
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 451

Chapter 451 Heavenly Emperor is in a big hurry, can't wait to take action immediately!

"Wrong and right are difficult to distinguish. 39

"Don't think about it now. 35

"It's still the most important thing to think about how to deal with the demons.

"As long as the Heavenly Emperor wins in the end, everything is worth it.~

Su Xuanji said.

But even though he said this, how could Heavenly Emperor not blame himself - blame himself.

But this is the end of the matter, and he also knows that he cannot change anything.

There is only one way to go to the dark, and there is no way to retreat.

Hope it ends up as he wants.

But the current situation, if you want to reverse it, it seems that you have to rely on one person.

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji with hope in his eyes.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji was also very anxious.

He always felt that the reminder that the magic mountain gave him was related to the current strange situation.

But Su Xuanji was still at a loss as to what those words meant.

He had never felt so stupid before, this was the first time.

at the same time.

Magic Mountain is also very anxious.

He felt that his own reminder could not be more obvious.

But Su Xuanji obviously hasn't figured it out yet!

But then he scolded himself in his heart.

Of course he thought it couldn't be more obvious, because it was his own words, how could he not know what it meant?

And Su Xuanji didn't know anything about the Ten Magic Array, so naturally it was hard to think of anything for a while.

How could he be so demanding Su Xuanji instantly understood what he meant.

What's more, there is very little communication between the two, tacit understanding can't say much, that's not at all.

It's all guesswork, and Su Xuanji is extremely smart if he can guess in the end.

The sooner you can guess, the better.

At the same time, the magic mountain is also worried.

He was worried that Su Xuanji didn't understand what he meant, and the Demon Lord would understand.

At that time, no one really could save him, he was dead!

It's not that he doesn't trust Su Xuanji's strength, it's that he is within reach of the Demon Lord.

Even the Demon Lord can kill him with one look!

It's just that the situation was critical at the time, and he didn't have time to think about it, so he stood up in a hurry and brought the words to Su Xuanji.

Now that I think about it, I am afraid. If I had given him a little more time to think about it, he would not have said anything anyway.

And now, it's too late to regret it!

The Demon Mountain couldn't help but carefully peeked at the Demon Lord, but with the Demon Lord's powerful perception, he quickly discovered it.

He turned his head to look at the magic mountain, and the magic mountain suddenly changed into a pious expression of worship.

It's amazing how fast it changes.

Su Xuanji also noticed this scene and almost gave the magic mountain a thumbs up.

Why didn't he realize that Moshan was so talented before!

The Demon Lord looked at the Demon Mountain with a satisfied smile in his eyes.

"You did very well.

"It's time for Su Xuanji to wake up."

"I had suspected before that there was collusion between you and Su Xuanji, but I thought more.

Although the previous Demon Lord also regained his trust in the Demon Mountain.

But there's always something missing.

But now, he completely believed in the magic mountain.

No more doubt.

Magic Mountain immediately thanked Dade for his flattery and laughed.

"The Demon Lord is wise and martial."

"I really have nothing to do with that Su Xuanji.35

"I am completely loyal to the Demon Lord, and I have no two hearts.

While talking, suddenly a head fell to the foot of the magic mountain.

Mo Shan subconsciously kicked it out.

Su Xuanji's eyes followed the head, which was the head of a man from the Heavenly Palace.

He had seen him a few times, but he was not familiar, and could not even call him by name.

But seeing the person who was alive and walking in front of him suddenly had his head in a different place, it was really uncomfortable.

0... ask for flowers...

He once again looked at the demons and the people in the Tiangong in the fierce battle.


Circles of black, around a little bit of white.

It was a trap formed by the demons, and it surrounded all the people in Tiangong.

A group of ten people exerted a formidable power that exceeded 30% of their own, superimposed together, the power was shocking.

Even though the people in Tiangong resisted with all their might, they were still powerless.

They can perform well, but they can't generate power out of thin air.

Less than is less than, indisputable.

And this consequence, of course, has to be borne.

"If it goes on like this, you will definitely lose.

