

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

42__"I cant let him go...because I love him, so much!"

The following morning, Kevan woke up early and headed straight to school as he had spent quite some time skipping lessons, usually wasting most of his time on useless stuff as if forgetting the reason to why he is in Blava.

'I must get an eye taking report from the stuff. ' He thought inwardly as he walked passed the school gates and to the compound taking the direction to the newbie class.

He really wanted to have a nice report but he also didn't think of getting it from this school since he is at bad terms with the lecturers of this school.

Imagine missing each and every class but later think of getting a nice report from the stuff, isn't that a complete joke?

'Maybe I will just revise and perform better in my break term tests.' Kevan convinced himself.

"Early today, huh! You lacked sleep or what?" Kevan heard a familiar voice opposite to the wall and supringly, he had actually already took notice of the person before even walking passed her despite her completely hidden body, which was leaning against the wall with her back.

"What do you think! Am just in my moods today maybe that's why." Kevan never minded about how he knew that someone was hiding herself on the wall before him even walking passed it, he thought it was just normal anyway.

"Oh really! Your moods? Oh you just hurried to school for some other reasons you don't want to talk about!" Momo with a burning cigarette held loosely in her right hand said shortly.

With her reply, Kevan thought that this girl had some beaf towards him and though Kevan was used to being at bad terms with people, for her case, he was curious and touched with his serious look on the face.

'What did I do to this chick? Oh good Lord!'

"What are you talking about?" Kevan asked innocently.

"What am saying is, you are not early at school for just lessons. You are here for some other reasons! We both know that, don't we?" Momo walked to Kevan still holding that burning cigarette.

According to the small drops of arshes dropping helplessly from her cigarette, it seems like she was not smoking it despite her lighting it for all this long.

'Weirdo, why light it when you don't smoke it then? Are you just interested in its scent or what, huh!' Kevan sneered from the inside.

"We both know how you used to miss morning preparations despite you living inside the school. Don't force me think that you are concerned about studies right now?" Momo ounce again said in a challenging tone.

"About studies, of course I am concerned because...it is why am here, though, I wont force you think about my concerns."

"What is it really you want, am almost out of time." Actually Kevan wanted to let her know that he was out of patience instead of time, he wanted to play nice at least for ounce.

"What I want is you to stop all that wannabe shit, you are just a newbie and a first year student. Just get to know who you must fly out with but never exceed your limits because if you do, a train of trouble and problems will crush you."

Momo said the last words while dropping the cigarette from her hands to the ground before stamping and crushing it with her right white sneaker.

Kevan sneered, he also knew very well that while he was walking around this school to the exit gates with that Trent girl, things will turn wild with the long term gossips but Kevan was used to them.

The good thing, it was him and her who knew the relationship between them so no one had to bring their curiosity, not even Momo of course.

"I Kevan, am scared of nothing. Be it an ocean of trouble and problems, I will swim out of it as I always do without asking for anybody's help." Kevan then walked out of her side to the path of the newbie class but after taking a simple few steps, he stopped himself ounce again.

"If I ever come asking for your help, please don't bother yourself, but to me. Am surely capable but I wont help you either, because am alone here, and always alone." Kevan's words were sharp but brief leaving Momo with a bright temper beneath her lungs, she felt like spitting some blood to reduce on the anger but to no avail.

"So cocky! He dared to leaving before me finishing!...You are still so arrongant, insolent!" Momo cursed at Kevan's disappearing figure.

Meanwhile, in Zone one, a familiar black Mercedes Benz, which was moving swiftly in the town silently stopped and parked just besides the off-road before a familiar figure of a woman, but still unidentified due to her covered face with a black veil moved out of it.

Driving a black car, with dark wheels plus the driver wearing all black carefreely covering the face with a black veil, covering almost all that parts of the face leaving out only the sight space which is also blocked by the black sun glasses and finally a black hat on top of the head! This is just some simple proof to let one know how this person regarded the color.

It was so to some simple fashion thinkers and admirers but across the road to where the car and woman stood, a group of four bearded bold men seemed so interested and surpringly, this beautiful curvy lady was just so tempting, walking their way at the bar while wearing those tight jeans was like asking for what they could do better than just looking.

Before pushing the door open, the lady walked passed the four bearded men who were giving her direct gazes of admiration but maybe, it was quite better from the outside than the inside because on closing the door behind her back, the abrupt loud sound made by door during the closing forced each and everyone look directly at the door meeting a curvy female hidden figu

On the way they all looked at her, it was as though closing the door like that was inappropriate as if she has just done something wrong.

Seeing that none of them was in plans of taking away their sight from her, she decided to remove the black veil, glasses and the black hat but as soon as she did, she felt someone standing at her back.

Forced to turn around an willingly scared, Bianca could remember this person from outside that she had found standing with the other three beareded men. She felt really uncomfortable standing around a person like him so she walked directly to the counter.

