An unfortunate life got reincarnated in Jujutsu Kaisen as Otsutsuki Kaguya. (kind of fix-it, slice of life) note: I only know what the anime knows and some manga spoilers that was accidentally bestowed upon me from memes. (eg: "Fraudkuna", idk why y'all be calling him that lol and "Go/jo" I figured that one out, why am I so smart? ) So my knowledge of Jumpjutsu Kaizen is limited. characters that you would expect to see from a certain time period might not be there or Mentioned. So you can consider this an AU of Jumpjutsu Kaizen. You kinda have to have at least basic Knowledge of Jujutsu Kaizen and Naruto. if you only have complete knowledge of only Naruto, that's fine! so do I! please enjoy this and don't take life too seriously lol