
Just like me

Kim_Taehyung_8116 · Others
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3 Chs

Feelings (part 2)

RM. Leader hyung

Jin. World wide handsome hyung

Suga.kitty hyung

J.hope.sunshine hyung

Jimin.mochi hyung



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Jungkook pov.....

As soon as we went home tae went to his room i went to my room all hyungs were also in their rooms .

Jimin pov .....

I had known already that there is someting changed between them because they don,t react like this in their daily like.I know that someting strange is going on between tae and kookie and my mind is asuming that it,s the matter of love but how can be they in love.Our company doesn,t allow us to be in a realtionship and apart from it this will cause great damage to the reputation of the company as well ase them and also in our country it is illegal to have same sex marrige but some how i am going to give them advice to stop this relationship

Oh jimin, what nonsense have been you thinking he talked to himself and he stopped thinking about this stuff.

He rushed to kookie room to find the truth.

Jungkook pov.....

After a while jimin hyung came and knocked on my door .As soon as he entered my room.

He started to ask questions that if we both are having any arguments or clashes .

I answered hyung there is nothing between us you are getting wrong ideas but somehow he was feeling something strange between tae and me .

Jungkook pov...

After questioning me jiminie went to tae room and my heart starts beating fast because i was curious whay will tae tell him

After he came out finding nothing from me he went straight to tae room in hope of finding the truth and my heart was going to be explode soon of nervousness so i went out of room to get rid of this nervousness. As i went out of room i heard someone crying slowly i followed the crying voice and soon realised that it was tae crying to his best hyung .

So i decided to evasdrop but i didn,t heard anything because tae was talking to jiminie so slowly that nobody could be able to hear his voice .

Jimin pov....

Tae what are you doing .You know nobody will support you in this matter nor the company and also the hyungs.

Because of you the company will suffer and people will criticise you .

If you going to take all these criticism then go on. I will support you but i don,t believe the other members will also support you.

Taehyung pov.....

Thanks! Jiminie I know jiminie but it,s now out of my hand i can,t do anything, I love kookie more than anyone in this universe.And for the sake of our love i will fight till my last breath .

Now the problem is that i don,t what is kookie feeling about me i am just getting a little bit feelings that he has something for me in his heart and i want him to be clear about his feelings, but how will i ask him about his feelings i don,t want our friendship to be over because of me .

So what ! jiminie replied in a loud manner do you want me to help you in this matter. No i can,t do this i am feeling weird.

Please help me i will be greatful to you for this act of kindness tae asked with a tears in his eyes.

Jiminie after sometime'' ok i will help you.''

After hearing this tae run towards jiminie and fall on him you are my best hyung ever.

They cuddled and after that jimine went to his room and fall on the bed talked to himself i will ask from kookie tomorrow.It is late now he will be already asleep.
