
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Fantasy
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21 Chs

New skill

[Host's heartbeat has increased due to excessive anger toward a person.]

[New passive skill 'Wrath(S)' unlocked.]

The system notification popped in front of him and his attention immediately escalated at the red screen.

  'Wrath? What kind of skill is that?'

[Host has gained the ability to influence the target's anger as he wishes. But the host can only use the skill once a day and he will suffer from an extreme headache if he doesn't use Regeneration(S) skill in one minute after using 'Wrath(S)' skill.]

  Oh, so I need to use a total of 10k KP to use the skill and keep my body good all together. This is a lot of work but 'Wrath' skill seems pretty good. I can use this skill when I want to play with two parties without involving any of them. But now, how am I supposed to get used to a group of kids? 

Man, I hate kids.

" That punk is back at school"

"He was beaten up by his classmates, right?"

"Yea I heard his only friend from his class also dumped him."

"He thought he was her boyfriend, right? I heard he is a perverted bastard who tried to mess with her."


   All these kids are so rude towards Ray. Seriously, kids these days are a bit too ignorant. They should play together at this age. Not bullying the weak and making girlfriends.

Ray took his seat which was full of doodles and bad gesture posed stickers. It was clear that his classmate 'Kang Sho' was the one who did those. 

But he kept his mouth shut and head cool to pass the hours until lunchtime. 

But kids have too much energy to burn.


Kang Sho made a loud sound on Ray's table by his hand and said, "You got some guts to come back. Anyway, it's the new month. So, take it out."

Instead of getting scared,  Ray glared coldly into his eyes without any expression and said, "15 thousand dollars. Plus 7 thousand interest. If you don't pay me back, I will show you what a true nightmare is called."

Kang Sho became furious because of his ignorance so he grabbed his collars but sadly, he was heavy as a stone. 

Ray stood up and moved his head closer to his to whisper, "This will be the last warning. Or I will post the footage on NewTube. People will see how you and your gang beat me up and pushed me off the footbridge. It broke my head and you can see the bandage around my right hand. Can't you? You don't want to ruin your family's prestige in front of everyone. Do you?"

Ray smiled at his face and then patted his shoulder to say, "Well, you owe me that money so no hard feelings. I am just asking for my money with a small interest because you injured my body for a long time. 22 thousand dollars, don't forget to pay me back in a month."

Ray sat back in his seat and the homeroom teacher entered. "Alright class, go back to your seat." 

   Ugh.. here it goes.

At lunch break…

The lunch area became filled with students a minute after the classes were over. Just like the other students, all his classmates also ran outside the classroom to pick up the fresh buns instead of one person.

He was peacefully taking a nap on his beach. 

At that time, a girl named Rika came over and touched his hair. His sharp instinct did feel her hand coming but he was too lazy to move. Moreover, her intentions weren't murderous.

"What is your problem?" Ray asked.

"Oh, I thought you were asleep. I just wanted to tell you that I'm currently a little short on money. You see, I was on edge on that day because umm. You know, I was going through the girly stuff so I might've said something offending. You can forgive me, right? You know it wasn't my fault."

Ray glared at her hand and saw witch-like nails. They were sharp as cat claws so he thought, 'She's pulling a new act today.'

"Oh, that day? I will never forgive you and why are you begging? I got nothing to give to a girl like you. So just leave. I'm busy."

Ray looked at her and saw she slowly put her hand behind her. She was up to no good so he stood up and walked straight to the open window.

"Rika, you owe me 7 thousand dollars. If you don't pay back, I'm gonna have to report this to my father."

"What? What are you talking about!! I was just asking as a friend! Why would you want it back? And how 7 thousand dollars make any sense?"

Ray sat on the window and said, "Well, I am tired of falling for sweet tricks. Don't play like a whore in front of me."

He put his left hand inside his pocket and leaned back. Quickly, his body went out of the window of the 2nd floor but he landed safely on both of his feet.

Huh. The dark assassin skill is really great.

[The host has used Dark Assassin(F) skill for the first time.]

[Skill duration 58:21 Minutes]

[Skill Dark assassin(F) can enhance all body stat 3 times than its original level. Dark Assassin(F) skill has 6 different branch skills. ] 

[ 1. Quick step(F) : Host can run 3 times faster than his original speed. 

2. Invisibility (F) : Host can turn invisible for an hour but if the host's body touches anything, the skill will wear off. The catch will be lifted if the host levels up the skill to (S) class. 

3. Body durability(F) : Host can turn his body into solid to block the attacker's attack. But it only works on the opponent weaker than the host. 

4. Slash(F) : Host can use the basic dagger technique to kill his opponent with less effort. 

5. Shadow step(F) : Host can use this skill to walk between shadows. At the host's current level, he can only walk 3 meters inside the shadow. 

6. Smoke screen(F) : Helpful for reducing the opponent's vision to 4m. The effect coverage: 10m.]

   These skills are such cheat skills. They are F-class skills so that means I can use them for a straight hour. Then I can use them again in exchange for 100 KP.

Having an infinite amount of KP is cheating even though I can't use them right now.

But I am sure my karma points are above average. An A-class aura user can use their skills for 8-9 hours straight without any rest or food. If their mana pool is fully empty, it will take them a full day to recover. Or even two because of physical and mental exhaustion.

And on the other hand, I can use them hour after hour without harming one single point of my health or anything. Those skills run on KP like a car running on gas. 

Hah.. Well, I guess I can think of it as my retirement money from hell. 

Ray moved forward and went inside the gym storeroom to rest. It was the small Ray's hideout so he went inside to rest but who knew a girl from his class would spot him. 

Ray took a seat behind some wooden beaches to rest and check something important on his phone and that time, he felt a person coming closer to the store room. 

   Someone is coming over here?

But he ignored it and turned his attention to the phone screen and that time, he heard the gym door lock. Someone locked it from the outside.

A smell of smoke went inside his nose.

'What the…hell?'  

He looked above and saw the roof was smoking. There was a small fire burning on the top. 

Then, his eyes caught something on its corner so he looked to his left through the window. It was Rika and Sho laughing and running away. 

Heheh… Those two, I don't know but I feel like it's a sin to spare them.

He quickly used shadow steps and went outside the room through the small gap of the door. Luckily, the storage was below a tree so he was able to move out.

[New skill unlocked because the hose has triggered his hidden memories for a certain reason.]

[Skill: Organ Harvesting (S) has unlocked.]

[The host can remove any organ from a target's body in ten minutes without any scratch. Host can also put them back as he wishes on a different target's body. It also works on limbs.] 

   I will again open my organ donation website and sell their organs at a high price. 

When I was 22 years old, I met an illegal doctor in a slum. He was so expert with his skill and he used to have so many customers. People used to buy or sell organs from him and pay him a lot for organ transplantation. 

He was known as the black jack, the doctor of all organs. I studied under him for 10 years and learned every skill of his. And I paid him with all the organs of my victim. 

Well, they were also killers so I was just a 3rd party helper of the grim reaper.

I am the killer of killers…

Ray looked at the red floating screen and he became astonished by seeing the skills. It was beyond any human imagination so he thought,  'Looks like I can become the next blackjack with these skills. But limbs? And 10 minutes for an organ harvest?

The logic is finally leaving the world. 

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