
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

Bactum · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 17

Iruka felt nervous as he waited to enter, his skin tingling as the receptionist glanced his way.

"The Hokage will see you now."

He nodded, walking smoothly past the desk as he climbed the stairs. Iruka had seen the Hokage before, many times in fact as he knocked politely on the open door.

"Ah, Iruka," said the Hokage, glancing up from something orange he'd been reading. "Come in, please."

Yet, as he bowed quickly. "Hai, Hokage-sama," was he worried about the outcome. Juugo was just a boy, but not anymore as Iruka stepped up, glad that the weather was at least nice as the Hokage smiled genuinely.

Iruka was a good Shinobi, and an even better teacher. He just hoped Naruto would stop being a bother for the man. "How are things at the Academy?" asked the Hokage, folding his hands as met Iruka's eye.

"Very good, Hokage-sama. They are doing splendidly."

"Excellent news."

The Hokage was pleased, his thoughts again drifting to Naruto. "What of Naruto? How's he been of late?"

Iruka twitched, quickly hiding it as the Hokage cleaned his pipe.

"Still making trouble," he winced, unaware as the Hokage hid his disappointment. "But that wasn't why I came today. It's about another student."

The Hokage hummed.


Iruka nodded, adjusting his stance as the Hokage watched curiously. "We've discovered a Sensor, an orphan named Juugo," Iruka saw something pass over the Hokage's face. "Doctor Tanagaki confirmed it."

He waited, just in-case the Hokage frowned a moment later. "The Doctor, did you make sure…"

Iruka nodded stiffly.

"Yes, Hokage-sama. Total discretion."

That remained to be seen, thought the Hokage as he made a note to address it later. "What was his result?" he queried, grinning at his guess. "The 3rd pulse?"

The Hokage hoped it was at least that, then the boy could be of real use to the village.

"The First, Hokage-"

"The First?"

Iruka nodded, seeing the Hokage look carefully aside. "You're sure?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama," said Iruka, already cursing his lack of knowledge. "He flinched, near out of his skin actually."

The Hokage was taken aback, before quickly schooling his features.

He fiddled with his pipe again, snapping his fingers as Iruka tried not to scrunch his nose.

"Where is the boy now?" said the Hokage, lighting his pipe with. "Wait."

Iruka did, on edge as the Hokage puffed thoughtfully. "Nevermind," he said, lost in thought as he ignored Iruka. "Yes, we'll do it that way."


The Hokage blinked, glancing his way. Iruka felt stupid as the Hokage smiled kindly. "You have my permission for the boy to receive training," he said, getting up as he stepped towards his window. "Shikaku will assist with resourcing."

Iruka nodded, glad that made sense as the Hokage stood with a view out the window.

"I will see to it, Hokage-sama." Yet felt there was something else as the Hokage scrutinised something in the distance.

He followed his gaze, seeing the mountains. "Tell me," said the Hokage, still focused on the faces outside. "What's Juugo like, you know him well enough I assume?"

Iruka did, a little. Though he thought Suzi would know best as the Hokage beckoned him with a hand, wanting him to come as Iruka walked beside him. "I wouldn't say I knew him well," began Iruka, shuffling a little as the Hokage made an encouraging noise. "But, from what little I've seen and from what Suzi says-"


"The matron. At the Orphanage, she cares for him."

Ah, the Hokage glanced away.

"Juugo is intelligent," explained Iruka. "Brilliant even. Suzi is always impressed by him."

She really was, so proud and pleased as he recalled her smiling face during their walks throughout the village.

The Hokage didn't comment, silent as he blew rings at the window.

Iruka smiled.

"Keep me updated on his progress," said the Hokage, his voice deep and intimidating as his eyes followed the village rooftops. "A boy like this. Must not be ill-treated."

He met Iruka's eye, the point clear as Iruka nodded seriously. "I'll make sure it's done sir. Suzi too, she's very fond of him."

The Hokage smirked charmingly, seeing something as Iruka panicked. "And you, it seems," he said, recalling his own young love. "You're a lucky man, Iruka."

Iruka was abashed, rubbing his head with a laugh. "I do my best," he offered, before standing to attention as the Hokage turned to him fully.

"Help Juugo where you can too," he advised, smiling softly. "I expect a boy like him could use a father figure."

