

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 203: Can you take my sword?


When the Lingxiu sword slowly fell from the sky, everyone felt the breath of doom. If that sword is allowed to fall, the entire Qingzhou may collapse, not only Qingzhou, but the entire Qingcang world may be lost.

To destroy the world!

At this moment, countless people in the arena were terrified.

Especially the old world protector in the air, his head was blank at this time, and a single sword collapsed a world. What kind of strong person can do this?

Are you a human?

Down below, Ye Xuan was also stunned, because he never thought that this mysterious woman would really destroy the world.

This is too much to play!

Ye Xuan quickly got up and rushed behind the mysterious woman, "Senior, you must calm down! Calm down!" Naturally, he didn't want this world to be destroyed. If this world were to be destroyed, what would Jiang Guo do in Qingzhou? What should Xiao Jiumo Yunqi and the others do?

The woman in the plain skirt had no expression on her face, "Why are you so calm, the ants in this world have repeatedly troubled me and disturbed my sleep, they really deserve to die."

As soon as her voice fell, the Lingxiu sword in the sky suddenly fell by about ten feet. In an instant, the entire Cangmu Academy was instantly reduced to dust. Not only that, but the high mountains around the Cangmu Academy also began to collapse layer by layer at this moment.

Feeling this scene, Ye Xuan was shocked, and he quickly said: "Senior, don't you want to find someone? If that person is in this world, if you come down with your sword and this world collapses, wouldn't that person also follow?" This world will perish together?"

Hearing this, the woman in plain skirt frowned slightly. After a while, she glanced around. This glance actually covered all parts of Qingzhou. After a while, her gaze finally fell on Ye Xuan, and she just looked at Ye Xuan without saying a word.

Although Ye Xuan couldn't see the face of the woman in the plain skirt, he could feel that the woman in the plain skirt was looking at him at the moment.

Ye Xuan's scalp felt a little numb from the look, he didn't dare to be skinny in the face of this plain skirt woman, he didn't want to be beaten, it really hurt too much for this plain skirt woman to beat someone.

After a while, the plain skirt woman's eyes slowly closed, and in the air, the Lingxiu sword also stopped, not falling.

In the arena, everyone was trembling, not daring to vent their anger!

In this way, after going on for about a quarter of an hour, the plain skirt woman suddenly pointed at Ye Xuan, "I'll give you some face!"

After the voice fell, she lightly tapped Ye Xuan with her jade hand.

The Lingxiu sword in the air directly sank into Ye Xuan's body.

Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, he slumped on the ground, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, he couldn't believe it, "I actually saved the whole world..."

At this moment, the space in the sky suddenly trembled, and in the eyes of countless people, a gap in the sky suddenly opened, and then, a middle-aged man walked out of it, and the middle-aged man looked down. His eyes first fell on the old man in the air who was stared at by a hair of the mysterious woman.

When he saw the old man, the middle-aged man frowned slightly, and then his eyes fell on the mysterious woman.

The old man suddenly roared, "Go!"

He didn't know what realm the mysterious woman was, but he knew that the mysterious woman in front of him was not something he could compete with the middle-aged man at all!

The middle-aged man was about to speak, at this moment, two fingers of the mysterious woman suddenly pinched a strand of hair, and the next moment, a ray of sword light rose into the sky.

In the sword light, there is a beautiful hair!

In the air, the face of the middle-aged man suddenly changed. He folded his hands and pressed down suddenly. In an instant, the entire sky trembled violently, and the space was distorted into a strange vortex.

However, that hair directly pierced through that weird vortex, or in other words, that hair and that distorted space vortex are not the same space at all!


Under the horrified eyes of the middle-aged man, the hair pierced directly between his eyebrows.

The entire sky instantly returned to calm.

The woman in the plain skirt suddenly appeared in front of the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man stared at the woman in the plain skirt, "I am the protector of the world, respecting the way of heaven, respecting the gods, guarding the ten realms of Kyushu, and protecting hundreds of millions of living beings. You kill me , will be condemned by the heavens, and will not be tolerated in the ten realms of Kyushu!"

"God's punishment?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of the plain skirt woman's mouth, she looked at the middle-aged man as if she were looking at an ant, "Who in the world dares to send me? If it weren't for the person I am looking for in this world, what heaven, what gods, what Nine provinces and ten realms, what hundreds of millions of living beings, I will destroy them with one sword!"


The middle-aged man stared at the woman in plain skirt and roared like a beast, "You lack awe of heaven and gods, you will suffer..."

The middle-aged man's voice stopped abruptly because his head had already flown out.

Looking at the bloody head, the woman in the plain skirt expressed no expression on her face, "Ignorant ants, even the gods of heaven and dao in your mouth, you must respect me, otherwise, if I let them die, they will die!"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head slightly, and looked at the dying old man not far away, "Come on, call someone, keep calling! Don't call out trash like you, it's a waste of my sword energy! Tell him what he said before. Gods of Heaven and Dao, come and see them, can they take my sword?"

The old man looked at the mysterious woman, he didn't speak, and he didn't continue to call, because if he called again, he was calling to die!

In this way, the old man slowly disappeared, and after a while, he completely disappeared from this world.

The mysterious woman looked up at the end of the sky, her hands were behind her back, her face was cold, and her eyes were indifferent.

Not far behind the mysterious woman is Ye Xuan. At this moment, Ye Xuan is a little cautious, because he finds that this sword fairy sister doesn't look like a good person... She will destroy a world at every turn!

