

In this world, societies are divided into two: the rich and powerful, who are capable of creating high-grade sorcery and unfathomable riches, can reside in God's land; and the weak and frail, who are dumped into chaos land. Every decade, the two societies will have a competition for territories, and the one who wins will be the one who'll occupy God's land.

LISUD · Fantasy
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12 Chs

KSKT - Monster Wave


With the appearance of a blood goblin king, the difficulty of this expedition escalated quickly. Blood goblin king and regular blood goblin have similar physical strengths, but the blood goblin king's blood scent is far stronger and thicker. It can lure monsters hiding in the dark.

TWO: Six, this is a situation we cannot handle.

SIX: (Killing the blood goblins and the king isn't the problem. The real problem is the monsters that will appear after killing the blood goblins.)

SIX: One, wait for my signal to cast flight magic. Go and inform the headquarters about the situation!

One nod after hearing Six's words.

Out of all of them, One is the only one who is capable of casting flight magic. Although flight magic is efficient, it requires a lot of mana to maintain the spell, and in this situation, One's mana capacity would only be enough for her to return to town alone.

The blood goblins are getting closer to them. They are holding their positions and preparing for the coming attacks.

Before the goblins reached the dome shield, Six raised his finger as a signal for One to cast Fire Rain towards the enemy.

One raised her staff and chanted the spell Fire Rain. Light started to appear on top of One's staff, and in just a second a ball started to form. The ball grew bigger every second. When the ball was as big as a fist, she shot it to the sky and then split into smaller circles. The small circles then began to descend towards the enemy; as they descend the tiny balls of mana grew bigger until they reached the ground.

A rain of fire started to occur on the battlefield. The grass on the plains got burned, and the flames were spreading across the plain. The blood goblins that were caught in the spell, like a balloon, popped and their blood scattered everywhere.

Upon the death of some blood goblins, a foul stench is smelled.


The blood goblin king shouted and the ones that survived the spell retreated. The blood goblin king shouted again.


The blood goblins grabbed their bows and arrows and positioned themselves to launch.

With that, the blood goblin king, with his giant ax rushed forward towards the knights.

SIX: Two, Three, and Four ready yourselves for assault.

Heavy footsteps were coming towards squad three, and when the footsteps stopped, the blood goblin king was already in front of them.

Without hesitation, the blood goblin king smashed his ax against the dome shield.

The attack of the blood goblin king creates a shockwave that makes the burning grass on the plains cease to fire, and some of the grass around them gets uprooted and flew off to the distance.

The blood goblin king raised his ax again, and at that time Two, Three, and Four exited the dome shield and started to counterattack.

Four, with his hammer, hit the blood goblin king's arm and it stunned the blood goblin king for a moment. While Two swiftly went to the back of the blood goblin king and slashed its calves and thigh, making it fall down to its knee. Three tried to thrust his sword into the chest of the blood goblin king, but the blood goblins that were preparing to aim with their bows started to shoot. Hundreds of arrows flew across the field, and one out of the hundred arrows pierced Three's antecubital fossa or the front surface of the elbow joint.

The knights returned to the dome shield.

THREE: F*ck! That ugly bastard is smart.

SIX: We do not have time. Let's finish this before a monster wave appears. Five, heal Three. One, cast a minor enhancement on Two. Two, you deal the final blow to the blood goblin king.

While the squad three were talking, the blood goblins from the distance started to raise their bows again, and at the same time, their king was already finished recovering from the wound that it had inflicted.

The blood goblin king began hammering again and again the dome shield with its ax. This time, the speed of its attack is a lot faster but weaker compared to the initial attack.

Because of the blood goblin king's barrage attack, the shield loses its opacity. Squad three is in big trouble since it's a common rule in magic that if the magic you cast is no longer attached to you, you can no longer add mana to it. That means that Six's dome can no longer be strengthened. The worst part of this situation is that Six can't cast another dome shield because he needs to destroy the first dome shield he created. Like stacking bricks, his dome shields can't fuse and can't overlay each other.

SIX: Everyone, I will buy time. Look for opportunities to attack their king.

Six casts Mana Armor on himself. He stepped out of the dome shield, leaving his own shield inside. He then ran towards the goblins, who were assembled with bows and arrows. Six ran past the blood goblin king, who ran after Six.


The blood goblin king screeched that signaled the other blood goblins to shoot their arrows toward Six.

Six casts another dome shield around himself and the arrows that flew toward him were blocked. The blood goblin king that was chasing him started to bombard his dome shield with its ax.

Due to Six's distraction, the blood goblin king's back is exposed so the squad three began counterattacking.

Like before, Four attacked first and hit the blood goblin king's head. Then two hit its calves and thighs, making it fall down. Three thrust his spear at the blood goblin king and made a big hole in its chest. Lastly, Two slid the blood goblin king's neck, decapitating it.

After decapitating the blood goblin king, its body popped like a balloon, and its blood scattered everywhere. An even foul smell surrounded the area.

Squad three started to vomit.

With the death of the blood goblin king, the squad three felt a little relief that they only needed to kill the normal blood goblins. However...

The remaining blood goblins were now being devoured by the monsters that suddenly appeared

Various monsters appeared like: a pack of Lycan, venomous spiders, forest gorillas, flaming beetles, etc.

Everyone froze for a moment, making them unable to think. The monsters that appeared in front of them were stronger than the blood goblin king and their numbers were immeasurable.

When all blood goblins are eaten, the monsters went rampage and started to attack other monsters excluding their own species.

Six is the first one that snapped out of the terror.

SIX: One, request back up immediately!

After hearing Six's voice, One snapped out and cast the flight spell, Flight.

One began levitating.

When she was about to fly towards town a loud roar echoed on the plain.


Above, up in the sky, a small figure can be seen. The monsters that were previously rampaging froze.

Everyone, including the squad three, froze in fear.

The small figure in the sky is beginning to descend and quickly, its appearance becomes more visible.


SIX: One, change of order. Tell headquarters to increase their defense! Now!

Upon hearing the change of order, One flew faster than a bullet.

THREE: This is a joke, right?

SIX: No, Three, this is reality.

FOUR: Why would you change the order, Six?! We're all gonna die at this point.

Four grabbed Six's shoulder and started the clench.

In a calm voice, Six replied.

SIX: We are bound to die in this place.

Everyone began to feel weak because they knew what Six said was true.


The monster has arrived on the battlefield. No one moves because they can't, and that includes the monsters because what appears in front of them is none other than a dragon.

-End of Chapter-