

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

41__The X.J.F tournament

"So rude! They wanted to make me their pet! I'm looking forward to be one." After knowing how heartless those three guys are, Kevan hurriedly signed them on his revenge list and before leaving, the girl ounce said.

"I'm Trent, and as you already know, I was sent by coach Jack not only as a messenger but also your supervisor in the Leading wing." the girl introduced herself to Kevan who was wearing a frown on his face.

Were they giving him a bodygaurd or they just thought he will walk around the Leading wing looking for trouble!

"Go tell coach Jack that I appreciate his gratitude but am just not interested. Don't forget to remind him, I wont be roaming around the Leading wing. I will only show up for business, let him not be worried about me."

"Wait!" Before Kevan leaving, he was stopped by Trent ounce again.

"What is it now?"

"It is not only about the Leading wing, but also the Calf wing. I must be always besides you wherever you are if it is inside the school." Trent corrected.

"Aren't you naturally from the Leading wing?" Kevan asked bewildered. He thought this innocent pretty face came from the Leading wing, it will be really boring for her to be in the Calf wing.

"Not really, I am also from the Calf wing, but am in my last year at the Calf wing." Trent answered respectively.

"Why not focus on books for you to enjoy your next year here and peacefully!" Kevan was wondering why this girl was insisting seriously being stuck on him.

"Are you trying to chase me away?" Trent asked now with some concern.

"Yeah, just leave me alone dude! Piss off. I like my peace alone." Kevan finally made his point directly.

"If that is what you want, I will leave you alone then but you must be outside this school first." Trent made here point clearer.

"Ok then, if you insist. I don't think that I got any business inside this school anyway."

"Its not that I don't like your company but, I just hate girls mostly beautiful girls always walking besides me these days. It just makes me uncomfortable, damn! But you insist always, just like the others leaving me with no choice."

"Enjoy your first and last walk with me, don't worry! I wont charge you a cent." Kevan tried to piss her off mentally.

'Shameless bastard! I don't know why Jack gave me this insolent brat as his guide. We might not make it with his shameless manners before I beat him up! Shameless.' After knowing that Kevan was from the Calf wing, Trent knew that he was a no big deal to her if it came to a one on one fight, her thoughts towards Kevan made someone pity her ignorance.

After the two leaving the Leading wing, Kevan decided to go and first have a look at what was going on at the newbie class and to his disappointment, he wasted alot of time at the Leading wing finding someone who made him lose appetite of school today but still, Trent besides him, Kevan was escorted outside the school before boarding a nearby taxi.

Meanwhile, Habibah together with Momo at the side had just finished up with one of their classes and were walking their way to the Canteen.

If someone looked from the far and took sight of these two beautiful goddesses, he could even lose sight because of their eye taking beauties not giving someone a chance of taking their eyes off them.

"Really believe me, you have changed alot but coincidentally! I like the new you most." Momo said excitedly.

"You still haven't told me yet! Where have you been living for all this long? You also know that in four weeks, we will be having our break term testes! Have you even been revising?" Momo asked with curiosity but unexpectedly, the person, 'Habibah', she was talking to currently proved how far her attention was from Momo.

With two snaps of a finger in front of Habibah's face, Momo finally got her attention forcefully.

"Hey Shabs what the heck! I was talking to you rencently!" Momo said unpleased with Habibah's manners.

"Yeah, whats up?" Habibah hurriedly replied not in moods of making Momo annoyed right now.

"Where having you been living at for all this long, you.."

"Kevan!" Before Momo finishing up with what she wanted to say, Habibah abruptly muttered leaving Momo with a frown on her face.

"I mean, I actually stayed in his room for not more than three days. Before we left together and..we are here at the canteen already." At this point, Habibah knew that what she was saying was inappropriate so she backed down of course.

"Hmmph.." Momo sighed but said nothing again.

"He is really a good playboy! He has started playing C-4s too, is he asking to die?" A group of a few girls was also from the canteen too but with a very burning conversation which tried to catch Habibah's attention.

"Oh don't overreact! We all saw it, it was the girl escorting him. And I guess, that Trent really is shameless despite her beauty." It was another girl now who seemed to have noticed this hidden reaction.

