

A story built by kaen that involves both the past and the present. He can not and will not escape his destiny. He has no power to speak off, no money to show to. With abandoned parent's and the will to take care of his sister along with his lingering past. He must prove to all who dares, of who he really is!!!

MgStories_14 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


How was it even physically possible for such a person to be capable of smiling after such a brutal situation? Wolfs attack was ferocious and lethal yet he stood still and tanked it like it was nothing but a blow of wind.

I couldn't see where wolf had gone, there was too much rubble and debris to make out if he was buried under, hiding or even left knowing that he couldn't beat silver.

Honestly speaking I would've run for my life from the start…much less try and pick a fight with someone who seems unbeatable.

And he was still smiling at me as if I was amusing to look at, was I looking funny? I swear it's my (barf) uniform!

I tried making my body move but I just couldn't budge a single inch, unmovable in a snare like trap.

Luckily kayla noticed I wasn't behind her while she was running away and came back for me, I couldn't see from the back because I was still looking straight ahead of me, straight at wolf!

I don't really know for sure but I believe she notice both us looking at each other, I couldn't break free from his pressure, and I bet she saw that as well, and grabbed me hard instinctively and pulled me towards her.

If she wasn't there for me, I'm not sure what would have happened…

After she caught hold of me, I instantly broke out of that mind prisoning pressure.

"Kaen! What are you still doing here?! Let's go quickly!" kayla spoke to me frantically, she was avoiding his gaze from the minute she got to me.

"huhh? Ahh...sorry let's go before we get into trouble"

I pulled away to the previous street we were at along the way.

I couldn't look back to see if he saw us leaving, I'm terrified of getting into that freezing numb feeling where everything and anything all around me stops and all sound gets cut off.

A world of total isolation.

By the time we got out of that situation, the enforcers got news of the fight and came to see what had happened. By the time they got there, apparently the two suspects that caused such a huge uproar within the sector disappeared, off the grid completely…

After getting far away from the chaos and confusion, suddenly I started huffing and puffing.

Coughing and gasping for air.

Seems like the whole endeavour made me tense up for a while, it felt like my lungs were exploding from the inside out.