

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

39___Unbelievably Lucky

DRECKASH highschool...

Alot of things happened in a weeks time but it stopped no one from attending school, students of DRECKASH as usual in the morning had to have some breakfast before setting off for their daily lessons.

Most of the times, their breakfast was got from the school canteen and used to enjoy it on the rest seats still not very far away from the canteen.

The canteen being near the school's main exit gate made things easy for students to take notice of whoever came in or whoever had his night outside the school.

Evidently, these rest seats had to be mostly fully occupied but things turned out to be the opposite when one of the seats here was seriously catching the attention of the students around.

To make things more weird, this place was making it a tendance of causing commotion and just like last time, it was ounce again Job with Ganja taking the same seat and Judith who seemed to be so determined last time but curious currently with not a single person having their breakfast despite it being held in their hands.

None of them wanted to miss what the wisdom man was about to give out after knowing that the short young and very cocky guy before them had some trending news from the outside, and all of them were here waiting for what he called 'headlines'. Anxiety feeled their hearts but this is what Job expected or wanted, whatever the case according to Job's satisfied look on his face, he seemed to be enjoying this feeling.

"I told you, that guy in white is really so cruel! He actually slapped her twice when am watching every and everything." Job was now overreacting.

"He dared to slap Klara, and twice! Is he asking to die? Do you know what would've happened if I was the one who witnessd that!" one of the cocky and boasty guys in the crowd wanted to get some attention too.

"Ahh shut it! When that Red guy arrived at our school, wasn't it you who hid yourself beneath your pillows? Now are you trying to say that...goddammit just let me teach this trash a lesson." another short tempered student wanted to fight seriously triggered by the words of his colleague. Who did he think he was being so cocky in his presence.

Both parties were triggered and seemed like a fight was to start very soon but to no avail.

"You dare interrupt the wisdom man during his truth narration, are you both asking for it! Someone wants to feel a taste of my knuckles?" a small voice from a very fat man sounded. It was really funny, someone fat to that exent yet he sounds like a kid but by the looks of it, none of the two struggled to fight after hearing that small voice.

"i appreciate your sympathy, Jimmy senior. Just don't mind those juniors, they are driven by the love they have towards goddess Klara." and with those words from Job, Jimmy, the fat guy backed down.

"After seeing how disrespectful those guys were towards our Klara, I couldn't help but make a simple call which turned everything upside down." Job continued to narrate after gaining back their attention.

"A simple call, who did you call! Who was it?" Judith was even morethan curious, she was good at making research but Job exceeded her capabilities, he was not only good at making research, he sometimes took part in that trending research too! 'Enticing' she couldn't help but admire his capabilities.

Before Job answering, a loud sound of the gates opening was heard and briefly catching the attention of all of the students present.

They were all anxious about who it was, not only being anxious, they were all looking forward to see who made the gates open at this moment of a narration.

In a brief moment after the gates opening, a number of four youths was noticed by the students in the canteen yard near the exit gates.

Kevan leading the others 'Kevin, Klara and Habibah' walked passed the gates his eyes falling on a large group of students by the canteen seats.

'Hope there is no lessons today, how can they just press a conference in this early morning!' Leaving out his wonders, Kevan left the group that he came with and walked directly to the newbie wing where he used to have his lectures.

'He doesn't even say goodbyes! This fool really lacks manners.' Klara cursed at Kevan from the inside before she also left without saying a word.

"Shabs, you're back!" Momo, Astrid and them came rushing to Habibah. It has been long without sight of her so they were very worried about their friend, plus rumours of her being held captive by the Bolts had already reached the school but seeing Habibah's completely fine appearance, they sighed in relief.

Seeing everyone leaving, Kevin also took the same direction that Kevan took and hurrieldly catched up to him.

"Hey, give me a break! It's just passed nine in the morning!" Kevin shouted at Kevan's back forcing him to stop.

"So what?" Kevan turned around to face him in a confused look.

"Why are you rushing to the class? As if your lectures have started yet." Kevin walked to him shortly.

"You have any business with me?" Kevan asked as he still walked to the class on a simple pace.

"Are you going in the X.J.F Contest?" Kevin asked as they walked together shortly.