"A shot, please..." She said shortly.

"Bills on me, sure?" knowing that he was ignored in public, the beareded man never backed down.

"Not really, am fine with me alone.." Bianca replied ounce again now as if proving to everyone that he was currently uninterested in this bearded man.

"A shot, please?" Bianca ounce again requested the bar tender who instead of giving her what she wanted, he looked at the bearded man with a questioning gaze and with a nod from the bearded man, the bar tender finally poured a shot of tequila in the nearby small glass.

'Its me paying and instead of listening to me you wait for his orders, are you kidding me?' Bianca sneered before taking out two gold coins and without taking the drink, she decided to leave this shity bar instead.

"And what is a beautiful girl like you doing in a commoners bar like this? For a drink I presume but, no!"

"You are stressed you are looking for a far off place for you to drink silently? But still no, I don't think you are here for a drink yet you have miss used one."

"Do you know where you are little princess?" The bearded man at his back asked and out of the blue, she was surrounded with the other three bold bearded men from outside.

"Of course I do, am at the 'Commoner's bar', do we have a problem?" Bianca now knew that things weren't going to be so nice, being surrounded by four bearded scary men with the drunkards all minding their business made her really scared.

Instead of getting an answer, these four bearded men made a loud laugh as if her question was far better than a joke to them.

"Of course we had no problem before you seriously made the tender boy to pour you a drink which you left behind. You forgot one thing, here in the Commoners bar, we don't waste drinks but waste money."

"Hold your bullshit, I paid for that shot with my cash! What right do you have to mind my business then. I left the drink because I lost appetite, is it a big deal." Bianca asked with a frown, she was even pissed off by these useless brains of the bearded men.

"It wouldn't have been a problem if you never bought it, but since you did. You must face the consequences." the bearded man seemed to be more than stupid but serious.

"Consequences!" Bianca repeated the word as if she heard wrong.

"First of all, no one wastes a drink in poverty, since you have some cash to waste. You are not going to waste it alone! You just need to buy the same glass for all of the drunkards present in the bar." the same bearded man said with a smirk on his face.

"You are fucking crazy? Ain't you!" Bianca now met a group of shameless people but still, she couldn't believe it.

"Am not, it's you being crazy right now. How can a normal brains person enter a bar and buy a drink which she won't take! Ain't that morethan crazy?" The bearded man asked while looking at the drunkards around who immediately dropped their gazes from the scene and said nothing.

"Whatever!...If you lack money to pay for the drunkards, we can borrow you of course since you eye taking! We can even sort all this out as grown ups. What do you think?" The bearded man started to look around her body which made him lick his lips ensuring how he liked what he saw.

Bianca felt like a missing gold coin surrounded by tall trees, helpless getting nowhere to hide itself.

She knew very well that if she wanted to leave this place, she had to buy some drinks for the drunkards which was impossible due to the huge number of them in the bar but also, getting money from these bearded men who have blocked all her parts of escape just with their bold bodies was just asking for it.

"What are we having this time from the B club?" a very tired voice came from the drunkards but very familiar to Bianca though she wasn't sure about the owner of that voice.

It is not only Bianca who heard this voice, the four bearded men plus the rest of the drunkards also heard it but with worried faces full of terror, they all turned their heads to the youth standing not so far away from them and due to their huge bodies, Bianca's way of sight was blocked so she saw no one except for them.

"Pretty, huh! Move aside I have a look." The voice ounce again sounded and one of the bearded men in the front who was blocking most of Bianca's path moved aside respectively.

With an unbelievable gaze, Bianca felt like a lost princess rescued by the prince charming himself when she took notice of Kevin looking smart in his red suit, his hair combed kneatly with his shinny black shoes.

He really looked more than a gentleman in red but with his tired look on his face, he might have spent the night here in the bar drinking.

She was a bit disappointed but still she had to first leave this tragedy. She knew very well that Kevin had to help her out but to increase her disappointment, Kevin just glanced at her for just like five seconds before walking to the bar tender.

"Whisky, make the glass flood." Kevin made his order and turned his face to the bearded men shortly and after holding the almost full glass of whisky, he said carelessly.

"Gentlemen, please....do proceeded with your duties. Am moved not a single bit despite her beauty." with a go ahead from Kevin, these guys respectively appreciated with gratitude before turning to Bianca with lustful eyes.

"Wait,..." Bianca stopped the four bearded men who were about to take her away but waited to listen for her opinion.

"Kevin, I am here for you. Why are you turning your back on me?" Bianca said helplessly as if she didn't know why Kevin was no longer interested in her.

Knowing that the two knew each other, the bearded men's eyes lost interest in the girl before them. It is like they never wanted to mess with that youth so they ounce again turned to the careless him still holding a glass of whisky which he took in one go before walking to her.

