
Katsuki's older sister has many identities! [Up for Adoption]

A Mercenary from the 21st century reincarnates as Katsuki Bakugo's older sister who is a Villain/Hero/Vigilante/Civilian all at once! She has many identities working all at once through forbidden technology known as cloning combined with Sith Alchemy! She is in the same year as the big three of UA so it's three years before canon! Rhongomyniad x Fuyumi Todoroki!

Crimson1997 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Revan, Akane, And the new student Rhongomyniad

Youko looked down from a tall building and couldn't help but sigh at the sight of an explosive firecracker that just finished bullying Izuku.

'Time to scare the ever-living shit out of my younger half-brother' Youko drops from the building and uses Force Speed and body slams Bakugo knocking the kid three years younger than her back into a wall.

'Just in time, What face will you make when you see that's it me your first-born child behind this mask, I can't wait to find out' Youko looked at Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo and couldn't but sneer at her so-called mother.

"Stay away from my boy!" Mitsuki throws a punch but 'Revan' Catches it. Revan has been all across the news channels lately so despite Mitsuki's fear of the SS-Rank Villain she decided to buy time for Masaru to get their child away from here.

Revan notices how the father-son duo are out of sight, so she smiles... "Hehehe... It is odd how a woman who abandoned her first child is so protective of the 'replacement' How are you... Mother?" Youko takes off her iconic mask and narrows her eyes at Mitsuki who looks like she has seen a ghost.

'Youko...' Mitsuki couldn't help but tear up a little. Behind the mask and black hood is someone who looks like a younger her. The only difference you can find is the black hair, But everything else looks eerily similar to a teenage Mitsuki.

"I... I'm sorry" Mitsuki weeps.

"I don't blame you, How could I? As a result of the quirk marriage you had when you were younger, I now have a very versatile quirk that doesn't lose out to power types or defense types... I'm just a tad bit stronger than One for All.

I'm glad of this result However, I've been trying to get more powerful so that I can officially step into SSS-Rank and I found out that live combat increases my strength! I am very grateful that you gave birth to me so now... Just forget about me and let your heart be at ease You don't have to regret anything anymore" Youko hugs Mitsuki who continues crying into the black robes of her Daughter.

'At first, I thought I'd hate her but I'm just conflicted, As long as she lets go of her regret I can be unleashed' Youko puts her mask and hood back on and turns her attention toward the heroes who are shaking in their boots.

All Might lands right in front of her "Oooookayyyyy... We've done this song and dance so many times now All Might why can't you just leave me alone?"

"You know I can't do that villain!, Don't worry ma'am for I am here!" All Might showed a stern look before giving his signature smile to Mitsuki.

"Wait no you don't understand she-" Mitsuki was cut off when 'Revan' Force pushed her mother into a wall knocking her unconscious.

"Savior, Conquerer, Hero, Villain, I am all these things I am Revan, and yet I am nothing. In the end, I belong to neither the light nor the darkness for I am both. I forever stand alone. You are only able to be a single half of what you could be All Might... If you only embraced the unsightly parts of humanity you could be so much more just like me" Revan speaks to All Might making a look of conflict run across his features.

"It's not wrong or evil to be selfish nor is it wrong or evil to accept the darkness that you have in your heart... We are only human after all" Revan 'flies' high above and leaves faster than a fighter jet.

/// In a hidden base that acts as one of the last remaining remnants of a world before quirks known as a Smithy.

Youko hides her Darth Revan equipment inside a hidden safe built into the wall and she ties her hair up and goes out front and sees one of her repeat customers.

"Snipe how ya doing on this fine day?" Youko now in her Akane persona greets the Hero who regularly comes for specialized bullets.

"I'm doing quite well ma'am I'll have the usual bullets!" Youko/Akane motions for Snipe to come in.

