

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 245: This is the fault of your life!

The plain skirt woman's voice is calm, but it makes people shudder!

The white-haired old man was staring at the woman in the plain skirt. He had already clenched his right hand tightly, and a force gathered in his hand, like a volcano about to erupt.

The plain skirt woman ignored the white-haired old man and walked straight into the palace.

At this time, the white-haired old man suddenly said: "I want to learn from Your Excellency!"

The plain skirt woman stopped in her tracks, expressionless, "This is the fault of your life."

After the voice fell, she continued to walk towards the palace, but a sword flew towards the white-haired old man.

The old man looked ferocious, turned around and punched out.

Punch out.

The space in front of the white-haired old man directly formed a strange vortex. At the same time, a violent force continuously oscillated from this strange vortex. In an instant, the entire starry sky began to tremble, which was extremely terrifying.

Sword to.


The weird vortex was torn apart, and at the same time, the sword pierced through the white-haired old man's eyebrows.

The white-haired old man was terrified and wanted to separate his soul, but the soul could not be separated... Not only that, his face was getting old at an extremely fast speed, and in less than ten breaths, the white-haired old man The old man has turned to dust.

There is no reincarnation, because the soul imprint has been completely erased.

The starry sky suddenly fell silent, and after about half an hour, countless strong men suddenly flew out of the palace, and then fled towards the surroundings...

They are all looking for one person: Ye Xuan.


In Zhongzhou, the Demon Sect suddenly announced to enter Qingzhou to avenge the Hehuan Sect and the Blood Sect.

Not only the Demon Sect, but the Ghost Sect also announced to enter Qingzhou to seek justice for the Blood Sect and the Hehuan Sect...

But this time, the Demon Sect and the Ghost Sect did not send people into Qingzhou, but they all entered Qingzhou.

Moreover, the purpose is very clear, that is to come for Ye Xuan. At the same time, the Guardian Alliance issued another reward order: Anyone who kills the students of Canglan College can get 3 million top-quality spirit stones, and whoever kills Ye Xuan can get 1.5 billion top-quality spirit stones... .

All of a sudden, countless forces and powerful men began to move again.


And Ye Xuan himself was walking out of a blacksmith shop at this moment.

After walking out of the blacksmith shop, Ye Xuan left the city, and then came to a bamboo grove. Just as he arrived in front of the bamboo grove, a man in golden armor stood in front of him.

Ye Xuan faced the dense forest, "Please come out and meet the three of you!"

Soon, the veiled woman, the wild lion, and the king came out. The three looked at Ye Xuan without speaking.

Ye Xuan cupped his fists and faced Wild Lion, "This must be the head of the Mad Lion Mercenary Group in Middle-earth Shenzhou, Wild Lion!"

Wild Lion glanced at Ye Xuan, "Have you heard of me?"

Ye Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "Naturally, it is rumored that your Excellency once just arrived at the Shenhe Realm and was able to kill the strong in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm..."

"It's not a rumor!" Wild Lion said lightly.

Ye Xuan gave a thumbs up, "Admiration!"

The wild lion took a look at Ye Xuan, "You are not bad, there is no such young sword emperor in Zhongzhou yet!"

Ye Xuan smiled, and then turned to the king, "Your Excellency should be the third king on the list of monsters. If I have time, I would like to ask you for advice. There is no malice, I just want to learn from each other."

The king nodded slightly, "Accompany me at any time!"

Ye Xuan cupped his fists, then turned to the veiled woman, who was looking at him.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I don't know how to address you?"

The information on these people in front of him was naturally given to him by the Situ family, but the Situ family did not have any information on this veiled woman.

And the true strength of this veiled woman is also unknown.

The veiled woman just looked at him without saying a word.

Ye Xuan was a little embarrassed, and smiled sarcastically, "Three, I came here this time to talk. The Ming people don't say dark words, and the three brought everyone to Qingzhou, no doubt they wanted my head, Ye Xuan, and then took it. To exchange for a bounty, right?"

Wild Lion nodded, very frankly, "Yes!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Then, what kind of attitude do the three of you have now?"

Wild Lion didn't speak.

After discussing and investigating all night, they felt that this matter was a little weird.

Ye Xuan's rise was too fast, and he offended Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm, but what was the result?

The Dark Realm has completely disappeared now, and Cangmu Academy has also become a third-rate force. Not only that, Cangmu Academy has also been punished by the World Protector... This is no secret.

The weirdest thing is that the Guardian Alliance could kill Ye Xuan, but they didn't do anything to Ye Xuan, instead they came up with some kind of arrest warrant!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

The king suddenly said, "What about you? Why are you here?"

Ye Xuandao: "Let the rest of the people back down!"

The king glanced at Ye Xuan, then waved his hand, and soon, the mercenaries all around retreated.

Ye Xuan walked in front of the three of them, and transmitted sound with profound energy, "We all need sound transmission with profound energy in the next step, don't let outsiders know. And the purpose of my visit this time is to cooperate with you!"