Heavenly Emperor said solemnly.

Immediately, he tried his best to restrain himself, but the anxiety in his tone could not be ignored.

Su Xuanji was also very anxious, and his mind was still spinning.

Thinking about the meaning of the words of the magic mountain, he knew that the key must be hidden in it.

Just then, the situation changed again.

The people in Tiangong seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, and people kept falling.

The demons killed those who were surrounded, and then went to share with another team of people from the Tiangong.

In this way, their strength is insurmountable compared to the people in the besieged Heavenly Palace.

Soon, Tiangong was even more broken.

Heavenly Emperor is in a great hurry, and can't wait to take action immediately.

However, the Demon Lord and the many commanders behind him have not moved.

If he moves, they must also take action.

Under the fierce battle, I am afraid that everyone in the Tiangong will become the pond fish that will be affected.

For a time, the Heavenly Emperor was in a dilemma.

In desperation, he could only look at Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji's mouth kept repeating the words of the magic mountain silently at this moment.

"Extremely goddamn guy..."

"How can you be able to provoke the demons twice and three times..." Five.

Chapter 452 Lifeless, strength gap!

"In the battle before the battle, you dare to fight against the devil..."

"What the hell is hiding this..."


Su Xuanji's mind flashed.

"Hidden head poetry, hidden head poetry!

Strictly speaking, the magic mountain is always poetry at all.

Just use the form of Tibetan poems.

Pick out the first word of each flattery and connect them together to make a complete sentence.

So what's together?

"The ten magic formations are broken on the back of the hand!""

Su Xuanji said excitedly.

"What did you say?"

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji, Su Xuanji's speech was too fast and his voice was too vague.

Even when he was so close, "One Four Seven" couldn't hear what he was saying.

But looking at Su Xuanji's expression, he seemed to have figured out something.

At the same time, Moshan, who is far away from Su Xuanji, is overjoyed.

Looking at Su Xuanji's expression, he knew what he should be thinking.

finally understood!

Finally know what I'm talking about!

Moshan smiled and blossomed in his heart.

After all, there is no risk in vain, this time I finally made a great contribution!

Su Xuanji's eyes quickly swept across the back of the demon's hand.

Soon he discovered a pattern.

That is, every ten demons forming a ten demon formation has a red mark on the back of his hand.

The number of demons is extremely large, coupled with fierce battles with Tiangong.

If you don't know it in advance, and then look closely, you won't notice this at all.

And he can know, all depends on the magic mountain.

In an instant, Su Xuanji decided that he must give back to the magic mountain.

Although that guy betrayed the Demon Race, he seemed to be a betrayal.

But he was very loyal to him, and he was bold enough to tell him such a crucial matter in front of the devil.

If the Demon Lord can react, it must be a dead end.

Su Xuanji's heart moved, and then he looked at the Heavenly Emperor beside him.

"I'll deal with the current predicament later.""

"Then the Emperor of Heaven immediately attacked the Demon Lord."9

Hearing this, the Heavenly Emperor nodded without hesitation.

Although he didn't know what Su Xuanji was going to do, out of absolute trust, he would do it no matter what.

At the same time, Tiandi was full of gratitude.

Su Xuanji helped him time and time again, without Su Xuanji....

Not to mention today, the last time the demons attacked Tiangong was difficult to drive them away.

"Thank you.""

Heavenly Emperor said.

Although Heavenly Emperor's tone, there is no anxiety and solemnity before.

But Su Xuanji still heard seriousness.

For this sentence, the Emperor takes it seriously.

"No need. 35

Su Xuanji laughed and moved.

He flew up and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the Demon Lord saw this scene, he instantly frowned and looked around for Su Xuanji's figure.

Although he didn't know why, he always felt that Su Xuanji's actions were unusual.

He didn't want his plans to be ruined, but he couldn't find Su Xuanji.


Su Xuanji appeared.

He was above the people in the Demon Race Heavenly Palace, watching their fierce battle.

The Demon Lord's brows furrowed even tighter.

"What the hell is he going to do?"

"Did he see something?"

