

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

43__Terrifying new Coach!

"So, you wanted to talk! You have my attention. What is it that you want to talk about?" Kevin knew that if he didn't start this conversation, it will never happen so he of course tried to make some chat with her as the car drove to the school.

"Ok, I don't know what you will think of me if I tell you about this but, I really have to." Bianca sounded like a person who had no idea about where to start.

"Though am in your car, it's not really very far away from DRECKASH with our current location." Kevin tried to remind her about that issue of him getting to school in time so, she had to be more specific with her words and forget about beating around the bush.

"Am sorry but, we have many things to talk about. And we need time, together! I don't know if you can make this happen please." Bianca said helplessly.

"Make it happen? I think I will look into that after knowing about those many things that we really have to talk about. I see no point of you talking to a damage like me." Kevin said carelessly.

"It's not about that title shit whatever! It is about you and me, plus Kevan too and...." Bianca also listened to her words and directly looked at the driving mirror to see if Kevin heard what she said but of course, they were sitting two in the car and she even said it out loud for someone to hear.

"You and me, plus Kevan? Wow!" Kevin sighed.

"What I tried to mean is...."

"Ok, first of all...there is no you and me here and about Kevan, I would like to know what you wanted me to talk about him but...gossiping is really not my type."

"So if you thought that giving me a ride will please me alot then sorry...taxis give me more comfort than your ride. The drivers mind there businesses and don't gossip with the customers, but it will please me if you park aside. I will get myself a new ride."

Kevin was really pissed, this Bianca was so shameless to an extent of asking her ex' boyfriend about another guy. This was more than just an offence.

"Kevin, I know you are mad at me and I know that I cant make things right. I messed up, ok? But am truly sorry. I don't know if you can forgive me, but I really mean it." Bianca was really not good in explaining herself currenly catching not a single bit of Kevin's attention despite her wet eyes with a cry like pleading voice.

"Do you want me to just jump off or you are going to play nice and stop the car miss?" Kevin really hated seeing those teary eyes of Bianca but he also knew that him and her were true explanations of worlds apart so, he had to be him and let her be whatever she wanted.

"Am going to stop but, this area is still far from school and also far from the town. It might be really so hard to get a taxi nearby. Just let me take you to school then, I...I will leave you alone...forever." Bianca said her last word in a very low and hurt tone almost just for her to hear but though Kevin heard each and everything, he changed no emotions on the outside and without saying a single word...he looked through the window as if waiting for the gates of DRECKASH to open now nolonger in vibes of chatting her up.

Bianca knew her fault and couldn't blame Kevin for acting like that towards her so, she tried to swallow her tears and focused on driving but the pain and guilt she had over her chest was forcing her to tear up, remembering she was a grown up girl who had to fly around with whatever situation that comes her way, what she didn't know was...how she was going to survive all this.

She even wanted to ask Kevin what she must do in order to forget about him but, she said nothing scared of offending him as she drove the car full of awkward silence to the school.

Lately, Kevan was of course serious in revision surprisingly not coping notes maybe he was not going to attend any of the Chemistry guy's lessons, and if that was so...he had to forget about doing his test too since he has attended nothing like his lectures.

Since Ganja missed no lectures ever since he joined this school, it was Kevan's luck as he got free notes for revision but seriously surprising the students of the newbie class around as the one and only always absent student of the newbie class actually attended the preparation revision of today.

Whispers were each and everywhere but this guy was really caught up in revising and as time passed by, it was time for the breakfast but still..Kevan moved not a single bit till the breakfast ended and it was time for lectures till lunch.

After attending the two lectures from two different lecturers, it was time for lunch and almost all of the students left class but still Kevan did nothing apart from strechting a little bit and went back to revising. This made some students very worried because, this guy had nothing like eats today and he just left class after the bell of the end of day lectures.

Hearing this bell ring, Kevan closed the textbook infront of him, abruptly stood up and left class after packing his books inside his bag and on the door where he met a random male student who he left his bag with, to take to Ganja before heading to the Leading wing.

"You really spent almost the whole day in class today, were you hiding from me or what?" Kevan heard Trent's annoying voice from the back and stopped not but still replied.

"What, are you in plans of doing something horrible to me?" Kevan asked too as he walked slowly to the Leading wing.

"Do you thing I got that much time to waste on you?" Trent asked as she followed Kevan closely now on the same pace with him.

