

The story follows a youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

37__Deadly, Lifeless and Restless

"Is Zone one always like this! City Guards moving around with fire arms this early. This makes me admire the security in this town."Ben Red's crew was also noticed close to the scene caused by Kevan and them.

"According to what I know, Zone one is the least protective town in the rest of the other zones of Blava.Maybe something serious is happening. See..many people are all standing where the guards are heading." Razor replied respectively to Ben.

"Oh! If it is so, why not first have a look at that serious thing. Seriously forcing the city guards to bring out fire arms! We will meet that Kevan guy later, we have walked for a while but not a single sign of him is noticed, mmmh!" Ben sighed but slowly walked to the crowd with his crew following at the back with him leading their way.

Besides him and Razor, he had a number of more than ten males all wearing purple truck like pants with purple shirts, tightly laying firm on their bold bodies with symbol like structures on them but besides their left chests with words, 'BOLTS GYM' clearly displayed for anyone unaware of what kind of person he is talking to.

They were all following Ben the Red respectively and in silence, not a single bit of word or smile noticed from any of them. Currently, Ben's crew has only one female, 'Razor', who is also their guide for the moment.

She seemed to be well knowing morethan anyone else in the crew. Maybe because of their huge number and way of dressing, it is why not a single person who noticed their arrival remained in their way, and without any trouble walking through the crowd hearing sounds of cries and groans of fights from the front.

With unbelievable faces, they all looked at the scene before them which had a number of people fighting mercilessly.

The battle before them looked like a life and death fight. It looked like they were not more than two groups fighting by the looks of it.

But if someone had just arrived at the scene, all his attention will be caught by the old man who was currently surrounded by six fighters, some equipped with baseball bats, others none equipped but surprisingly, the old man was just holding a stick like weapon.

With a smirk not leaving his face, seriously hitting them like he was teaching his students a lesson, effortlessly having the upper hand in their fight.

To let someone understand how this old guy proudly feared nothing like their attacks, for the long time of fighting them, not a single drop of sweat was noticed on his face but the attackers were all panting with sweat dropping off their faces, one after the other.

In the way this old guy was hitting them, some of them were even afraid of attacking him right now. None of them wanted to be insulted this much in public, with lots of people shooting videos of their fight.

Yeah, people were shooting videos but maybe not of their fight with the old guy who was hitting them like as if they had nothing like weapons in their hands.

That made them lose some interest in their fight giving part of their attention to the second group of fighters.

Their fight was truly evenly matched though there was some gender difference, it didn't stop the fun in watching the fight. Not to leave alone the gender difference, the male opponent was really so disappointing, he was not only a man but also a very big man in size ashamed not to fight a young girl like her.

Though she was not so beautiful, she was still a female kind and fighting such a big load with her small size was a pity in theory!

Yeah, it was a pity in theory because things were really not so great on the side of Blacky who has just had a reverse kick from Pats, pushing him many steps at the back before he helped himself to stop.

Not only panting heavily, drops of blood mixed with his sweat were noticed everywhere on his body.

Blacky angrily felt a lot of pain coming from each and every part of his body and what pissed him off even more was the person who pushed him to this helpless condition.

Imagine, the current senior champion of Blava 'Blacky the champ' being defeated by a girl and from outside the fields of boxers. With a number of people all looking directly at their fat black current champion helplessly defeated by a young girl. This is so disappointing.

'I, Blacky, to be defeated by a girl in my life! It cant happen, at least I fight till my last wake. I am not yet defeated, am just having the lower hand anyway.' Blacky convinced himself with a smile not leaving his face as if something was really funny.

"What is so funny big guy, huh?" Pats who was not so well off from Blacky asked angrily. She thought that because Kevin had a child's play with Blacky, things will be just easy for her but it was all a joke.

Blacky was very powerful maybe even on per with her. This meant that Kevin was far superior than her.Just the thought of it made her want to spit blood but not right now, she still had a fat guy to take care of.

Because Pats had never battled Blacky before, just like Kevan, she received two punches from Blacky's dangerous finishing blow which made her both two ribs ache a lot.

'You sneakily attacked me damn fat! But wait, I will teach you the meaning of a true sneaky attack!' Pats cursed at Blacky from the inside.

"I underestimated you recently. I will gently apologise for that. But I guess I won't apologise for overestimating you this town round." Blacky ignored Pats' insults and said to her humbly.

"Huh! I also overestimated you in the beginning. Am not sorry for that! Master's teaching are never wrong so I always take my useless opponents serious." Pats really lacked a good tongue, seriously talking to the current senior champion of Blava anyhow and in public.