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How would he know unless someone told him it?

The Demon Lord's words fell in the ears of Mo Shan, and he almost didn't send him away.

He was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his mouth, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Although he tried his best to restrain himself, it was still difficult for him to be completely suppressed for a while.

He is afraid of death.

Very afraid of death.

Seemingly aware of his abnormality, the Demon Lord looked back at him suspiciously.

The magic mountain immediately pointed at Su Xuanji.

"Demon Lord.

"That guy moved."

Hearing this, the Demon Lord naturally had no sympathy for him, and immediately looked at Su Xuanji.

I see.

In Su Xuanji's hand, golden light flew out in an instant.

He was hit in one after another ten demon formations, the demons with red dots on the back of their hands.

Every time they hit one, the ten magic formations immediately dissipated their power.

The Demon Lord was horrified when he saw this.

"how can that be!

"How could he know!"

"Is it true that someone leaked the secret?"

"Who is it! Who is it!""

"If you let me know, I won't forgive you!

"I'm going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces and pull out your cramps!

The roar of the Demon Lord kept echoing in the ears of the Demon Mountain.

Moshan's head went from cold to toe in an instant, wishing that the demon master would lose his memory.

Don't sound the words he said before, otherwise he will be cold.

At the same time, Su Xuanji also shouted.

"Everyone in the Heavenly Palace listen.

"Among the ten demons, the one with the red dot on the back of the hand shoots."

"As long as you hit that red mark, the increased power of 0.5 will disappear in an instant!

When the words fell, all the people in Tiangong heard the words, their eyes were green, and they were all excited.

Originally thought there was no hope, but Su Xuanji was like a god, giving them the possibility of life!

They had seen Su Xuanji's actions before, but didn't understand why he did it.

Now that Su Xianji has pointed it out, they naturally all can't wait to act.

One by one burst out the strongest will in this life, constantly approaching the person with the red dot on the back of his hand.

Staring at the Demon Race's line of sight is like a man who has been hungry for a hundred years, staring at a food that suddenly jumped out by himself.

Chapter 453 Looking for another chance, it is difficult to come back!

This made the originally arrogant demons, and their morale was greatly reduced in an instant.

Under this situation, everyone in Tiangong once again took the initiative.


One after another demons with red marks on the backs of their hands were hit, and then the power of the ten demon formations disappeared.

What happens next is no suspense.

Tiangong, who turned defeat into victory, instantly became soaring, and it seemed that there was nothing to stop them.

And because the demons were called out, the ten demon formations were broken one after another.

The complacent and murderous intent in his heart that had been in a hurry, instantly slumped a lot.

In contrast, Tiangong naturally has the upper hand, completely crushing the demons.

Soon, the demons collapsed, and the whole situation reversed in an instant.

The Demon Lord was even more angry when he saw this.

"Keep me steady.

"You bastards."

"You can't even beat the people from Tiangong. 35

"What's the use of your life?"

"There's no such thing, no reason!" 9

The demon roared loudly.

Tian Di followed Su Xuanji's previous An 03 row and shot.

Those who shot with him were the Heavenly Palace masters who had also not moved before.

They instantly formed a ball with the commanders behind the Demon Lord.

The Heavenly Emperor and the Demon Lord also fought together.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, the situation changed, and the wind suddenly rose.

The entire magic valley vibrated, and then it collapsed downward.

"Say. 95

"How on earth do you know where the flaws in the Ten Demon Arrays are?"

"Tell me, who is the traitor beside me!

The Demon Lord roared while fighting with the Heavenly Emperor.

Although Tiandi didn't know how Su Xuanji knew where the flaw was, the traitor was obviously the Demon Mountain.

But how could he offer up the magic mountain that helped him?

"If you lose, you lose."

"Why push it all on a non-existent body. 35

"This is the demeanor of the Demon Lord? I really admire it."5

Heavenly Emperor sneered sarcastically.

Immediately stabbed with a sword, the Demon Lord slashed with a sword.

The swords collided, and no one could do anything, so they retreated.

