
killing god

The elderly, weak, sick, and disabled residents of the old and dilapidated village of Daxu found an infant by the river and named him Qin Mu. They raised him with great hardship. As night fell one day, darkness enveloped Daxu, and Qin Mu stepped out of his home... "Be a captivating antagonist in the breeze of spring!" the blind man said to him.

eFly · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Chapter 10: Darkness Strikes

Senior Brother Qu's forehead was drenched in cold sweat, his voice hoarse as he said, "No wonder these treasures have remained here without anyone taking them. Senior Sister Qing, these treasures have become enlightened. If they are not their rightful owners, they will retaliate!"

Senior Sister Qing shuddered, nodding repeatedly.

Qin Mu spoke coldly, "These treasures have been here all along, and no one has dared to take them, not even the exotic beasts. There must be great danger involved. You knowingly sent your disciple into danger and your heart is filled with wickedness. You are the true demon!"

"The demon is trying to corrupt our hearts again!"

Senior Brother Qu's expression was filled with sorrow and despair as he shook his head, "How would you know the bond between us brothers? You are just a little demon brat, using the heart of a demon to judge my heart. Naturally, you would think that my heart is also that of a demon. I won't argue with you now. I'll send you on your way at daybreak."

Qin Mu frowned. This Senior Brother Qu was treacherous and ruthless, willing to even manipulate his own disciples. He would definitely not let Qin Mu leave alive.

But this person was also very powerful, far beyond Qin Mu's capabilities, not to mention the formidable Senior Sister Qing by his side.

Just at that moment, the ground suddenly shook, causing the entire ruins to tremble violently. Roars of exotic beasts resounded, and the creatures within the ruins trembled and retreated, their eyes fixed on the doorway of the ruins, filled with fear.

"What are these exotic beasts afraid of?"

Qin Mu had just thought of this when an immensely thick darkness surged out from the towering doorway like a tidal wave!

Qin Mu's heart trembled as he saw an invisible barrier within the doorway, blocking the darkness. The darkness relentlessly pounded against the barrier, attempting to break through its seal!

The barrier of the doorway distorted and deformed under the assault of the darkness but remained unbroken. The darkness contorted along with the deformed barrier, at times resembling sharp claws, at times like smoke pulled straight by the wind, and at times like countless spikes, ever-changing.

Suddenly, the darkness ceased its assault, and the invisible barrier of the doorway quieted down. After a moment, the barrier slowly bulged, continuously being pushed backward.

The darkness pushed against the barrier, forming the shape of a face, a colossal face. Its forehead pressed against the sky above the gorge, while its chin touched the ground, a gigantic countenance.

The exotic beasts within the ruins prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to move or even look up at the face.

The face had three pitch-black eyeballs. As Qin Mu caught sight of those three eyeballs, a chilling sensation enveloped his entire body, as if his soul was being sucked away by the darkness!

The face suddenly spoke, its voice deep and buzzing, uttering words that no one understood.

"Qikedu, Samoye, Banruo, Banruo Samoye, Qikedu Banruo Samoye..."

The buzzing voice seemed to be a mixture of countless voices, filled with eerie power that shook the land within the ruins. The palace walls were cracked, pillars collapsed, and the cracks grew larger and larger.

Even the doorway trembled and chunks of rubble fell, evidently unable to withstand the pressure for much longer.

Just then, a bright light suddenly emanated from the square. The pearl in the hand of the skeletal leader shone brightly, growing brighter and brighter.

Qin Mu quickly turned to look and saw that the pearl had actually risen into the air, its brilliant light resembling colorful mist, sticky and vibrant.

The sticky mist of radiance enveloped the two hundred plus skeletons in the square, and those skeletons suddenly came to life within the mist.

Qin Mu was completely dumbfounded as he saw the skeletons within the mist transform from lifeless bones into vivid young girls.

They had rosy cheeks, red lips, and fiery garments!

The girls sat in the square, with a woman leading them. She held the slowly rising pearl in her hand.

Strange words echoed from the mouths of the girls, equally cryptic and perplexing.

"Yi po xiu po sa nan jun he xi, guan ming duan jing wu si jiang you..."

The voice in the darkness gradually became resounding and grand, shaking the gorge. Darkness invaded the ruins from all directions, while the voices of the girls became clearer and more melodious. The light emitted by the pearl burst forth in waves, dissolving the darkness like dissipating smoke!

These two voices were like the voices of gods and demons, constantly clashing, at times one overpowering the other. The darkness and the light continually collided and conflicted!

Qin Mu's heart was deeply shocked by this strange confrontation. Although he lived in the Great Ruins, he had never witnessed such bizarre circumstances before.

"This voice..."

Qin Mu was stunned. The girls' voices bore some resemblance to the divine voice he heard when he attempted to break through the barrier of his spiritual fetus. Both carried a similar charm, and although the words were different, he sensed a similarity in their artistic conception.

When he tried to break through the barrier using his vital energy, he faintly heard a voice coming from beyond the Ninth Heaven. It was sacred and solemn. Whenever that voice sounded, his vital energy involuntarily retreated, unable to break through the barrier of the spiritual fetus.

The two voices continued their fierce confrontation, advancing and retreating, each gaining the upper hand at different moments, yet neither could completely suppress the other.

The voice in the darkness, filled with a demonic nature, was powerful and terrifying, while the girls' voices carried divinity, crisp and pleasant, displaying resilience and sanctity. They always surged forward when the demonic voice gained overwhelming advantage, deciphering its demonic sound.

However, the demonic voice would always suddenly burst forth when it lost its advantage, pouring down like a Milky Way or a raging flood, grand and exhilarating.

Both voices possessed their own ingenuity and extraordinary qualities.

Qin Mu listened attentively, and suddenly had a bright idea, becoming excited: "The demonic sound and the divine sound are mutually attacking each other. This divine sound is similar to the one that hinders me from breaking through the barrier. So, can I use the demonic sound to counteract the divine sound that obstructs my breakthrough?"

He became increasingly excited. This was definitely a good idea!

As long as he learned this demonic sound, he could chant it at the moment when the divine sound resounded during his breakthrough, resisting the divine sound from beyond the Ninth Heaven and allowing his vital energy to break through the barrier of the spiritual fetus!

Once he successfully broke through, relying on his "Dominating Body" and the "Dominating Body Three Pellets Technique," he would no longer fear Senior Qu and Junior Qing!

Thinking of this, he suddenly froze, feeling as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over him, chilling him to the core.

The voice from beyond the Ninth Heaven was the voice of the divine. If he used the demonic sound to break the divine sound, wouldn't it mean that he was a sealed demon by the gods?

Could it be that Senior Qu and Junior Qing were not wrong, and he was truly a little demon?

"No, no!"

Qin Mu shook his head. If he were a demon, wouldn't it mean that the other "Dominating Body" practitioners were also demons?

"Why call it 'Dominating Body'? Wouldn't 'Demon Body' be more appropriate?"

"Regardless of whether it's called Dominating Body or Demon Body, I'll break through the barrier first and then think about it!"

He thought it through and decided to act. He repeatedly memorized and recited the intonation, tone changes, artistic conception, syllables, and sound qualities of the dark demonic sound, engraving the rises and falls, suppressions and outbursts of the demonic sound in his mind.

Only when he was certain that there were no mistakes, Qin Mu activated the "Dominating Body Three Pellets Technique," mobilizing his vital energy. While silently reciting the demonic sound, he propelled his vital energy towards the barrier of his spiritual fetus at his brow!