

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 235: Cure Evil with Evil!

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Xuan vaguely heard the sound of water flowing.

His head was a little heavy, as if it had been filled with lead, it was extremely heavy.

Just like that, his consciousness gradually became blurred again. He clenched his fists tightly and instinctively bit the tip of his tongue. The severe pain made him a little clearer.

At this moment, he also felt his current position.

Not far from him is a waterfall. The waterfall is not big. It is tens of feet wide and twenty feet high. The water pours down and falls into a small pool below, splashing everywhere.

And beside the water pool, a woman was sitting on a rock. The woman leaned over to face the water pool, and put a pair of white jade feet into the water, gently rippling, letting the water flow slowly.

In the mountains, occasionally there is the sound of birdsong!

The sound of running water, the sound of birdsong, the fresh and refined woman...


At this moment, Ye Xuan has never had peace of mind in his heart!

After a while, he wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't lift any strength!

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, this backlash...

At this time, in front of the pool not far away, the woman seemed to be aware of it, and turned her head to look at Ye Xuan. The next moment, the toe of her right foot lightly touched the surface of the water, and the water rippled, but her whole body was like a wisp of green smoke floating gently In the air, she tapped her jade feet lightly again, and floated towards Ye Xuan, like a mortal goddess in the nine worlds, her beauty was spotless.

Soon, the woman landed firmly beside Ye Xuan, she leaned over to look, blinking her beautiful eyes, "Are you awake?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Miss Lian...we're still alive...that's great!"

Lian Wanli gently stroked the hair hanging from his ear with his right hand, and said with a light smile, "Your treasure is really powerful. You killed two True Law-Defenders in one go, and there are hundreds of experts. What kind of treasure is that? What kind of treasure is that?" So powerful?" Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something, and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I asked too many questions!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "I don't know what the Prison Tower is. It was left to me by my mother. This tower has its own space. By the way, the sword fairy sister lived in this tower before, but now , she has already left!"

Seeing Ye Xuan not hiding anything, even Wanli's smile suddenly became brighter. For some reason, she felt a little happy at this moment, and even temporarily forgot about the broken arm.

She didn't ask any more because that was enough.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Miss Lian, you could have left before."

Lian Wanli looked at Ye Xuan, "Go? I'm leaving, you are going to die!"

Ye Xuan said softly: "If you don't leave, you may die yourself."

Lian Wanli shook her head, she sat beside Ye Xuan, looked up at the setting sun in the distance, and said softly: "Qingzhou is in chaos, many people are thinking about their own interests, but they have never thought about the future of Qingzhou. But you, At this critical moment, I am willing to stand up, not for profit, but to protect the land of Qingzhou."

Speaking of this, she looked back at Ye Xuan, and said with a smile: "You were very handsome when you defended against those strong men in Zhongzhou. This king suddenly discovered that no matter how strong a person is, if he has no bottom line in life and no opponent The compassionate hearts of all living beings in the world only know how to practice, only for the Dao, and only for longevity. This kind of person... is no longer a human being, and this king looks down on this kind of person. Moreover, sometimes, a person's Powerful, cannot be measured by strength!"

"Then what should be measured?" Ye Xuan asked.

Lian Wanli was silent for a while, then shook his head, "I don't know. However, this king felt that when you faced those strong men in Zhongzhou alone and said, 'This Qingzhou, I, Ye Xuan, will cover you', this king thought you were very powerful. "

Speaking of this, she looked at Ye Xuan with a smile in her eyes, "This king thinks that a man is not handsome, but he has no money, but he must have backbone and responsibility."

Ye Xuan said seriously: "Even girl, I have everything you said... It's over, am I too good?"

Lian Wanli suddenly pinched Ye Xuan's face, and the corner of his mouth slightly lifted, "This cheek is too thick!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

At this time, Lian Wanli took out a purple elixir and gave it to Ye Xuan, "Heal your wounds first, and I will guard you for you!"

Ye Xuan nodded, now his top priority is to heal the injury, because the matter is not over yet, and now, he can only rely on himself for everything.


Ye Xuan calmed down and felt everything in his body seriously. What he was most afraid of was not the backlash, but the irreparable aftereffects after he activated the Prison Tower. This is what he is most worried about right now.

After a careful inspection, he breathed a sigh of relief, because he found that everything was fine.


Ye Xuan's face suddenly changed, he hurriedly walked around the prison tower, and soon, he was stunned!

After a while, Ye Xuan smiled wryly.

Because he discovered that all the top-quality spirit stones he had obtained before were gone! Not only all his own top-quality spirit stones are gone, but even the top-quality spirit stones in the rings in the Jie Prison Tower are gone! All the items in those rings are there, but none of the rings have top-grade spirit stones!

Needless to say, they must all be swallowed up by the Hell Tower!


Obviously, after he activated the Prison Tower once, the Tower may need a lot of spiritual energy for some reason!

However, this is too much!

His own original top-grade spirit stones were tens of millions, and among the rings in the Jie Prison Tower, there must be at least tens of millions!