At this moment, the Demon Lord suddenly caught a glimpse of the Demon Mountain hiding in the corner.

At this moment, the magic mountain was looking at Su Xuanji's direction with a look of admiration.

This kind of look is not as exaggerated as when he usually flatters him, but it is extraordinarily sincere.

Apparently, Magic Mountain really worships Su Xuanji.

But how is this possible?

Didn't Mo Shan like to flatter him the most, and even scolded Su Xuanji before?

and many more.



A flash of light flashed in the Demon Lord's mind, connecting all the words of the Demon Mountain at that time.

He was not a fool, and he quickly understood that the words in front of these sentences were added together to form a complete sentence.

And it is very meaningful, and it can even turn the situation around.

"The ten magic formations are broken on the back of the hand..."

"It turned out that you betrayed me..."

"It turned out to be you..."

"And in front of me! 99

"Magic Mountain!

"You take me for a fool!"

The Demon Lord roared, his eyes fiercely looking at the Demon Mountain.

It seems that the magic mountain is torn apart with his eyes.

When he thought of how much he trusted Moshan, he even kept him by his side.

The Demon Lord felt that someone slapped him in the face, and his face was swollen.

At the same time, the Demon Lord thought.

Before Tiangong knew about someone's betrayal, it should have been revealed to Su Xuanji by Moshan.

Otherwise, how could Su Xuanji plan to kill all the demons?

The most annoying thing is.

He had clearly suspected Moshan before, and even thought about killing him.

But Mo Shan snotted and cried, fooling him.

He even took the opportunity to scold him a few times, which was not just treating him as a fool, but simply deceiving him with no brains.

The anger of the Demon Lord being tricked and tricked far exceeds the anger of being betrayed.

Betrayal of him is not allowed.

Playing with him is not allowed.

No one can play him, if there is, kill him.

In an instant, the Demon Lord went straight to the Demon Mountain.

Moshan suddenly felt locked by a murderous intent.

That kind of powerful force that he couldn't resist was so powerful that he fell directly to the ground.

He wanted to move, but couldn't.

He wanted to make a sound, but he couldn't.

The whole person 147 lost the right to shiver.

He could only widen his eyes, watching the Demon Lord appear in front of him instantly.

In an instant.

Looking at the eyes of the devil who want to choose someone.

Moshan understood, he knew that he was a betrayal.

himself dead.

The Magic Mountain had imagined that this could happen.

But he didn't expect it to be so fast, and he couldn't even call for help, let alone escape.

Magic Mountain is a person who is afraid of death.

But the deepest regret at this moment is not death.

It's that he hasn't been affirmed by Su Xuanji yet.

This is what he regrets very much, more regret than fear.


The scene of encountering Su Xuanji quickly flashed through his mind.

It's like a revolving lantern, constantly passing through the mind.

He is a little devil.

Live by flattering.

On an ordered outing, Su Xuanji killed Lord Mochen under the control of Su Xuanji.

That is not the strength he should have, he clearly knows.

But the mysterious realm he was in at that time has not been forgotten for a moment until now.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 454 Happy to hear about it, the big thing is not good!

He knew that he would never be able to reach such a state in his life, but who had already seen the scenery from high places, would he be willing to give up?

Even though he knew he was a demon, he still wanted to follow Su Xuanji.

Follow someone who has reached that level.

Even if he is a demon, the opponent is a human, and Su Xuanji has no plans to let him follow.

He still has to take risks with Su Xuanji, and even leak the secrets of the demons for Su Xuanji.

He didn't want to stay by the Demon Lord's side anymore to flatter.

Although it was a piece of cake for him, he didn't want to.

He just wanted to betray the Demon Lord and follow Su Xuanji.

But not until he died.

Thinking of this, Magic Mountain's line of sight once again has a focal length.

The demons in front of him became clear again, but Moshan laughed in his heart.

He clearly felt that it had been a long time, but it seemed that it was only a moment.

The Demon Lord stood in front of him, the raised hand had not yet fallen, and a movement had not yet been completed.

But he also knew that he was going to die soon.