"And what does a beautiful young miss like you want from a nobody like me, this early in the morning!" Kevin asked with curiosity.

"Our chat is private, we must talk from somewhere private too." Bianca replied.

"Please forgive us Kevo, we never knew that it is your woman that we messed with this time. Please have mercy as we take our leave immediately." The bearded man who interrupted Bianca in the first place pleaded and was about to take his leave before he was stopped by just a simple wave of the hand from Kevin.

"Who said that she is my woman? Did she tell you that! Or I said it myself? Don't force relationships big man. I will only buy it if she said it herself, then you will take your leave but if not so. I promise to let her say what she wants and after that,....she is all yours." Kevin smiled sweetly at Bianca who was about to curse at him.

With all eyes on her, Bianca had no choice but to admit to Kevin's wish, he just wanted to make her address herself as his woman and in public. It seemed like a big deal to him but it was nothing much to Bianca.

"I'm his woman." Bianca said shortly.

"Oh come on, B! Can you believe what she has just said? I don't think that my woman can address herself just like that. I think you just won yourself a very hug prize this time B." The bearded man now knew very much that Kevin and this beautiful young miss knew each other deeply and might have some small problems which might be the reason to why the woman was here looking for him.

'Lucky bastard.' the bearded man cursed from the inside.

Bianca knew that Kevin wont be so polite with her so she walked straight to him and despite her short size with Kevin, she managed to reach his lips which she kissed roughly biting the lower lip as if paying for what he was doing yet Kevin felt nothing like pain but the sweetness and smoothness of her lips which made his dry lips wet.

Bianca who just had a mission of biting Kevin's lips found herself caught in the moment crossing her hands around Kevin's neck forgetting about the watching drunkards.

"Hmm hmm..." The bearded man's cough made the two get back to reality and both stopped kissing but none of them let go of their hold still looking directly in each others eyes, Bianca turned her gaze to the four bearded men.

"See, as I said....I am his woman so ...Piss off!" She said coldly forcing the four bearded men to leave the Commoners bar hurriedly.

"See, that is how my woman addresses herself in public." Kevin's words made her remember that all of this was for a show and had nothing to do with him holding her waist.

"Let go of me." Bianca pleaded.

"How about you do the same then." Kevin replied reminding her that she was also holding him by the neck. Shyly, she let go of her hold leaving Kevin with no choice but do the same and in due process, Kevin felt like as if he was losing something very important to him but helplessly letting go of it.

The two were quiet for some minutes all not saying a single word but their brains and mind seemed to be thinking too much.

"You said you were here for me!" Kevin broke the awkward silence.

"Yah, do you have a place and time to talk." Bianca replied hurriedly.

"I do have the place, but for real....I don't seem to be with time right now. As you see, am heading to school." Kevin said helplessly but Bianca was amused by his reasoning!

Since when did Kevin start to be more in books to an extent of dropping off her request to talk to him, maybe he was no longer interested as he said lately.

Bianca was somehow broken but tried to hide it and though Kevin could see it, he still had nothing to do about it.

No one in this school knew where he came from apart from Mr.John, everyone thought that he was really not interested in books yet that is the very reason to why he came to this school. He was here for books, and the break term tests were yet to start but he had spent most of his time creating commotion with Kevan who he didn't know much about his background.

He reminded himself that he came from a broke family so he mustn't fly around with planned kids of Blava.

He was really pained, seeing how he had no time for the girl that he loves with all his life but still he had nothing to do about it.

Without even a farewell to Bianca, Kevrn walked out of the bar shortly leaving Bianca helplessly standing in the middle of the bar with some unknown feelings which made her eyes wet.

From the day that she last met up with Kevin, she couldn't stop thinking about him yet she usually tried to convince herself that she had nothing like Kevin's feelings left in her but to reality, she really loved that guy whole heartedily.

And she also knew that Kevin loved her back, it was not rare for a man to fight for his girlfriend these days but that man stood against more than five REDs just in plead to see her yet she was too selfish and did nothing to help him out, she even never showed up while he was being beaten to a near death condition. She did nothing to help him when he was arrested in that room for some unknown time she couldn't tell!

What did she expect when she came to see him? A hug, or a kiss and love from him as he used to do it! He has left, what is she going to do about it? Stop chasing him and give up on him!

'He didn't give up on me...I cant let him go, because I love him. I love him so much!" Bianca forced some faith in herself before walking out hurriedly to her car and drove directly to the path of DRECKASH highschool looking forward to seeing him besides the road.

Luckily, Kevin was about to board a taxi when he took notice of Bianca's car just opposite to the road he was walking on.

"Please, ride with me to your school if you don't mind." Bianca asked politely and of course, Kevin couldn't refuse this gratitude. Someone helping him save 200 gold coins for today's transport, who was he to reject that offer.

After taking the passenger seat, Bianca's car took off for DRECKASH highschool.


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