

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

38__Completely ashamed, Kevan froze in one place...

"What business did they have with you?" On reaching the three, Kevin asked Kevan with curiosity.

"You can leave first. I must pickup someone before joining you guys to the dojo." Kevan said ignoring Kevin's question.

"Then, I will just join you guys too. Its not like am requesting!" Kevin knew that Kevan might reject so he tried to show him how serious he was with joining them.

"Its fine. We can go pickup that someone first then come with us to the dojo. Let's ride and waste no time guys." the Samurai master hated being left behind, just very serious this time because he never wanted to lose Kevan just like that.

Kevan now had no choice but to come with them

and with just a few minutes, their dark black range rover was noticed at a familiar hotel building in Blava's zone one.

This was the same hotel where Kevan booked a room when he entered the Zone one, it seems, that someone he wanted to pickup was Habibah as he walked straight to his room with Klara following at the back.

Kevan entered the room first showing his shameless manners, entering without knocking, both his eyes fell on a very beautiful brown soft wet skin young lady wearing a towel covering her top and to the thighs but not exceeding her knees.

Completely ashamed, Kevan froze in one place swallowing his saliva one after the other shamelessly admiring the view before him.

Klara had also just arrived at the same place where Kevan was standing, taking notice of Habibah's half naked body displayed before them. She was lost for words but seeing Kevan's frozen body at the side with his eyes wide open. She sighed and left the room angrily not a single bit interested in what will happen next.

"You damn...Geez, what the hell! ..You really don't knock or you just never mind your manners? Do even have any manners left in you?" hearing Habibah's angry voice, Kevan tried to cover his eyes with both his palms totally ashamed of his manners.

It's not like he has never seen a half naked girl, Habibah's beauty was so damn great seriously exceeding his expectations that he couldn't help but freeze and start admiring not a single bit interested in whatever she said now.

'God! She is so damn beautiful!' Kevan realised why girls of DRECKS admired her beauty despite them living in the same yard with her everyday.

"You really wont leave me get dressed first?" Habibah felt Kevan's sharp weird gaze all over her whole body and it made her uncomfortable.

'Why is she so damn beautiful! Her wet lips, hair and everything, so damn breath taking.' Kevan's evil thoughts were winning the battle he was facing right now, seriously walking her way slowly but taking big steps.

Habibah also realised Kevan's steps towards her and she really thought of nothing to do apart from holding her towel tightly as if she wouldn't let go, no matter the case.

Kevan walked to Habibah finally, stood just a few breaths away from her. He also couldn't help what was happening to him, seriously forcing him to raise his hand directing it on Habibah's small wet soft lips and without stopping, his fingers rested on them and smoothly started moving around them softly.

Habibah also tried not to fall into Kevan's temptations trying very hard to make him stop but she had zero ways of making him stop in her mind.

She started hearing her heart beating rapidly, which brought fear in the inside of her, uncontrollably breathing so fast as if she was from a serious run recently.

'God! They are so damn soft, how would it feel kissing them gently. Has anyone ever tasted them anyway?' Kevan's thoughts were getting worse and worse each and every moment.

'Wait, why is she not barking at me?' Kevan raised his gaze from her lips to her soft glass like pitiful and helpless face. Her beautiful eyes closed tightly maybe holding something inside of her seriously not allowing it to escape her hold.

He could hear her heart beating so fast with also her change in breathing.

Kevan who has never made a girl be like this thought that he was doing a mistake so he abruptly stepped away from her and still wearing his bloody clothes, he walked to the exit door and made himself stop.

"I will be waiting for you outside the hotel. Don't make me wait for too long but still, take your time of course." and with those words, Kevan's fading figure was noticed passed the door way.

'What the heck just happened to me!' Habibah brushed with a red face.

Meanwhile, Kevan appeared ounce again at the exit door of the hotel building, he walked straight to the car but he felt a sharp gaze full of hatred directly to him. The hate filled in that gaze was really sharp forcing Kevan to turn his head to that direction.

Klara hated Kevan's thug like manners, 'opening the door without knocking at all'. Did he have any manners left in him!

Kevan was really complicated for her at times, he sometimes seemed different from other guys in their school but, what he has just done recently proved no difference but worse bad manners than the boys at DRECKASH.

'I saw wrong about you! I thought your different but, it seems like your different in other things not manners. You really lack some manners.' Klara still looking directly at Kevan's direct gaze which was also looking back at her with a smirk forcing her curse from the inside.

"Are you going to tell me something or you are just going to look at me like that!" Kevan decided to start this battle but he never thought of winning it anyway yet instead of someone looking at him like that, he would at least make them look better or worse. It was according to what they wished for.

"Try all means to not talk to me anymore. That's all and maybe you will learn some manners in your head." Klara replied angrily their conversation catching the attention of Kevin who was following this scene from when Klara moved out of the hotel cursing every now and then.

The Samurai master with Pats both standing on the opposite side by the same car where Kevan and Klara were standing seriously minding other people's business.

"Do you really think not talking to me will put some manners in my head!" Kevan said wonderfully as if trying to let her know that if she tells him nothing, he will change nothing in his manners, not now and forever.

"Do you really think you're impossible? I mean, you think no one can do anything to you!" Klara was now triggered from Kevan's useless 'i don't care replies' so she decided to fire back too.

