

Imagine being quarantined because the city is suffering from a pandemic. Being who I am, I would constantly read. What if you were offered an opportunity to join the world of imagination that you love to read about? Would you take the chance? Lauren, a 27-year-old avid reader, and writer takes the offer and her world is never the same. Join her on her journey to become the keeper of the keys of imagination: the most important person in the world.

lorraine_williams · Fantasy
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54 Chs

We All Have Roles...

Chapter 26

Everyone came together in the throne room of the Keeper's spire. Valentine and Professor Gavin joined in as mentors to give guidance if it was needed. "First," Lauren started, "I have to ask your forgiveness for not including everyone in the plans that have been made to this point. I don't want anyone to feel unappreciated or disrespected. You are all precious to me."

"We understand. We don't expect to be included in everything. I mean there are a lot of us and most of us are here just to guard you and as informants or assets to be sent out to complete missions so you don't have to go yourself. We know our roles. You are learning yours." Kento said pointedly.

"Besides, most of the stuff you have done so far only involved your family and the dragons. We would not have been of help in any of that stuff." Damon added. "Don't worry so much. We will be assets on this mission to Earth. Just give us our orders so we can get started doing your will."

Lauren was happy to hear that she had not upset her team. "Okay. I am going to use some magic on a few of you that will make you invisible. The witch is in the Wailing Woods in Scotland and she is alert to our desire to capture her since she lost control of all of her minions. You will go into the woods in pairs, one visible and one invisible. When she tries to attack the bait, both can overpower her and bring her in. Place her in the spelled cage I have created just for her. Please, be careful and all of you come back in one piece. I have spelled your armor and shielded your mind from the magic I know she has. I don't know what else I can do to help."

MaGayla spoke up. "I can add a few additional protections to the keeper's spell. They will enhance your endurance, strength, and ability to attack."

"Thanks, MaGayla. You are very important to our team. I need you by my side for a while. With the stuff that is going on and the need for a second magic user on this mission, I am really happy you are here."

"Thanks," MaGayla replied. She then fell in place next to Lauren.

"Don't worry, Your wolves and bears will not fail you. We will let you know when she is captured." Kento stated.

"This we promise." They all stated in unison. Lauren used her invisibility magic and spells of protection. Then they were on their way.

As badly as Lauren wanted to go with them, she had to remember her dream and that she could not do everything. She had to remember that there was a reason she had a team. Cartrell had everything ready for Lauren when she got back to his side. "We can leave whenever you are ready."

"Okay, I just need to do a few more things so I can be protected and we will be on our way. I promise we will leave in two days. Okay?"

"Yes. That's fine. I am sorry to sound so pushy. I am just nervous for my kingdom." Cartrell said.

"I know. Thursday at first light." Cartrell nodded and left.

Lauren called her sprites to her. They conducted the binding ceremony and were secured to her garments from then on. She felt comforted and protected in a way she had never felt before. She asked MaGayla, Sari, Tayla, Levi, Davis, Sam, and Chris to get ready to go with her and Cartrell to the Earth. Tom asked to go with them because he was from earth. He had a place where everyone could stay so they didn't scare Cartrell's kingdom by all of them coming at once. Lauren agreed.

Valentine told Sari and the harpies they shouldn't go because they might be tempted. They were always on the hunt for mates or meals so it was best to leave them. Mo also stayed behind and was being tutored by Professor Gavin. He wanted to become a smarter asset for Lauren and since ogres are not schooled he wanted to learn. Lauren decided to take Silvia, Tina, and Grace instead of Sari and Tayla.

Lauren felt ready. She went to her room that evening and there, in the middle of the floor, was Gerald, playing with the baby dragons. He would toss them in the air and they would spread their wings so they could glide down to him. They were laughing the entire time. It was a wonderful sight to see and he looked so happy. When he saw her, he gave her a bright smile. "Hello, love."

"I see you are enjoying yourself," Lauren replied.

"Of course. I have been waiting for you. I wanted to get your opinion on something."

"What is it?"

I would like to take Avel and Alinta to the dragon realm so they can mature and develop. It will only be during the time you are in the Earth realm. If they stay here, their growth will become stunted. Most baby dragons don't leave the realm the first year of their birth, but since they were born in the heavenly realm, their development is a bit accelerated. I don't want the growth to catch up with them."

"Oh. Um. I guess I can't argue with your logic. I do have to go on this mission and we don't want the babies stunted so it only makes sense. I am going to miss you all."

"I know, but you also have a responsibility to the Earth realm. Cartrell is not as patient as I am and I can tell he is getting ready to lose control." Lauren looked stunned. "Don't look at me like that. You have been told you will have multiple mates. They are to bring you stability as well as to establish order within the realms."

"But, so soon. I thought it would be later. I'm just getting the hang of being with a dragon." Lauren stated.

"You don't have to take every mating as far as we have, as quickly as we did. Set your time. You do, however, have to mate and bond. It is important to your health."

Lauren didn't really understand why he kept saying that she had to mate for stability but she rolled with it. "Okay. I understand that you need to go to the dragon realm. And I hear you when you say that I have to have multiple mates, but I don't know if I will love anyone as much as I love you. I didn't know I could love like this." She walked into his arms and he embraced her. Lauren just hoped that she could do what Gerald wanted her to do. She never thought that having more than one guy wanting her was a good thing.

They laid together and made love through the night. Lauren wanted to make sure she was in his mind. She didn't want him to forget her. "I could never forget you and it will be hard for me to share you. You are my joy and a jewel I think of as precious. I will always be here for you. I will be in your mind and you will be in mine. We will be in each other's hearts."

Lauren's tears flowed down her cheeks. Gerald kissed them away and then kissed her lips. He continued to worship her body by pleasuring her and bringing her to an orgasm. The ecstasy and bliss empowered them both, making them explode together. Power pulsed through the keep, intense pressure filled everyone in the spires. The second orgasm was even more powerful and so was the third. Lauren realized that any other mate she was going to have, would have a lot to live up to.