"Here ya go 500 Warp .44 rounds and Phase .44 Rounds... You know you are the only person who asks for bullets that can disintegrate matter and phase through human bodies and other solid objects until you allow them to return to solid form with the flip of a switch on yer gun... I won't ask why you want these rounds but I at least want to know they ain't being used to kill people so you don't leave any evidence!" Akane snarls completely into her new persona.

"Course not! I'm a hero, not a villain!" Snipe shakes his head.

"Yeah but I've seen some heroes who kill villains and I ain't wanting something like that on my conscience, Now will that be all or do ya wanna try out my new Hammerhead rounds?"

"Hammerhead?" Snipe almost drools at what these new bullets might do.

"Mhm, They'll nock even the heaviest enemies flat on their asses without doing lethal damage! You can try six out back if ya want! It's on the house" Akane gets six Hammerhead .44 bullets and puts them in front of Snipe who looks like a kid in a candy store.

"I'll be right back!" Snipe goes out back to the target range to try out the new 'invention' when in reality these are Mass Effect Universe bullets without heatsinks created through lots of trial and error. Her mass-effect universe creations were created without the use of Element Zero and relied only on technology so it took up most of her time during the day and she became the S-rank Villain Revan from 5 PM until morning.

Shop closes at five after all and she doesn't require sleep since she is effectively immortal due to her having more midiclorions than Anakin Skywalker but just because she is a Demi-God of the force doesn't mean she started strong.

/// Back with Snipe

'With Akane-San's new bullets, I've jumped from number 25 Hero to 12th!' Snipe sees a moving target made of Tungsten that is moving at 25kph... This range was designed for him by Akane-San. Snipe is eternally grateful to Akane for creating this place for him which helps him surpass the him of yesterday.

'Honestly, some of these heroes are muscle-brained idiots despite having such amazing quirks... They all have so much potential but can't become more than they once were because they don't know how to or are truly dumb...' Akane stares at the VT7 HF Katana she has dubbed [Nameless] since she couldn't think of a name and no one has come to buy it due to its outrageous price.

Snipe returns and before he can ask for some of these amazing Hammerhead rounds he notices the Katana that Akane is staring at.

"So what is the sword able to do? I reckon since these bullets you make have such amazing effects the sword must have one too" Snipe asks.

"The sword is a High Frequency Blade...It's a sword reinforced by a powerful alternating current and resonating at extremely high vibration frequencies. This oscillation weakens the molecular bonds of anything it cuts, thereby increasing its cutting ability. Striking, cutting, and thrusting attacks are performed with the blade, with the sharpened edge and point used for lethal attacks, and the blunt edge used as a clubbing weapon. But I have yet to find someone worthy of such a powerful weapon..."

"I got no idea what you just said but it sounds amazing!" Snipe understood only a little bit of what was said.

"Anyway do you want any Hammerhead rounds?" Akane smirks at him.

"Yes Ma'am!" Snipe grins but it's hidden behind his gas mask.

"Here's five hundred Hammer Head Rounds! Pleasure doing business Snipe!" Akane grins.

"My pleasure!" Snipe walks out the Smithy a happy man.

'Bleh! Fake Cowboy... This society is just wrong I can't believe I'm going to attend UA this year... But I need an Identity in the light so I can only become a Pro Hero' Akane has a disgusted look on her face.

/// 5:00 PM closing time...

'Since my quirk is divine class I can create life and I did just that! I recreated Malthael Angel of Death, Esdeath General of the Empire, Vergil the demonic swordsman, Doflamingo String Demon, Artoria Alter with an evil personality, Sosuke Aizen, Deathstroke, Ra's Al Ghul, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy. So many creations and now is the time to strike fear into the world!'

"Alright team God-Kin! Let us move out and cause some damage!" Revan grins behind her mask and the rest of her creations she brought to life give a menacing grin well except Malthael since he doesn't have a mouth or a face!


"Kukukuku... Hello Heroes! We have decided to destroy UA!" Revan lifts Hero 13 and slams her against the wall knocking the hero unconscious.

