
Kaido In My Hero Academia

Our character got hit by truck-kun, so right to the wish he wants, this trickster decided to reincarnate in Kaido in MHA. ( Ps: The cover image does not belong to me I found it on google. This is the first time I'm writing a story, I have no idea what to do so if you can give me any advice or criticism you're welcome. Also I am French so English is not my mother tongue so please excuse me if I make mistakes. I'm writing this story just for fun)

Warriorz_GaminG · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

2/ 4 years later

I opened my eyes and got out of bed, went into the kitchen, saw my mother cooking.

_Hello mom! I'm hungry, it smells good, what are we eating!? (Kaido)

_Oh, hello little gourmet, today we eat bacon with eggs. (Amandine)

_Yeah great! (Kaido)

No kidding, my mom really is the best in the world. I'm glad I was born into this family and not being an orphan like I was in the past, I was really lonely.

I quickly ate my meal and then went to brush my teeth.

This bastard of God, where is my power!

During these 4 years I tried everything to use my power, without any result.

I guess I'll have to wait for my power to automatically wake up when I'm old enough to use it.

I am now 4 years old, the age at which most children begin to wake up.

_Mom, when will my powers show up? (Kaido)

My mother looked at me hesitantly before she told me.

_Kaido darling, I don't know if you will ever awaken a power, I never told you but your father and I don't have any powers so maybe you don't, but I am convinced that you are endowed with an incredible ability it is impossible that my child who is super smart cannot be endowed with any power. Come on, get your coat on, we're going to school. (Amandine)

_Yes, you'll see when my power manifests itself, I'll be super powerful! (Kaido)

Once at school I sat in my chair, I was quite lonely after all I have trouble playing with 4 year olds, when I died I was 18.

My power finally manifested itself, I was eating when I felt an incredible power going through my body, a red scale tattoo appeared from the bottom of my left arm to my chest, I could feel horns coming out of my skull, all the muscles of my body were swelling to the extreme and I was also growing in height.

Everyone in the canteen looked at me with horror and amazement, whether it was the teacher or the other children, everyone had their eyes fixed on me. From my 1 meter I started to grow.





My waist was starting to outgrow adults, my muscles were constantly swelling, the power was only increasing.




The ground below me began to crack, tables, plates, lids began to float, the canteen began to shake, the sky that originally lit up outside disappeared and was replaced by thunder and storm clouds.

I stopped growing my height finally reached 2.80 meters.

I could feel all that power flowing through my veins and muscles as if every cell in my body was filled with infinite power and vitality and yet I knew this was not my limit, I was only 4 years old.

This power was so overwhelming that I wanted to use it right away, I had to let it burst a bit so I let out a titanic scream.


All the glasses in the canteen shattered into pieces, the floor immediately cracked, everything around me 3 meters away instantly disintegrated, the shock wave bounced all over the canteen, cracking the walls and breaking the tables and plates.

Fortunately, the teachers anticipated this and evacuated the canteen beforehand, otherwise I would have given their skin to all those who would have accepted my cry in the process.

I felt good, the only problem is that I'm going to have to control my power if I don't want to crush anyone just because I fart.

As my power finally manifested itself, I can also use the change in appearance, I used it to go back to my original appearance, the tattoo is still there.

Suddenly a group of men appeared in front of me and surrounded me.

They are heroes.

_Kid, your power has just manifested itself, you've just made quite a mess, look at your almost destroyed the canteen (Hero n°1)

_What the fuck kind of power demonstration destroys a canteen and turns the lightning weather into a thunderstorm? (Heroes N° 2)

_We'll sort it out later, for now we have to wait for his mother to pick him up so she can take him to the doctor and he can identify his alter. (Hero n°2)

I could feel the heroes were nervous about me, he was watching me out of the corner of his eye.

I could see in the distance that everyone in the school was looking at me with amazement and admiration.

_This child I don't know what her alter is but just her manifestation was so powerful! (Teacher n°1)

_Indeed with this power he will have no trouble becoming a hero. (Professor n°2)

I was so happy that my power had finally woken up that I could finally have some fun!

_ Kaido darling! Are you okay you're not hurt?! (Amandine)

I saw my mother running towards me very quickly shouting, once she got to me she inspected me from head to toe before hugging me and crying with joy.

_I knew that my darling little Kaido had exceptional power! (Amandine)

_HAHAHA I told you mom! (Kaido)

_Let's go home and go to the doctor tomorrow. (Amandine)