"And whats that?" Kevan asked bewildered.

"You mean you have no idea about what I have just said? What did the old man tell you then!" Kevin looked at Kevan with a puzzeled look too.

"He said that he wanted me to be his contestant in the upcoming tournament." Kevan said shortly.

"That's all he said! Not even the name of the tournament!" Kevin asked curiously.

"And what's the name of the contest?" Kevan asked ounce again.

"X.J.F! Xtreme Junior Fights! He never said that too?" Kevin said now intently looking at Kevan.

"He never had the time too. He will let me know about it when I go back to that dojo." Kevan was now standing in front of his classroom.

"So you are going back to that dojo! Really?" Kevin crossed his hands over his chest.

"Yes of course, I need a gym like material, am so lacking yet I want to be like you! A Red senior." Kevan then walked inside the newbie class leaving Kevin with a sneer on his face.

'You want to be like me! Are you trying to mock me or what? Shameless tool.' Kevin walked away from the newbie class after cursing Kevan that shameless fellow from the inside.


Kevan was not having it well in class. He was not used to so many eyes looking directly at him some making it worse whispering stuff which made him blush every now and then.

'He is really so damn lucky, imagine a Red senior walks besides him, with the two beauties of our school besides him too. Aint he just unbelievably lucky?' some girls had already started their mambo.

"Leave alone that, I think he is even more handsome than I last checked. Don't you think?"now the words of this girl made their mambo group look at her weirdly.

"You recently said that he is too ugly for you to look at him, now are you trying to mean! But anyway, you all remember, it was me who stood by his side when you defined him as an ugly type." their attention was ounce again taken aback by the words of the another girl.

They all gave her a look of 'what are you trying to mean' which forced her to tell them what she meant.

"I mean, let him be mine because, you guys don't like him anyway!" she finally opened up to them but instead of accepting what she asked for, the all sneered at her and at ounce.

Kevan who was following their conversation because they were sitting on just two seats behind him felt his nose swelling.

"Attention, ladies and gentlemen! Good morning and sorry for interrupting but, I will be having your attention for just forty five minutes before I leave." hearing this voice, Kevan had to not raise his head up to know that it was that guy who teaches Chemistry, how he hated him, I think he also knows.

"Oh! Someone has dodged my lessons for something like two weeks but now, he finally decides to show up! You really got balls don't you!" he walked directly to Kevan's seat.

"Do you have my notes young man?" he asked shortly.


"..sir!" he corrected.

"No sir." Kevan had no choice but play nice and be polite. To be frank, he has never attended any of his lessons so Kevan was like 'why ask questions when you already know the answers for them.'

"And you confortably seated in my class! Are you kidding me?" he asked calmly.

"No sir." Kevan replied politely, all of the students were now wondering where exactly did this guy get all these manners from.

"Now, what are you doing here then?" the teacher asked a question which made others want to hear the answer from Kevan.

"I think you got it wrong sir, what are you doing here? I mean, the time table rules doesn't allow you to be here at the moment." Kevan stood up from his seat, he wanted to make things right.

"What the heck? Are you.."

"Yes, you must be here today but not right now. Just wait for your time to come and if you see a sign of me in your class, then it is my bad!" Kevan looked directly in the eyes of the 'a little bit' tall teacher before him after interrupting his words.

He really wanted to see how further this guy can be cocky, all the students looked at the two very afraid for their colleague Kevan, for the trouble he has started this time might be inevitable.

"Ahhh, excuse me sir! A student named 'Kevan Dikens' is summoned in the Deputy Head teacher's office." a random student said standing on the door way of the newbie class.

"Kevan Dikens, leave us." with these words from the teacher before him, Kevan walked passed him to the door turning around before moving out of the class, he displayed a devilish smiled on his face which brought shivers down the teacher's spine.

"So you are that so called Kevan huh! I will make sure not to forget your name kid." the teacher sweared out loud.


Kevan's figure was noticed a few steps away from Mr.John's office but before him reaching the door, he had voices of more than two people coming from the deputy's office.

Not sure about what they were talking about, he decided to just knock at the already opened door on reaching it.

The knock on the door made the serious chat in the room calm with an awkward silence plus weird looks all directed at him.

