

A story built by kaen that involves both the past and the present. He can not and will not escape his destiny. He has no power to speak off, no money to show to. With abandoned parent's and the will to take care of his sister along with his lingering past. He must prove to all who dares, of who he really is!!!

MgStories_14 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Silver, Wolf And Me

In a kingdom like leuvras, which in terms of size that's insanely massive, fights and disputes occur much more than the authorities are able to handle. Of course I've seen my fair share of fights too.

But a fight that involves magic users is like what you'd describe a cherry on top of a cake to finish that final touch.

And it's also dangerous but I believe that it's…ok…and of course being responsibly like the person I am (hahh) taking a quick look wouldn't hurt anymore, no?

Cough… as I was mentioning before, when I got up front to see the battle, just like how like an arena would look, was similar to how the on looking people would surround the two inside the circle.

While also keeping a reasonably distance away…

The people were screaming all around me, I couldn't tell what exactly the main two in the middle were talking about, seemed like they just clashed a bit and stopped just before I arrived.

All I could hear was "get your bets, bet for either silver or wolf!! …blahhh...blahhhhh...blwahhhhh"

My ears were practically beginning me to give them relief, too bad heh…

Out of all the screaming the only thing I could make out was to bet for either silver or wolf, it felt like I heard the name before but I assumed it was the aliases the two individuals in the center were using.

I couldn't be bothered by that right now either way, there's a fight going on right now.

That takes top priority!

All the thinking pushed me back to the middle of the arena made with people, I could barely see flames and flashes of wind and sword strikes, I assumed they started clashing again as soon as I drifted off.

And time wasn't on my side either, I might end up late for school and we have finals today!

So one last time, I gave it my all and pushed forward. Just behind the first line at front, instead of pushing all the way through, I found a cheat spot through two men that had a perfect view on the whole man made arena and the two in the middle.

It was a glimpse that I took were I saw a brown haired man in a ripped and torn through black shirt, black pants that'd probably had seen better days with purple shoes with scorch marks all over. He had a tattoo on his left wrist, that seemed to shape a graffiti style W.

He had a weapon, a thin sharp looking blade, most likely forged in one of the many blacksmiths and craftsmen in leuvras, it looked as though it was glowing while he was saying something.

The other man much taller and had a sharper build than the other, blond haired with a sharper jawline, more silver in comparison to the other man called wolf. He had black shoes, with a white shirt and silver leg wear. He had a similar mark on his body but not on the same location.

This time the mark was more similar to the letter S and located behind his palm instead of his wrist.

Although, one thing did stand out like a sore thumb, just the mere fact that his whole attire had not a single scratch on it, and that he wasn't holding any type of weaponry.

You could tell by a far cry that man named silver was winning by a long shot, to be that powerful against an already powerful foe…

How I envy…

Wolf, the man who held his weapon at his waist as if he were readying a charge to attack, emitted a glow and pressure far beyond my understanding.

A second later…

A violent slash of red shook the earth and took out everything in its direct path aimed fearlessly at silver, the slash cut everything from sender to beyond the target, pushing aside the arena of people to slice through an entire building.

I was shaken and in awe at the same time, if I was standing where those people were…I would have also…

I didn't notice at the time but everyone around me had all either run away in fear of their life or fell to the ground surrounding me. There was a clutter of smoke and debris everywhere, I couldn't see what was happening inside.

My sister (who I temporarily forgot about hmm…) grabbed me by my wrist and yanked at me saying "kaen! Let's go now, it's too dangerous here"

Of course I agreed with her but I told her to go first and I'll be right behind. The thing I wanted to see before I left, I could've made out partial bits through the smoke. But I just wanted to see it with my own eyes.

I could see it, the part of smoke that cleared away.

That lethal slash, that cut in half an entire bricked building…

And there where the slash was concentrated by the most was a man, not injured, not fatally wounded and not cut in the slightest. His cloths, intact with not a single scratch mark…

They were all around me, people cowering in fear for their life, I was the only one still standing. As a gust of wind blew over the remaining smoke…

My heart felt like it was imprisoned by domineering fear, it took me a while to get it straight in my head as if I was in disbelief of whether this was dream or not.

Silver, that man who took that monstrous power at point blank range and left it being unscathed.

Was looking straight at me, deadly gazing even behind the cloud of smoke. Like looking with eyes that pierces your soul as if you're looking at someone pitifully weak.

I was terrified, besides his blood lusted eyes…

The most monstrous was…

"He….he is smiling?"

His smile…