

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

40___The Leading Wing

"When you sign here, you agree with the terms of sevice you are to provide to the gym as a mediate junior student." Faith said to Kevan who listened to nothing much before putting his hand on the papers displayed before him.

Mr.John and them all weared faces of satisfaction because their mission has been acomplished anyway.

'I know what am talking about. Because, I was there when the two were fighting. He not only defeated me at first, he also defeated Chris, one of the GREENS' senior student.' Faith still wearing a passionate smile remembered Pato's words.

She really believed not a single word about Kevan's win against the Soft Red, Fred of the GREENS.

Though his victory was from Kevin's rage against the Soft Red too, she still never believed it despite the videos which were shot not very far away from the scene of the fight.

News really travel so fast, imagine it was just yesterday but Kevan was now trending not only in the Calf wing, but also the Leading wing of DRECKASH highschool.

"You are going to come with us to the Leading wing for the verification badge."

"Jack is going to be your personal coach attending to only you, he is a retired knockout Soft Red, but he is very talented. He will be of a good use to you." Faith told Kevan after coming out of Mr.John's office.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Faith ounce again asked Kevan who just looked at Mr. John as if waiting for his approval to talk.

And with a nod, Kevan said something "How many days will I be training in a week?"

"Seven days, but negotiable. Of course with a reason too." Faith replied openly.

"Do you have a reason for the seven days training too?" Kevan asked a question which brought some silence for a brief moment.

"You're so open young man, I like it but just know. We are here for reason, and that reason is you..."

"And what is the reason for a full week training with no rest really?" Kevan interrupted her before completing what she wanted to say to him.

"We are having a tournament, and you must contest when you are ready..."

"Who said am not ready?" Kevan interrupted her ounce again.

"I said it of course, because we are the ones to see if you are ready not you. So if you excuse me..."

"I have a reason for a four days rest." Kevan said abruptly, while the two were sharing words, one after the other, Mr. John, Jack and Peblo were just enjoying the chat.

"Oh, am curious!" Faith crossed her hands over her man like chest in a challenging manner.

"I must rest, do you want me to reach the day of the tournament when am tired. I need rest, everyone does." Kevan said but seeing how Faith looked at him, he wanted to curse at her. She really wanted him to only work not rest, was she any different from the devil.

"Ok, lets not debate about that kid. Five days training, rest on weekends." Faith made it final.

"Alright, I appreciate your gratitude, manager." Faith just sneered before she started walking.

"Are you guys coming or what?" the two men enjoyed the chat and even forgot about leaving the Calf wing.

"Again, Mr. John, gratitude." Kevan thanked him for bringing in this opportunity.

"Not me, I told you who to appreciate." Mr.John corrected.

"Of course, I will be leaving then." And with those words, Kevan followed the group shortly.

'Mom, I wanted to call and tell you this right away but, I just lack time right now. But at least I will have time moments to come, I must tell you about my good news.'

'You must know about my complete bursary in this school. You are going to pay nothing yet I will be studying. I don't know about the consequences in it but am ready to meet whatever bloody hell in it.'

'When I get time, I will call you shortly and we talk about it. I miss you so much, with my big sister, Ester! I know she is at school right now but if you get chance of seeing her, let her know how I love her. Let her know how I got the complete bursary too.....your loving son,



"We are here." Kevan who was seriously deepily in thoughts with his phone heard Faith's voice from the front of him.

Raising his head up, his eyes met a very long but standing tall dark blue gate which was now opened after making a loud sound.

Each door of the gate had huge different words with the one on the left having the writings "LEADER" plus the other one having "SHIP" and when closed formed a single word "LEADERSHIP".

Two armed guards were standing opposite to each other as Faith's group together with Kevan passed through the gate, meeting a very long and narrow road surrounded by diffent kinds of flowers on both sides of the road which made the scenary look enticing.

The group walked for just a few minutes when they met another gate but smaller than the recent gate. And after passing through it too, Kevan's eyes met a number of different kinds of students, buildings which are far better than the ones from the Calf wing.

This side of school looked like a town of wealthy people all wearing suits but of different kinds.

Walking passed them, he started to catch some attention. Though he wasn't wearing the Calf uniform, his way of dressing was too formal for the people inside the Leading wing.

Kevan who was not used to catching alot of attention was now feeling small.

'i thought Calf Wing has alot of students but, this wing is really full of whatever, mmh' Kevan sighed.

"We are here. This is the DRECKS gym. You guys can go inside, am going to finish up with something before joinging you." Faith left on reaching the boxing gym.

Kevan was not yet done with admiring the outside of the gym when he heard Jack's annoying voice calling for him.

He really had nothing to do but follow them inside the gym too.

Though it was quiet outside the gym, the inside of it was really really busy, sounds of crushing metals and different kinds of trainings were serious conducted.