This temper is really too violent!

At this time, the mysterious woman's eyes slowly closed, and after a long time, she said softly: "Thirteen thousand years, twenty-one people, none of them are you, and now, I don't know if it is you, but even if it is ten thousand Even with a one-in-one chance, I won't give up!"


Ye Xuan walked behind the mysterious woman and was about to speak when the mysterious woman suddenly said: "Your sword intent is the sword intent of good and evil. With this sword intent, one thought of goodness can reach thousands of rivers and mountains, and you can get the help of heaven, earth, people and spirits; It can destroy all living beings. The way of good thoughts is extremely complicated and difficult to understand. Good people can be evil, and evil people can be good, no matter how good or evil is defined, everything is only the heart!"

Ye Xuan thought about the mysterious woman's words carefully, then gave a slight salute, "Understood."

The mysterious woman walked slowly in front of Ye Xuan. The two were very close, but Ye Xuan still couldn't see the mysterious woman's face.

The mysterious woman said again, "After today, everything in the future has to be faced by yourself. The path of sword cultivation is blazed by yourself, not paved by others!"

Ye Xuan bowed deeply, "I will remember the words of the seniors in my heart!"

The mysterious woman nodded slightly, "After you recover, you need to find the second way quickly. There are nine ways in that broken pagoda, six of which are in the Qingcang Realm. You need to collect these six ways as soon as possible, and reach the Ten Thousand Laws as soon as possible." Realm, not only that, you also need to reach the level of Sword Emperor. Only in this way, will you have the ability to protect yourself when there is a catastrophe in this world in the future!"

"A catastrophe in this world?" Ye Xuan was a little puzzled.

The mysterious woman nodded slightly, "Before I looked up at the starry sky, there was an extremely evil aura outside this world. The people in the world didn't notice it. According to my guess, it won't be long before it can break through itself with the help of the source of this world, and at that time, a catastrophe will come to this world!"

Ye Xuan's face changed slightly, "Is it very strong?"

The mysterious woman looked up and said in a low voice, "For people in this world, it is undoubtedly very strong!"

Ye Xuan quickly asked, "What about you, senior?"

"Like an ant!" The mysterious woman's voice was extremely calm.

Ye Xuan was stunned, and then said: "Senior, then you can kill it with one sword!"

The mysterious woman glanced at Ye Xuan, "I'm very merciful if I don't destroy this world. Save the world? As long as it doesn't mess with me, what does it matter to me if hundreds of millions of people in this world live or die?" Ye Xuan, "..."

The mysterious woman suddenly asked, "Want to save the world?"

Ye Xuan shook his head. save the world? He is actually not that great, he just wants to protect the people around him, as for saving the world, he never thought about it!

The mysterious woman walked in front of Ye Xuan, "You can do whatever you have. It's very important to recognize yourself. If you can't find the second way within a year, you will become a passer-by in this tower!" "

After speaking, she disappeared directly.

Back to the tower!

Ye Xuan shook his head and sighed, the second question is where to find it? I have no clue!

And that great god on the second floor, this great god doesn't know where to go! Lang is fine, but Dao has to be brought back!

The way!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan's face suddenly changed drastically. The next moment, he let out a scream of 'ah', and then fell straight down, curled up into a ball in pain!



here we go again!

This time, without the suppression of Dao, he endured all the backlash by himself. That feeling is really painful!

He Ye Xuan is not afraid of death, but this backlash, he is really a little scared!

At this time, Tuoba Xiaoyao came over, looked at Ye Xuan on the ground, Tuoba Xiaoyao frowned, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes, "Jianxiu, you, are you okay?"

Ye Xuan didn't answer. At this moment, he can no longer answer, and his consciousness is a little fuzzy!

Tuoba Xiaoyao took out the mace, she hesitated, "Jianxiu, how about I knock you out! It won't hurt anymore! But, but, I'm afraid I'll beat you to death!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

While Tuoba Xiaoyao was still hesitating, a woman suddenly appeared beside Ye Xuan. The person who came was Lian Wanli! Lian Wanli glanced at Ye Xuan who was on the ground, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his smile was a bit weird.

Tuoba Xiaoyao looked at Lian Wanli, "Is there something wrong?"

Lian Wanli pointed to Ye Xuan who was on the ground, "I can save him!"

Tuoba Xiaoyao blinked, a little pleased, "Really?"

Lian Wanli nodded, and said very seriously: "Really!"

Just like that, Tuoba Xiaoyao and Lian Wanli dragged Ye Xuan by one foot and walked towards the distance.

As for Ye Xuan, because he was knocked into the air by the envoy of the left court earlier, his clothes were already torn, especially the crotch, which was empty.

On the way, Tuoba Xiaoyao pointed at Ye Xuan's crotch, and asked curiously, "What is that? Why didn't I have it?"

Lian Wanli glanced at Ye Xuan's crotch, with a look of disdain, "That is the root of all evil. Without this thing, men can't do evil to us women!"

Tuoba Xiaoyao thought for a while, and then said: "This sword is a good cultivator, and he is my friend, how about this, let's get rid of this evil for him?"

Lian Wanli nodded, "Okay!"

Tuoba Xiaoyao turned her head and glanced at Ye Xuan, who was half awake and half unconscious, "Sword cultivator, hold on!"

When the voice fell, she held the hammer and slammed it down on Ye Xuan's crotch.


Seems like something is broken....
