

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

56__Reunion and Separation.

"Did you guys make it out of the Rail City?" Kevan asked Job on the phone. He was full of sweat as if the recent two days have not been easy for him at all. He seemed to have been running continuously with no rest but he was still worried about the group that Job was leading.

"Habibah and Klara's faces are even printed inside most of the trains. It is so impossible for us to leave without them being spotted but the rest of us already have our tickets apart from the them." Job explained their current condition.

"Near the Tong Lake, I will be waiting for you guys in thirty minutes. You must not be spotted so you are to use the Beggar street with not so many surveillance cameras."

"Am already at the lake so you just have to make your move right now." Kevan said before hanging up their call.

He was not surprised to know that Job's transportation was delayed but what surprised him was that he still stayed after knowing the reason of their delayed transportation. If he had abandoned Habibah and Klara, it was very simple for the others to leave Blava without trace but despite knowing all that, he still waited for Kevan's call.

Kevan even approved of him, he was someone who could be trusted since he didn't think selfishly as he expected.


"We already got our tickets, I wonder why you called us here?" Pats asked with curiosity crossing her both hands over her chest.

Bianca said nothing but anger and hatred towards Kevan was visible for the blind muchless Kevan who could see it with his both fine eyes!

"Are you guys fine?" Kevan looked at Bianca pitiful, he felt alot of guilt and hatred towards himself too despite his fake seriously look while asking them.

Pats also looked at Bianca with pity, she ounce wanted to tell her about Kevin but she stopped herself from doing so. With their current condition, it would be a very big scene if she told her that the man she loved with all her heart was shot dead, it was better left like this. Maybe she just thought that Kevin was captured anyway.

Pats couldn't believe that a very beautiful girl like Bianca was actually deeply in love with Kevin. Though he wasn't ugly, him having such a girl was just too much of a joke. She herself couldn't imagine the beauty that Bianca held, it was so unbelievable for someone to believe that she was ounce in a serious relationship with Kevin. But anyway, there were alot of stuff about love that she, herself couldn't figure out so she decided to stop thinking about all that instead.

"Job and the group will be joining us in some ten minutes." Kevan walked away from them and sat somewhere closer to the lake. He had alot of pain on mind but he kept it to himself.

He knew very well that with his current power, he really didn't need to talk infront of these guys with guns. Him selfishly being so sure of his mighty made Kevin lose his life just like that.

'If you completely perfect the Samurais way of fight, bullets will be slower than a snail in you're eyes, you will never feel insecure in the rest of your lives. None of the words I told you are myths, I witnessed all of it with my eyes. My master used to catch bullets, one of the men who challenged motion and gravity came from this dojo and that man was my late master.' The Samurai master used to tell them all of that during their trainings, Kevan wondered if all of it could really happen or be real, he still doubted those words.

"Cough...cough.." Kevan's attention was caught ounce again in reality with a familiar someone coughing at his back.

"Job, you really made it here! Thanks for coming man, hope no one came after you guys!" Kevan said with a smile on his face before giving Job a welcoming hug.

"I didn't make it here alone, the rest are waiting for you at the car. Come, we need to hurry to them." Job replied happily, Kevan was really not hugger but seeing him give it out just like that, he felt some love from it.

Kevan followed Job back to where their car had parked, his eyes fell on Habibah at first then Klara, Mercy next to Ganja and Sarz. Pats with Bianca, Kevan felt somehow good after knowing that they were all finely unscratched.

"Job, we need to talk, come with me." Kevan walked away after knowing that the group was perfectly fine and he was ofcourse followed by Job at the back without saying a word to them, the two walked not very far away from the group before they stopped.


"Hi, we meet again! How have you been?" Klara walked to Bianca and said politely with a smile, she was so friendly to Bianca since they were not really enemies.

"Have been quiet, thank you." Bianca faked a smile but Klara could now see how pissed she was, she really wasn't in her moods right now everybody could see it.

"Have you seen Kevin anywhere, he is not with Kevan! Oh maybe he is not..."

"Why not just ask your boyfriend instead?" Bianca walked away from Klara, she was losing temper every now and then and someone was provoking her, this was tasting her patience really.

Pats placed her right hand on Klara's shoulder and shook her head as if telling her not to talk about it anymore.

"Habibah and Klara will be coming with me since they got not tickets. The rest will go with Job and do as he will instruct." Kevan came back after talking to Job and said to them with Job still standing besides him.

"Is there someone with a better suggestion?" Job asked.

"Am coming with you Kevan." This was Mercy, she really looked like someone who wasn't asking or requesting.

"It is really not safe for you..." Kevan couldn't finish his words before Mercy walked directly to his side.

"I gave Job directions and the address to our home, I will find you guys there. I wont take a day, I promise." Kevan placed his both hands on Mercy's shoulders as if he was talking to his little sister despite her being so much older than him.

"Just do as you promised first, you have not yet fulfilled it and still here you are! Not ashamed of promising ounce again." Mercy was finally ofcourse not convinced but she had no choice anyway.

"Am not going anywhere though. Am not running without Kevin! How can I trust you guys even? It is not that I know any of you that much." Bianca's cold voice said something at last.

"I know you don't trust any of us but I need you to force it all down. On Kevin's account, please trust me." Kevan walked to Bianca and said.

"How do you expect me to trust someone who keeps my personal desires as secretes! Ain't you kidding me!" Bianca crossed her arms over her perfect braless chest, she was waiting for this fight for so long and now finally she got it.

"I just wish you to be fine. I cant just let you stay in Blava obviously you wont be fine at all and I wont forgive myself if anything happens to you." Kevan said seriously.

