

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

54__"Am only here this time to assert dominance!"

With Jerom, Razor and Bianca leading a group of more than twenty men in black suits armed with stun guns currently yet they really had firearms inside their car boots but since they were afraid of causing commotion near the branch of the SCH, they thought that stun guns would play the part of the bullet guns, and Jerom thought that they were really too many this time so there was no need of being afraid of just two kids.

Jerom seemed to be so much impatient waiting for Kevin and his crew to come, he was even walking back and forth as if it was him who made their transportation programs.

Before impatience killing the heck out of him, a black Land Cruiser moving with patience as if it was saving some gas was noticed not so far away from the coffee shop.

Surprisingly, it caught the attention of the whole group looking at it impatiently hoping for it to come at the side of the coffee shop.

As they all guessed or wished, the car drove perfectly to the side of the coffee shop looking at the direction of the gang whose attention was on the same car.

Bianca's phone had a short vibration which was luckily heard by her since it was her holding her hand bag and mcwith the rest of the gang's attention on the car, she secretly looked around and after confirming that nobody was secretly spying on her, she peeked inside her bag, and saw a message shortly before putting her attention on the car which has just stopped moving right now.

With no time, Kevan moved out of the car gently with calm and since he did not come from the door of the driving seat, someone else was inside this car too and with curiosity, they all waited for that someone to come out.

As if knowing what they wanted, the door by the drivers seat also opened and a female like figure came out of the car breifly before joining Kevan at the side.

"They are really too much and all with stun guns! Will this be anymore interesting?" Pats asked while leaning against their car next to Kevan with her hands crossed over her obvious chest.

"How I wish!" Was Kevan's short reply before walking to the front to make there disatace somehow fixed with Pats walking besides him.

"It's funny, I was expecting you to join the party uninvited but I never expected you to come alone with the visitor's card accidentally in your hands!" Jerom cockily asked about Kevin indirectly as if he really had nothing like business with Kevan seriously taking Pats as a never mind.

"Attending parties uninvited seems to be my thing nowadays! And by the way, am not alone! Am with a friend you are about to know about and she really hates people who mislead words, just like you did." If it was a word battle, just let Kevan be your guest ofcourse.

"You attacked the Samurai dojo, DRECKASH and now Bianca, things are really far from me being the reason. What is it that you really want, apart from a death wish!" Kevan asked with curiosity.

"Me, to die! Are you kidding me? The girls haven't told you a thing, did they? They know what I want anyway." Jerom replied cockily.

"If you guys managed to give us some peace of mind, I wouldn't have been this wise to realise that something was up apart from me beating you up pitifuly." Kevan said like he really didn't care about anything now.

"Things would have been better if you talked to me. I would've told you everything about all this about, you but, you failed to listen. Now see how deep things went, the whole dojo is destroyed with my hands, but because of you. If you keep on being this selfish, all of the people next to you will suffer antd it will all be your fault." Jerom cursed indirectly.

"Oh I really don't think so, that is why am here to put a stop on your hands. If your hands really dared to kill almost a hundred, my hands can't be polite, not even close." Kevan's rage forced him to shoot out his daggers from thin air, nobody managed to see how or where they came from because he used alot of speed, some thought that he was holding them from the start and were just invincible or something but no matter the case, he really had a pair of daggers in both his hands.

"We are this many, it is only you and your petite girlfriend and we are we. Even if you had that cocky Kevin son of a bitch around you...you would still be outnumbered." Jerom said cockily.

"Am not here to balance your population, am just here to reduce it, am here as death and am here to bring death to whoever stands in my way, just don't be one of them and leave with my sympathy to miss my fury. Am only here this time to assert dominance!" Kevan's eyes went cold and from cold to seas blue ounce again but this time, it was only the daggers which turned from original to an ice like design with the weather in its normality, no sign of mist was visible this time.

"Don't let him charge, none of you will be able to breath at all so attack right now atta...wait? Where the hell are you guys going?" Jerom was so stunned seeing some of his men retreating, this was not what he expected but it was obviously his fault.

