
Kaido In My Hero Academia

Our character got hit by truck-kun, so right to the wish he wants, this trickster decided to reincarnate in Kaido in MHA. ( Ps: The cover image does not belong to me I found it on google. This is the first time I'm writing a story, I have no idea what to do so if you can give me any advice or criticism you're welcome. Also I am French so English is not my mother tongue so please excuse me if I make mistakes. I'm writing this story just for fun)

Warriorz_GaminG · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

10/ Dark plan

(Pov Class A)

Students watching the fight on the field were amazed that Kaido could handle the bad guys perfectly. When they saw Tomura run away they were all happy and relieved but they all froze when they saw Kaido screaming before he turned into an oriental dragon. All the students in class A were watching Kaido who had become a dragon.

"Unbelievable! So this is his weirdness! It's too powerful!" Kirishima shouted.

"I had no idea that this was what he could turn into. So that's what he was referring to when he said the most powerful creature," said Momo Suddenly Kaido opened his mouth towards the villains and a blinding light could be seen.

"What is it?" Mineta said.

"Hold on, the shock will be violent! "Aizawa screams


The students felt a scorching heat wave, the shock wave was pushing them towards the wall.

"What the hell is going on?!" Denki screams

"Shoto's building a wall of ice!" Aizawa shouts to Shoto

Shoto built a wall of ice surrounding all the students, protecting them from the extreme heat from Kaido's attack. When everything calmed down, Shoto removed his ice and they were frightened by the landscape of destruction left by Kaido's Boro Breath.

"It was Kaido who did this!? It's a monster! "said Mineta, frightened

Kaido came down from the clouds and took human form.

"The heroes have come, gather round. "Says Aizawa

(Pov Naughty Camps)

Tomura came out of the portal and fell to the ground, part of his clothes and skin was burned. Kurogiri was no better than Tomura the metal plate around his body had melted, burning his skin.

"AAHH! Shit! It wasn't supposed to happen like that! All-Might didn't even show up and we ran away because of that bastard! Yes it's because of him, if that bastard wasn't there the plan had worked perfectly ! I'm going to kill him ! ! "Tomura cried out with bloodshot eyes.

"Calm down Tomura..." All-for-One's voice could be heard on TV.

" Master, All-Might wasn't even there, plus you lied to me ! This Nomu got beaten up by a high school student, he's supposed to have the same strength as All-Might! "Tomura screams.

"A high school student? "

"Yes master, a high school student, his quirk gives him a very high strength and defense but that's not all and allows him to transform himself into a gigantic dragon" says Kurogiri.

"A dragon? Like the hero Ryukyu?"

"No, the draconian form of the hero Ryukyu is insignificant compared to that bastard!" Tomura shouted.

"Indeed, the draconian shape of this high school student was monstrously large and long, he had blue scales, yellow eyes with split pupils like those of a cat and a red scale tattoo on his body, he had an imposing pair of horns on his head.

"I see... His quirkiness is really powerful and I need it. Kurogiri is gathering as much information as possible about this student because if he was able to beat Nomu it's because he is really special. "

"Very well, master!"

"Tomura, you mustn't give up, you are my disciple and our symbol!" says All-For-One!


" All right now we're going to come up with a plan of attack against All-Might and this high schooler. Today's case will make her and Yuei to show that everything is under their control and that they won't cancel the sports championship, so we can be sure that their vigilance will be tripled during this event, which means fewer heroes lurking around town." All-For-One began to draw up a plan without realizing the hole he was digging for himself.

The next day, All-For-One

(Outside Pov)

All the news channels in the country were talking about the incident that took place during the rescue training. In particular, the fact that the person who defeated more than 50 villains was not a hero but a student of Yuei's class A.

"A student who has defeated so many bad guys with ease, it's really incredible, in the future he will surely be a great hero! "

"Such a potential wasted by the company with his level he does not need a diploma but to work directly in the field! With him on our streets, many lives can be saved!"

"This is outrageous! How can an elite school let bad people attack our children! "

Yuei was under attack from all journalists in the country.

During this time

Kaido was traveling with his mother around the world, his dragon body swimming through the clouds, he wanted to see beyond Japan and therefore decided to leave during the break granted following the attack of the villains.

They were traveling at an extremely fast speed reaching quickly Africa, they stopped in front of the pyramids of Egypt it was beautiful, Amandine came out of the bentos and they ate together enjoying the view.

"Thank you Kaido! It's really incredible, next time we'll bring your father with us". Says Amandine

"HAHAHA, I wanted to see what other countries look like, the heroes here are treated so differently, they have to become warriors at the age of 16, it's really the law of the strongest that wins, unlike here in Japan, children really live the good life. "Then Kaido went to drop off his mother before flying again to Africa but this time to have fun.

On the way, Kaido saw a camp of bandits who were trafficking drugs and human beings, he stopped and descended from the sky.

When the bandits saw the 200 meter monster coming down from the sky, they panicked and tried to use their quirks to fight.

Kaido saw all kinds of attacks coming towards him, fists, flames, water, acid...


When they landed on Kaido a deafening explosion took place.

"We killed him! "

"Well done guys, we should be able to capture him if he's still alive! "The bandits thought they had already won when a light came out of the smoke.

A thunderous voice was heard.

Boro Breath!

Before they knew it, a giant laser beam of extreme heat fell on them, reducing their camp to ashes, the beam continued on its way, devastating everything it passed over. Once the smoke dissipated, Kaido could see that there was nothing left of the bandits' camp, he decided to leave in search of other bandits.

"This is a good vacation, since I first used Boro Breath, I've become addicted to it, HAHAHA let's clean up the world! "That's how Kaido traveled all over Africa eliminating all the bandits who had the misfortune to cross his path. What he doesn't know is that the population was already talking about him calling him divine anger, there is already some video taken by the population of him using from the sky his Boro Breath. The people of Africa were wondering about the sudden appearance of Kaido. The people of Africa were wondering about the sudden appearance of Kaido. The craziest people said that it was God's creature doing the housework and others spoke of an overpowering quirk, which is not entirely untrue.

The next day

( Pov Kaido)

I'm finally back, I was at school, I walked into the classroom and sat in my chair. The students were all looking at me intrigued.

Aizawa walked into the classroom and said:

"Silence! I am going to tell you something.

"Everyone was watching Aizawa stressing about what he was going to say.

"You are going to participate in the Yuei Sports Championship! "

Everybody in the class stood up and shouted

"Yes, finally a normal school activity!"

"But sir with the recent events, is it really wise to maintain the championship?" says Momo.

"Yes, now more than ever we need to show the public that we can keep the tournament going. Don't worry, the guard will be tripled to ensure the safety of the students and the population. So get ready in a few days we will participate. "

When I heard Aizawa's words I wasn't that excited because I knew that there would be people who would be able to confront me.

Hi guys I hope you had a great party and that your families are healthy. I'm starting to run out of inspiration for my novel, please give me some ideas. :)

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