It's weird, apart from mr.John at the leading seat behind the table, Kevan knew none of the other two people who were giving him unbearable looks plus the third person who was a woman seemingly to be in her late or medium thirties giving him a welcoming and excited smile on her face.

"Ken, please do come in! We have been waiting for you actually." Mr. John disguised the weird looks of the two old men plus the awkward silence too.

"Mr. John! Sorry, am late again." Kevan really never meant it but he felt some worry when he looked at the two men and though the woman seemed to be fine, he still never trusted their company since they were all waiting for him.

"Ah come on, we waited for no more than seconds of course. Here, have a seat." Mr.John gestured him with his hand pointing at an empty seat near the woman.

"Ok, since we are all here. I think we should start with the introduction right away." Mr. John hurriedly and happily said after Kevan sitting on the displayed seat.

"Hi, Kevan! Is it? Haha..am Faith, from the Boxing gym of DRECKS. Hope you don't mind our abrupt visit."

'So your name is Faith! You really look like it though am not sure if you are faking it.' Kevan trusted no one, even the words from Faith's mouth.

"I have moved with one of the gym caoches, Jack! The one next to me and Peblo, one of the gym supervisors." the lady named Faith introduced his colleagues too with pointers.

"I'm the current acting manager of the DRECKS Boxing Gym." and with a smile, Faith concluded with her title and all of them turned to Kevan as if waiting for a word from him but as expected, Kevan finally said something.

"What businesses does the acting manager of the boxing gym has with me?" his question was maybe expected but no this so fast.

To them, this kid liked people who are straight forward.

"Ok, nice to meet you too!" Faith sighed, she was already told that Kevan lacked some manners in talking to elders but still, she was some how offended.

"Oh Ken. What is wrong with you? Come here, excuse us please manager. Let me talk to him first then we will be back shortly." Mr.John said politely while grabbing Kevan by the arm to help him up before dragging him outside of the office.

"What? Let him take his time. If what they said about the kid is true! Then its for our own benefit." Faith said after seeing the weird looks of the two. They seemed to be in worry of something but nobody knew what it was.

Still infront of his office but a few steps away from it, Mr.John let go of Kevan's hand before making himself stop walking too.

"Your mom told me how badly she tried to put some manners in you but you were so selfish to understand a thing. Don't you know who you were talking to like that?" Mr. Johh asked after making sure that he had Kevan's attention.

"What is it that they want with me?" Kevan asked ounce again.

"The administration made a call from the bursar's office to your mom a few days ago. Hope you know what they wanted?" Mr.John said in a very pitiful voice.

"I know what they wanted of course, I also wanted to pay you a visit before my lessons." Kevan said seriously.

"And what business did you have with me?" Mr.John said while his both hands crossed at his back.

Kevan removed some thing like a paper bag from one of his pockets and handed it over to Mr.John gently.

"What is this?" Before checking, Mr.John asked curiously.

"350k plus some 10k gold coins. Tell the administration that I will bring the remaining amount and if they feel like bothering someone, let them bother me not my mom." Kevan said while Mr.John at the side was checking through to see what he had in his hands.

"Where did you get all this money?" Mr.John asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Does the administration want cash or details of how I got it?" Kevan also asked briefly.

"See, kid! This money you gave me is not even a quarter of what you must bring! Why not keep it for Habibah instead. Your mom will try to look into this and maybe..."

"Stop bothering my mom, start bothering me not her. I thought you saw her condition before you bringing me here?" Kevan asked now he was about to be pissed.

"I know everything, I know enough." Mr.John answered helplessly.

"Not everything maybe, if you knew everything..you would have stopped stressing her with my tuition." Kevan said angrily.

"It's not me stressing her, its the administration! You are about to do your break term exams. They need money and the amount they want cant be raised right now. But lucky you..."

"The boxing gym came up with a deal to offer to you. You mom won't be stressed, not even you. You will be having your lectures freely. You might even reverse the Red-Card."

"Tell me about it!" Mr.John's words successfully moved Kevan's heart with anxiety filling his both eyes but still, he was afraid of that deal. Something that can pay a very huge debt of your tuition was not for a joke but however dangerous it was, Kevan seemed to be in position of not looking back a single bit.


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