Someone shows his mighty at first changing some silver blades into ice like blades made them worried but what scared them the most were their boss's words, 'none of you will be able to breath if he fully charges' and he still expected them to wait until he fully charges, was he bluffing?

"Kill whoever retreats, Josh's army is on the way and in just ten minutes they will all be here. He is just scaring us with his monster powers but I will make him understand the rage of normal humans." Jerom convinced his seconder and with a nod from him, it seemed like he was actually going to kill whoever retreats since he had already shot out his big blade from the box which was just laying peacefully on the ground before his feet.

With a simple swing of it, one of his men who was running at the back forgot about his missing head and kept on running before falling obviously on the ground, the rest of them saw this and were all stunned.

"You dare to retreat, you wont skip the fate of my blade." He finally said something that forced some knowledge inside the heads of his live colleagues and decided to attack instead of retreating.

Bianca who has never seen someone getting killed this easily was lost for words. Today, this was the second person to be killed in her presence, the way how these guys killed carlessly, she couldn't admire.

Going back to her sense, she decided to get the hell out of here, instead of running to Kevan's side, she ran back to the coffee shop hurriedly walking passed the attacking men who never minded her since she was not going to the side of her rescue. They even thought that she was afraid of dieing so she instead went to hide herself till the end of all this.

Seeing that these guys actually dared to attack him, Kevan sneered since he had already had a fight with them and at that time, he really had nothing like a killing wish in his mind so he even never minded about shooting out his daggers but this time things were so much different, these guys killed alot of people at the dojo, they had to expect nothing much from him of course.

Kevan attacked while swinging his daggers swiftly, he couldn't notice it but Pats did when his daggers actually formed a small whirlpool at the end of their tips, this was before him holding them tight because when he did, it was in a very brief moment that Pats who was observing each and every Kevan's movements couldn't notice that those small wheelpools were absorded by the daggers and disappeared into them.

Maybe the reason to why Pats didn't notice it was because of the scene after the disappearing of the whirlpools!

Kevan swinged both of the daggers in the direction of the waist of one of the attackers and just like that, the man was cut in half both his two parts seperated and falling opposite to each other.

This was so violent that it even brought some chills and sweat drips over the spines of the people who noticed it all.

This attack was so absurd that none could understand the amount of power installed in it with its force from the whirlpools cutting the neighbouring men in slices leaving some with half hands and half legs.

The rest of them were scared shitless, maybe none of them has ever witnessed this in their whole life. This man was really so heartless, killing anyhow he wanted and looked like someone who has done nothing anyway as if he was used to doing it.

Among the shocked people, Pats not leaving out our dearest Jerom plus the half dead men on the ground groaning in pain, the most afraid were the ones who still had the idea of attacking but just couldn't know from where to start.

Kevan stood still wearing a devilish wicked smile on his face as if he was enjoying all these groans.

'This is what happens when someone messes with me and the people around me.' Kevan was really satisfied thoughtfully.

"See, Josh's army is here..." One of the most afraid men felt some hope on seeing the many black convoys coming their way, eveyone heard this and on the people who heard it was Kevan who turned around to them as if he was really not afraid of a single convoy on them.

He innocently didn't know that on one of the convoys had a sniper with a rifle pointing at him and by the time he turned to see the convoys, the sniper pulled the trigger targeting his head, Kevan felt this feeling of danger coming his way, surprisingly he felt like this danger was inevitable and just death awaited him but by chance, something pushed Kevan forcefully making him fall some feet away on the ground.

Kevan also felt that helpless danger before being pushed, he knew that he had put himself in alot of danger but this time, it felt so impossible like he was dipped into a strong swamp with nothing to help him out but luckily just close to his last breath, someone pulled him out completely putting some percentage of life in him.

In Kevan's mind, he wanted to see who it was, who helped him this time! Who pushed him with might and speed because that someone helped him dodge the bullet, that someone saved his life, Kevan who wanted to show all his gratitude to that someone was lost for words when he got to know the person who saved him was now laying in a pool of blood and on the ground helplessly catching some air, it seemed like he was having difficult in breathing.

