
killing god

The elderly, weak, sick, and disabled residents of the old and dilapidated village of Daxu found an infant by the river and named him Qin Mu. They raised him with great hardship. As night fell one day, darkness enveloped Daxu, and Qin Mu stepped out of his home... "Be a captivating antagonist in the breeze of spring!" the blind man said to him.

eFly · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Chapter 12 Peerless Combat Skills

In the clash between the two, Sister Qing's slender legs collided with Qin Mu's thicker legs. Although Sister Qing's long legs were slender, they possessed astonishing strength. Her kicks were like slicing and chopping with knives and axes. On the other hand, Qin Mu's legs were slightly bulkier, but they gave a sense of elegance and lightness, seemingly devoid of much power.

Bang bang bang! A series of explosive sounds rang out as Sister Qing's legs were hit by countless kicks in an instant. Qin Mu's leg techniques were too fast, leaving her unable to react in time!

The immense power of her legs was rendered useless as Qin Mu's rapid and dazzling leg techniques struck her continuously. Her strength vanished instantly, as if her legs had been "devoured" by his legs.

"Oh no..."

Sister Qing's legs turned weak and numb. The barrage of kicks from Qin Mu's legs fell heavily on her waist, chest, throat, and then mercilessly on her face, leaving imprints like big footprints.

Qin Mu's body spun in mid-air, twisting and delivering a kick. This kick was different from his previous leg techniques. While his previous leg techniques lacked power and focused on speed, this one was incredibly powerful, causing fear in anyone who witnessed it.

Sister Qing's face was flattened by the kick, her delicate nose almost turning into a piece of flesh stuck to her face. Her chin shattered, and her mouth seemed to have many foreign objects. The girl, with her head in front and feet behind, was kicked back into the ruins like an arrow released from a bowstring!

Qin Mu confirmed one thing: the Cripple's Thieving God Leg was indeed the best!

Although he wouldn't dare to claim it was the best in the world, it was undoubtedly deserving of the title within the village.

That Sister Qing's leg technique seemed fierce and domineering, but it didn't even touch him in the slightest before she was severely injured by him!

Qin Mu didn't use a trace of his vital energy. He relied solely on the strength of his own body, while Sister Qing could infuse her vital energy into her legs, enhancing her power and attacks, and increasing the speed of her leg techniques. Even so, she was crippled with a single blow the moment they clashed!

As soon as he kicked Sister Qing away, Qin Mu's entire body was covered in goosebumps. An intense sense of danger surged within him. Without turning back, he hurriedly leaped forward.

Behind him, Brother Qu silently sneaked up behind him, intending to deliver a fatal blow. His strike was originally foolproof, but he didn't expect Qin Mu to be so alert!

The two of them raced on the backs of the beasts, jumping from one to another. Brother Qu's footsteps were incredibly fast as he relentlessly attacked Qin Mu's back. Meanwhile, Qin Mu fiercely ran forward, his hands flying to block Brother Qu's attacks.

Thunderous Eight Strikes, Thousand Hands Buddha!

Brother Qu couldn't help but be amazed. Qin Mu, with his back turned to him, was able to block all of his attacks as if he had grown numerous arms. This kind of technique was unheard of to him!

Although Qin Mu's Thousand Hands Buddha couldn't match the likes of Lord Ma, where every movement was accompanied by thunderous sounds and bursts of thunder, it was swift as the wind and fast as lightning. Despite facing Brother Qu with his back turned and running on the backs of the beasts, he displayed unyielding dominance, not giving Brother Qu any advantage.


Suddenly, the sound of a sword resounded, and Qin Mu's scalp tingled as his arm was immediately injured by a sharp sword.

Qin Mu flipped over and rolled off the beast's back, dashing under the belly of a giant beast. Brother Qu followed suit, his hands empty, but a silver sword flew around him, swirling up and down.

Qin Mu's pupils contracted. Brother Qu's sword control ability surpassed that of Sister Qing by far. While Sister Qing's sword control allowed her sword to reach distances of tens of zhang (Chinese unit of length), killing enemies from a distance, Brother Qu's sword control kept the sword within three chi (Chinese unit of length) of his own body.

This was extremely terrifying and exceptionally dangerous.

Engaging in close combat while controlling a sword, the slightest carelessness could result in self-injury. Therefore, a high level of sword control ability was required, which indicated the opponent's formidable and formidable swordsmanship, as well as their complete confidence in their own swordsmanship!

Without precise control of vital energy, one wouldn't dare to control a sword in this manner!

"Old Butcher and the others didn't teach me how to activate my vital energy, and Village Chief hasn't mentioned how to use the vital energy of the tyrant's body. In this situation, I'm afraid I'll be at a disadvantage."

His foot suddenly touched a tree branch, most likely broken by the stampede of the beasts. Without hesitation, Qin Mu pressed his toe against the branch, catching it in his hand. It was a willow branch about six or seven feet long, as thick as a thumb.

The young man held the branch and swiftly moved his feet, his gaze firmly fixed on the tip of Brother Qu's sword, ignoring his hands.

He attempted to infuse his vital energy into the willow branch, but as the vital energy reached a depth of one chi and three cun, he lost his sense of it.

One chi and three cun were simply too short, making it extremely dangerous to contend with the opponent's flying sword.

Brother Qu approached, and the sword spun around him, stabbing, slicing, sweeping, picking, chopping, flicking, and cutting, as if an invisible swordsman held the sword and attacked Qin Mu from various cunning angles.

Chi chi chi chi! With a few light sounds, the willow branch in Qin Mu's hand was reduced to one chi and three cun (about 40 cm). The sword once again descended, colliding with the branch and making a crisp sound, as if it had struck steel.

