
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A family

The host's health has increased for resting 9 hours straight.]

[Current stats of Health : 4 /5]

The sound of his system notification woke him up from his peaceful sleep. It was past noon but nobody woke him up. Not even his mother who was sitting next to him.

"Ray, how are you feeling?"

The voice of the woman went inside his ears and it triggered some memories of his. It was telling him to be on guard because her personality wasn't good but Ray didn't think of her as an opponent.

"A little better," Ray answered obediently.

"Do you remember what happened last night?"

"I fell. Then I wanted to go back home but I couldn't remember where home was."

"I see. Have some rest. Your father will come and get you after your last checkup."

The woman simply walked away without saying goodbye and closed the door. She walked away as if her son's condition doesn't matter.

   What a weird woman.

From those memories inside mine, His father is a rich businessman and he's always busy. Ray's mother is a money-loving woman who doesn't take care of anyone but her youngest 11 years old son. Her two firstborns are always inside the house but they lived in the shadows. So, it's me and there's an eldest who's almost 18 years old who lived inside the house. But, strangely, none of them has a good relationship with each other. They just live under the same roof as strangers. 

Tsk!! What a mess. 

Are all those rich family brats like this?

Ray looked outside and saw the bright sun shining bright. The air was fresh so stood up and opened the window. The fresh air came inside and the curtains started to dance along the fresh breeze. 

"It's been a long time since I last saw the sky painted in deep blue. I almost forgot about it."

Ray spent so many years inside hell but the regeneration skill kept all his memories intact. So even after millions of years, he was able to remember everything vividly and this became very handy after he came back to earth.

  Now. I just have to figure out how to level up and chase my dreams. I will make sure to give them the taste of hell.

The days passed like water and on the 10th day of his hospital stay, the doctor signed his release. And then, an expensive car parked in front of the hospital. 

'So he's the 'father' of this poor boy. He sure got style.'

Ray was looking through his window as a group of men went inside with Ray's father.

The door opened.

"Master Ray, your father is calling for you." 

A bodyguard came in with the others and saw Ray with bandages. His hand was plastered and his head was also tied with bandages. It was different from what they were informed by the mistress of the house.

"Um. Master Ray?"

Ray took his school bag from the table and simply walked outside not replying to any of his questions.

    Those eyes looked as if they weren't even expecting this. Yes, Ray never went in front of them and he ignored everyone in the house. Even those bodyguards.

He went outside the hospital and saw the father went inside the car already due to the warm weather. So he went inside and took a seat without greeting him.

The driver also went inside and then they left the hospital.

    Why is he staring at me like that?

Ray was sitting next to his new father as they were going home. The air inside the car was cold but for Ray, it was nothing.

The glare of the man was drilling a hole in Ray's face and then he said, "How did you fall?"

"A dog chased me on my way back home and I accidentally tripped over and fell."

"How disgraceful."

"I agree."

The man wanted to insult Ray but his answer made the man shut his mouth. He was out of words.

   This place is Goyang- si. I remember the last time I came here for a mission back in 2015. That day, 3 people died from my gunshot on the street and I safely ran out of there with life. After that, I never set foot inside here. That day, my name 'Manaless Villain' went viral and it triggered all the aura less villains all over South Korea to rise all over again. 

That year, more than 400 people were arrested to protest against the heroes. 

Hah.. those days were really amusing.

The man again turned his gaze at him but this time, Ray simply looked outside through the window to ignore him. 

He was annoyed.

    I wonder how my money is right now. Did someone already discover my secret hideout? I have tons of secrets there. I need to secure them as quickly as possible.

The car stopped in front of a huge house after 20 minutes of driving. There were people waiting for the CEO to greet him in two lines. 

   Interesting. I know some faces here. They are from the hero association and also, this family is a family of heroes. But only the youngest one and the father of the house had aura inside their body. The oldest and Ray don't have any and that's the main reason why we are being neglected.

Which is good from so many perspectives.

The man went straight to his room by leaving Ray alone at the house entrance so he followed the path towards his room.

The door locked.

'System. Use heal skill.'

[Command accepted. The host has commanded to turn on the system effects on his body.]

[All active skills will be permanently applied to your physical stats]

[Skill Heal(f) has started to take effect on your body.]

[Do you want to use Auto Regeneration(S) to heal your body completely? This will use 5,000KP ]

'No, just keep the heal(F) in check. I want my hand to be healed in 8 days. Because I want to have some 'fun time' after a long time. If I heal quickly, I might be mistaken as an aura user.

[Command accepted]

  I can already feel my senses that became sharp for the Active skills. I am feeling so light and fresh. But there's only one thing to check.

"System. How do I level up? Is there anything called quests like games?"

[Host can level up by pushing his limits by doing anything physical or mental hardworks.]

[Host's main skill type of Hell's Authorization so host also needs to collect soul points and dominate his power to level up.]

[Hell's Authorization has countless brach (S) and (L) class skills which will be unlocked by levelling up]

[Current Passive Hell's Authorization skills :

Soul bond(S) 

<User can use the soul bond to make any intelligent being into his forever subordinate>. <Usal restriction for current level of the host 0/1. User can use this skill once in 6 months>

Puppet Thread(S) 

<User can use golden thread made of black aura (aka Karma points) to control the target like a wooden puppet as he wishes.> <User can only use one person to use the skill.> <The skill duration will increase when the host will level up> 

<Level up to use more branch skills of Hell's Authorization> 

Wow, they are really (S) class skills. And they are all villain-type skills. So the hell finally recognised me as the true candidate?

[No, the host was recognised by the mother of the dark realm.]

"What's a dark realm?"

[The system has no further information about the dark realm]


Ray jumped on the bed and looked at the dark chandelier which was hanging from the high ceiling. He looked around and saw most of the furniture was black and silver coloured. The bed sheet, the blanket, and even the window curtains were painted black.

So he said, "Even though we have the same name, our choice of colour is definitely the opposite." 

   I like white, red, and every shade of green and blue. Black is a colour that makes me feel asleep which I don't enjoy that much. Plus, a young man should go outside under the shining sun to sunbathe. Staying in the dark will just ruin the mood and health.

"I guess I need to change every piece of furniture with this month's allowance."

   Also some books. A room feels empty if there isn't a bookshelf with at least 50 to 60 thick books. Of course, I am a book lover and I dislike those bugs who buy books just for show.

Looks like I need to visit my home soon.

Adam Li/ Ray's father's POV:

"Ena, take a seat."

Ray's mother, Ena, was confused to see his sudden change of expression. So she came in front of him and took a seat as ordered. "Is there something wrong, honey?"

"You said that Ray had a few minor injuries, then how do you explain that broken hand?"

"What? Broken hand? He's going to heal anyway. Well, at least he was an aura user. Heheh! He's a useless piece of trash, just like the elder one." 

The woman smirked without reading the room.

"So you lied to me?"

"Why does Ray need your attention haa?? Can't you see my baby boy suffering from pain after battling with the other kids? He was crying for you!! How can you leave him and go see that useless non-aura user!! Do you even love my son??"

"I guess you're forgetting something. Those two are also my sons. You're crying because your aura user son just got some brushes which will heal in just a day or two. And ordered me to forget that son who lost his memories and went through a near-death experience. Hah.. Ena, you need to restore your motherhood again. I'm going back to the office. And yes, don't talk about aura users in family matters unless you want to go back to your home." 

The word home made Ena frightened after a long time

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