"It is what it is! Whatever. The reality is, that guy is really blessed! Imagine he is from the newbie class but he has now a number of three goddesses all holding his tail!" the third and last girl commented in amusement.

"He is just lucky, isn't he? Every guy in our school fights very hard to have one of the girls running after him but he is cockily not giving a damn about any of them!"

"I heard that he has some feelings towards Habibah but that Klara is just forcing herself on him...I saw it even when they arrived this mor..." this girl's tongue being worse than she thought, she was actually back biting someone in front of her.

"Klara!" the three all murmured with a very scared tone.

Klara was also coming for some stuff for her lunch when she took notice of her name in some people's chat which forced her to listen a bit, but what annoyed her was that, these people thought that she was forcing herself on Kevan.

Knowing that she has messed up this time, she turned to leave but she ounce again knew that her day had to be a complete mess when she took notice of Habibah at the back of her.

At first, she thought that she saw wrong and closed her scared soulless eyes tight. Opening them ounce again, she received a very sharp slap which made her wake up for a brief moment before receiving another one.

Knowing that she was in a true mess for sure, she hurriedly knelt down before Habibah with her head pointing at the ground not daring to look at her for a single bit and with the two doing the same, they started asking for forgiveness.

"We are so sorry, goddess Shabs, our tongues didn't take notice of you!"

"Please forgive us goddess Klara, our tongues really deserve a punishment." hearing the words from the one who has just received some slpas from Habibah, the rest also joined the plead.

"Please forgive us goddesses." Without a single word, Klara headed straight to the canteen not even looking at Habibah or the girls on their knees.

"Next time, I will have you all not only lose your face to the crowd but also your position in school. Piss off." Habibah was always violent when it was needed, she never backed down not a single bit.

After hearing what she has said, none of the three seemed to doubt her words as they all ran off with gratitude.


"I was not expecting you to be this early since you had just left a few hours ago." A very pleasant and welcoming still very happy voice of the Samurai master was talking to Kevan who was standing before him near the training grounds at the watch side.

"Hope my visit ounce again has not offended you and if so, please forgive my manners." Kevan replied shortly with a smile.

"You're so polite! But anyway, I was expecting you in the evening, what made you change your mind this time?" The Samurai master asked curiously.

"It's just that I had nothing like lessons today so, I wanted to waste no time. But besides that...." kevan paused for a moment before he continued ounce again in a helpless voice.

"There will be a change in our plans. I might not be able to show up here every evening, but we will always be in touch on weekends. Hope I'm being so selfish but its all about school stuff and I must not under mind their rules."

"No need to explain, I understand everything but just wish that you give us your time and attention whenever you show up to the dojo grounds."

"The tournament is just a few months time but before it, an alternative match will be held through out different groups of contestants to get the perfect contestants for the contest." The Samurai master said thoughtfully reminding Kevan about the upcoming tournament.

"You seem worried about the contest! I don't see any other reason for that worried face of course." Kevan pointed out because everytime this old guy talked about the tournament, his face turned sad.

"And you seem to not be worried whenever I talk about it, and that is one of the reasons why I want you to be one of my contestants." The Samurai master also pointed out.

"Huh! I am of course not worried because I don't know a thing about it. Do you expect me to be worried then?" Kevan said openly but instead, the Samurai master was confused.

"Everyone knows about the upcoming contest because, it takes quite some time before finally being held. How come that you...." Seeing Kevan's serious innocent look on his face, the Samurai master was a bit disappointed because he now knew that he saw wrong about Kevan.

He seemed to be not a single bit afraid of the upcoming contest just because he had no idea about it at all and this forced the Samurai master to tell him some details about that Contest.

"The X.J.F, is an armoured combat tournament held after every four years, this contest is really different from other contests held in Blava as, it not only gives baits of contesting to schools but also the gyms and dojos of Blava not leaving out the edible individuals from all of the zones of Blava."

"If someone thinks that he/she can win the alternative matches displayed before him/her, it was fine for him/her to sign up for the contest."

"Before the start of the X.J.F contest, alternative matches are usually held a month before the real contest to make sure that a number of 100 edible contestants is left from all of the contested sources of Blava."