"You dare talk to me like that! Do even have any idea of who you are talking too?" Blacky tried to keep calm not to attack first this time.

He knew very well, she wanted him to attack first so he was not ready to do whatever she wanted. He was already on the lower hand, he wanted to be a game changer in this situation so he had not to attack first.

"I don't give a shit about who the heck you are. All I know is a useless fat garbage standing before me, don't over pride yourself when you already lost your fight to a girl smaller than you thought." Pats hated someone weak boasting around her, she never backed down at all.

"You are asking for it insolent brat! What thing on earth are you! Are you asking to die?" Blacky grit his teeth tightly not wanting to attack first but this girl was seriously winning her in every way.

'She first won the action battle, does she want to win the theories too! I can't accept that.' with these thoughts in Blacky's head, he couldn't help but attack first with a 'come what may' appearance covering each part of his face.

Seeing Blacky attacking ounce again after some minutes of rest, the crowd liked this part most, but to leave alone Pats and Blacky's fight, a very deadly match, very lifeless and restless fight was seriously happening at the side with two attacking one bold and fearless but panting man in white.

Ben said with disbelief looked at the last group of fighters. At first, it was a look of disbelief but for some simple seconds, it turned into a look of interest. He was maybe now very interested in their fight most.

"Is he Fred, one of the Soft Reds?" Razor also asked with a look of anxiety and Ben just nodded in agreement.

"What! I don't understand! Where are the two kids getting guts of fighting with one of the Soft Reds! They no longer want to live?" Pats felt some what pity for them.

"Do you know anyone from the two of them!" still enjoying their fight, Ben asked Razor besides him.

Before Razor answering, a bunch of security guards now more than the ones they saw recently was coming their way with the one leading them wearing a cape labeled captain in the front of it.

"Captain greets Bolton's Ben Red. We are sorry for not recognising you earlier, the crowd disguised you." on reaching them, the captain gave out a salute directly to Ben making the people close to them extend a bit all wondering who this guy in white was. Even the cocky security guards were giving him some respect. something was fishy.

"Its fine, Captain. Am just wondering why you have not yet done anything about the current scene before me. Won't you feel ashamed if I take this report to the medium quarters of Blava."Ben wanted to know what was actually happening.

"Not only feeling ashamed. I might lose my position too but please, try to understand me." the captain helpless paused and looked at Ben who was seriously waiting for his explanation.

"It is because, the fight contains one of the Soft Reds. I just never wanted to offend him too." the captain's reasoning was really very sharp." That Judge guy was not a type of a person someone could offend anyhow they wanted. You had to be with a sounding title to talk back at him.

Some people like the captain knew it that is why he never attacked but other people like Kevan and Kevin had no idea about it and maybe that is why they attacked him hence, leaving the Judge with no choice but teach them a lesson too.

Of course, the mission was to teach these two kids a lesson but things were not so good on the Judge's side lately.

He was even using all his mighty right now to defend and block some of the attacks from these two kids but none of them was for a joke.

Just after blocking Kevin's three jumping kicks, he received a very hard punch by his right ribs from Kevan.

That punch pissed him off badly and in that instant Kevan wasted no more time, throwing another punch close to his lower jawline but this Judge guy was fast and swift in his actions, dodging it in that instant palming Kevan in the chest forcing him to lose some steps at the back and before he helped himself to stop, the Judge gave him a straight kick in the chest too forcing him down on the ground spitting mouthfulls of blood.

Before the Judge could rest a bit, Kevin's attacks were noticed. Kicks of different kinds all directed to the Judge's head for more than fifteen seconds and before the Judge got used the kicks.

He felt a sharp danger coming from his back, the fear he felt made him want to run but his curiosity stopped pushing away Kevin's right kick hardly forcing him back before stopping himself but ounce again attacked not resting a single bit.

By the time the Judge turned at the direction he felt the danger coming from, a very fast and abrupt kick from someone even shorter than him laid perfectly on his left jawline.

From the energy and speed contained in the kick, it made the Judge's body freeze not a single bit of sound or groan was heard but what was noticed was the Judge's corpse like body falling helplessly and still in mid air, he received a very hard punch on the same jawline which increased his speed of falling on the ground and with a very lound sound similar to that of a heavy load fall, all the crowd's attention turned to the fight of the three.

Actually, most of the attention was on them but currently, not only the crowd but also Kevin who was about to attack, the Samurai master who had just two fighters now also turned to them, Blacky who was drained in blood on the ground turned to his head to the direction of the sound with Pats doing the same.

Instead of making a sound of pain or what, the Judge just made the people watching know that he has just lost some teeth from the fight but still never let out a sound.

