

Imagine being quarantined because the city is suffering from a pandemic. Being who I am, I would constantly read. What if you were offered an opportunity to join the world of imagination that you love to read about? Would you take the chance? Lauren, a 27-year-old avid reader, and writer takes the offer and her world is never the same. Join her on her journey to become the keeper of the keys of imagination: the most important person in the world.

lorraine_williams · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Chapter 27

Morning came. The keep was bustling with activity. The bears and wolves were readying themselves for their espionage and spying. Lauren placed Kento in charge of the bears and Damon in charge of the wolves. The competition for leadership would have to wait until they got back.

The sprites brought all their healing supplies to be packed. They had weird jars of energy and coils of energized ropes and chains that they gave to the wolves and bears. "You two make wonderfully powerful energy sources." Shirley teased. "We collected this last night. The ropes and chains should be strong enough to hold the witch without any problems. We also reinforced the cage with your energy."

Lauren blushed. "That's good. I didn't know that everyone knew or could feel us last night."

"Oh, well, we all love power surges. You replenished everyone last night. Even the town folk and countryside got a boost. You should see the crops the farmer had to go pick because they ripened early. The cows are overflowing with milk, and so are the goats. Sheep are being sheared early and their wool is extra plush and fluffy. The children are loving the early fruiting of the trees. You did a wonderful thing last night." Shirley looked Lauren over. "An extraordinary thing." She walked around Lauren. "I wonder. MaGayla, please come here. Do you feel what I feel?"

MaGayla came over and examined Lauren. Lauren was confused and a bit frustrated by the whole ordeal. "Yes, I do feel something but I don't know what it is."

"What are you two going on about? Let's get ready to go." Lauren said.

"You will know soon," Shirley said and giggled with the other sprites. "Don't worry about anything, Lauren, we will take care of you."

Lauren looked at the sprites and said, "Thanks?"

Cartrell walked in. "My Lady, we will be ready to go when you say. I checked on my kingdom and some are free from the witch as you said. It was the witch that was causing the problems. It does, however, seem that the witch is beginning to spell beings again and she was still tapping the leylines. The Earth's magic is weakening."

"We will leave first thing tomorrow morning. The wolves and bears are already scouting and setting things up for us to have a safe journey."

"I'm not sure we should all go to the capital of my kingdom. A large group coming in at one time might get attacked."

"I thought about that. Tom is from Earth. He has property in Las Vegas and we will stop there first. Most of the entourage will stay there while we and a few others go to your kingdom's capital."

"Good. I knew you were intelligent enough to consider everything. You are a great choice for the keeper. I also must ask you…" His words faded off and he did not finish his thought.

'What do you want to ask me about?" Lauren asked.

"Will you be my queen?" Cartrell asked quickly. "I have no queen and you becoming queen will make you stronger."

"I don't know what to say," Lauren replied.

"I know that all of this is new to you and that you are already mated, but you had to have been told that you will mate with more than one person, from different realms. The mates you take give you connections to the different realms. When you are connected to all the realms, you won't have to travel to each one to solve problems or see what is going on."


"Yes. The keeper has to connect so she can fulfill her purpose. I bet that since you are connected to the dragon realm through Gerald, you could use your power of discernment and see what is going on throughout the realm." Cartrell said in challenge.

Lauren thought about it for a minute, then she decided to try it. She went into a meditative state and saw the wondrous dragon realm. She saw Gerald's second, Irving, sitting in his place solving problems as they were presented. She saw Jon with his family and the rest of the people in the realm as they went on with their lives. She pulled out of her meditation. "That is wonderful. Can I see Indus in the same way because I am connected to the unicorns?"

"Probably. The connection is a little different but it is a connection."

Lauren decided to give it a try. She was able to see the unicorns prancing and playing. When she focused on Laventavia, Laventavia looked right at her. "Oh, Hey there keeper. I see someone has introduced you to your connection power. This is a bit different than the connection we had with Evandalyn. I can actually see an image of you and talk to you. It is wonderful."

