
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 18

He felt Suzi move away, having just about finished his hairdo when Iruka peered through the garden door.


Juugo watched her walk, her pace quickening as she waved her hand, still holding the scissors like madman as Juugo touched his hair.

It was simple, short and shaggy with the tips edging across his forehead. Juugo liked it, having never had an actual style before now.

"Um, Suzi…"

He smiled, glancing as Iruka pointed to the scissors with a cautious hand, before laughing as Miss Suzi flung them away from him.


She felt silly, despite how lovely it was when Iruka leant to retrieve them for here. "Here," heard Juugo, seeing as Iruka placed them softly in her hand.

She smiled demurely.

"T-thank you, Iruka," he nodded, staring for a moment at her eyes before blinking away.

"Is Juugo here?"

Hm, he hadn't noticed him, which only proved in Juugo's mind how distracted the man was.

Juugo waved.


Iruka leaned to his side. "Juugo. Excellent," he said, stepping round a dreaming Suzi as he walked through the lush gardens. "Are you…?"

He glanced around.

The floor was covered in hair, with bits having caught in the plants and trees nearby. Iruka met his eye, beginning to smirk as Suzi appeared behind Juugo.

"What do you think?" she asked, petting Juugo's hair like a dog. "Isn't he handsome!"

Iruka really tried not to laugh, but couldn't as he saw Juugo's eyes narrow at him.

"Miss Suzi," said Juugo as he casually tickled his nose. "Iruka-sensei has long hair."

The man froze.

Miss Suzi smiled.

"Mmm, yes," she breathed, looking hungrily at his Sensei. "Iruka, where do you get your haircut? I used to be a hairdresser you know."

Iruka was nodding, trying to hide his grimace at the prospect of losing his precious ponytail. "M-maybe another time, Suzi," he said, placating as she crossed her arms with a pout.

"I'll hold you to that."

Iruka relented, unable to resist as he smiled at the woman he liked. "Thank you, Suzi. That would be great."

She beamed, letting her eyes linger on him before turning away to pack her things.

Iruka focused on Juugo.

"Juugo," he said, turning serious. "I need to speak with you, about this morning," his eyes flickered to Miss Suzi, assuming Juugo had kept his promise and told her nothing.

"Yes, Sensei," said Juugo. "Has the classroom been repaired yet?"


"Yes." Iruka blinked. "All repaired, you'll be able to return tomorrow for class."

Juugo appeared pleased.

"Great. Miss Suzi was surprised when I came home early."

The woman hummed, agreeing as she struggled with something.

"Here, let me help."

He did, kneeling beside her as the two began to laugh at her failed attempts. "I'll just carry it," laughed Iruka, already taking the box under his arm as the pair rose.

"Right, well," delayed Suzi, glancing ahead as Juugo headed off. "His hair looks great," she commented, staying beside Iruka as they begun following behind.

Iruka looked, nodding as he noticed the colour reflect in the sun.


She nudged him, smiling playfully.

"The best haircut I've seen," he corrected, nudging her back as she giggled softly. "The colour suits him too, the red."

Suzi agreed, stepping ahead as the door was held open. "Thank you, Juugo," she said, stepping through.

Juugo smiled, nodding as Iruka took the weight.

Suzi was watching, smiling at them both as the door closed. "Juugo, did Iruka need to speak with you?"

She'd guessed as much, as Iruka nodded stiffly.

"Yes, if I could," he said, before adding. "Nothing amiss, far from it actually."

"Oh, really?"

He smiled, glancing to Juugo who was already looking away, focused on something he couldn't see.

"He's doing very well in class, so I'll be arranging some additional tutoring for him."

Miss Suzi appeared surprised, yet inside she grinned knowingly, almost missing as Iruka explained the need for discretion.

"Of course! I won't tell a soul," she assured.

"Sorry Suzi," attempted Iruka. "It's... Shinobi business. We can't discuss it."

He felt bad, seeing as Suzi dwindled.

