

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 204: Where's my egg?

In a daze, Ye Xuan felt a sharp pain coming from his lower body, as if something was broken, but he couldn't control it anymore, because his consciousness was getting more and more blurred!

Just like that, Tuoba Xiaoyao and Lian Wanli each dragged him by one foot and walked towards the distance.

on the way.

Tuoba Xiaoyao is obviously a restless master, she turned her head and glanced somewhere in Ye Xuan, "Sister Lian, I will help him get rid of the root of his crimes, tell me, will he thank us?"

Lian Wanli blinked, looking playful, "Maybe not!"


Tuoba Xiaoyao was puzzled, "I helped him!"

Lian Wanli thought for a while, and then said: "Xiao Yao, although that thing is the source of a man's sin, it is also the source of a man's happiness. When you eradicate his sin, you also eradicate his future 'sex' happiness. So , he may not thank you!"

Tuoba Xiaoyao pouted, "What is the source of happiness, I don't have that ugly thing, isn't it also very happy?"

Lian Wanli thought about it for a while, and said thoughtfully, "Actually, what you said makes sense!"

After being recognized, Tuoba Xiaoyao was very happy, "Sister Lian, why don't we get rid of the root of all men's sins in the world?"

After thinking for a moment, Lian Wanli said seriously: "This idea is good, but it is quite difficult to implement. Well, we have to think long-term."

Tuoba Xiaoyao nodded her head, as if thinking of something, her expression suddenly became a little dignified, "Sister Lian, did you see that sister in plain skirt just now?"

Lian Wanli nodded, his expression gradually serious.

There was a trace of admiration and respect in Tuoba Xiaoyao's eyes, "That sister is so powerful... My father may not be able to beat me, and my uncle may not be able to beat me either! I, I... Maybe I can try !"

Lian Wanli was a little dumbfounded.

At this time, Tuoba Xiaoyao said again: "My father said, it doesn't matter if you can't beat her, but you can't lose face, so if you can't beat her, I have to say that I have beaten her. Anyway, I won't fight her. You can beat it or you can't beat it!"

After thinking about it for a while, Lian Wanli said softly, "It seems quite reasonable!"

Just like that, the two women dragged Ye Xuan and slowly disappeared into the distance.

But now, Cangmu Academy is in ruins.

Cangmu Academy was destroyed, more than a dozen peak experts were beheaded, and even two world protectors fell. However, the matter did not end there.

Because the aura of the entire Qingzhou boundary is dissipating at an extremely fast speed, not only Qingzhou, but also the Qingcang world has been affected to a certain extent, and Qingzhou is the most serious, because the origin of Qingzhou has been severely damaged!

Although the sword of the woman in the plain skirt did not fall completely, even so, the power of that sword was not something Qingzhou could bear.

Reiki is the foundation of a world, and every world has its own origin. The guardian of the world protects the origin, and prevents the origin of the world from being destroyed by the local strong. But now, the origin of Qingzhou has been severely damaged, which means that Qingzhou will become a barren land in a short time.

For the entire Qingzhou, it is indeed the end of the day. It should be said that it is a disaster for the entire Qingcang world!

Above the ruined Cangmu Academy, a middle-aged man suddenly walked out of a space. The middle-aged man glanced around below. After a while, his brows furrowed deeply, and his eyes were solemn!

An old man suddenly appeared not far in front of the middle-aged man. The old man glanced at the middle-aged man, "I never thought that Lord Lu would come to Qingzhou in person."

Lord Lu, the Lord Protector of Qingcang Realm, ranks at least in the top five in the entire Middle-earth Divine State. Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is his identity, Lord Protector of Qingcang Realm, all The Guardians are under his control!

The protectors in the entire Qingcang world are transcendent in themselves, and the guardian of the world is even more transcendent in the transcendence.

In Middle-earth China, except for some special forces and special people, no one dared not give face to the Guardians.

To put it simply, the guardian of the world is equivalent to a civil official!

Lu Zunzhu looked at the old man, "President Li Qing, Cangmu College paid a huge price to invite twelve wizards from the witch world, but this is the result. How do you feel?"

The old man had no expression on his face, "Just admit it!"

"Admit it?"

Venerable Lu said in a low voice: "This time, that sword cultivator hit the source of the Qingcang Realm, especially this Qingzhou. The aura in this state is dissipating at an extremely fast speed. It won't be long before the aura will be completely exhausted. Regarding this matter, After all, it started because of you, Cangmu Academy, so you don't have any other ideas?"

Li Qing chuckled, "Is Master Lu trying to blame me on Cangmu Academy?"

Lu Zunzhu was expressionless, "Principal Li, you are not ignorant of the rules of the Qingcang Realm. In this small Qingzhou, those who are strong in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm can make a move, but they must not destroy the aura and origin of the state. And you, Cangmu College, unexpectedly Inviting twelve magicians above the realm of the imperial court to enter Qingzhou, this is already a serious foul."

Li Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, "Lord Lu, these twelve warlocks entered Qingzhou, and you, the Guardian, didn't seem to stop them!"

Lu Zunzhu sneered, "My World Protector didn't stop me, so that means you can make fouls at Cangmu Academy at will?"

Li Qing's eyes gradually turned cold, "Master Lu, you seem to have forgotten one thing, the ones who died were the twelve warlocks and the left courtyard envoy of my Cangmu Academy, the one who destroyed the source of spiritual energy in this world was that female sword cultivator, that female , is the culprit!"

Lu Zunzhu glanced at Li Qing, "That woman, don't worry about Dean Li, I will deal with it myself. And you should be punished for your foul at Cangmu College. Dean Li, you have three days to report to me. The Guardian League pays 20 billion gold coins and 10,000 Purple Origin Crystals, if it is overdue, you will be responsible for the consequences."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Li Qing to answer, he turned around and disappeared into the boundless sky.

