

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 234: The Power of the Prison Tower!

Boundary Prison Tower!

This can be said to be his biggest hole card, but he has never dared to use this hole card before! Because he tried it once, and that time he almost played himself to death.

But now, he had to use it!

Because at this moment, he has no other choice.

Still the same sentence, if you work hard, you may survive, but if you don't work hard, you will definitely die!

As for how strong the Boundary Prison Tower is, he has never had an idea, because he doesn't know anything about this tower.

In the arena, after the Jie Prison Tower appeared, the expressions of the two Real Defense Realm powerhouses in front of Ye Xuan changed instantly.

The white-haired old man looked at Ye Xuan with some horror, and to be precise, he looked at the small black tower that appeared between his eyebrows, his eyes were full of disbelief, "This...what is this... .."

Not only the white-haired old man, everyone in the field was shocked.

Because after this black tower appeared, everyone felt extremely uncomfortable!

At this moment, Ye Xuan only felt that his head was about to burst, and the pain was extremely painful. Not only that, he also felt that something was passing away in his body. Besides, his own soul seemed to be faintly visible, as if it was about to separate from the body generally.

hang on!

Ye Xuan bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to wake up. If he doesn't hold on at this time, it will really be over!

Beside the white-haired old man, the man in black suddenly said, "What is he going to do?"

The white-haired old man stared at Ye Xuan, "It seems to be offering some powerful treasure!"

"Do it?" the man in black asked.

The white-haired old man shook his head, "Wait a minute, this thing can cause the world to change color before it appears. This thing must not be a vulgar thing, let him sacrifice it, and let us see what it is."

Speaking of this, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

Because the object that Ye Xuan is going to sacrifice now is very likely to be a super treasure above the heavenly rank! Thinking of this, the white-haired old man was quite excited!

Behind the white-haired old man and the man in black, those people did not leave either. Although they were a little palpitating, they were not very afraid.

Because in front of them, there are two real powerhouses!

With these two strong men standing in front, they are naturally fearless!

Just like that, everyone was waiting, waiting for Ye Xuan to sacrifice the fetish.

Under everyone's gaze, the small black tower between Ye Xuan's eyebrows is about to come out gradually!

But at this moment, Ye Xuan's facial features have been distorted to an extremely terrifying degree, even if Ye Ling is here, it is difficult to recognize him in the first place!

Because the facial features have been distorted to the point of deformation!

Everyone's hearts were raised, what exactly is Ye Xuan going to sacrifice?

Everyone is curious!

Just like that, after about a quarter of an hour, the small black tower suddenly appeared between Ye Xuan's eyebrows.

Everyone looked at the small black tower with curiosity in their eyes.

The small tower was quietly suspended in the air, just suspended like that, at this moment, Ye Xuan who was not far away suddenly pointed at the white-haired old man and others angrily, and shouted: "Fuck them to death for me!"

Just when everyone was still in astonishment, the small black tower suddenly trembled violently, above everyone's heads, the black word "prisoner" suddenly released a black beam of light, and this black beam of light directly enveloped everyone, and at this moment, no one could move!

No one can move!

Even the white-haired old man and the black-clothed man, the two true guardians, are like this. At this moment, they are terrified in their hearts, because no matter how they resist, it will be useless! Under that black beam of light, they didn't even have the strength to move a finger!

However, they are normal in all aspects, including profound energy and their own strength, but they just cannot resist!

This is where they are most frightened!

The white-haired old man stared at Ye Xuan, almost snarling in sissy, "What is this! What is it!" Before Ye Xuan could answer, the small black tower trembled suddenly. The next moment, everyone in the field The people disappeared directly, and when they reappeared, they were already in a small black tower!

The first floor of the Prison Tower!

Everyone looked around in horror, and so did the white-haired old man. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't resist!

At this time, the word 'Prisoner' above everyone's heads suddenly turned blood red, and when it turned blood red, everyone's bodies began to rot...


A series of screams continued to sound from the field.

The white-haired old man frantically released his aura and power, but it was useless. In this way, everyone was gradually rotting, and then died!

This kind is the scariest, because they are watching themselves die!

In the Prison Tower, there were endless screams, and after about a quarter of an hour, there was no one in the Prison Tower, only hundreds of rings remained.

Obviously, the Prison Tower is only aimed at living beings, not the existence of lifeless ones.

Outside the Prison Tower, after feeling that everyone in the tower had disappeared, Ye Xuan felt relieved and fell straight down.

On the ground, Ye Xuan was lying quietly. After about a quarter of an hour of calm, his limbs suddenly twitched. At the same time, the blood vessels in his whole body were trembling violently, as if they were about to break through the skin, which was extremely frightening.

Not far away, Lian Wanli quickly walked in front of Ye Xuan, seeing Ye Xuan's appearance at the moment, she frowned slightly, "Backlash?"

Of course, she could clearly see the scene just now.