"I don't know anyway. But if I don't have that time too, then why force it! Dont you thing you must be ashamed of your age, always following a newbie like me as a bodygaurd?" Kevan said in a challenging tone.

"Am really not ashamed of looking after kids like you. It's fun though boring." Trent never losed out on something in her life so if it was a word battle so be it not knowing that it was more of Kevan's character.

"I see, just realised that you good at doing your nanny job. Just that you exceed your baby sitting capabilities! Stop spying on me, you are not good at it because you always get spotted." Kevan said all that while standing in front of her to witness the pain he installed in his words before walking into the gym of the Leading wing.

'You really are so lofty! But I will see if your actions are better than your talks, huh!" Bianca also headed to the gym.

"I see, you managed to come..lets not waste time in chats kid. Meet Mike, he is going to be your trainer for the time being. You must listen to him and Mike, he is all your of course." after Jack introducing Kevan to Mike, he left the gym walking passed Trent at the door way.

"Alright kid, you are late today... 15 minutes late. Do you have a reason for that?" Mike asked with a no smile face.

"Had classes to attend." Kevan replied shortly.

"Your lessons were reported done, 15 minutes before you arrival." Mike said looking at him intently.

Kevan realised now that things were serious, this Trent girl had some bad spying manners, wasting his time intentionally for him to get scolded at the gym, but this Kevan was always self driven, not walking on rules which were against him.

"Is it Mike or sir?" Kevan asked out of the blue.

"Mike is better." Mike answered not knowing why this kid asked the way of addressing him.

"Did Coach Jack remind you of the time I must stop my trainings! I mean...we are really out of time and I normally don't mess with my resting hours." Kevan said politely.

"Ok then, as you wish. You asked for it." Mike was told each and everything and mostly about Kevan's cocky character so, Jack reminded him that with him being similar in size with Kevan, it will be very heard if he failed to let the kid know who is stronger than who.

Remebering that, Mike handed over a pair of gloves to Kevan, and with him wearing a pair too...he headed to the sparring ring.

When the crowed took notice of the person inside the sparring ring, they were all full of faces of amusement maybe wondering about who innocently dared to provoke that guy this time but Kevan was always ready for any challnge before him as he made his way to the sparring ring too.

When the crowd took notice of the challenger again, their faces of amusement turned to faces of wonders since they have never watched a matched while Kevan was one of the opponents. So in just like three seconds after Kevan entering the ring, bets inside the gym were heard seriously in whispers mostly on Mike's win and due to the highest odds being on Kevan, some even dared to bet for him just in case of a luck.

The referee entered the gym checking their gloves to see if they had no offensive weapons before starting the match.

Kevan knew very well that he truly had no chance to win over this guy but what made him stunned was the fighting position of Mike, he was actually left handed! A southpaw boxer, but Kevan was not afraid of that Soft Red, Fred, much less this Mike just a southpaw boxer.

He knew that he cant win even if he wanted but he wanted to have a fight with one of the best scholars of this gym, to see how they made others fear them to this extent so, right now, he finally got himself a fight worth his street fight experience.

Kevan knew very well that he had no effort from the audience but that stopped him not even close from attacking first with a simple jab check directly on the head of Mike who effortlessly missed it and surprised Kevan with a punch beneath his left hand which had just moved to pause an attack towards him.

Kevan felt the energy from that punch and he, himself knew that he wont be able to use his left punch at all with it being heavily injured like this.

Kevan was angered mad, someone was cruel to this extent, nearly breaking his left hand from the armpit, was this even a spar or a real fight with a title.

This was not all, after knowing how helpless Kevan was now, Mike wasted no time and punched Kevan with his jab too and since he was a southpaw fighter, he used his right hand as his jab but making Kevan to try and break Mike's hand too from the armpits as he did not knowing that it was just a trap displaying his other side of the armpit to Mike and with no second chance, Mike moved swiftly dodging Kevan's attack before giving him another hard punch beneath his right armpits.

Now both Kevan's guards were down displaying his face to Mike and he was about to hit it too but Kevan made a back throw of his body, moving swift free from the gym to the audience before being hit by Mike.

This new coach of Kevan was terrifying! He wanted to put Kevan on bed just on his first day of training, did he have a beaf on him or what?

Kevan knew now that he overestimated himself and decided to leave this dangerous place immediately.

Just in minutes, he broke his both hands in a fight with someone he harmed not a single bit.


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