

Imagine being quarantined because the city is suffering from a pandemic. Being who I am, I would constantly read. What if you were offered an opportunity to join the world of imagination that you love to read about? Would you take the chance? Lauren, a 27-year-old avid reader, and writer takes the offer and her world is never the same. Join her on her journey to become the keeper of the keys of imagination: the most important person in the world.

lorraine_williams · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Chapter 25

Lauren was beginning to hate dreaming. Her dreams used to be her haven, her place to escape. She lay wrapped in Gerald's arms and still her mind could not find comfort. In her dream, she floated in the clouds able to see everything going on in the realms. All the Realms. Chaos was in several realms, some were less violent, and a few were peaceful. Then she saw herself. She stood at the nexus and was using her power to create necessary changes, manipulate people that are not behaving for the good, and calming the world. She was becoming worn down and ill. All of her team and friends were not there. She was all alone. She woke as she heard a voice say, "I show you this possible future. Don't let it become reality. This will kill you. Keep your friends close and let them help you." She woke up. Gerald was awake and looking straight in her face. She smiled and stretched.

"Are you okay? You felt like you were not really there. Were you having a bad dream?" Gerald asked.

"Not bad. Just distressing. It was a reminder of my team and how much I need to make sure I keep my team with me and not take the worlds on my shoulders. We need to involve my team, our team in this mission. I can't short them. The more I do things without everyone, the more I will drain my life."

"I understand. We have separated from the group a bit. I have been waiting for you to tell me that you wanted to end our honeymoon." He smiled. "Don't worry. I am not mad and I really do understand. Evandalyn talked to me before we joined. You have to have time with those that you become joined to but you also will develop a sense of when you need to be with whoever you have to be with. It will not diminish what we have."

"Okay. I'm glad. I needed to know that. I would never want to hurt you." Lauren gave him a kiss and settled back into his arms. He smiled and deepened the kiss. "It's time to get busy. We have to go to the heaven realm to get Edmon and Demeatral and say see you later to Evandalyn and my grandparents. Then, we need to get up and talk to everyone at the Keep and plan with the team."

"Right. I was wondering something." Gerald waited for a second to make sure he had Lauren's attention. "Do you think we should add a few dragons to your guard? I mean we could add a few into the Warriors and Fighters. It would strengthen your entourage and make it harder to attack your Keep. They can stay at the keep and free more of the people you really want near you, like MaGayla or Sari, who won't leave the keep because they are the first line of defense there. With the dragons there, you will be able to have more of your team."

"I think that would be a good idea. I actually think that Evandalyn would have suggested it if she wasn't sick." Yes. That would be a good idea." Lauren agreed.

Let's get up then." Gerald made a move to get up and Lauren pulled him back down.

"We can rest a few more minutes."

"Rest you say? You seem to be flirting with me again, only do you want my human form instead of my dragon?"

"Yes", was all she replied and then kissed him again. Gerald took the hint and rolled her on her back continuing the kiss. She arched her back and opened her legs, letting him know not to stop. He pressed his advantage, entering her moist and pulsing channel, this being his first time with a human, it felt weird but fascinating. Her warmth tantalized his length making it grow stiffer and thicker with every stroke. It felt wonderful as her muscles gripped and squeezed him, milking him and stretching him. He loved every bit of it, he stroked, going deeper and deeper into the fantasy that was his queen until they simultaneously exploded in pure ecstasy.

"You know, that was my first time with a human." Gerald said. "You were marvelous."

"I guess this is a first for both of us then, my first and only dragon." Lauren replied.

They "rested" until noon.

Once they got up, Gerald requested six dragons to volunteer to become part of the keeper's guard and to go to the keep to guard it. They gathered all of the things they wanted to take with them and were back in the heaven realm shortly after.

Edmon and Demeatral glowed. The love that radiated from them was glorious. Lauren thought about teasing them but decided against it. Their connection was a beautiful sight and it made Lauren happy.

Evandalyn's healing was going well. She was being infused with Earth divine power. Beatrice stayed by her side and helped her through the memories that began popping back into her mind. It was not an easy thing to handle. She cried so much and was often exhausted. Oliver told Lauren that he thought it better that she wait for a while to see Evandalyn. Lauren understood. She decided to write her a letter and gave it to Beatrice. "Please, let Evandalyn read this when she is strong enough."

"I will, my dear," Beatrice replied.

