
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Money problems

Four days later on the first of September, Ray's account became jacked with money which was sent by the chairman. It was enough to run a whole family in Seoul for three months so he wondered, "Just what on earth would a little kid spend this amount of money in just a month?"

Then, a bunch of memories came up from the deep consciousness that made him think about Ray's life once again. 

"Tsk! How miserable."

He counted on his fingers and calculated the amount of money that his classmates took from him. It was more than 20 thousand dollars.

"Well, get yourself a treat because I'm going to save this money for buying some stuff."

Suddenly, the door knocked.

"Hey, Ray. Can I come in?"

Ray looked at his room's entrance and saw a young man with dark circles on his face standing by the door. He was Minho Li, the eldest son of the house.

"Yes. Come in."

The young man lumped inside the room and took a seat near his. He was smelling the reek of alcohol so Ray had to close his nose. 

It was disgusting.

"Did you drink at this hour? It's not even afternoon yet."

"Oh. My bodyguard told me that it was okay to drink, so I sipped some glasses."

   His reaction and body language looked like he was trying to tell something but he was hesitating to do so. But of course, Ray knew everything.

Minho might look like a harmless alcoholic who can bend over like a begging dog. But when it comes to money, he doesn't hesitate to take out his pocket knife or his golden knuckles to beat the soul out of anyone. Of course, he doesn't pick a fight with any person who has aura. He only targets those who are weaker than him. 

He's here for my money after he burned his. From my memories, he takes 80% of Ray's money every month and leaves 20% as an act of kindness.

"Ray, um. You know I am a little short on money this month. I bet father has already transferred your month's allowance, right? I need that money. So give it to me." 

"No." Ray tossed a piece of paper on his face and said, "You owe me 40k dollars with 5% interest. Then you can again ask me for money."

The expression of his elder brother changed right after he said no. 

   'System. Are my passive skills working okay?'

[The host's passive skills are always activated]

"Oi! Did you just talk back to me? I told you to give me money! How dare you say NO on my face!"

He took out a small knife and placed it on Ray's neck to scare him. But Ray's expression didn't change at all. He was glaring at him with a cold stare. "If you don't pay my 40k dollars back in a month, I will break that hand of yours." 

At that time, their father walked in and caught both of them in that state. 

"So Minho stole 40k dollars from Ray by pulling this act?"

Minho quickly put his small knife inside his pocket and said, "F..Father! He's wrong! I 'Brufff' . I never didd thathh!"

He was still drunk at that time and because of his father's appearance, he got scared and his alcohol kicked high.

"Oh really. I thought my son had become 21 years old to drink. But when I calculate the year you were born, it reaches only 17. And under my roof, you're drinking and stealing his money with a knife?"

"No.. fawther! I..I was just playing with him. Right?? "

He pinched Ray's shoulder and gave off a smile to say yes. But who knew he was going to pull another act.

"Father, he's right. We are just playing."

The man frowned a little then left the room without saying anything. At that moment, Minho's body became heavy to the point that he sat down due to the pressure. He wasn't sure what exactly was going on but he could feel the death from Ray.

"So, pay me 40k in a week. I don't know how you're going to do that but if I don't get my money in a week, say goodbye to your alcohol. Do you understand?"

Minho was unable to process what was going on but the pain in his chest was so heavy that he became unable to breathe easily. He was panting.

"O..ok.. I will p..pay You back!!"

"That's a good boy. Now, leave the knife and we'll see each other after a week."

The pressure went away after Ray took off the effect of his first spell. He was excited to use his first-ever magic on a person so he cast it with full pressure. 

"W..what did you do to my body?"

Ray looked closer to his face and replied with a cold gaze into his eyes. "Do you want me to do that again? Did you already forget the deal of a week? If you can't pay back my money in a week, you're dead meat." 

Minho ran out of the room without saying anything and left the door wide open. 

"Tsk! I need to teach that brat some manners." 

[Congratulations on using your active skill for the first time. Your intelligence will increase.]

[0.5% has incensed. The host needs to reach 100% to level up IQ.]

What a slow development. Well, this skill is very useful to slow down my opponent will power. And one second is enough to fire a bullet. 

Ray clicked on a video posted by a news channel on the NewTube that he happened to come across and then, the biography came up.

'Eh? A biography! On me?"

   ``The aura-less villain who killed more than 40 people was finally caught by the hero Sword God. The report says that his real name was Ray. A 34-year-old man had already dozens of case reports and some say that his main objective was to destroy the Hero agency. 

Not only that, but he also stole millions of money from the bank so the police are still looking for them.``

``A witness from a 2015 street murder says that he was …


Ray kept looking at his computer screen as the reporter kept babbling nonsense one after another. He was lost in his deep thoughts as the clock reached 9 pm.

The housemaid came inside his room with his meal and said, "Your meal."

And she left quietly.

"Everyone in this house acts like an alien."

   Well whatever, It's none of my business.

The next day.

Ray got a call from his school and he heard that his mom only allowed him a week's sick leave without considering his physical condition. The sick leave was over and he already skipped 5 days of classes. So he had no choice but to go to his kid's classes.

He was too annoyed.

   For a guy like me who graduated from the best university in Korea with straight A's just can't believe that he has to start reading again from ABCD. 

My heart is throbbing. 

Even though his school was 2 miles away, he had to take a bus or walk on foot to reach school. There was no car for him that could take him to school even though he was from a rich family.

    Well, this is good because nobody will know anything about what I do on the outside.

Now, let's just take the bus as usual.

The school was just a normal school where average students studied. It was only different for Ray and another kid in his class.

But in terms of power, Ray was the most influential one.

    Can I just run away from home? I don't want to study in a school anymore after seeing this.

There are only a few things that trigger Ray's patience to go wild. 

The first one is those people who keep telling lies even though they were found to be lying.

And the last one is KIDS. 

Ray can't handle kids no matter how many times he tries to do so. They are the most annoying beings in the world who absolutely disobey every single word. And that's why Ray can't control his hands and when a kid annoys him. If he's annoyed the kid will definitely get a 5 finger tattoo for straight 5 days on his face.

And reincarnating inside the kid's body made his patience worse and he was breathing heavily like an angry bull.

    First of all, this school is shit from my memories. The second is that damn flat-ass girl who thinks of herself as a queen in the class and all the boys also follow her like a pathetic piece of shit. 

And those darn bullies are nothing but twigs but still managed to snatch Ray's money everyday.

I really don't wish to knock them out today because they are still kids. 

But if one of them comes near me, good lord please forgive me for committing such an unforgivable sin. 


He opened the door to his kid's classroom by putting his thoughts together and a sharp perfume went inside his nose which was mixed with cigarette smoke. 

His head cracked.

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