Malthael rises into the air and flaps his ethereal wings causing many heroes to rot away and die. The souls of the heroes wail and get devoured once they are pulled into Malthael.

Doflamingo makes the surroundings into string and they all cut into the heroes causing immense blood loss.

Vergil starts cutting Heroes into pieces if a hero was crippled they were cut in half.

Esdeath is going up against Endeavor and freezes time and stabs him through the chest Once time begins once more he falls to the ground bleeding out.

"Hammer of the Vile King, Reverse the rising sun. Swallow the Light! Excalibur Morgan!" Saber Alter who has become evil destroys everything around her killing many heroes who only seek fame.

Aizen plays around with All Might making him see his worst nightmares.

Deathstroke breaks Eraserhead's arms and stabs him through the back causing immense internal bleeding by severing many of his organs in the abdominal region.

Poison Ivy sprouts many poisonous plants and causes severe damage to Hawkes who plummets to the ground coughing up blood from many mutated poisons from the plants she made.

Ra's Al Ghul breaks Mirko's back and throws her on the ground like trash.

Scarecrow uses his fear gas on Edgeshot making the man rock back and forth whispering make it stop.

"Ah, Nezu... How's my favorite little furry creature?" Revan picks up the mouse and starts petting Nezu.

"You have committed a great crime Revan... I thought you were better than this! And stop petting me!" Nezu snarls.

"To be perfectly honest with you this was just a whim a spur-of-the-moment decision... And besides, there is only one person on this planet that can defeat me and she is just 15 years old and is currently living in the slums of West London.

She is the bastard child of the current British King. Her name is Rhongomyniad her namesake is after King Arthur's Lance. I highly doubt she is having a good time right now and she may die at any moment from starvation. Poor girl probably wishes she was never born in the first place." Revan gives a sinister laugh at the end.

"Enough of talking about that child, So where is your database? I need to find someone! You will cooperate or you will die along with every student here!" Revan snarls.

"Never!" Nezu bites down on Revan's glove making her scowl.

"Find the database Malthael!" Revan grips Nezu so that the little mouse can't escape. No matter what Nezu tries the iron grip of Revan prevents him from freeing himself and every robot he sends after Revan in the hopes of getting free and crushed into a ball the size of a basketball which showcases Revan's immense power in the Force.

Got what we came for good! Farewell for now Nezu!" Revan flies up high along with her comrades and they all fly away.

"Ugh... Find Rhongomyniad after you recover Hawkes! Revan doesn't strike me as the kind of person to tell a lie! She is far too prideful to lower herself to such a level as to lie." Nezu coughs roughly from having his tiny body squeezed so ruthlessly.

/// A week later in the slums of West London.

Hawkes finds Rhongomyniad aka Youko who looks very skinny with a look of despair as she desperately uses anything to save her from the rain.

"Hey... Your name is Rhongomyniad right?" Youko now posing as Rhongomyniad gives a guarded look and curls in on herself.

"It's okay I'm a hero from Japan! I came... I came to save you. Here take my hand and you will start living with me okay?" Hawkes gives the first genuine smile in his life as usually it's always fake.

"Why?" Rhongomyniad rasps out.

"Because no one deserves to live like this! I know what it's like to be in your situation... I constantly wished for a hero to save me but none ever came. I want to help you so that you can help me! A villain named Revan stated that only you have the power to defeat her... Revan has never lied to any hero vigilante or hero... So I believe that she meant you do have the power to defeat her. We need you!" Hawkes grasps Rhongomyniad's skinny hand.

"...My Quirk is a curse... No one ever wanted me needed me or loved me... I'm all alone... Always will be..." Rhongomyniad coughs and wheezes since speaking this much harm her already frail body.

"Please let me save you... It's not a trick or a scheme nor a lie I just want to save you!" Hawkes hugs the girl who is 6 years his junior and feels a sense of kinship with her since their childhood and situation is nearly identical. He was abused and she was abandoned.

