

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs


"Wait! Where is Kevin? He is supposed to be with you guys?" Bianca tried to look clearly but couldn't find Kevin on the people who were rushing outside of the coffee shop from the back door but when she saw Kevan and Pats, she hurriedly ran to them and asked.

"We need to get the hell out of here, now!" Pats knew that Kevan will say nothing to Bianca so she hurried to talk instead.

"Yeah, I know we must leave but ain't you forgetting about something really?" Bianca walked closely to Kevan, she has never seen him like this before. So speechless, this was the last thing Bianca could think about happening to Kevan.

"Where is Kevin answer me! Where?" Bianca was pissed, she sometimes hated Kevan's hard head. Someone is talking to him but instead, he is just ignoring as if nothing really matters to him! What does he think he is?

"Fine, if you guys can't tell me where to find him, I will go look for him myself." Bianca turned back to the coffee shop, if these guys didn't come back with Kevin, she will go find him herself but before moving a single step out of Kevan's face, she was knocked out from the back of her head by Pats with the back of the pistol she was holding and since Bianca was standing just I front of Kevan, she gently collapsed on his bold chest before Kevan holding her up.

The last thing she knew before losing her conscious was Kevan's manly scent.

Kevan was not the type of a person to use scented perfumes due to his allergic illness so his scent was always original and manly.

The two walked with no time before they got a random car parked some distance away from the coffee shop. Kevan force started it before departing completely from the Community town before dark.


"We have tried Kevin's phone several times but he is not picking up. Don't you think something bad has happened to them!" Job was moving back and forth, he has tried on Kevin's phone almost the whole day now but nobody was picking up though it was ringing.

"Why not try on Eddy's phone, Kevan has it and maybe Kevin lost his by accident." Mercy suggested and Job hurriedly decided to try on Eddy's phone but before him doing anything, his phone rang first instead.

"It is Kevin, maybe he was busy recently and couldn't pick up anyway.." Job picked it up without thinking any further.

"What the hell happened to you guys! It is already dark and you have not yet showed up, we were about to leave without you if you didn't call back! Where the heck are you now? You made us worried sick." Job didn't wait for Kevin to say a thing, he had alot to say but he finally decided to give the caller a chance to talk.

"Hello! Hello..hey you cant talk now huh! Hello..hel..yoo whatsup?" Job seemed to be talking alone on the phone yet it was Kevin who called himself, was it network errors or what!

Job was still wondering before Sarz pulled the phone away from him heartlessly and forcefully throwing it on the ground and hardly breaking it in pieces, this man, Sarz was really cruel to this extent of stamping Job's smart phone several times while everyone is watching.

Clearly, his intentions were obvious...he was in mission to end Job's phone completely.

'What pissed him off?' Nobody knew but they were all looking at him intently waiting for the reason of all these rude actions.

Ganja extended himself some feet away from this savage man, with Job doing the same speechlessly. Klara and Habibah were both at the side with Mercy also puzzeled by Sarz's weird actions.

The group had gathered now and they were now six runagates since the girls had joined the team yesterday before separating with Kevan and them.

"It is not Kevin on the phone. He always talks first when he calls, same when called. The person who called said nothing so Kevin lost his phone. Done!" Sarz explained himself after finally destroying Job's phone but clearly his words weren't apologetic at all.

Seeing how Job looked at his phone before his feet with pity, Sarz continued.

"If it wasn't Kevin on the phone, it must be those people following us, we must leave this place right now! That phone I just destroyed is tracked, they might be here with no time. Lets get the hell out of here before it is too late." Sarz tried to put some sense in their heads.

"We must wait for Kevan, we cant leave without them!" This was Habibah's suggestion.

"What makes you thing they are not captured yet?"

"And what makes you think they are captured yet!" Habibah rebuked at Sarz's words angrily.

"What is Kevin's phone doing in their hands, this is just an obvious case!" Sarz asked said brilliantly.

" We are trying on Eddy's phone first,if it is not Kevan with it so be it. We must confirm whether something is up or not." Habibah didn't wait for anybody's suggestions before shooting out her phone.


"Hey, pick up! Someone is calling on your phone." Pats was the one driving right now, according to Kevan's current condition, it was her bad to let him drive so they maybe switched seats.

"Ok, give it to me. You really look awful, you must find a way to figure this out or..." Pats stopped talking to Kevan, he looked like someone who wasn't listening for a single bit so why waste your time on someone like him.

"Who is asking!" Pats removed the phone from Kevan's pocket before picking up.

"Oh! It's Habibah! What is up that side?" Pats asked about the situation they were in currently.

"Ok, listen. We wont be joining you guys because we are a bit far so, you can proceed with the plan and we will meet you at where we suggested in the first place." Pats boldly replied, she wasn't good in desicion making but she really had no choice right now.

"You guys are nolonger safe in that place now so you better leave it imediately,..yeh...he is fine. Am with him right now, seriously wearing a no talk vibe on his face so I dont think he will be talking to you."

"Yeah, we are all good. You carefully take care,...just in three days....yeah...bye." After ending the call, Pats took a long sigh and turned to Kevan besides her, then to the still unconscious beauty at the back before turning her focus on the road and forcused on driving.


"Seems like we are not chasing one group of peasants. Things are getting worse and worse." Jerom slammed the table before him angrily gritting his teeth.

"It sounded like they can't decide a thing right now without Kevan's group anyway." Josh said thoughtfully.

"You mean?" Jerom asked innocently.

"There location right now is Ronavil, a town surrounded by train stations. It is like they want to escape out of Blava." Josh was a quick thinker so he easily figured it out.