"I-I'll do my best, Hokage-sama."

"Good. Dismissed."

Iruka turned, heading out swiftly as the Hokage watched him go, pleased with his decision as he settled back into his soft chair.

He'd meet the boy one day, perhaps when he became a Genin and not before. He didn't want to draw attention to him, not now when the boy was still so young.

To think, as he glanced towards his sensei's portrait, that the village would see another like him again. The Second Hokage, and perhaps the best Sensor to have ever lived.

He took a deep breath, knowing it was a slim chance as he retrieved the book from his desk.

Jiraiya had really outdone himself this time.


Juugo was eating lunch in the cafeteria, enjoying the atmosphere for a change as Miss Suzi sat beside him.

She'd insisted.


He turned to her, noticing her sparkling eyes. "When did you say Iruka would be here?"

"Later. Who knows."

She'd asked him that already, twice as her lip twitched, unsatisfied.

Juugo must have some idea.

"After the Academy then?" she pressed, leaning a little towards him. "Or sometime this evening?" her voice was difficult to deny as Juugo sighed, running a hand through his long hair.

He'd need to have it cut soon, or he might be mistaken as a girl from behind.

"You need a haircut," he heard, the tangent accepted as his eyes swivelled.

Miss Suzi was staring at him, or his hair as she noticed the way it curled behind his ears. "I could cut it for you, if you'd like."

Juugo wasn't sure, expressing so.

"I was a hairdresser once."

He looked again, wanting to eat instead as he felt his food cooling. It was a stocky soup today, with nice chunks of lamb that he'd saved till the end.

Miss Suzi waited.

"Alright," he said, already leaning away as her hands reached for his hair.

She huffed.

"Finish your bowl," she said, already done with hers. "We can cut it before Iruka comes, he'll be so pleased!"

Juugo didn't agree, and nor did Dowa who scoffed from along the table.

"Ignore him, Juugo. Dowa's just upset his own hair is falling out."

"What? No it's not!" he said, jesting as his hand caressed the hair that was left. "It's still full at the back."

Miss Suzi smiled pityingly.

"Yes, of course Dowa."

Juugo laughed as they began to bicker, resuming his meal with thoughts of how frequent this was. If they weren't arguing about this or that, then they'd resort to throwing thinly barbed insults at one another.

As they were now.

Honestly, it was tiring as Juugo retreated to his thoughts, frustrated as he recalled the morning so far. Iruka had been there had insisted; then the receptionist and then the Doctor and his strange wheelie chair.

And now, as he slurped angrily at the rest of his soup, he was forced to admit that something had been out of his control. Which bothered Juugo greatly to know he'd been unable to get out of the situation without making it all worse, not that it was all bad, he supposed.

Miss Suzi was happy, as he noticed her win over Dowa, since Iruka would be coming and so soon after hatching their plan.

"Juugo, you ready?"

She was smiling at him, waiting by the table for him to finish his bowl. He hoped she got what she wanted as he stood from the bench. "Ready."

"Good," she said, already with the perfect place in mind. "Why don't you head outside to the gardens. I'll be along soon, we'll cut your hair there I think."

It was a reasonable plan as he nodded, peeling off towards the central gardens as he felt Miss Suzi circle towards her office.

He chuckled, she must still have all the kit hidden in her office somewhere, for this very circumstance no less. Juugo wondered who cut the other children's hair as the garden appeared, shining like before as he headed for an open spot.

He didn't want Miss Suzi to have to look for him as he glanced for a good one, the garden empty as he headed towards one he knew.

Hana and her friends; they'd picked a good one, with soft grass and a smooth breeze that flowed from above the roof.

Juugo stood, waiting as Juugo felt her path, carrying all sorts of things in a bag as she bounced into the garden door.

She pushed it with her body, smiling anew as the garden appeared.

"Juugo!" she called, hurrying over in excitement. "This is perfect!"

It was, with Juugo agreeing as he helped her unload her bags.

"Now," she began, already kneeling in the grass to rummage through a bag. "We'll try for a simple cut, like the shinobi have. So you're not put off by hair falling in your eyes."

Juugo thought that was wise as he adjusted his fringe, feeling as Miss Suzi glanced with a knowing smile. She'd seen him do that more often, no doubt finding the hair an annoyance as he brushed it again.

