill was not as astonishing as the butcher's supernatural abilities, it was still quite impressive.

Sister Qing's footsteps were light, and her skirt twirled like a pink lotus flower. Under the lotus flower, her tiptoes were like sharp knives, kicking towards Qin Mu!

Her leg technique was sharp, and with each kick, it felt like a giant hammer with sharp spikes, making the air hum.

This leg technique could easily shatter a large stone and penetrate a copper wall or an iron fortress!

Qin Mu's eyes lit up as he faced Sister Qing's whirlwind-like leg technique!

The Cripple had once told him that the thieving leg technique he taught him was never afraid of any other leg technique!