"Oh, I see," she stated, swallowing quickly. "Sorry, of course it is. I'll go."

She turned, unable to resist as she ruffled Juugo's hair. "I always knew you'd be a great shinobi," she said, feeling something inside as she felt him slide away from her.

She smiled sadly.

"Anyway," she said, turning away to Iruka. "You can use my office, I'll be along later."

"That's fine, we won't be long."

With that settled, she walked away, feeling as he hands clutched tightly at her things. It was a difficult thing for her, as she rounded the first bend only to slow to a stop, touching the wall as she worried her lip.

Juugo would be a shinobi soon, all grown up in a world that died young.

Shinobi didn't live long, she knew that yet… she looked down, withholding a sniffle as her feet carried her away.

Juugo would not share that fate, he couldn't.


Iruka didn't seem to have a plan yet, thought Juugo as he listened to his Sensei refer to his future training.

Sensor Training.

Juugo hadn't realised that such a thing even existed, wondering if it was perhaps in the books he'd yet to read from Mizuki.

He'd need to speak to his old Sensei soon as he recalled his progress, maybe in a few weeks when he exhausted those books.

"So, I think that covers everything," finished Iruka, standing near the door as he'd been for the last 5 minutes.

Juugo nodded, gleaning little from the words 'training' and 'at a later date'.

"Thank you, Sensei. I appreciate your help."

Iruka smiled, nodding as if it was no trouble at all. "It's my pleasure," he said, reaching for the door handle. "I'll see you tomorrow then, we'll skip the Ram training until you're first training session."

A good idea, agreed Juugo as he bid his Sensei goodbye, the door closing with a click as Juugo frowned.

He'd left him in here, the oaf.

Juugo hopped from his chair, the same he always sat on as he glanced around, the office much the same. The windows were wide, the walls thin with paintings strewn about.

Yet this time, they were his paintings.

There was the landscape he'd done, recognising the plants and trees he saw from his window. Then there, as he turned towards the door again, a portrait of Miss Suzi.

She looked happily back at him, smiling in her office chair.

It was just a sketch, since Juugo didn't particularly want to ponder Miss Suzi for hours on end, not like Iruka.

Still, it was a good piece as he headed for the door, touching the handle.

He turned back, glancing across and to the cabinet.

Miss Suzi was still away, in the room he assumed was like a break room for staff between lessons.

It should be fine, as he turned, walking quickly towards it. There was something he wanted to know, as tugged on the drawer's handle, unsurprised as it opened easily.

Juugo had considered that this might be wrong, as he rifled through the files, searching the tags for his name.

But, as he plucked his file, he didn't care. He wanted to know, so here he was as he opened the envelope.

It was a single sheet, reading poorly as if the writer was filling in the blanks to make up space.

He smiled, sighing in relief as his eyes found nothing on Kiri or his actual past. Suzi hadn't been updating it, which meant the pieces he'd since told wouldn't be placed here.

She'd have added Kiri already, otherwise; as he stowed it again, squaring everything away before heading for the door.

It opened, revealing the empty hallway.

Juugo needed to get back, wanting to practice Taijutsu before supper as the door closed behind him.

His room would suffice, the knowledge he could practice in private a balm for his wounds.

It had been a blunder today, yet easily overlooked once Juugo put his own failures aside. The potential for training was great, even if it was just 'Sensor Training'.

Things were going, as he arrived by his door.


Juugo huffed, feeling his sweat pour like rain as he held the stance. He glanced to his book, repeating the strike as his fist shot forwards, one after the other.

"Ha!" "Ha! Ha!"

Jab Jab.

Again, as his arms burned, his core taxed as he tried to retain his balance. He lowered, switching forms as he held his guard up, then lowered as if to strike, then raised.


"Ha!" "Ha! Ha!"

It had been hours as he'd switched through the forms, taking small breaks for water before jumping back in.