"Lauren," Evandalyn called out to Lauren through their mental bond. "I miss you. I am learning so many things I hate that I had forgotten. I am so sorry…"

"Wait. I don't want to hear the sorrow in your voice. Things have happened and once you are healed, we will talk together, cry together, and then laugh together. Okay? I love you."

"I love you too. I will work to not hold on to the sorrow and look toward the future." Evandalyn replied and then broke the connection.

"I'm here for you whenever you need me," Lauren said in her mind hoping Evandalyn heard her.

Lauren and her crew left for the keep. She had tarried as long as she could and now had to get with her team so they could plan how to solve the present pixie and witch problems.

On their way from the heaven realm, Lauren spotted the pixie that was hiding on the path and alerted Edmon of her presents. He shrunk to fairy size and snuck up behind her. Once she was captured and tied up, They continued their journey to the Keep.

"That was easier than I thought it would be. The pixie is such a good shot that I thought she was trained in stealth and combat. I see she is just good at hiding and shooting." Edmon said. "What do you want me to do with her?"

"For now, put her in a jar with holes for air but don't untie her," Lauren replied. "We need to talk and I don't need her getting away because we were nice enough to untie her."

The pixie looked at her with an angry stare while Edmon put her in the jar to wait.

"Lauren, give me our eggs and I will take them and the baby dragons to your room," Gerald said. She handed him the eggs and gave him a hug and kiss. He hugged and kissed her back and went upstairs. The six dragons they brought with them introduced themselves to the rest of the entourage and went to talk to MaGayla to get their orders for their guard. MaGayla gave each dragon a spire to guard. They sent their magic out and reinforced the protective barrier that was around the keep and the town.

"Well, with your strength protecting the keep, I won't be needed," MaGayla said.

"You most certainly will be," Lauren said. "I heard what you said when I reached out to you. You will always be needed. I brought in the dragons so you can be closer to me and freer to leave the keep."

"Oh. Good. Let's meet up at lunch. You can tell me what has been going on while I have been taking care of this keep of yours." Magayla said with a laugh. Lauren agreed.

Demeatral and Lauren were left in the foyer of the Keeper's spire. "So, you and Edmon? How is that going?" Lauren asked.

Demeatral blushed. "He makes me happy. It is so nice to feel the love he has for me."

"I'm glad you two are working out. It will be nice to have a couple as my emergency Keepers."

"We are not just working out. We are bonded and soulmates. We will have to leave for a few days and go to the fairy ring. My parents are going to meet his parents and have our souls tested. We know we are meant to be together."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Just a few days, maybe a week."

"I'm happy for you," Lauren replied. Her nerves perked but she knew she had more members in her entourage that she could have close to her while Edmon and Demeatral were gone. She could tell that Gerald would be pulling away from her as well. He wanted to take the babies to the dragon realm and teach them dragon ways. He wanted her to say it was okay. With the three of them occupied and away from her, she would have to count on the rest of her team.

They continued to discuss Edmon and Demeatral's upcoming trip and how things were between Gerald and Lauren while they headed to the cafeteria to eat. The whole Entourage was there waiting. Lauren gave hugs to everyone and spent a few minutes conversing with them.

The sprites needed to complete a binding with her so they could be with her permanently. Just like Evandalyn's sprites, hers would go with her everywhere in her clothes, ready to aid her at all times. The bears and wolves needed to schedule separate competitions for ranking and choosing leadership. Cartrell was still on edge but willing to wait for Lauren's attention. The harpies were doing well getting used to being free. There was so much that needed to be tended to.

The pixies were first. The pixie was brought food in the jar she was placed in. When Lauren came to talk to her, she had not eaten anything. Valentina was with Lauren since she was the expert on the powers and abilities of different species. Professor Gavin was in the observation room watching with Edmon and Cartrell.

"Okay. My name is Lauren. I am the new Keeper of the Keys of Imagination. We did not capture you to cause you harm, but to find out why you tried to shoot Oliver. I am not taking sides, I just need to know the circumstances so I can help solve the problem."

The pixies didn't speak at first. She just looked around the room and then at Lauren. She began to stare at her and Lauren stared back. Prof. Gavin explained that pixies only honored those they considered more powerful than them and they respected those that showed them respect. Since staring was the only contest the pixie could challenge Lauren with, that was what she used. Finally, the pixie blinked. Lauren stared a little longer making sure the pixie knew she had lost. She sighed and said, "My name is Lextwin. I was sent by the Queen of the pixies to kill Oliver so he would stop meddling in our business. He claims to be our creator but he wants to change how things are. We didn't ask him for his help. My queen is happy with how things are."