The Demon Lord's hand fell, and the palm wind made Mo Shan's face hurt.

It seems that it may be scraped off at any time.

As the palm gets closer, the breath of death also gets closer.

However, at this moment, a hand suddenly crossed between the two, blocking this move.

Immediately afterwards, the magic mountain felt like the world was spinning, and when he stood up again, he was already standing beside Su Xuanji.

"What do you want to do to my servant?"

Su Xuanji's voice suddenly sounded, and Mo Shan's eyes widened.

"I.... I.... I.... I...

The magic mountain is stumbling, and there is nothing else to say except me.

It seems that it is extremely difficult for him to say complete words at this time.

"Your servant... When did the magic mountain become your servant..."

The Demon Lord said in a gloomy and cold manner.

His eyes were dark and terrifying at the moment, but Su Xuanji didn't care at all.


"Now. 99

Su Xuanji raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Su Xuanji, you lied! 35

"You clearly colluded with the magic mountain! 95

"Are you a human and a demon servant?"

"What's in your heart!"

"When did you collude with each other!""

"Are you kidding me early in the morning!

The Demon Lord roared like crazy.

His voice clearly entered the ears of everyone present.

Everyone was shocked by the news.

Especially the Demon Race, none of them thought of it.

That guy who flattered first-rate and was highly valued by the Demon Lord was actually a traitor!

Even if they guessed who, no one would have thought that Moshan would be a traitor.

This is simply incredible!

This sudden shock even slowed the movements of the demons by one point.

This is cheap Tiangong, taking the opportunity to speed up and further suppress the already defeated Demon Race.

"He did betray you long ago."

"But I just decided to make the magic mountain my servant."

"It doesn't hinder anything at all, you were indeed tricked early in the morning.

Su Xuanji spread his hands and said innocently.

In the eyes of the Demon Lord at this moment, this appearance is a proper provocation.

"You are so brave!

"How dare you! 95

"What benefits did you give the magic mountain!

"Let him abandon the demons and follow you?"

The Demon Lord was furious.

It seems that I can't figure it out, and I'm not reconciled.

Su Xuanji understands this very well.

No one can swallow this sigh of being played around by someone who is used to flattering.

But this person is the Demon Lord, and I really like to hear it.


"Do you still want to give benefits? 35

Su Xuanji said with a look of disapproval.

The magic mountain opened his mouth at this time.

He raised his chest and raised his head, with a fearless face, looking at the Demon Lord with disdain.

With that look, the angry Demon Lord could not wait to tear him apart.

`々 For Su Shenzi, no, what is the benefit of doing things for the master?

"As long as you can follow the master, it is a great deed."

"The master didn't agree at all at first, and it was only through my unremitting efforts that I have achieved what I am today."

"Thanks to the devil for making it happen, hahahaha..."

Mo Shan smiled with a smile on his face, and his whole body revealed pride.

As if to say, following Su Xuanji is good luck.

Following the Demon Lord is a last resort, all for the sake of gaining goodwill in Su Xuanji, which is really a great grievance.

As a Demon Lord, I have never suffered such a big humiliation in my life.

He is the lord of the demons.

The existence that everyone in the demons looks up to!

To be disliked by a little devil?

How dare he (get Zhao)?

How could he have the right to despise him.

What's so good about Su Xuanji?

What's so good about Su Xuanji. !

"Let's call it God Son, or Young Master.

"Calling others, not used to it."

Su Xuanji looked at the magic mountain and said with some helplessness in his eyes.

If it wasn't for Moshan's help, he wouldn't have nodded.

And if he still insists not to nod, the situation of Moshan is not very good.

After thinking about it, there is only one way to complete the magic mountain.

But fortunately, the magic mountain seems to be very loyal to him, not without merit.

"Yes, son.

The magic mountain is as good as a runner.

Su Xuanji nodded in satisfaction.

Magic Mountain looked excited.

Chapter 455 Stubborn, reveal the answer!

Looking at the two masters and servants, the anger in the devil's heart swelled.

If you ask him who the person he hates the most is Su Xuanji, who taught him how to read.