"Well, This is my first time using this connection. It is very nice to be able to communicate this way."

"Yes, that will be wonderful. That was a wonderful power surge you sent us last night. That had to be you and the dragon." Laventavia joked.

Lauren blushed. "Um, yes, well, I am on my way to a mission so I will talk to you again soon."

Lauren broke the connection while still hearing Laventavia giggling. "Okay. so, I can see the good there is in having these connections. Gerald does tell me often that I need to have mates. It's just happening so quickly. Bonding is easy because there is no physical stuff involved but mating is different. I feel like I would be cheating on Gerald. Give me time to think about everything. I will have an answer for you once we get to your kingdom."

"Very well." Cartrell accepted her answer but hung his head. He knew he was right and that Lauren would do the smart thing in the end.

Lauren said her goodbyes to Gerald and the baby dragons, kissed the dragon eggs and watched Gerald leave for the dragon realm. A large part of her heart was left with him. "I will miss your presence being with me too, but remember I am only a thought away. You do what you have to so you can become strong and stable. I will always love you." Gerald said through their bond.

"I know. I will always love you too." Lauren replied. With that Lauren went back to her room to rest. The sprites came out of Lauren's clothes and started straightening her things, making her bath, and setting up things for her night. "This will take some getting used to."

"It will not always be this busy with us here. We can shrink so that we don't bother you as much. Just remember we are here to help you, guide you, and allow you to have someone to use as a sounding board. We are your personal comfort squad."

Lauren laughed. "Yes. I can see how I will need one of those. I am being pressed into another mating. I have been told that mating with someone from each realm will ground me and make me stronger."

"Yes. That information is true. When you are mated or bonded with someone from every realm and powerful magical beings, you will be able to feel, see, and hear a problem coming without being told. You can then just send the help instead of going there yourself all the time. Those that are mated or bonded to you will be able to draw on your strength."

"So, is there a difference between being mated and being bonded when it comes to the connection and power exchange?" Lauren asked.

"A little. You are bonded to the unicorns. That bond allows you to telepathically talk to them but it doesn't usually allow you to see what is going on where they are. But you can. Power transfer should only be one way and probably only to Laventavia so she can maintain the protection spell since it is so much more powerful than it was. You may not even realize the power that is being sent to her."

Lauren hadn't thought about that until Shirley pointed it out. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the bond and sure enough could see the tiny bit of power trickling toward Laventavia. She then focused on the bond she had with Gerald and saw the mutual exchange of energy going on. She looked at her bond with the baby dragons and they were strong one-way exchanges. They were still able to draw power from her when they were far away. There was a small tether between Lauren and each member of her entourage. She could sense where they were and feel if they were in danger. She broke her concentration. "This is wonderful. I see the importance now. If I only make one-way bonds all my life, I will be drained very quickly. I mean Gerald is a powerful being but I don't want to drain him because I keep making one-way bonds. Mating bonds are stronger and will strengthen me and everyone that is attached to me."

"Exactly." Shirley agreed. "Now let's get you washed and in bed."

While Lauren was in the bath, she called on Gerald. "Yes, my loving queen."

"I understand the importance of the mating bonds now. Shirley taught me to look within myself and see the tethers I have. You are the strongest but you are also the only one I am pulling strength from. I am draining you. That's not fair or healthy."

"You give to me as much as I give to you, but you are right that it is not healthy. I love you so much, I will always be here for you. You have blessed me with a brood to take care of and to keep me busy while I miss you. When you are done with this crisis and your honeymoon time with Cartrell, we will still be here."

"Ok. Are you sure that nothing will change between us if I mate with Cartrell or anyone else?"

"I knew what I was getting into when I started this process. I will always love you. That will never change. I will always want you in any way I can get you." Gerald embraced Lauren through their bond and put her to sleep. He spooned with her mentally till the sun rose.