"What do you suggest we do then!" Jerom rested at the back of his seat, he never felt so defeated like this. These kids were in the middle of a town with so many train stations,it was really very hard to know which train they would take.

"If only we could delay there travel for half an hour, it will be our good. But still, I dont know how to make it happen." Josh's brains couldn't exceed from there.

"Never mind about that. I got this, that is always why I want you besides me Joshua." Jerom smiled wickedily.

"Contact the Section 6 for immediate assistance, there faces being visible to the crowd will make it so simple for us to delay their escape." Jerom felt satisfied.

"But sir, you said this matter is better kept low key." Josh reminded worriedly.

"Ofcourse it will be a low progress if we put some wanted charges on their faces." Jerom explained.

"Whose face should be posted then. I mean, they are so many..."

"The two girls mostly, but more importantly, Kevan. Baron likes the kid like damn! Just look for the three, the rest matter less to us." Jerom sighed, it had been some good days chasing just the three with him having nothing like rest or sleep.

How he wished this could stop, Kevan was becoming a pain in the ass, the girls wouldn't have been this hard to get without Kevan he thought.

"We are heading to the rails city, not in the morning but right now! Any objections? Good, lets get into it." Jerom looked around as if waiting for ideas from the group before him but luckily, no one objected as if he face out any chances of objections.

"Ok, everyone. Pack whatever shit that you got, our chase begins ounce again."

"Since the Blacks can't defeat Kevan combined! Get some strong helpers from the Section, direct them to the rail city. We shall meet up with them from there."

Ronavil (the Rail town) was one of the biggest inlet and outlet towns in Blava very highly populated with special modifications in security due to the displayed surveillance cameras everywhere. It was also called the Rail city becuasw of the so many rail Stations in it.

Its modifications turned it from a town to a City and some even thought that with its mordern technologies, it was supposed to be a free city not attached to Blava but its size being too small made things worse for it though despite all that, it was most likely known as a city but not a town by most of the people in it.

Kevan's car was noticed near the huge city gates of the Rail town, Pats decided to park it aside still outside the Rail city gates.

"Wake her up, we need to leave the Car behind." Pats looked at Kevan intently.

"Wait here, I will be back in a while. Don't go anywhere without me." Was Kevan's shortest reply before moving out of the car and headed straight to the city gates.

"Is it your first time here sir?" One of the city guards stopped Kevan from entering and asked.

"Not really, why are you asking me this!" Kevan stopped and replied gently.

"Can I see your VALID PAY PASS?" The security asked casually.

"Huh! Pay pass? Is it supposed to be paid by random people or what?" Kevan asked with curiosity.

"What do you mean random people! Do you even know where you are standing or what? Everyone inside the Rail City paid for the PASS, if you don't have one then please follow me." The security guard was alert with his actions, he even put his right hand steadily on his whip with the other two besides him doing the same.

Kevan was stunned, if someone lacks a pay pass, they get arrested immediately! Why not just let them go back and not enter the city anyway, if these guys weren't scums, something was up.

Kevan looked around but saw no sign of threat but with suspicion, he ounce again looked through the already opened gates but still saw nothing much as a threat to him.

He still felt some insecurities and now decided to look for the number of security guards around him serioulsy, to leave alone the ones on the gates, he met another security gaurd somewhere but outside the city gates making himself busy buying some oranges on a stall with an old woman seller, surpringly, his actions never matched his intentions.

He had spent some good minutes looking at the oranges but he was buying none, this was obvious, he was not up to oranges though he tried his best to show the observers how serious he was but Kevan was not caught with his sneaky trick.

'Am I being so suspicious really?' Kevan felt alot of threat coming from the inside of the Rail city, he even lost the vibes of entering it.

Looking around ounce again, his eyes fell on another security guard, he was inside the city gates but not any further from them so Kevan could see clearly that this guy was making a rush call inside the telephone booth, he could even see clearly that this guy was spying on him while talking on the phone, whoever he was calling was the reason to the current broken leg of this talkative security guard who was standing before Kevan recently but now a laying on the ground uncontrollably in pain.

The three were about to react but some fast triple kicks knocked them out, Kevan's instincts were true. The security guard who was trying to buy some oranges forgot about the change and attacked with his whip tightly held in his right hand.

His swing was directing to Kevan's head but unfortunately. Kevan kicked the whip out of his grab falling somewhere very far away from the security guard who was now trying to find out what to do next before receiving a heavy kick by his neck making him rest peacefully on the ground too.

The other security guard was spotted running away by Kevan instead of attacking like his friends.

In just a minute or so, five security guards were laying on the ground unconscious with none knowing nothing happening on ground right now.

Kevan searched the talkative security guard hurriedly and found a photocopy of his face standing firm on the paper with two beautiful girls below him.

A very bold word visible for the blind 'WANTED' was written on it and surprisingly, these guys were serious about this issue inscribing some amount of money on each of them if someone got got a chance and captured them or took sight of them.

Kevan walked away from here hurriedly but not heading to the car, he used Eddy's phone to make a call since he spotted alot of surveillance cameras looking at the area he was standing at.

"Is Bianca awake?" Kevan asked Pats on the phone.

"She saw everything." Was Pats' shortest reply.

"You need to go alone, they want only me, Klara and Habibah. Our faces are displayed everywhere inside the town. I cant go with you guys. At the meeting point, if I don't come in a weeks time, I will call and tell you what to do next."

"Am really sorry Eddy, you must be understanding." After hanging up on Pats, Kevan destroyed Eddy's phone completely and since the gates were really a bad entrance, the city walls were not going anywhere out of this.


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