It was the shame of his life.

But now.

My own sidekick has become Su Xuanji's sidekick, which is a shame.

at this time.

Su Xuanji suddenly looked at him and smiled kindly.

Seeing this familiar smile, the Demon Lord trembled inexplicably.

What will Su Xuanji do again!

Soon, the answer was revealed.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Su Xuanji take out a stack of crumpled papers.

This scene is also very familiar.

It was like a nightmare, not in the mind of the Demon Lord.

It's just that he didn't think of this at all today, he thought he was going to win.

But now, the nightmare has reappeared.

Su Xuanji kept talking while tugging at the papers. 147

"Last time I wanted to see you, you left in a hurry.

"I just ran away when you were embarrassed by your review.

"Let this master teach you a new one today.

"That's... Found it, that's it!""

When the words fell, Su Xuanji took out a piece of paper.

He held the top and showed it to the Demon Lord.

That's also four words.

But the Demon Lord didn't recognize it at all.

Su Xuanji seemed to suddenly remember this and smiled apologetically.

"Master forgot that you can't read.

"These four words are called the death of the world.

"Do you understand what it means?"

"That is to say, you are going to drive the crane west.

"Do you understand what it means to drive a crane to the west? I don't know?

"It doesn't matter, if the Master will teach you again, it means passing away. 35

"Still do not know?"

"Teach you to be good again, it means to die!""

Sentence by sentence, (adaf) angry demon master Qiqiao gave birth to smoke.

His hands trembled, and he was speechless for a while.

But it doesn't matter, there are thieves who talk.

Mo Shan immediately followed Su Xuanji's example and smiled kindly, with an empathetic look on his face.

"Demon Lord.

'You have to study hard. "

"You are the only one in the world who can read and write with our son. 35'

"You should cherish this kind of honor, and you should not be slack.

"Why are your eyes so big all of a sudden?"

"You still don't understand what our son means, do you?

"It doesn't matter, for the sake of the same race, I'll give you a brief explanation."5

"Those words all mean the same thing, that is..."

"You're going to roll your eyes and kick your legs!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuanji couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Pfft hahahaha..."


"I can't help it..."

"Absolutely hahaha...it's absolutely amazing..."

"Whoops my belly...

Su Xuanji covered his stomach and smiled.

His laughter instantly spread around the entire Magic Valley, and those who were farther away had no idea what he was laughing at.

But they all admire him, and they can still laugh in front of the devil.

At this time, the demon master's nose is about to be crooked.

He looked at the magic mountain and Su Xuanji, and wished he would squeeze them into each other in his hands.

It seemed that only the shattering of the bones of these two people could lighten the anger in his heart a little.

"I want you to die. 35

"I want you to die!

The Demon Lord roared, and immediately shot.

Su Xuanji pushed the magic mountain into the distance and immediately greeted it.

The Demon Mountain only felt an irresistible and gentle force that sent him far away.

Immediately ran a few steps forward, staring at Su Xuanji and the Demon Lord in the air.

He couldn't see the movements of the two at all, and even the silhouettes of the two were extremely difficult to capture.

But he firmly believes that Su Xuanji will win.


at the same time.

Demons and Tiangong are also in fierce battle.

It seems that they all understand that the fight between them is the last time.

It's all about life and death.

Even if the demons were at a disadvantage, they were desperately resisting.

The Heavenly Emperor and the many masters of the Heavenly Palace were besieging the leaders of the Demon Race.

There are a few of them, really great.

If there is no Heavenly Emperor in charge, the Heavenly Palace experts still feel quite troublesome.

And the Heavenly Emperor was able to help, naturally because Su Xuanji resisted the Demon Lord alone.

At this moment, everyone's hearts are full of joy.

Fortunately, Tian Di met Su Xuanji on the way.

It's just what happened to Su Xuanji and the demon clan called Demon Mountain?

Is it really a master servant?

How can the human race be in the company of the demon race?

This is not appropriate.

However, at this time, no one could be distracted to ask Su Xuanji for clarity.

They are all doing their best to end the battle with the demons as soon as possible and put the demons to death.

