
Just like me

Kim_Taehyung_8116 · Others
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3 Chs

Uncovered Truth(part 3)

The other morning when all members sat on the dinning table to have their breakfast jiminie was staring at kookie.

Jungkook pov...

As we were having our lunch i noticed that jiminie was constantly staring at me which made me uncomforable. I experienced that he wants to tell me something so i decided to ask him about this after we had our breakfast.

"Kookie today why are so quiet"? RM hyung asked.

It,s nothing i replied.

"Ok! Listen all of you today we have meeting at the company so you all have to get ready"RM leader replied.

Jungkook pov.....

As all the members went to their room i aslo came to room to get ready for the meeting.

As i was getting ready someone knocked on my door.

I opened the door and was so surprised to see tae ouside the door.

I wanna tell you something i can,t keep it to myself anymore tae replied in a dim voice.

Jungkook pov...

As tae entered my room my heart starts beating fast. What,s this i asked from myself why is my heart beating so fast i have been like this before.

As i was thinking to my self tae came near me.

"Have jiminie asked something from you about us" Tae asked.

I replied no he haven,t.

Ok i will tell you he replied.

I like you!

My heart felt so heavy and i felt unconsious.

Whattt! I replied to tae.

Yes, i like you and he locked up my both hands in his hands and put his lips on my lips and starts to put his tonge in my mouth.

I also starts kissing him so i aslo put my tonge in his mouth as both of tonges were fighting he starts putting his hand in my shirt in search of my body.

As he moved on i stoped him pushing him back.

Enough! I replied to him.

But why kookie? Tae replied in curiousity.

I don,t think so we can move on! i replied to him and went to washroom leaving him behind.

Taehyung pov.....

What have i done! I should have waited for jiminie.

But what can i do it was out of my control i can,t stop my feelings anymore.Tae talked to himself.

As kookie was taking shower he was continuously talking to himself"what has happened to us" I was thinking that i just was having a crush on him but he was also having crush on me how can that be possible."

As went out of the shower tae had alredy gone to his room.

Oh thank god!Tae has gone.

"Kookie be quick the van is arrived and we are getting late "suga hyung interrupted me.

All the members went to the van leaving me behind as i went to the van there was an empty seat for me near tae.

As seeing the empty seat near tea my heart starts to heat fast.

On the way to the company all the members were talking to eachother while tae and i was just quiet.

Soon we arrived to the company there were still sometime left for the interview so i went to the makeup room and decied to take a nap.

As i was taking nap someone knocked on the door and the person entered wad jiminie.

Oh kookie here you are i was looking for you.

Jungkook pov.....

Jiminie came and sat beside me.

Kookie i wanna ask something from you.

Should I?

Yes, i replied.


What do you think of tae? Jiminie asked.

I...ii stopped.

Ok leave it have you ever noticed something changed between you two jiminie asked.

I don,t know.

Why are you making me curious i replied.

No i am not making you curious i just wanna ask something.

"Do you like tae" jimine asked.

There was no other option for me so i replied in a yes! I do.

Ok problem solved! Jimine laughed.

What sort of problem, i asked from jiminie.

Problem of two love birds you and tae.

Tae loves you so much more than anyting in this universe.

And he was the one who send me to you.He didn,t want to ask this question from you directly. Because he didn,t want both of your friendship to be ruined.

By listening to jiminie i eyes filled with tears and i stated crying.

Why are you crying! Jiminie stopped me from crying.

I love him so much and i don,t want to be apart from him kookie replied with eyes full of tears.

Don,t cry my kookie you both will never be apart.

I will support you till my last breath.

As jiminie was comforting kookie someone knocked on the door." Your meeting going to be start"

As kookie stopped crying."we will talk on this topic at home.

And they both went to the meeting room.

....Time Skipped.....

They already had their lunch at the meeting so after the meeting they all went for a dinner because it was dinner time.

They went to a BBQ restaurant where the all were having BBQ and were talking to eachother while tae was secretly looking at kookie and his swollen eyes.

After they had their dinner they went to their home.

After they had reached their home all of them went to their rooms to have some rest because it was already late and they all were drunk a little bit

....To Be Continued...