

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 246: Get rich!

Ye Xuan stopped, turned around, his expression was calm, "What?"

The mad lion and the king looked at each other, and finally, the mad lion said: "Brother Ye, we just received the news that the demon sect and the ghost sect have invaded Qingzhou on a large scale, and their target is you..."

Ye Xuan sneered, "This Demon Sect and Ghost Sect are really stupid!"

Wild Lion frowned slightly, "Are you going to attack them?"

Ye Xuan said lightly: "What do you think?"

Wild Lion said in a deep voice: "Then why not do it directly?"

Ye Xuandao: "The teacher is famous! But if they invade Qingzhou, then we will be famous."

The wild lion glanced at Ye Xuan, "It's what you, the Guardian League, said, give up Qingzhou and save Zhongzhou..."

Ye Xuan showed pity on his face, "You believe this nonsense..."

Wild Lion: "..."

At this time, the king suddenly said: "Brother Ye, if we cooperate with you, what practical benefits can we get?"

Ye Xuandao: "It should be said, what can you do for me! What do you think is proportional to what you give and what you get?"

Speaking of this, he smiled slightly, "A friendly reminder, Zhongzhou is about to undergo major changes. Now the chaos is in Canglan Prefecture and Qingzhou. When Qingzhou is over, the chaos may be in Zhongzhou. Cang Jie, but no matter what, some forces with ulterior motives are always thinking of harming the world. Not much to say, if you are willing to cooperate, you can come to our Jiang Kingdom Imperial Capital. If you don't want to, it's okay. Force!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

He walked very decisively, without the slightest sloppiness.

In the arena, the wild lion and the king looked at each other, and finally, the two looked at the veiled woman beside them.

Wild Lion said in a deep voice, "What do you mean, Your Excellency?"

The veiled woman glanced at the end of the distance, and said softly: "Try to cooperate with him, if it is profitable, then stay, if not, then leave!"

The king nodded, "That's fine."

Wild Lion also nodded in agreement.

The veiled woman slowly closed her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.


Ye Xuan returned to Canglan College, he took out the World Protector Token and was about to throw it away, but he seemed to think of something, so he put it away again.

Naturally, this Order of Protecting the World was not real. He just spent a gold coin at the blacksmith's shop to forge it.

Keep this thing, it may still be useful! Because few people in Qingcang Realm have seen the real world protection order, and few people dare to counterfeit the world protection order.

After putting away the order to protect the world, he might have come to the back mountain. Just after arriving at the back mountain, Situ Ming appeared in front of him.

Situ Ming glanced at Ye Xuan, "How did you do it?"

Ye Xuan was slightly taken aback, and then said: "How many mercenary regiments?"

Situ Ming nodded.

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "They come here to ask for money, just give them money!"

Situ Ming said calmly: "Ye Xuan, there is something I need to declare to you. Starting today, we will give you up to 500 million top-quality spirit stones every month!"

Obviously, it was because Ye Xuan was afraid that Ye Xuan would keep talking to the lion.

But Ye Xuan was stunned, 500 million top-grade spirit stones per month? This... this happiness came a bit too suddenly!

Ye Xuan remained calm, "500 million is too little."

Hearing this, Situ Ming's eyelids twitched, and his expression was a little unkind.

Ye Xuan continued: "Your Excellency must have known that the Ghost Sect and the Demon Sect have invaded Qingzhou... It can be said that the Guardian League has already jumped the wall. Just imagine, if I don't resist the Ghost Sect and the Blood Sect , this Qingzhou will become a purgatory on earth for up to three days, and at that time, the Guardian League can easily obtain the origin of Qingzhou, once they obtain the origin of Qingzhou, the consequences will be unpredictable!"

Speaking of this, he sighed in a low voice, "It's not that I, Ye Xuan, are insatiable. Think about it yourself, so many middle-earth divine monks have entered Qingzhou, especially at this moment, when powerful forces such as Ghost Sect and Demon Sect are entering Qingzhou strongly. How should I deal with this situation? You can't help me outright, so I can only spend money to find helpers, what do you think?"

Situ Ming looked at Ye Xuan coldly, "You talk about hundreds of millions, do you think we are rich?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "There is no way, everyone is in trouble, but at this moment, if we are still arguing about money, then everyone really can only wait to die."

Situ Ming was silent.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "How about this, I will give 800 million top-grade spirit stones every month, but I guarantee that this Qingzhou will never fall. Of course, the premise is that you have to stop the powerhouse like the True Law Realm for me, and there will be more Provide me with information, and I will handle the rest by myself!"

Situ Ming was silent for a moment, then said: "Yes!"

Ye Xuan nodded, then stretched out his right hand, the meaning was self-evident.

The corners of Situ Ming's mouth twitched slightly, he gave Ye Xuan a cold look, then bent his fingers, and a ring of acceptance fell into Ye Xuan's hand.

Ye Xuan put away the ring, and then said: "How long will it take for the Demon Sect and the Ghost Sect to enter Qingzhou."

Situ Ming said: "Up to three days!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Understood. In the next three days, I will eliminate all the monks from Zhongzhou in Qingzhou."

Situ Ming said lightly, "You seem too confident!"

Ye Xuan said with a smile: "You don't need to worry about it. By the way, let me remind you that the World Protector Alliance is really going to jump the wall. Your Excellency and others should make preparations as early as possible!"