"This is done because the X.J.F contest is one of the contests with the most high number of contestants in Blava. Yet, it takes in only twenty five winners to join Gen V international."

Of course Kevan knew about Gen V international school from Job, and according to him, that school was everyone's dream. Some even say that inside of it is the visible definition of paradise but Kevan was not here in Blava for schools of a show off like that Gen V international and that is why, he was even losing interest in trying his best in winning these alternative matches before the X.J.F contest.

"So what exactly are you worried about?" Kevan asked after knowing a little bit about the contest.

"Those matches are completely bloody, even some lose their lives if they have been careless during the fight and that is why, a contestant must sign to the agreement if he will obey the terms and outcomes of the contest." The samurai master finally talked about his worries.

"Am really curious about the winners prize! It must be something worth fighting for." Kevan sighed and with his smile full of an unbelievable look on his face. Blava town was full of wonders.

He never thought of the Samurai master's request being so tough! At first, Kevan thought that the help he got from the Samurai master and Pats was worth there tournament but lastly, things went wild.

Serious chances of him losing life were also noticed in this deal! Which he was really going to gain nothing from it except risking his life to death.

"You don't really have to worry about the winners prize, you just have to work for one of the 25 titles. And its not a must that someone must die because, it had been years without me seeing that in this tournament. If you feel like you are defeated, you just have to accept your loss and give up."

"At that moment when you give up, the attacker must back down and show some respect to the defeated opponent of course. You will walk out of the arena very fine and kicking if you are not careless with your life I presume." The Samurai master tried to force somewhat worry and fear maybe from the emotionless Kevan before him.

He seriously knew nothing about Kevan's feeling right now.

"So what makes you think that I will risk my life for just one of the useless 25 titles." Kevan crossed his hands over his chest. He was still looking for the reason for him to participate in the fight.

"Everyone wants to be strong. I guess you also wish too! And this is the only opportunity because some of the Light Red masters of Blava are from there. There work is only training the extremely dangerous X.J.F 25 chosen fighters of Blava."

"Their main work is to teach you until you become one of the Reds and only when you deserve that title will you be appointed but roughly, all that happens in four years."

"With you knowledge that I just have an idea about still in theories, you might be the baddest in the whole 25 " the Samurai master was just better in being so corny.

"Why me? I mean why not Pats?" In Kevan's eyes, he was totally a far cry if it came to fighting Pats but he was wondering why Pats was actually out of their current conversation.

"A number of five participants will be given spots to join the qualification challenges but only two participants will be verified to join the X.J.F contest if they managed to win the Q.C." the Samurai master explained.

[Q.C - qualification challenges]

"So about Pats, she will also be there with some other two guys from the dojo to participate. Am just worried, apart from Pats, the rest of my juniors are not ready for the tournament." the Samurai master said pitifully.

"Its about dark, how about we use this moment for something helpfull to the both of us." Kevan finally said something after a deep thought.

"Oh! About that, please do follow me." with the Samurai master leading the way, Kevan followed shortly at the back.

After walking passed the training grounds, the Samurai master stopped in front of a very ordinary building which looked like it has spent some years without anyone opening it from the outside.

After a clinging sound of keys, another sound of a padlock opening was heard, yet after opening this ancient door, it ounce again displayed another door which looked very fresh as if it was of a very new secure building with a high technology of security reminding a user that if he wanted to enter through it, some security codes had to be inserted.

Surpringly after the Samurai master inserting in the security codes, a palm sized image with a scan line moving up and down of it was displayed and after the Samurai master placing on his right palm, the door which was disguised in colours of red automatically turned green before opening itselft horizontally, with doors moving opposite sides displaying a narrow road before them.

After entering shortly, the doors finally shut themselves and automatically turned red ounce again.

Kevan followed the Samurai master through the narrow passage to another small door which needed only a push for them to enter into a dark room.

After just something like five seconds with the two inside that dark room, bright white lights shone from every corner of the room before Kevan being in worry of this guy but to leave alone that, the scene before him made him drop his jaw with his mouth wide open in amusement and unbelievable looks all over his face.

'You've got to be kidding me!' Kevan sighed from the inside fighting very hard to keep his excitement beneath him.


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