Juugo felt alive, invigorated in a way he hadn't felt since running for his life back in Kiri. It felt an ache, the need rising as his skin warmed.


It stopped, retreating as the temptation passed. This was becoming more difficult as Juugo stood naturally, gathering his breath with thought.

He needed to expedite his plans, somehow; knowing how much he needed a space in private to train. It had to be somewhere far removed, where he wouldn't be found even if someone were looking… he growled, knowing it was a near impossibility at this stage.

Too weak. He was too weak to leave the village and return unscathed, which meant, for the time being.

"Ha!" "Ha! Ha!"

This would have to do, even if it would soon become tiresome. But what choice did he have, as he jumped, swiping his foot across an imaginary opponent's jaw.


He landed, flexing his knees as sweat dripped to the floor.

"Ha!" "Ha! Ha!"

Juugo would continue as he had, practicing his Sealing whilst incorporating his new Taijutsu regime.

Then, once he'd peaked in that, he'd move onto the rest, almost giddy at the thought of learning new jutsu.


He was done, standing with his top off in the gloom of his room. The lights were off, preferring it that way as he let his eyes return to normal.

The lights turned on. It was almost dinner as Juugo retrieved a towel, well aware he couldn't arrive like this.

"I'll try the bath I think."

Juugo had wanted to for some time now, but just hadn't been inclined since showring was so much quicker. But now, as he slipped from his room, holding his towel and clean clothes under his arm.

It was time to dive, as he made the short walk along the winding corridors. The bathroom wasn't far, quite close actually as Juugo passed through the tiled archway.

There were a few people here already, not many though as Juugo headed straight for the open bath.

Which, as he arrived by it, might be a little too much for an Orphanage.

It looked like a swimming pool, yet shallower and with clean water. There was even steam, the air misty as a few already inside glanced his way.

They were older, giving him a strange look as he padded barefoot near the bath's edge.

"Good evening," said one of them, nodding his head from within the steam.

Juugo thought of what to say.


The boy raised a brow, not commenting as another snorted quietly.

Juugo didn't know how to act in a bath, only a lake with his savage clan.

"Can you swim?"

He looked again, seeing the same boy waiting for an answer.

"Yes," he replied. "Thank you."

"Cool. Some people don't, yet still they try."

Interesting, as Juugo removed his clothes, unabashed as he lowered himself into the water.

He'd made sure to keep his things nearby, but still out of the walkway as he dunked his head.

It was very warm, so different from the chilly lakes and seas he was used to. Except when it was hot, then it was welcome as Juugo dived under, holding his breath as he swam to the other side.


"Hey kid."

He glanced, wiping the water from his face as he held the side.

The boy swam over, smiling with friendly eyes. "That was sweet, you're a good swimmer huh?"

Juugo nodded, wondering what the boy wanted.

"I suppose so."

The boy laughed, glancing at his friend who seemed content to relax behind them. "That's Hita," he said, grinning as he cupped some water. "And I am Jita."

"Oi. Hita!"



Jita laughed. "He's not very good at swimming," he admitted, grinning back at Juugo. "I've been teaching him, when he's not lazing off."

Juugo gave a look that said 'right, I see'.


Juugo saw it coming, dipping under as a slap of water careened into Jita's face.

"I've told you Jita," he heard, surfacing a little away from them. "I'll learn when I want: don't push me."

Jita wiped the water away, grinning fiendishly before sending a splash back.

Battle ensued, as Juugo slipped away, gliding underwater as he thought of showering.

Why had he ever thought this would be better.

Foolish really, as he climbed out.


Just a note to clarify, Juugo is keeping his clan name secret because he thinks he'll be targeted like they were.

I think I glossed over or only hinted at it, soz.

Also I’ve never been to a Japanese bath before, so figured it was like swimming in the shallow pool (shrug). 

Did you like his training?

Again, I’ve not boxed before; so just went with a ‘ha’. It works well I think.

I’ll be doing an update tomorrow too, probably will be Dudley Slytherin.


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