"Right. Now, may I ask you some questions?" Lauren asked.

"Sure. You can ask but our business is our business. You, outsiders, need to butt out."

"Is it just the queen that is happy or are all pixies happy?"

"No one can make everyone happy. As long as the queen is happy, nothing else matters. We live to please her."

Lauren hated that answer. She could hear the slavery and oppression in the statement. Their situation had to change. "I want to meet your queen and her counsel." Lauren got up to leave the room.

"Um. You are meeting the queen. I don't have counsel and I like things as they are."

"But how do your people feel about it?" Lauren asked.

"I really don't care." Lextwin twisted in her chair and turned her back to Lauren. Lauren sat quietly until Lextwin looked back over her shoulder at her. She swiveled back around and looked Lauren straight in the face, pouting.

Lauren felt like a parent disciplining a child. She sat down at the table across from the pixie and smiled. "You were the first of your species weren't you?" The pixie nodded. "Knowing Oliver and Beatrice, they doted on you and gave you everything. So you probably grew accustomed to having everything your way." Lextwin smiled and nodded yes. "Well, maybe if you had a small taste of what your fellow species experiences every day, you might change your mind." Lauren thought about it for a little while before she decided to create a book for the pixie queen.

"Gerald, I am thinking of putting the pixies queen in a book that will make her experience what her subjects experience." She sent him across their link. "And by the way, where are you? Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm with the babies and the eggs in your room. If you would like me physically there I can be, but as you have done, you can always reach me." Gerald replied. "How will you be sure she experiences the hardships?"

"I just miss your presence but I will see you this evening. And I will write the storyline for the book. It will not be a freewill book."

"I didn't know you could do that."

"It's like a forced dream. She would feel like she is really there."

"That sounds like a good idea. If she doesn't change after that, you can make it her permanent prison."

"So you like my book prison idea?"

"Yeah. It's not inhumane and it might teach them a lesson if you can manipulate the storyline as you said. You might even be able to free them in the future."

"I will consider that point. Thank you for your support. I'm glad I can bounce my ideas off of you." Lauren knew Gerald was giving her the space she needed to do her duty as keeper, but she didn't want to lose their closeness. She would talk to him about that later.

"Good. I'm here for you. I'm going to put the babies down to sleep. If they don't sleep, they don't grow. We will see you tonight."

"Okay." Lauren broke their link and took a handful of paper. She studied it for a few minutes and then a light appeared in her hands. When she came back to the room, she had a book in her hands. She opened the book and looked at the pixie queen. Suddenly, the queen disappeared from the jar and reappeared in the book. Lauren then closed the book. "I will check on her after a while."

Everyone was surprised but agreed with Lauren's actions. "Your use of the book prisons is very convenient and unique. If used correctly, you could reteach the prisoners." Professor Gavin said. Can they be freed from the books by anyone other than you?"

"No. They can't be freed. There's no escaping. I control the books. I can't be forced or tricked to free them. The books are very secure."

"Good. Now. You said there was another problem to get cleared up before we can talk about my concern." Cartrell said.

"Um, yes. There's an Earth witch that needs to be captured and questioned. She has been trying to cause havoc in the dragon realm for years and she is the witch that kidnapped Jon. She used manipulation spells on his family. At present, he is visiting with his family in the dragon realm and will return soon. We must catch the Earth witch." Lauren stated. "Any suggestions?"

"I wonder if this witch has anything to do with the problems happening in the animal kingdom?" Cartrell asked.

"What is going on?" Lauren asked.

"The animals are being weakened. Our shamans think that they are being drained of energy and that Earth's ley lines are also being drained. Earth's magic is wavering and making sickness run rampant through the world's population. Viruses worse than COVID19 are killing people by the thousands. We think there has to be a witch behind it. Maybe it's the same witch."

"Okay, so now there is an even stronger reason for us to get this witch. I still want suggestions on how to capture her. When we freed Jon's family, we also freed the rest of her minions of the dragon realm from the control she had on them. When was the last time you were in contact with your kingdom? Have there been any changes? Anyone gaining memories or seeming to come out of fog." If so, they might have been under her control."

"Yes, I will check that now."

"We will check it. We are a team and I have not been there for you as I should be. Let's head to your kingdom now and check it out." Lauren replied. "Let's gather the team."