At the same time, Su Xuanji is constantly pressing the devil to fight.

The Demon Lord had long been surprised by the strength of Su Xuanji's full-strength shot.

But when Su Xuanji really did his best to him, it still gave him a headache.

And Su Xuanji is not only powerful, but his eyes also seem to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

His feint move, the other party will not be fooled at all.

All his weaknesses and flaws can be seen by the other party.

With his strong attack, the opponent can easily move a thousand pounds.

When he wanted to gamble, he was suppressed by Su Xuanji with all his might.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 456 Cowardly and arrogant, making Moshan extremely depressed!

It's as if Su Xuanji knew his every move in advance, and every time he was targeted, he could solve it smoothly.

The Demon Lord could hardly believe that he was the Demon Lord at this moment.

Wasn't he invincible before everyone feared?

How did he become so powerless in front of Su Xuanji?

Even a little weak.

As soon as the word weak jumped into the Demon Lord's mind, even he was startled.

He never felt that he was weak before, even on the contrary, he felt that he was the strongest.

However, he was repeatedly beaten by Su Xuanji several times, and even his followers were pryed away.

But he just couldn't figure it out.

Obviously, Su Xuanji is young, but he is just a son of a family.

How could the cultivation be so profound, so profound that he could not imagine it, and even more difficult to resist.

What exactly is going on?

The Demon Lord kept roaring in his heart and kept asking himself.

But there is still no answer.

If I had to say it, it was a monster.

That's right, Su Xuanji is a monster.

When this idea emerged, the Demon Lord felt that everything seemed to have a reasonable explanation.

Only monsters can be used to describe Su Xuanji, and it can also explain why Su Xuanji has the upper hand.

"Su Xuanji."

"I have nothing against you."

"Why do you have to hold on to me? 59

The Demon Lord, who was knocked to the ground by another palm, suddenly opened his mouth.

Su Xuanji flew down in front of the Demon Lord and looked at him condescendingly.

The kind smile on his face did not diminish in the slightest.


"Don't you think this question is ridiculous?

"Are you... wanting to ask for forgiveness..."

"Actually, just say it straight, you don't have to be so circumspect."

The Demon Lord was unwilling to hear the words.

He didn't want to beg for mercy.

I don't even want to die.

He looked at Su Xuanji with the same resentment as always.

But there was a deep sense of powerlessness hidden in it, something that had never been seen before.

He always believed that he could beat Su Xuanji, always believed.

But this time, he was shaken.

But looking up at Su Xuanji still made him feel humiliated.

As a demon master, how can you bow your head to people?

The Demon Lord gritted his teeth and attacked Su Xuanji again.

"Really stubborn. 35

Su Xuanji sighed lightly, then shot again.

This time, the Demon Lord really tried his best.

Even the void around Su Xuanji's body was punched with cracks, which continued to extend outwards.

At first glance, Su Xuanji seemed to be caught in a big net.

For a time, all the people in Tiangong who saw this scene couldn't help but worry about him.

Heavenly Emperor also cast a concerned look, but soon, he took it back.

"Don't be distracted.

"He's all right."9

Hearing this, the experts in Tiangong breathed a sigh of relief.

They were very concerned about Su Xuanji at this time.

One, of course, has changed his opinion on Su Xuanji before.

The second is that the victory or defeat of Su Xuanji at the moment is very important to them.

If Su Xuanji won, they won, no suspense.

Kirin was also staring at Su Xuanji at the moment.

While staring at Su Xuanji, this guy kept jumping on the shoulders of the demons.

Every time he jumped on the shoulders of a demon, he would spit out a mouthful of flame.

The demons instantly turned into ashes, and they didn't even have time to let out a scream.

This makes Qilin very happy, because only such an effect can demonstrate the power of his fire.

Instead of being so weak that Su Xuanji can easily kill him.

at the same time.

Kirin also expects Su Xuanji to be deflated.

Although he didn't want Tiangong to lose, and he didn't like the Demon Lord to win, he just liked to watch Su Xuanji get shriveled.