Situ Ming said coldly: "You don't need to worry about it. We will deal with the True Law Realm, but you can handle the rest yourself."

After speaking, he turned and left.

After a moment of silence, Ye Xuan turned and left. After a while, he came to the Canglan Hall. At this moment, Lu Jiuge was dealing with things in the hall. Now Canglan College is in charge of Lu Jiuge and others.

Seeing Ye Xuan coming in, Lu Jiuge looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan said, "How many Zhongzhou monks are still in Qingzhou?"

Lu Jiuge said: "More than a hundred thousand, but there are not many really powerful ones."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Check, check the whereabouts of these people, and let Canglan Taoist soldiers get ready."

Lu Jiuge glanced at Ye Xuan, "Are you going to do something?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Do it now!"

Lu Jiuge asked: "True imperial realm?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I'll solve it!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

After a moment of silence, Lu Jiuge continued to work.

After Ye Xuan returned to the room, he immediately began to devour the best spirit stones.

Naturally, he wouldn't pin all his hopes on Situ's family and the others, his own strength is king!

After devouring 100 million top-grade spirit stones, Ye Xuan was about to devour them again, but at this moment, the Prison Tower in his body suddenly trembled violently.


Ye Xuan felt dizzy as if he had been hit hard on the head, and it took half an hour before he came back to his senses. But when he came back to his senses, he was stunned.

Because the Boundary Prison Tower has been restored!

Ye Xuan hurriedly entered the Prison Tower. On the first floor of the tower, there were hundreds of rings!

Ye Xuan found two rings belonging to the powerful people in the Realm of Realm Protection, and when he saw the items in the rings, Ye Xuan was ecstatic!

In one of the rings, there is actually a heavenly treasure, which is a piece of armor, the whole body of the armor is dark, and a monster is painted on the front, shaped like a peng, with three legs, its wings are folded, and it looks forward, sharp as a blade! And the back of the armor is a piece of dark black scales, these scales are inlaid together layer by layer, between the scales, there is a faint streamer.

Not everything!

In addition to this piece of armor, there are more than 20 real-level spiritual weapons in this ring, and they are all top-grade. Not only that, there are also six volumes of earth-level high-grade martial arts, and some other miscellaneous items. None of them are vulgar.

According to his estimation, except for this heavenly treasure, the rest of these things are worth at least two to three hundred million top-grade spirit stones!

Ye Xuan put away the receiving ring and looked at the other receiving ring. There were very few things in the receiving ring, but the things were very good.

Heaven-level exercises!


Just one word!

Ye Xuan took a look, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became. Now he finally knows why those killers in the dark world are so terrifying.

If this technique is successfully cultivated, it can allow people to escape into the space, integrate with the space, and use the space to cover up their own aura. Even the strong in the real magic realm, it is difficult to detect it easily. After all, it is a heaven-level skill. Law!

nice one!

Ye Xuan's mouth almost crooked when he smiled.

In addition to the heaven-level exercises, there are eighteen pieces of real-level high-grade spiritual weapons, and a few other sundries!

In addition, there are hundreds of rings in the field...

For the first time, Ye Xuan didn't feel that he was poor.

Half an hour later, Ye Xuan finished cleaning up, and the harvest this time... was the most in history.

One piece of Heavenly Grade A, one volume of Heavenly Grade Kung Fu, seventy-nine pieces of real-grade high-grade spiritual weapons, ninety-seven true-grade middle-grade artifacts, one hundred and twenty-seven true-grade low-grade artifacts, Ming-grade...

Get rich!

Real riches!

Inside the Jie Prison Tower, Ye Xuan laughed wildly, this time he had gained too much.

Now, he can arm Canglan Taoist soldiers to the teeth!

And if these things are sold, at least billions of top-grade spirit stones can be sold.

However, he didn't intend to sell that piece of Armor and Heaven Rank Kung Fu, Armor, he was going to wear it by himself, Kung Fu, he was going to practice it by himself!

In particular, this skill 'Dun', if it is successfully cultivated, can be used to shade people in the future... Thinking of this, Ye Xuan's laughter became louder.


Ye Xuan immediately started to practice.

This technique is not difficult, the only difficulty is that it needs to consume a lot of spiritual energy, or top-quality spiritual stones, and he has 800 million top-quality spiritual stones!

And his understanding is not low, it should be said to be quite high. In addition, he has already reached Sword Emperor, and he has a certain understanding of space, so he cultivated very quickly, and he was able to escape into space in just one night, but his breath could not be completely concealed...

Just getting started.

However, this already made Ye Xuan very excited.

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan suddenly left the Prison Tower and came to Mo Yunqi's room. At this moment, Mo Yunqi was meditating and practicing.

Suddenly one by one


The table in front of Mo Yunqi immediately shattered.

Mo Yunqi was startled, jumped out of bed, looked around warily, "Who!"

Nothing happened.

Mo Yunqi frowned, still extremely alert, he was about to put on his shoes to go out, but found that he was missing one shoe.

steal shoes?

Mo Yunqi blinked, feeling a little dazed.

In Bai Ze's room, Bai Ze was sleeping. Suddenly, a sole of a shoe hit him on the face, and Bai Ze woke up suddenly. On his face, there was a print of the sole of the shoe.

Bai Ze was stunned, then looked at the shoe in his arms, and the next moment, he flew into a rage, "Mo Yun, your skin is itchy!"

With that said, he jumped out of bed and went straight to Mo Yunqi's room...