Kevin who was helped to enter through the back door of the coffee shop by Bianca entered the fight when he knew already that alot of convoys had reached the battle ground. He had come to warn Kevan and Bianca about them but he saw how too late he was but luckily, he managed to spot that sniper at the top of one of the leading convoys who was pointing his gun at Kevan.

Kevin tried his best to be fast as he could sunce he kbew that Kevan didnot notice that sniper yet even if he noticed him, he didnt have the guts of dodging a bullet but all he managed was to push Kevan away from the targeted area.

His calculations were brief and perfect since he managed to save him but finally the bullet dashed through his chest at the side of his heart, it maybe destroyed his ribcage and lungs since it was really very hard for him to breath right now.

"No no...please, this aint happening!..Kevin don't do this please." Kevan with shock hurriedly crawled to Kevin who was helplessly laying on thw ground, coughing mouth fulls of blood in pain with his eyes now bleeding blood too. His condition was critical someone at the edge of death, he was injured bad yet he wanted to say something but he was too weak to say a thing.

"Am really sorry, am so sorry bro. Just keep calm and don't worry yourself, everything is going, everything..will be fine." Nobody knew if Kevan was convincing himself or Kevin but what was visible was that, Kevan seemed to be in so much pain and guilt. He couldn't help but shade some tears. He didn't know why it had to be Kevin taking a bullet for him.

He felt some guilt all over his chest, that guilt that he couldn't stop. He felt helpless and useless, he looked for what to do but to no avail.

Pats ran to them, she pulled out a pistol from her back and started shooting at the convoys which were full of skilled soldiers but despite the amount of skills they had, none of them showed up during the process of the gunshots. They knew that guns didn't mind about someone's skills, they are made to shoot and kill anyway.

Kevan held Kevin to the coffee shop while Pats shot back to the convoys as their cover of escape before both of them disappearing in the coffeeshop.

"Useless pieces of shit! Don't you guys know where we are? Do you know that this is a secrete mission and the SCH must not know a thing about our presence? Hurry and catch up to them, we must use guns but not here." Jerom came out of his hiding spot angrily, he was hiding for all this long but after coming out, he gave orders directly and the soldiers did as he requested with nit a single person against his orders.


"It...not...not yo..ur..fault kid...Remember when...when I told yo..u..." Kevin tried to make Kevan know that everything was fine but he couldnt stop coughing every now and then much less say a complete sentence.

"I told you,..we will always.. watch.. our b..acks, and .....we ....we are a very dan..gerous comb...ination....no o.ne..can defeat us!."

"Just promise me kid..nhmihmi..ahhhah.."

"Promise me that, you will leave this City and never...come back. Go with them,..protec..t them..protect..her..never come. Tell her to forgive me, please...let her know how I...how I..." Kevin's eyes closed slowly and slowly before completely following to sleep before finishing what he wanted to say.

Kevan was just their listening with tears not leaving his eyes. He has lost alot of people but Kevin was his true friend, someone morethan a friend to him but see how unlucky he was, he lost him too, he was really careless. If he acted with alot of speed, things wouldn't have been this bad.

"Am really sorry. But we need to go. They are coming and many of them." Pats placed an hand on Kevan's shoulder.

"Just go, I will deal with them. All of them, not a single person will.." In Kevan's thoughts, leaving without making someone pay was not like him but he really had no idea of what he was dealing with right now.

"Job and the girls are waiting for us at the Outlet. Bianca is still here, do you want to break your promises to him."

"Kevin was my friend, I also feel bad on what has happebd to him but we need to get the hell out of here."

Pats was also sad and though she sometimes tended to be at bad terms with Kevin, she really liked his character and he was someone who made her feel like a true friend but now seeing how he was no more, it pained her alot though they really needed to go.

"It is the Mutation Army Soldiers, we give you ten seconds to come out with both your hands on top of your heads and surrender to us."

"You are surrounded and must do as instructed, or else..force will be an option." This was Dickson with the orders before starting his count and at the tenth second, they banged the door and walked in but found no sign of Kevan and Pats just only Kevin's body laying on the ground.

"Sir, we lost them!" Dickson reported on the radio call hurriedly.

"Dammit!" Just the thought of losing them made Jerom feel like he was about to spit some blood now the reality made his feeling go beyond sky.