"I don't even have a will to live... however there is one thing I've always wanted... What I truly want... Is not to be a hero or fame or money... What I want is the answer to a question... Did I deserve to be born? What I want is the answer to that question. No one loves me because I am good for nothing. After all, I have such bad blood in my veins" Rhongomyniad goes into a coughing fit and then passes out.

Hawkes carries Rhongomyniad like a princess and takes her to the hospital.

/// five months later.

"Rhongomyniad I brought you some cupcakes since you have a clean bill of health and can now eat solids!" Hawkes walks in with a bright smile that isn't fake and sets the cupcakes down on the nightstand which is within arm's reach of the blank-faced girl.

Rhongomyniad gingerly opens the bag eats a cupcake and starts crying.

"Whoa, why the waterworks?" Hawkes starts flailing around like a fool since he's never been in this situation.

"It's... sniffle... It's so delicious I've never had something so good" Rhongomyniad/Youko is so into the act that she almost believes it herself. She's such an S-Rank Actor. Through a force technique, she altered her body to look like Goddess Rhongomyniad from FGO.

"Well if I have anything to say about it you will be able to eat many more delicious things for the rest of your life!" Hawkes pats Rhongomyniad's shoulder with a smile.

/// WIth Snipe.

Snipe takes his gas mask off and weeps because Akane is against the wall and dead She left a note for him that says her blueprints are in the safe behind the forge and that she left everything for him so that he can create his bullets or things he may need he has the password which is on a scrap of paper next to the written will right by her body.

"You didn't deserve this! You are such a good person! Akane-San... I'll find out who did this and I won't rest until they are brought to justice! I promise!" Snipe calls for backup and the police.

The heroes and police officers see a distraught Snipe who rocks the body of 'Akane-san' in his chest while crying.

"We've examined the crime scene... I'm sorry for your loss Snipe it seems that you both were close. We have narrowed down the suspects the most probable suspect is Revan due to the sword wounds on Akane-San here. The other is Stain... They are both sword wielders and it seems they wanted the sword that was on display." Naomasa sighs and gives Snipe some time before they have to take away the body to the coroner.

'Revan... Or stain... Whichever has the sword... I won't let you go!' Snipe gingerly gives Akane-San to the paramedics who respectfully put her in the body bag.

/// with Rhongomyniad at UA.

'I wonder if Snipe has found the clone of Akane yet...' Rhongomyniad ponders but is still blank-faced.

"This is the principal?" Rhongomyniad says in an emotionless voice with a blank face.

"That's right. It's me, Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but more importantly... I'm the principal! And I am glad you came to apply to UA High!" Nezu smiles or well as much as a mouse could smile.

Rhongomyniad pats Nezu's head and rubs her cheek against Nezu's. "Cute... I want one..." She says in an emotionless voice.

'Poor girl... Just this once you are allowed to do this... Only because you have seen the worst of humanity just as I have.' Nezu grimaces at how hard Rhongomyniad is petting him.

"Right right Anyway please fill out these forms and you can go to your Homeroom teacher's class!" Nezu desperate to escape this hell pushes the application forms toward Rhongomyniad as fast as he can.

'Don't you give me those puppy dog eyes I won't fall for it!' Nezu looks away and goes back to his work.

/// Homeroom Shota Aizawa's class.

"Alright class we got a new student coming in who is a special case! She is a transfer student from the United Kingdom! You may enter Rhongomyniad." Shota asks for her to enter and the class gasps at her beauty.

Rhongomyniad writes her name down in Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana bows her head and takes her seat at the back of the class by the window.

"Save your questions till the end of class!" Shota goes on to read the syllabus and has the students pass it out to everyone.

To Be Continued...

Since these chapters are 3k to 6k words I will not be updating very often maybe once a month.

Crimson1997creators' thoughts