"Kevan, your eyes! What's wrong with your eyes." Klara who had approached him but a bit far according to the distance between Kevin and Kevan asked not so sure if she was having clear looks.

"Kevan, Kevan, hey are you..." after calling Kevan's name for some brief moment without a reply, Kevin decided to place his hand on Kevan's shoulder just to wake him but instead, he was going to received a beating too.

Kevan raised his left hand angrily holding Kevin's shirt, his eyes very red with blood like tears coming out of them.

Instead of being frightened, Kevin moved not a single bit but looked at Kevan with a concerned look on his face.

"Kevan, look at me, please it's me! Klara remember? You came to take me away from here, look at me please." Kevan still holding Kevin's shirt tightly was held by the face by Klara who had some tears in her eyes which brought chills in Kevan's heart finally losing his grab of Kevin.

'What is wrong with him!' Kevin sighed.

"Yes, I am here to take you back of course." Kevan finally came back to his senses and with the back of his left hand, he tried to remove the blood like tears from his eyes.

Turning to Kevin who just gave him a smile instead of an unpleased look, Kevan felt owed from the heart.

"Hey, I won't apologise for catching up with your sneaky attack." Kevan said teasingly.

"I expected nothing too, just am tired and I need a doctor so when are we leaving?" Kevin asked in a tired tone.

"Right now of course." the voice of the Samurai master was heard coming their way with Pats moving at the side too.

Knowing that it was the Samurai master, Kevin sneered at him angrily.

'The Judge guy was really not our weight yet you his weight abandoned him to us too! Coward' Kevin cursed from the inside.

"Follow me to the dojo, we have our personal doctor there." the Samurai master seemed to know what Kevin was thinking but never minded him anyway.

"Bull shit, we will just have the school clinic treatment. How can we trust someone like you anyway!" Kevin rebuked and cursed directly.

"No problem. It will be my pleasure if you treat us for today." Kevan said politely bringing wonders in Kevin's head.

'What is wrong with this kid! He really didn't notice how useless that old bastard was recently. Is he trying to turn his back on me now!' Kevin couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Then we should waste no time." the Samurai master led the way with Pats not saying a single word but following the old man respectively.

"Are you coming or what?" Kevan asked Kevin who was standing there angrily not accepting reality.

"For what reason?" Kevin asked in a challenging tone.

"Why waste money in clinics when you already have someone offering free treatment." Kevan gave out a reason casually.

"Huh! And why do you think someone offers that free treatment then." not waiting for Kevan's reply, Kevin walked passed them.

"Is he dead?" Klara was now worried for the person who just kidnapped her recently.

"Not yet, for now." Kevan replied casually leaving the scene too. Though the distance was somehow big, the crowd was still not far away from the scene and as people were leaving the cinema like area, a group of people in purple led by a person in white came to Kevan's way from the front.

"Are you Kevan?" Ben in the front of his crew asked on reaching the couple.

"Who is asking?" Kevan who was still so wounded harshly asked anyhow.

"I'm Ben, from Zone two medium quarters of Blava." Ben answered politely.

"You have any business with me?" Kevan asked ounce again, he had a bad feeling from this Ben guy so he wanted their conversation to be brief.

"Do you have some time! I would like to treat you to diner at our quarters here in Zone one." Ben answered ounce again.

"Is that so! Then it's a pity, I got some businesses to tend to. Maybe next time." and with those words, Kevan left them their not even interested in what they wanted.

"Are you going to let him leave, just like that?"Razor asked with curiosity.

"And how did you want him to leave?" Ben asked a question making Razor frown.

"That is not how I wanted him to leave too but, for the moment, why not just keep peace." Ben then walked to the side where the Judge was laying helplessly.

The city guards had already attended to the wounded with ambulances taking some but the Judge was just being attended to.

"I thought you were really worse than me but seeing you lose by the hands and legs of that Kevan guy. This disappoints me a lot, I saw wrong. You don't deserve that Soft Red title too!" on reaching the Judge's side still on the ground, the healers nearby stepped aside to let Ben the Red talk to his Red colleague.

The Judge just looked at him like as if he wanted to say something and with curiosity, Ben bent his head displaying his hear to the Judge's mouth waiting for what he wanted to say.

To his disappointment, the Judge said nothing forcing Ben to stand up from the ground where the Judge was laying.

"Seems like the ferry tales of our negroid junior are true. Interesting, hahaha very interesting!"

Ben laughed at the thoughts in his head, he couldn't believe them but maybe they were facts with his pleased smile and look on his face.

Everyone was wandering about that interesting thing, was the Judge being a mute interesting or the judge's defeat! Maybe both of them were interesting anyway.


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