The king frowned slightly, "Cooperation?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes, now that the spiritual energy in Qingcang Realm is thin and troubled times are coming, at this time, if everyone cooperates, there will be a lot of benefits!"

The king stared at Ye Xuan, "You are wanted by the World Protector League, cooperating with you is tantamount to disrespecting the World Protector League!"

Ye Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't have to talk to me, I can tell you very frankly that I, Ye Xuan, am the next Lord of the World Protector League carefully cultivated by the World Protector League!" The face of the king and the king changed, while the expression of the veiled woman was as calm as ever.

The mad lion and the king looked at each other, and finally, the mad lion looked at Ye Xuan, "Why should we trust you!"

Ye Xuan asked back, "Why don't you believe me?"

The king stared at Ye Xuan, "Does the Guardian Alliance target you so much just to train you?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Otherwise, why do you think they wanted me? I didn't hide, so they could come and kill me directly. But they didn't, why? Because the current Lord Lu is my master!"


As soon as these words came out, Kuangshi and the others were stunned.


Who doesn't know Zunzhu Lu? That is one of the famous superpowers in Qingcang world! And this person turned out to be Ye Xuan's master?

Ye Xuan said again: "You should have checked me, so you know why I was mediocre before the age of eighteen, but after I left Qingcheng, my cultivation base, Ye Xuan, has improved by leaps and bounds, and various adventures have continued? Because behind me is Venerable Lu. The entire Guardian Alliance!"

Speaking of this, with a wave of his right hand, two heavenly swords and hundreds of real spiritual weapons appeared in front of him.

Ye Xuandao: "Have you seen it? If there is no strong force behind it, how can I have so many treasures?"

As he said that, he put away all his things, and then said: "Wanqiu Mountain, two real Dharma realms, a dozen Ten Thousand Dharma realms, hundreds of experts disappeared... Do you know who did it? I The World Protector League did it! The Situ family and the Dark Realm didn't care about life and death, and wanted to bully the little lore to kill me, how could my World Protector League just sit idly by? Exterminate them directly."

The wild lion and the king looked at each other again, both of them had a hint of shock in their eyes. In fact, they also guessed something, but they were still a little shocked when they heard Ye Xuan's words. Because what the World Protector League did was amazing!

Ye Xuan said again: "Qingzhou has undergone major changes. My master just took this opportunity to train me. At the same time, he also wanted to get rid of some forces, some forces with evil intentions, for example, those who entered Qingzhou to slaughter wantonly. Wanton massacre... Do you think that the World Protector League really doesn't care? No!"

Speaking of this, he pointed to himself, "Actually, we have been taking care of it all the time, otherwise, you think I am full to protect this Qingzhou? No, this is just my task. If I guard Qingzhou, the task Once it is completed, it is regarded as truly qualified. In the future, once my master leaves, the World Protector League will be mine."

Wild Lion said in a deep voice: "Since this is your experience, why do you come to cooperate with us?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Although this is experience, it doesn't mean that I can't live without my own people. This time, I want to cooperate with you to guard this Qingzhou together. Of course, you are not guarding in vain. Together, we can definitely kill those The monks and forces from Middle-earth China, if you kill them, you will definitely get a lot of wealth! In addition, if I return to the World Protector League in the future, I will also give you a lot of convenience. If there are people in the World Protector League, you will be in China I don't need to say more about the benefits of Earth Divine State, you all understand it!"

The wild lion glanced at Ye Xuan, then turned to look at the king and the veiled woman. The veiled woman still didn't speak. The king hesitated for a while, and then said: "Forgive me, I still don't believe you!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Understood, I don't force it, anyway, my brothers have already come to Qingzhou, and they will come to my college soon, they are all from Middle-earth Shenzhou... and missed this time Opportunity, for you, is definitely a huge loss."

Speaking of this, he cupped his fists at the three of them, "Three, we will meet later."

After speaking, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

Behind Ye Xuan, the Wild Lion and the King hesitated and struggled, because this was indeed an opportunity for them. If they cooperated, they would not only be able to make a fortune, but also be able to build up with the World Guardian League. Most importantly, if Ye Xuan Become the lord of the World Protector Alliance, then they...

And with Ye Xuan's talent and the terrifying combat power he has shown now, it is entirely possible to become the Lord of the World Protector League in the future. Even if he can't become the Lord, he will definitely be a core figure. And at that time, they will definitely be able to obtain many benefits! At this moment, Ye Xuan in the distance stopped suddenly, he turned around, and then took out a token. The word 'Guardian' was engraved on the front of the token, and the word 'Xuan' was on the back.

Ye Xuan raised the token in his hand, and then said: "Three, I, Ye Xuan, are the young lord of the World Protector League. I hope the three of you will keep it a secret. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to the World Protector League."

After speaking, he turned and left.

"Brother Ye wait a minute!"

At this time, the voice of a wild lion came from behind Ye Xuan...