"Should we use a chair?"

Miss Suzi shook her head, having thought the same but reasoned. "You can stand, you're not too tall yet!" she said teasingly, attaching the right trimmer head before glancing back to him.

This might be an issue.


Juugo had been watching her curiously, finding the trimmer of interest.

"Yes," he said, moving away a little so Suzi could move around him. "Should I remove my shirt?"

He'd seen from his trips through the village how barbers did it, wrapping that sheet around their customers necks. Juugo hadn't had a haircut like that before, only knowing the way his clan had done it.

A dunk in the water, then a shaved head.

Thankfully he could only recall three of the occasions, with the experience getting better each time.

Konoha's approach seemed much better though as Suzi nodded, subdued as Juugo slipped his t-shirt off.

He plopped it by the bags, readying himself as Miss Suzi stepped behind him with a comb. She brushed it through his hair, using both hands to smooth as she teased any knots she found.

Juugo had very soft hair, she noted. Feeling as its shimmering red slipped between her fingers. It had grown very long; the tips already touching his upper back as her eyes inspected.

It only re-affirmed what she'd already thought, as she watched visible bands of muscle breathe across Juugo's back.

"Okay, now the trimmer. This might be a little noisy but bear with it."

She heard him confirm, a hum as he shifted his legs.

Miss Suzi readied the trimmer. "Um," she paused, as Juugo glanced behind. "Actually, lets use the scissors first. We need to trim this all down."

She waved a hand over – everything.

"This'll be fine," she assured, retrieving the pair from her back as she set to work, lopping as great locks fell away.

A few minutes passed, the two drifting to their thoughts as Miss Suzi began to lower the length evenly.

She wondered.

"Have you had a haircut before?" she asked, using a finger to pry the hair from behind his ear. "Where you came from."

In Kiri.

But she didn't say it, not wanting to force the subject as she saw Juugo's shoulders tighten.

"You don't have to say," she hastened, snapping her curiosity away. "Sorry Juugo."

She set the scissors down, taking a moment to assess the shaggy mess of hair.

Juugo chuckled, unable to help as his hand ran through it.

"Cool," he said, liking the feel that scissors gave. "Much better than a shaved head."

Miss Suzi was about to laugh at the joke, chuckling just slightly before sensing the tone of Juugo's words.

"You've shaved your head before?" she said, feeling shocked at such an odd fact. People didn't shave children's heads, never had she seen that.

She worried her lip, picking up where Juugo's hand had left off as she felt his hair.

He was quiet, rigid as Suzi leant to retrieve the buzzers.

She'd only do the sides as she flicked it on.



He'd moved, jolting away as the trimmers were brought near his ear. "Sorry," he said, trying to calm as he moved back to her. "Just made me jump."

Suzi hesitated, putting two and two together as she pictured his shaved head.

She flicked it off.

"I'll use the scissors," she stated, setting the trimmer back as Juugo turned to her.

His face was unreadable.

"It's fine," he stated, not wanting to be difficult. "I just wasn't expecting the noise."

It had been different before, simpler as he recalled the woman who'd used a blade to razor his hair away.

"No, we'll use scissors. They're much nicer anyway."

Juugo huffed, relenting as he turned back.


She got to work, cutting and trimming as his hair thinned and fell as she went.

"They didn't use trimmers."

She slowed, looking at Juugo head as his body stilled. "We'd sit in Akami Lake," he said, fond of the memories he had there. "Then one of the women would shave us with a blade."

He heard Miss Suzi swallow, finding it oddly amusing.

It hadn't been that bad.

"O-oh really?" she said, wanting to curse her weakness. "They didn't use scissors?"

Juugo shook his head, chuckling again.

"We didn't use much of anything," he explained, pursing his lips as he recalled all they'd lacked. "Not when we were forced to travel. Scissors were little compared to a knife we could re-use."

Juugo felt something then, glancing as he tilted away from the scissors.

"Iruka should be here soon."


Poor Juugo. At least he has hair, some of us suffer.


Hope you liked the interaction between Suzi and Iruka. Suzi's such a hen.

And check out my Pa – treon / bactum too if you're interested in reading ahead and giving me a nudge with what you want to see in the story. I just finished writing a chapter with Kakashi and Pakkun, our beloved pug.

Till next time!