But what caught most of the attention inside this gym and right now was the two people inside the sparring ring who were having something which looked like a serious fight to one of the opponents in pale blue shorts wearing pale blue gloves.

He seemed to be having alot of trouble fighting with his opponent who was wearing pure red shorts with a white vest hanging loose on his brown masculine bold body covering his chest and some parts of his back.

By the looks of it, he was enjoying his match with his opponent seriously giving out punches one after the other, not giving a single chance or breath for his opponent to attack.

His movements were like as if he was just playing around with his partner to make his game somehow not so fast but when he took notice of the two old men who just arrived with a small useless boy in the gym, he sneered and increased on his fighting speed giving out jabs of different kinds making his opponent intentionally get used to his attacks.

The opponent in blue who was seriously having a hard time fighting with his opponent in red saw a very great chance of knocking out him and in one brow but he also couldn't help but wonder about what just happen next.

In that swift moment of him thinking through about how he must end his opponent who was before him recently but now disappeared from his gaze, a sharp and burning fear came beneath his spine while he slowly turned around to as if he knew already that his opponent was just standing behind him.

'How!' that was the only word inside the head of him before receiving an uppercut which laid perfectly on his lower jaw sending him flying uncontrollably landing on the floor, spitting mouth fulls of blood, maybe that punch had alot of hidden power contained in it.

A round of applause was heard from the viewing audience appreciating the fighter in red who just won the match acculately with a knockout.

Instead of cheering with the crowd, a sharp weird gaze passed through the audience and passed the two old men up to our little guy Kevan who was also viewing their match on behalf of these two old guys.

He even seemed to be very bored when the gaze met him stretching as if he has been watching a very boring show.

Knowing that someone he doesn't know at all looked at him like with hatred and after a win from his opponent, Kevan cursed at his bad taste with people.

'So I really look like shit!' Kevan wondered.

"Hey, kid...come here." Jack called for Kevan who was also looking at the person inside the ring with hatred.

"Am called Kevan, sir..not kid." Kevan corrected on reaching them.

"Don't you think I'm far older than you?" Jack asked with a concerned look, he failed to know where this kid got those hard balls from.

"That, doesn't make you call me kid I predict." Kevan replied shortly after admitting with the age difference.

"Only when you prove it, you wont make me stop it. Do we have a problem?" Jack walked and stood just a breath way from Kevan.

"No..." Kevan answered defeatedly.

"Wait, kid..we are having a problem then." Jack said seriously looking at him. The way they stood with each other caught the attention of the audience, it was like as if, a new fight was to break in and with curious faces, they all looked at Kevan in a worry.

"No sir, my apologies." Kevan took some steps at the back showing how he was defeated and a sigh of relief was heard from the audience.

Actually it is not what Kevan expected, he thought that these people will be so disappointed and look down on him but, it was like as if they were having some what pity towards him.

'Maybe this guy is really so dangerous, hope one day I will be respected but not feared like him.' Kevan admired Jack's appearance from the crowd, someone not feared but respected was something very hard to make it happen.

"Sir is good but I don't expect you to call me that thought."

"I'm Jackson, a boxing coach from DRECKS. Hope you know how to address me then." Jack said while moving around Kevan who was standing politely in the middle of Jack's circular walks.

"Of course, coach." Kevan replied politely.

"Wait here, I will be back shortly." and with those words, Jack left with Peblo who was wearing a wicked smile with a sneer ever since they entered the gym.

'So cocky!' Peblo sneered from the inside before leaving with Jack too.

'Hope my stay at the Leading wing will be worth for real.' Kevan sighed as he looked for a nearby seat to rest and wait for Jack's arrival.

Looking for what to do, Kevan decided to make himself busy with his phone trying very hard to put all his mind and thoughts inside his phone.

He was doing all this to not catch any attention but maybe what he did just caught someone's attention forcing him to walk directly to Kevan's side before standing in front of him.

Raising his head up, Kevan now realised that it was not one person, before him was a number of three beared youths with one leading and in the middle wearing a slim vest tightly holding his body full of sweat, but cockily standing tall his head bent a little in a challenging manner, with both his arms crossed over his chest, his looks were completely full of trouble.

Looking at the two besides him, they really had no big difference with the one leading them, all in their workout clothings, there looks full of trouble but what Kevan admired about these guys was their well built masculine bodies. They were really bold on the outside but he never knew about their inside not even interested to know, he took back his attention to his phone.

"You just enter our gym anyhow without greetings or anything to prove your manners. What thing are you?" the bold guy in the middle rebuked but Kevan moved not a single bit while he kept himself busy on his phone.

"Hey, kid! Don't you think that the senior before you is talking to you?" the other guy on the left said angrily unpleased with the manners of this kid before them.

But Kevan was not a single bit moved with their angry words at all.

"Insolent fool, do you think you will just come here and start insulting us in our gym? I Trevor will not allow this. I hereby persist a direct 'JENAI' or you kneel and beg for what we want as compensation." the same guy on the left said ounce again but this time he tried his best to be so loud, catching the attention of the people nearby.