"I never said that but if you think so, then yeah. It's what you see anyway." Kevan replied still anyhow. He wanted to make her angry in order to make her talk openly.

"You really suck! But you think wrong about yourself, everyone is possible just because you have not yet met that someone to prove it to you." Klara was so angered to an extent of having her eyes wet.

"So you mean am just lucky?" Kevan felt somewhat pity for her, it is not like, that someone has not yet arrived, he has met people who are far superior than him but he still had means of winning, aint that a true perfect explanation of luck in disguise.

"Why are you telling me all these anyway? I see no point for that sad story in public." Kevan was now curious and not only him, all of them wanted to know what Kevan did to make that beautiful girl hurt to that extent.

"You lack manners, just simple manners to let you know that when a room has a girl inside, you must not enter it anyhow you wanted without knocking first." Klara finally said her point which was way too childish and funny forcing Kevin to hold his laughter from the inside.

Not only him, the samurai master also never had it soft this side, he was trying his best nor to laugh because in front of him was Pats who was seriously concerned.

'Shameless bastard! He actually entered without a knock, shameless.' Pats cursed from the inside. She even wanted to kick that useless trash to a bad feeling condition.

"So that's it! Oh come on now. I thought that I really offended you but you are just concerned for the person I found in my room."

"But anyway, it might be my bad because when I was getting this room, the receptionist never reminded me of knocking before entering my room."

Now at this moment none of the two who were fighting very hard to hold their laughters succeeded. Kevin was even about to vomit his small intestines because of Kevan's useless replies to a serious conversation with Klara.

"But what if you found her naked or something!"

"In my room! Then its her fault, you must have manners as a guest too. Knocking while entering my room makes me feel like a thief, and stealing is really not my type."

"Guests must not feel at home before being given the opportunity by the host."

Kevan crossed his hands over his chest in a challenging manner and Klara was about to rebuke when she took notice of Habibah who was coming from the hotel now well dressed in a fresh tight blue dress perfectly sleeping on her gorgeous body, with her long brown hair freely falling passed her shoulders.

This was just a true definition of a perfect angel like goddess of DRECKASH highschool. Really Klara was proud of her looks but she felt like she was just so so compared to Habibah. She was gorgueos seriously catching her attention.

Hearing the ounce heated fight of the two calming down abruptly, Kevin decided to peak a little not ready to miss any sensation of their conversation also both his eyes falling on the same angel like goddess currently standing just behind Kevan.

Kevan feeling someone behind him also slowly turned to see if his senses were true, he knew that flower like scent full of honey and berries, he knew that person wearing that scent was none other than Habibah and just like as he expected, this girl was getting more beautiful every second that he missed looking at her.

Kevan has seen a number of beautiful girls recently in this town but this one was just far exceeding his expectations.

'How can she be so damn more beautiful each and every time I see her.' Looking directly at her face then to her lips, thinking about what he was about to do recently he stopped himself from looking at her. He knew very well that if he kept on looking at her intently, he might not stop himself from admiring more and more of her.

Kevan never knew why but she seemed to be so different from when he last met her inside DRECKASH highschool.

"I see, you learned how to make friends these days. So can you tell me to why you made me rush recently!" Habibah was used to people looking at her but this time she blushed and her blush brought a smirk on Klara's face.

"We are living this place so I wanted to take you with me. You know it is not safe for you to be alone here. Lets waste no time." Kevan said trying his best to act normal but in the inside of him it was worse.

"Wait, you have blood! Is it yours?" Habibah has just realised Kevan's clothes, he looked like he was from a deadly battle recently.

Looking around, her gaze stopped on Klara and with an unbelievable look on her face, she walked to her.

Holding her by the chin gently, her look turned into a scared and concerned one after seeing her bruised cheeks full of palm prints anger feeled her chest.

"Who dared to slap you! Oh my God? What have you done to her!" Habibah now turned to Kevan with a very angered look on her face.

Kevan was now puzzeled, in all things, he never thought of Habibah being so caring towards Klara, this was pretence.

"Did you hit her, tell me! Oh else, I am calling dad right now. I don't think he will be so nice to you this time though he played nice when it came to me." Habibah's words caught not only Kevan's attention but also Klara who was now bewildered too.

Her last words meant that her dad liked Klara the most though he tried to show hatred towards her. This was unbelievably possible for Klara herself to believe now our poor Kevan had no right of believing them too.

"So you wont reply, hope dad makes you talk. I wish he puts some manners inside your head too." Habibah shot out her phone ready to call her dad but Kevan was patiently waiting at the side emtoionlessly not saying a single word.

"Habibah just stop it already! Kevan saved me from the GREENs, he has done nothing to me. Why are you acting like that now?" Klara who wanted to put some manners in Kevan's head was against Habibah.

"What! The GREENs did what?" Habibah couldn't believe her ears.

"Lets leave, we really have nothing like time. It's about dark, we wil leave together tomorrow for school. But for the night, we are going to spend it at the dojo." and with those words, Kevan entered the car sitting at the back, now the car was completely enough all six seats consumed by them.

With Pats in the driver's seat, Kevin sat in the middle of her and the Samurai master while at the back Kevan sat in the middle of the two beauties and after them introducing themselves to each other, the car drove off from the town to the dojo swiftly.


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