The treasure that Ye Xuan sacrificed actually took away everyone, even the True Law Realm! This kind of fetish is definitely beyond the heaven rank! And Ye Xuan is only in the realm of gods now. With his current realm, it is absolutely impossible to control this kind of god, and if he pushes it forcefully, he will suffer backlash!

After Lian Wanli was silent for a moment, she put away the Azure Dragon Saber, picked up Ye Xuan, turned around and left.

About a quarter of an hour later, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the field. Lord Lu!

At this moment, Venerable Lu's face was gloomy and terrifying. He was not there when Ye Xuan sacrificed to the Hell Tower, because someone was watching him secretly, so he went to chase someone!

However, nothing was caught!

And when he came back, everyone was gone!

Someone is secretly helping Ye Xuan!

Venerable Lu glanced coldly at the surroundings. Knowing that Ye Xuan was going to be killed by the World Protector Alliance, there were still people who dared to help Ye Xuan secretly. This was undoubtedly a blatant challenge to the authority of their World Protector Alliance!

However, the other party dared to oppose them for Ye Xuan, obviously, it was definitely not an ordinary force!

In the arena, Lord Lu was silent for a long time, and then said in a deep voice: "Ye Xuan... pass on an order to re-investigate Ye Xuan, starting from Qingcheng, his parents and all his relatives must be strictly investigated. Also, notice In the world, Ye Xuan and Lian Wanli have fallen. Without these two people, this Qingzhou will definitely lose its mind, even if no one from Zhongzhou enters, Qingzhou will become chaotic by itself!"


In the air, there was a voice.

Lu Zunzhu glanced around again, his face was a little gloomy, because it is definitely not an ordinary force that can make hundreds of people disappear without a sound, and what's more, where are Ye Xuan and Lian Wanli now? But at this moment, he has no time to take care of these two, he has more important things to do!

That is to go to Canglan State to capture the original spirit of Canglan State!

Because the time has come!

Venerable Lu turned around and left!

After Lu Zunzhu left, a phantom suddenly appeared in the field, the phantom glanced around, and finally disappeared quietly.


Today's Qingzhou can be said to be the blissful land of countless monks from Zhongzhou, because here, they can do anything they wanted to do but dare not do!

Countless cloud boats from Zhongzhou entered Qingzhou Road one after another, and many people came here every day and every moment.

Especially the Demon Dao, almost all the sect forces and aristocratic families in the entire Demon Dao rushed here, because Qingzhou, without any restrictions, was undoubtedly a dreamland for them to cultivate demons. Here, they don't need to practice all kinds of vicious exercises in secret, and they don't have to worry about causing dissatisfaction from major forces, let alone the target of the Guardian League.

Here, they can do whatever they want, which is undoubtedly an excellent place for cultivating demons!

Because many demon cultivators pay attention to doing whatever they want!

As for Qingzhou, under the deliberate propaganda of the Guardian League, the news of Ye Xuan and Lian Wanli's fall quickly spread throughout Qingzhou!

The moment they learned of the demise of these two people, the whole Qingzhou suddenly boiled!

You know, the main reason why Qingzhou is still so stable now is because of these two people!

With Ye Xuan here, Jiang Guo, Ning Guo and the surrounding countries will not dare to mess up!

Even Wanli is here, the Dayun Empire will not dare to mess up!

It can be said that these two people play a vital role in stabilizing Qingzhou!

And now, both of them are gone...

All of a sudden, the whole Qingzhou boiled instantly, and countless people began to have all kinds of pettiness in their hearts!

Especially the Dayun Empire, some vassal kings of the Dayun Empire have even declared themselves kings...

The chaos in Qingzhou began, and with the addition of some monks from Zhongzhou who first entered Qingzhou, Qingzhou can be said to be more and more chaotic...

After most of the powerful people from Zhongzhou enter Qingzhou, Qingzhou will become a real purgatory on earth!

Somewhere above the boundless sea, a cloud boat was flying fast, and on the cloud boat were all disciples of the Hehuan Sect!

There are hundreds of them!

Those who came were all the elite of the Hehuan sect's elite!

In a room in Yunchuan, the head of the Hehuan Sect stood at the window, silent.

Behind him, stood an old man.

After a long time, the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect suddenly said: "It should be true after all, two real magicians, hundreds of powerhouses...then Ye Xuan definitely has no chance of surviving! Moreover, the news quickly spread throughout Qingzhou and the Zhongzhou, it must have been done by the World Guardian League. Since it was done by them, it should be confirmed!"

"So?" the old man asked.

The corner of the Hehuan Sect's master raised his mouth slightly, and sneered, "Enter Qingzhou, capture everyone in Canglan College alive, keep the women, kill all the men, and hang their heads on the gate of the Jiang Kingdom's imperial capital. The hatred of the Hehuan Sect will naturally be Repay it a hundredfold!"

The old man smiled slightly, "It should be so!"

After a while, a voice suddenly came from the cloud boat, "Ye Xuan is dead! Ye Xuan is dead! Haha..."

Soon, waves of excitement spread on the cloud boat