"You knocked me down at the Community town, I lost conscious for God knows days and now, you expect me to trust you ounce again? Am sorry but I cant..." The obvious thing she was talking about of recent, 'knocking her down' was the only solution to the end of all of their fight so Pats was always available for that.

"You really didn't need to do that, she hates it and I was about to convince her." Kevan said helplessly holding Bianca on his chest.

"Convince her? You are really not good at doing that, everyone saw it coming. You were going to do just as I did." Pats said carelessly.

"Ok, you need to go with them. They will need your help without me, hope you do that for me." Kevan said to Pats.

"No don't beg, I really hate that side of yours. It doesn't suit you at all. Your bold serious face makes pleading faster." Pats replied jokingly.

"We need to leave now, I will join you guys at last." Kevan carried Bianca with his two hands, he really had no decision but come along with her.

"Good luck man!" Ganja said to Kevan before their car drove out of Kevan's sight.

Now Kevan had three girls all besides him, two wanted and one not so free anyway. How he was going to get them out of Blava, nobody knows but at least, he was good at hijacking cars so their transportation was just easy and fair.


"Sir, we have eyes on the targets. Should we engage?" Josh received a message on the radio call from one of their troops in field.

"We don't want to scare them away, we want them all. Are you with the helpers' crew?" Jerome asked curiously.

"Negative sir." The same man on the radio call replied respectively.

"Then send the directions of your location to the helpers crew. They will catch up to you with no time.

"If we wait any longer, we will lose them both." The man said hurriedly.

"Both?" Jerom and Josh said at the same time.

"They have ounce again made two groups, one is for the wanted three culprits and the rest is for the..."

"Copy that soldier, what is the situation that side right now." Jerom grabbed the radio call from Josh's hands hurrieldy not letting the soldier on the radio call to finish.

"The wanted group is also departing after the first group, if they also leave right now, we might lose them too." The man on the radio call reminded.

"We are all ready and waiting for your orders, should we engage?" This man seemed so sure about this attack, or maybe he thought that his surprise attack will not be useless at all.

"How many soldiers are at your back, commander?" Josh asked thoughtfully.

"We have two taxi cars, each with the driver and a passenger making four in total." The man on the radio call boldly replied.

"Holy shit, stay on stand by I repeat. Do not engage that enemy is extremely dangerous for the four of you and we want them alive so your guns are really useless." Josh wanted to make them understand him better than now but he was lost for words. He couldn't tell the actual amount of stupidity and arrogance these four guys had. What the heck did they think they were really wishing to attack Kevan with their pitiful small number.

"No, don't do that or we will lose them all! Get back to your cars and follow each of them silently as you provide directions to the helpers."

"You must not be spotted, I repeat. Don't get spotted because we must not lose them, mostly the wanted group." Jerom who was also so disappointed in them but atleast made some good decision, how he wished to get them all no matter the case.

"Copy that." The man replied and maybe reacted hurriedly with the serious orders of their boss Jerom.


Kevan was really not good at driving but still not so bad when he was left with no decision so his pace was not gentle but balanced accordingly.

Besides him was Habibah opposite to the driving seat not forgetting Klara and the emotionless Bianca at the back of the car. Her current look was not something someone like Klara could stand but she had no choice since the front seats were all occupied, she instead tried her best not to look for her trouble so talking with her was prohibited completely.

If talking to Bianca was equal to bringing trouble into troubles, it wasn't the case with Kevan and since she felt so uncomfortable sitting in this completely silent car, starting a chat was not so bad anyway.

"Ahm Kevan..." Klara's crisp voice forced Kevan and Habibah who were seated at the front look at her through the driving mirror intently waiting for what she was up to.

"Asap?" Kevan asked.

"I want to ask you a question!" Klara said abruptly forcing Habibah to look at the back as if trying to make herself know that she heard right.

"Me? Am listening!" Kevan thought that she was maybe talking to him since she called for his name yet she said her last words looking at Habibah with her doing the same but Bianca still silently not giving a damn.

"What happened to Kevin?" This was the question everyone wasn't expecting starting from Bianca with Habibah whose eyes turned from Klara to Kevan with curiosity as if she was not so sure about that answer which Kevan was about to tell them.

Bianca who wanted very bad to know what happened to her boyfriend looked intently at Kevan whose mind went blank ounce again after hearing Kevin's name in Klara's question.

This question was something he didn't expect to an extent of forgetting that he was the one driving this car, he was wondering about what he really had to tell them before Habibah pushed the steering wheel abruptly moving passed the car which they were about to run into due to Kevan's carelessness.

"What is wrong with you? You almost dashed into the car! Are you really functioning well?" Habibah scolded directly with no time. She was already pissed when Klara started to chat Kevan up but couldn't do a thing about it, how useless she felt.

In that due process of scolding him, Kevan noticed that taxi behind their car. He was really not so sure but what he knew it was that from the start, he had a cab just not so far away from their car. He wasn't so suspicious by then but now, things were so much different and his instincts in all things were at times correct, his trust for this cab was not at all real and he had to act now.

"Tie your seat belts." Kevan said softly with calm but he wasn't calm at all after knowing that the driver and the passenger inside that cab were both sitting in the front seats.

This was really not a coincidence him being so worry of them and they also prove them right by doing something abnormal! Taxis had passenger seats, why was he sitting in the front? Were the back seats occupied or what! Though he had no idea about it, he was still not ready to know about the outcomes.

"Yeah that is what he does, whenever I ask him about Kevin he always finds excuses to change the topic." Bianca said angrily.

"Just tie the motherfucking seatbelts and shut it!" Kevan rebuked at Bianca angrily forcing Klara and Habibah do as he instructed.


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