

A story built by kaen that involves both the past and the present. He can not and will not escape his destiny. He has no power to speak off, no money to show to. With abandoned parent's and the will to take care of his sister along with his lingering past. He must prove to all who dares, of who he really is!!!

MgStories_14 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"What on god's name where you doing back there! Do you seriously want to die that much, how about I do it instead!"

"k-kayla… wait, let me *cough* c-catch my breath first" she had every right to be angry at me, although killing me is a little much…hmmm…

My hands were magnetically attached to my knees, my heart pounding and my lungs shivering.

It was if I was standing right next to death incarnate itself. Rather, I my myself nearly did. Never again am I going to see a fight again (I'm lying).

"are you good now, come we still have to go to school, remember finals are today!" said the confidant…

"o-ok, I should be good now, sorry for waiting, let's go" I stood upright, my legs and knees were a little weak but compared to before, it's nothing.

That whole commotion before really hit me hard, the power differences between the normal and those that aren't.

As we were crossing over the gates between sectors. "kayla, those two from before are strong right, have you ever heard of them?"

"yeah they were, although I bet there are even stronger people out there, I can't remember what were their names again?"

I thought to myself "s-stronger than them?" my eyes, eyebrows and mouth were left shocked, raised, widened and opened.

The thought never crossed my mind. That there could be much bigger fish in this world!

"Their names? Ahh it was wolf and silver, I think that's what they were calling themselves, at least the merchants and bidders did."

"huh? No that can't be their actual names, obviously idiot, I meant their real names not their apostle names"

Whaaaaa-what? Apostle?

"what do you mean apostle? Is it their nickname or something?"

"…" she looked at me, straight into my eyes and asked…

"apostle… you don't know what an apostle is? Are you an idiot?"

That's like the 4th time she called me stupid today, I'm starting to believe her, really…

"argh… don't you read or at least listen to what happens in leuvras?"

Reluctantly I said "y-yess"

"no you don't, work on your lying, a child lies better! An apostle or an apostle group are people under the few great influences in leuvras, you saw their tattoos right? That's the sign of which group they belong too. Makes sense, idiot?!" she said with a glum look…

That's the 5th now….

"I'm confused…so their names aren't actually…"

"yes, that's their apostle name, not their human name, those people don't go around telling who they are, the enforcers view all of the apostles groups as hostile. And after all they've done, the people of leuvras pretty much view them as thugs or criminals."

This is the first I've heard of them, I don't go outside at all and I don't have any friends either who would talk about these things with me, heck even my own mother and father don't.

I still had a few more questions. "you said apostles right, so there's more than 2?"

"yes by a long shot" she's going to get annoyed pretty soon, we're almost by school soo...hehe

"so how many in total? Like 5?" it's probably around there, considering how powerful they were.

"no, more like 30? 35? I can't remember how many, somewhere around there"

30? 35? Wait…wait, why are there so many groups?

"huhh, so you're saying those guys that were fighting were part of a so called great and influential group and that there are 35 of them in total??"

"yeahh each group is as powerful as the enforcers that serve the kingdom, that's what the people say. Although the enforcers are more in number and are organised while the apostles are more spread out but have more power, brings balance I guess although I bet the king fears that they could possibly have an alliance that could disturb that balance."

But, that would make sense, although I believe that that they don't get along well, they literally were fighting each other before.

"so each apostle group has their own name, such as silver and wolf..."

"yep, other names are like dragon, serpent, gold and uhh…whales? Sharks? Something like that, I can't really remember all the names of them."

We're approaching the gate, soon we'll be inside and I'll have to put up with insults and remarks…again

My sister's mood seems to have lightened a little now, I'll leave the questions there.

A compulsive urge made me look up above to the sky, were looming clouds were passing by over the scorching sun.

Apostles huh, I feel like there's much more to it…

Within the shadows than in the light.