'A direct JENAI? And what the hell is that!' Kevan sighed.

He really hated this taste he had towards people.

'Why is it that everywnere I go, I find trouble. Even if I don't look for it, it looks for me! Damn!' Kevan stood up from his seat and a moment of silence was noticed, currently, Jack has also just arrived with a purple sack when he met this eyetaking scene.

Instead of making it stop, he found a corner to watch each and everything which was going to happen without anyone interrupting his fun.

"What is really your problem?" Kevan asked politely after putting his phone back inside his pocket.

"Huh, someone has got balls guys, hahaha! He really wants to know our problem!" now the leading guy found it funny, this little thing asking for what they wanted.

"So you want to know what we want! How about you show me your phone first?" the same guy in the middle said seriously.

Kevan cursed from the inside, these guys were really shameless far exceeding his expectations, how can one steal in public!

Looking on how serious this guy was, Kevan had no choice but to give out his phone to them.

"Will you be polite enough and show me your password too! I mean, am just having a look anyway." this guy was stealing someone's phone and he hated struggling himself seriously asking for the password too.

"Triple four, two.." Kevan was really helpless, he was new in this gym, though these guys were just three right now, who knew that they have hidden troopes among the audience.

"Oh, it worked. You are a good boy but so young to have an unscratched phone. Its a pity, you age needs a scratch." and with those words, this cocky guy in the middle threw Kevan's phone forcefully to the ground making it break hardly to a condition that scares away the mechanic himself.

Anger filled Kevan's chest, but tried to keep it helplessly and emotionlessly standing there not saying a single word because, no single word could explain how angry he was currently so it was better to play nice.

With a huge laughter and bulls feeling up this part of the gym, Kevan's mind was now filled with anger, hatred plus the sharp killing intent which was hidden inside of him but it doesn't mean that it has never existed.

Imagine the phone which has been destroyed was given to him by Job as a gift 'Make sure you always keep this with you.' Kevan remembered Job's words shortly.

"Alright guys, I think that's all. Everyone should go back to their positions and train." Jack's voice was heard passed the crowed and not a single person dared to go against him.

"Hey man, come on. Lets get out of here." Trevor told his two friends before leaving the area with the crowd.

"Here. Inside of it is whatever you need as verifications to be in the Leading wing any how you wanted. Remember, you must be here tomorrow after your lessons." Jack directed Kevan on reaching him.

"Is that all?" Kevan sounded normal which brought a surprised look on Jack's face.

"I think, that's all for today." Jack replied shortly.

"Then if you excuse me, I have some lessons to attend to."

"Don't be fooled with your mind about what just happened. You wont like the outcomes am sure." Jack tried to put some knowledge inside Kevan's head before him doing something stupid.

"And what do you think is in my mind?" after picking up his crushed phone, Kevan asked Jack but hearing no reply from him, he left the gym just like that.


"You don't look pissed but I know you are very annoyed." a voice of a girl sounded behind Kevan who was now in the middle of the yard of the boxing gym.

"Am glad, you know me that much yet I don't know a thing about you! Fortune teller!" Kevan sneered and just headed for his way not even touched by her words.

"What if your guess is right, I might be one because I really feel your anger full of killing intent. But what is worse, it is directed to so many people. Including the group you just met inside."

"I promise, you wouldn't like to mess with it, they are not good people yet no one lays a finger on them." the girl never backed down as she followed Kevan from the back.

"No one lays a finger on them! And why is that?" Kevan was now interested. He never wanted to mess around ounce again.

"The one who broke your phone is Jose, I think you already know Trevor by the name plus Kendrick who was not so talkative in the group." knowing that she got his attention finally, the girl replied.

Kevan turned around to her, you already know, he trusted none. He was now curious, why is she telling him all this.

"Jack sent me to let you know, it is not safe for you to mess around with them right now. It is better you back down." seeing Kevan's curious looks towards her, she decided to be straight forward.

"Did he tell you the reason why I shouldn't mess around with them?" Kevan asked shortly.

"You cant win any of the three when it comes to fighting, if you dared to play harsh recently, a direct JENAI was already raised against you. You wouldn't win and it was your bad if you lost." the girl explained to him.

"And what is it with the direct JENAI?" Kevan asked innocently.

"It is a one on one bare knuckle fight, no gloves but bare knuckles." the girl paused to see if Kevan was scared or afraid of it but to no avail.

"What makes you think am scared of that shit!" Kevan sneered.

"You shouldn't be scared about that, but what you must be scared of its rules. If you lose that match, you lose your place in the Leading house, and you must pay some compensation to the winner, no matter what he asks for , you just must pay it." the girl explained to him.

"So rude!" Kevan frowned. He couldn't understand what he did to those guys to deserve all that hatred towards him.


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