In the same place, Li Qing clenched his fists tightly, his face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of cold murderous intent and anger!

This World Protector League made it clear that it wanted to grab Cangmu Academy when it was at its weakest!

20 billion gold coins, 10,000 Purple Origin Crystals! This amount of wealth is enough to seriously hurt the vitality of Cangmu Academy! The real vitality is badly hurt! Perhaps within decades, Cangmu Academy will not be able to recover.

Because the competition in Middle-earth China is very cruel, Cangmu Academy's heavy damage means that they can no longer compete with others for resources. Without resources, Cangmu Academy will either perish or withdraw from Middle-earth China.

Withdrawing from Middle-Earth China, he was naturally not reconciled. Cangmu Academy was able to gain a foothold in Middle-Earth China through the unremitting efforts of countless people. If he withdrew from Middle-Earth China, he would be a sinner of Cangmu Academy. Moreover, The hostile forces of Cangmu Academy will not let go of this opportunity to suppress Cangmu Academy.

Not only those hostile forces, but also some other forces may come to add insult to injury, and even join forces to carve up Cangmu Academy!

The current situation of Cangmu Academy is equivalent to a desperate situation!

At this moment, an old man in black suddenly appeared not far from Li Qing.

This person is the old man in black who followed An Lanxiu back then, but this person is not from the An family.

Seeing the old man in black, Li Qing's expression instantly turned cold. It is the twelve warlocks introduced by the old man in black to Cangmu Academy. He is also the person in front of him. He swears that one of the twelve can kill one of them. Sword Fairy!

But the fact is that all the twelve warlocks and a left court envoy of Cangmu College were killed!

Inviting those twelve Warlocks, Cangmu Academy paid a huge price, and with the blackmail from the Guardian League, this directly pushed Cangmu Academy to a desperate situation!

The old man in black glanced down, and said in a low voice: "From this point of view, it has failed again."

Li Qing sneered, "Didn't your Excellency say that those twelve warlocks could definitely kill a sword fairy?"

The old man in black narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of gloom in his eyes, "The old man guessed wrong! That woman can kill twelve warlocks, she should be at least a peak sword fairy!"

The pinnacle Great Sword Immortal!

Li Qing didn't say anything, turned and left.

For Cangmu Academy now, whether it is a sword fairy or a great sword fairy, it has no meaning, because Cangmu Academy can't win!

At this time, the old man in black suddenly appeared in front of Li Qing, "Dean Li, Cangmu College is in a dire situation now, I don't know what Dean Li's plan is!"

Li Qing looked cold, "How to plan? What else can I, Cangmu Academy, do now?"

The old man in black said: "Principal Li, don't be angry, I don't mean anything malicious. Cangmu College is in a very worrying situation. As far as I know, there are many enemies in Cangmu College, and I'm afraid there are many forces spying on Cangmu now." Academy! If Dean Li has no other plans for the time being, this old man can show Dean Li a way!"

Li Qing looked directly at the old man in black and didn't speak.

The old man in black said seriously: "Dean Li, to tell you the truth, this old man is the elder Situ from the Upper Realm!"

Upper Bound!

Li Qing frowned slightly, "You come from the upper realm!"

The old man in black nodded.

Li Qing was silent.

The so-called upper realm is actually in the Qingcang Realm. The Qingcang Realm is very large and contains many things. It is a diverse world.

This so-called upper bound is a special existence, that is, a world independently developed. It belongs to Qingcang Realm, but it is an independent world.

Open up a world independently, only that kind of real transcendent force can do it!

And this upper realm was not created by one person or one force, but by many forces united. In this independent upper realm, there are some transcendent forces, and this Situ family is one of them.

The old man in black said again: "Dean Li, Cangmu Academy is better off being attached to my Situ family. With my Situ family here, your Cangmu Academy is in the lower realm. No one dares to bully you!"


The Qingcang Realm is actually a world, but for the people in the upper realm, the outside world is the lower realm...Although it feels a bit superior, the forces in the upper realm are indeed stronger than those in the lower realm outside. Be strong.

After a moment of silence, Li Qing said, "This matter is of great importance, I have to discuss it with the elders in the courtyard!"

The old man in black smiled and said, "Understood." As if thinking of something, Li Qing suddenly looked at the old man in black, "Your Situ family seems to want Ye Xuan to die, why?"

The old man in black sneered, "Brother Li doesn't know something. In the upper world, many forces want to marry the An family, and my Situ family is the same. Moreover, the head of the An family also intends to marry our Situ family. Ye Xuan doesn't know what is good or bad." How dare you approach Miss An, hmph, not to mention that there is a great sword fairy behind him, even if there is a sword fairy above him, my Situ family will definitely not let him go."

Li Qing glanced at the old man in black, "You still want to target him?"

The old man in black nodded, "Of course, it has been explained above that this person must die. Miss An, she can only be the daughter-in-law of my Situ family."

Li Qing nodded slightly, "I wish the Situ family good luck!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

At the end of the sky in the distance, Li Qing stopped suddenly, with a ferocious expression on his face, "Idiot! Attaching to your Situ family, I might as well attach to the An family!"

Speaking of this, he was slightly taken aback, and after a while, he said softly: "Ye Xuan and Miss Na An...Well, if you are attached to the An family, you are attached to the An family!"

After speaking, he disappeared directly in place.

Above Cangmu College, after Li Qing left, the old man in black glanced coldly below, "Great Sword Immortal? Woman, when you see my Situ family, you will realize how small you are!"


Below, the Imperial Palace of the Dayun Empire.

Ye Xuan woke up suddenly, and the next moment, a heart-piercing scream sounded from the depths of the palace, "Where's my egg! Where's the egg!"