
Just like me

Kim_Taehyung_8116 · Others
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3 Chs

Long Walk Home ( part 1)intro

RM. Rap monster

Jin.world wide handsome

Suga. Kitty

j.hope.hope for right here


V.gucci king

Jk.golden maknae


Jungkook pov.

Hi! Hyungs how are you. We are fine and how are you .Jiminie answered followings by the all hyungs .where were you

Last night tae asked .i .. was at my friends home we were partying and i missed you all so much it wasn,t fun without you all.

As soon as i have given the answers of their questions and given my answers i went to my safest place offcourse my room hehe. I opened the door of my room and felt releived as i entered my room and fall on the bed hugging my teddy bear which were given my tae on my 20th birthday. After some time resting i went the bathroom to fresh a little bit

After a bath i heard someone nocking on my door .

Come in i answered . Offcourse it was tae. He took me to the dinning room where all hyungs were waiting .

O kookie have you been freshed leader Rm asked .

Yes i am ...

.....Time skipped.....

After having our dinner tae asked if i would like to go out .

My heart felt uncomfort a little bit but i answered., yes, offcourse why not .

Then we both went to a nearby park where there is no one at this time of night

.....Taehyung pov .

I was observed kookie feeling uncomfortable for a time i asked him for outing. Kookie ....I asked but he didn,t answered .. so i asked again kookieee and after then he turned to me saying yes what is it he replied i asked why are you so abset minded recently what is bothering you...

He answered nothing ..

....jungkook pov.....

Tae was asking again and again that why are you so quiet but i was unable to answered because i still don,t know what i am feeling . If was feeling attaced or it is something else .But just how the time passed and we had long walk with a hand full of junk foods .

As we were walking i asked a question from tae if he is having a crush on someone ..

But he didn,t replied with an undefined answer if i try to there is no use., tae answered in disappointment .if looking tae so disappointed i put my one hand on his shoulder while with the other tapping his back .

.....Taehyung pov..

When kookie asked that if i have a crush on someone my heart starts beating fast .

I was unable to answered but some how i replied with undefined answer .

Because i was unable to tell him that i am having a crush on him and feeling towards him are increasing day by day ..

But i can,t tell him because i don,t our friendship to be ruined by me ...

As i was thinking deeply .,tae... kookie interupted stoping me from thinking about us ....

What are you thinking kookie asked.

I answred nothing

Let,s go home kookie i answered

And then we start to walk and soon we were in our home .....


Hello friends !

My name is Hisham.i am 17 years old and going to be 18 soon hehee.

Today i am writing this book just for the sake of ff readers and BTS lovers.

I will try my best to write this ff and i hope you will like it .so please support my content and rate it

Kim_Taehyung_8116creators' thoughts