Seeing that his vital energy infused into the willow branch was able to withstand the opponent's sword, Qin Mu completely relaxed. His eyes focused solely on the sword tip, and he treated the one chi and three cun willow branch as a butcher's knife, unleashing the knife techniques the butcher had taught him!

Night battle, wind, rain, and continuous strikes!

Qin Mu was completely absorbed, freely displaying the knife techniques taught to him by the butcher with the small willow branch.

Fast! Fast! Fast!

The butcher called his knife technique the Pig-Slaughtering Knife Technique, and it had only one marvelous secret: speed!

Fast as a fleeting shadow, fast as the hand rises and the pig's head falls!

Qin Mu devoted his entire body and mind to wielding the knife, freely and joyfully swinging it. The continuous sounds of clashes and critical hits resounded. They moved swiftly amidst the running herd of beasts, killing from the belly of one giant beast to another. The gigantic legs of the beasts stomped down like pillars falling from the sky, and the slightest carelessness would result in being crushed to pieces!

Their footsteps seemed chaotic, but in reality, they followed a marvelous rhythm. Whenever a giant beast was about to step on them, they always managed to dodge.

Brother Qu was both shocked and angry. He was getting beaten up!

He was actually being thrashed by this "little brat" with a small stick!

The willow branch in Qin Mu's hand was very short, just over one chi. Wasn't it just a small stick?

But his sword was five chi and seven cun long, refined to the point of being as thin as a silk thread. He controlled the sword with threads of vital energy. The sword control technique he used was taught by the Five Elders of Lijiang, who had broken through the barrier of the Heavenly Human and opened the Heavenly Human's Divine Treasury. The sword control they taught was incredibly exquisite.

The technique he employed with his hands was the martial skill called Lijiang Art, created by the Five Elders of Lijiang. When both hands utilized this martial skill, vital energy transformed into a great river, surging and mighty, with waves breaking through the banks—a truly astonishing sight.

Although he had not yet cultivated the martial skill to its divine level, its power was already formidable. It could split stones and shatter boulders, not to mention lesser obstacles.

However, in the face of the "little brat's" small stick, these two extraordinary techniques showed numerous flaws and were repeatedly penetrated. The small stick struck his face, neck, collarbone, elbow joints, wrists, finger bones, rib cage, back, waist, hip, knee joints, and ankles!

In just a short moment, Brother Qu was covered in bruises and his head was swollen. How could he not be angry?

But more than anger, he felt fear.

If the item in Qin Mu's hand wasn't a small stick but a knife...

The consequences were unimaginable!

It was terrifying. This young boy was at most eleven or twelve years old, with a body not even reaching his own chest. Even if he had been cultivating since birth, it was impossible for him to cultivate such a horrifying technique, right?

Brother Qu quickly realized Qin Mu's weakness and calmed down. "His cultivation of vital energy is very weak. Although his moves are incredibly exquisite, his cultivation is pitifully weak. Or rather, he is not a spiritual body, just an ordinary person..."

He finally thought of the key point: Qin Mu was just an ordinary person, not a spiritual body. He hadn't opened the Divine Treasury of the Spiritual Womb. He must have cultivated some basic techniques like Qi-guiding, allowing him to possess a portion of vital energy cultivation.

However, the vital energy cultivated by ordinary people had no attributes and couldn't exert any power. So, even though Qin Mu's attack techniques surpassed him, without power behind the moves, they posed little threat to him.

"The little brat's knife technique should be a divine skill, but he is far from being able to unleash its full power. If I could obtain this divine skill..."

Brother Qu's heart couldn't help but stir. Qin Mu couldn't bring out the full power of the knife technique, but Brother Qu could bring out some of it. If he could wield it, the power would be tremendous!

He could tell that Qin Mu's knife technique was a type of combat skill.

Combat skills were different from sword control techniques and similar divine skills. Sword control techniques freed the hands, allowing the sword to fly in the air to attack enemies, making one's swordsmanship more flexible. Both hands could also simultaneously attack the enemy, making it more versatile.

But combat skills were different.

Combat skills followed a more primal path, requiring the use of one's own hands to control the weapon. This allowed the vital energy to flow into the weapon to the maximum extent, increasing the power of the moves and enhancing the strength of the divine skill!

In fact, the superiority and inferiority between combat skills and sword control techniques had long been determined. Hundreds of years ago, both combat skills and sword control techniques coexisted. Those who practiced combat skills and those who practiced sword control techniques often engaged in battles to determine superiority. However, a genius emerged from the sword control technique lineage, slaying the practitioners of combat skills, leaving some dead, some injured, and some fleeing.

This genius was none other than the National Teacher, hailed as the number one expert under heaven in the Yanjiang Kingdom!

By now, there were only a few practitioners of combat skills left, and the superior divine skills of the combat skill lineage had gradually become lost. Without inheritors, only lower-grade combat skills were passed down.

However, the truly superior combat skills were still extremely formidable, and Brother Qu firmly believed that the little brat before him was wielding a genuine superior combat skill!

"I must obtain this combat skill! I have to capture him and force him to reveal the cultivation method for this combat skill no matter what!"

Qin Mu's small wooden stick continued to strike relentlessly at Brother Qu. He desperately defended himself, but he couldn't completely block the small wooden stick. Within a short time, he had already been struck hundreds of times.

Brother Qu's face became increasingly swollen, and his body grew more and more painful. Panic gradually set in his heart. The more he panicked, the more disorganized he became, resulting in more strikes from the small wooden stick.

Although it was just a small wooden stick with limited power, combined with Qin Mu's own strength and continuous strikes, the cumulative damage to his body was significant.

"He wants to beat me to death!" Brother Qu's whole body shuddered in fear.