All are devoured!

But fortunately, people are fine, this is luck!

Ye Xuan contacted the Prison Tower, but he found that there was no movement in the Prison Tower! Not only that, but now his body can't even enter the Hell Tower, and he can't take out all the things in the Hell Tower! closed?

Ye Xuan was stunned!

Ye Xuan was not reconciled, so he tried again, but he still couldn't enter the Prison Tower, and couldn't even mobilize the Prison Tower.

In the end, he determined that the Prison Tower was really closed!

Without the Boundary Prison Tower, it is equivalent to missing an ultimate hole card!

After a moment of silence, Ye Xuan suddenly turned his head to face Lian Wanli who was burning a fire not far away, "Miss Lian, please give me a spirit stone!"

With a little bit of Lian Wanli's fingers, a spirit stone flew in front of Ye Xuan, and then she continued to light the fire!

Not far away, just as Ye Xuan got the spirit stone, the spirit stone disappeared without a trace!


Ye Xuan's expression froze.

After a quarter of an hour, Ye Xuan concluded, first, the Prison Tower was really closed. Second, the Prison Tower requires a lot of spiritual energy. Third, if you want to reopen the Hell Tower, you may have to provide it with enough aura first.

Fourth, it is unknown how many top-quality spirit stones are needed in the Prison Tower... If there are not many top-quality spirit stones, it is fine, but if there are several hundred million top-quality spirit stones, where can I get so many top-quality spirit stones ?

Think about it!

The most important thing is that he didn't know if he activated the Prison Tower this time, would it have any impact on those imprisoned beings in the Prison Tower!

After a long time, Ye Xuan sighed in a low voice, not thinking about these problems anymore, the most urgent thing now is to heal the injury well.

After taking the elixir given by Lian Wanli, an extremely pure aura slowly radiated from his body. Under the nourishment of this pure aura, all parts of his body began to recover slowly. .

Night came slowly, and the surrounding area was quiet.

Under the starry sky, Ye Xuan and Lian Wanli sat facing each other. In front of the two of them was a bonfire. On top of the bonfire was a hare, which was golden and full of fragrance.

The two did not return to the Dayun Empire immediately, because both of their injuries had not fully recovered! Lian Wanli suddenly said: "I have received news that a large number of Zhongzhou powerhouses have entered Qingzhou. They are not good people."

Ye Xuan said softly: "Then let them come and go!"

Lian Wanli looked at Ye Xuan, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "Good!"

Feeling Lian Wanli's smile, Ye Xuan was a little taken aback, but after looking closely at this moment, he realized that Lian Wanli was actually very pretty.

Her appearance is not particularly stunning, but if you look closely, you will find that she is very, very attractive, and the more you look at it, the more interesting it is!

At this time, Lian Wanli suddenly asked, "Are you looking at me?"

Ye Xuan froze, then nodded.

"Does it look good?" Lian Wanli asked again.

Ye Xuan nodded again, "It looks good."

Lian Wanli suddenly looked sad, "Without an arm, it won't look good."

Ye Xuan said softly: "Sorry!" It can be said that Lian Wanli's arm was lost for him!

Lian Wanli smiled and said, "I don't blame you!"

As she said that, she lay on the ground, looked up at the starry sky, and said softly: "Have a good rest! After tonight, we will go back tomorrow morning! If we go back, what are you going to do?"

Ye Xuan also waded down, and after a moment of silence, he said softly: "Cure evil with evil!"



Before dawn, countless cloud boats suddenly entered the territory of Ningguo and headed straight for the imperial capital of Ningguo.

Among them, the leaders are the Huanxiao Sect, the Hehuan Sect and the Blood Sect.

Because these three sects and Ye Xuan have blood feuds!

This time, they naturally came for revenge. In addition, the Hehuan Sect and the Huanxiao Sect can be said to be inevitable for Tuobayan!

Ningguo Imperial Palace, in a certain small pavilion.

Tuobayan was dressed in white, and she stood quietly in front of a spirit tablet. On the spirit tablet, there were only three words: Husband Ye Xuan!

The moment she learned of Ye Xuan's fall, she set up such a spiritual tablet, and she has stood here for a day and a night.

When the sky was getting dark, a voice suddenly came from outside the door, "Your Majesty, several cloud ships have entered the imperial capital of our Ning Kingdom. Please retreat immediately, Your Majesty."

Tuoba Yan walked up to the spirit tablet, touched the spirit tablet lightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, there will only be one man in my life, and that is you!"

After speaking, she turned and left.

And inside her two sleeves are two Pyro Explosion Talismans!

Daning Imperial Capital.

The three cloud boats stopped, and soon, nearly three hundred people jumped off the cloud boats.

They are all disciples of the Blood Sect Hehuan Sect and the Laughter Sect!

The leader of the Blood Sect, Xue Yue, looked around and said greedily, "Blood..."

After a while, his expression suddenly turned ferocious, "Massacre!"