0...for flowers...

The mood at the moment is extremely contradictory.


Su Xuanji suddenly disappeared in place.

It was so fast that it was impossible to detect his movements.

It was as if the person had never been there.

This time, not only the unicorn was shocked, but also the demon master.

They are also strong, but even so, is it still impossible to capture Su Xuanji's figure?

What the hell is this monster!

Demon Lord and Kirin thought at the same time.

"Su Xuanji!"

"where are you!'

"Come out, get out of here!"

"Don't make a fool of yourself, come out!"

The Demon Lord kept roaring all around.

But at this time, he had no momentum at all, as if he was constantly venting the fear in his heart.

It looks cowardly and horrific, making Moshan extremely depressed.

"Sure enough, I did not develop with the wrong master.

"To flatter the Demon Lord will be a lingering stain on my Demon Mountain.


Mo Shan sighed for a long time, his voice extremely melancholy.

at this time.

Su Xuanji's voice suddenly appeared behind the Demon Lord.

"What are you looking for?"

"I've always been behind you.

The Demon Lord suddenly cooled down behind him, and turned around at the fastest speed in his life.

Just as he was about to slash away, there was no one in front of him.

How is this going?

at the same time.

Su Xuanji's voice came from behind him again.

"I am here."

"You're still too slow.

The Demon Lord turned around again, but at this time, the cold sweat on his forehead had already fallen.

Cold sweat flashed across his eyes, and he didn't dare to blink.

For fear of missing something, missing a good opportunity 5.

Chapter 457 Sounds like crazy!

But where is the shadow of Su Xuanji in front of him?

At this time.

behind him.

A familiar voice sounded again.


"It's useless to give you a chance..."

This voice seemed extremely disappointed, just like the Master was disappointed with his students.

This made the Demon Lord feel annoyed and humiliated, but also shocked.

He was completely unaware that Su Xuanji was behind him.

Even if he opened his mouth, his speed was still incomparable.

How fast is Su Xuanji?

How much worse is he than Su Xuanji?

Is he destined to worship Su Xuanji?

Do not.

He doesn't believe it.

He definitely doesn't believe in "147"!

The Demon Lord turned around again.

Not surprisingly, there was no one behind.

This time, before Su Xuanji could speak, he turned around first.

But behind, there is still no one.

The Demon Lord kept turning around, and the man turned into a spinning top, spinning non-stop.

There seemed to be an invisible whip whipping him.

But still, Su Xuanji was never seen.

Not even a single corner of his clothes could be seen.

It seemed that all the previous voices were his hallucinations.

"how so...."

"Did I fall into an illusion?"

"It must be!

"Su Xuanji, you are so insidious, you are doing such a trick! 55

The Demon Lord murmured uncontrollably.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The Demon Lord was stunned for a moment, then looked up.

That's not Su Xuanji and who is it?

That kind smile, the Demon Lord will never forget in this life.

He stabbed immediately.

This knife is fast and ruthless, as if it can pierce the sky, and it even makes a sound of dragons and tigers.

However, just when the sword was about to pierce Su Xuanji's heart, Su Xuanji disappeared again.

No waves.

Light cloud and wind.

It seems like a sword full of murderous intent, unable to lock him at all.

Just like that suddenly disappeared.

As before, he suddenly disappeared.

The Demon Lord froze in place for a moment, his eyes full of disbelief and a hint of doubt.

"Is this really an illusion..."

"It wasn't him that I just saw..."


"No... how could it not be..."

"No, it must not be... it must not be!"

The Demon Lord kept affirming and denying himself, and the Demon Mountain was stunned.

He swears that he has seen ruthless demon masters, domineering demon masters, vicious demon masters, scheming demon masters, and even the demon masters of Xu and Wei Snake...

He has seen many demon masters in various states.

But it was the first time he had seen such a crazy person.


The demon took the initiative to move his left shoulder.

He felt patted there.

He wanted to look back, but he didn't dare to look back.

It seems that seeing or not seeing Su Xuanji is not something to be happy about.

But at this moment, his left shoulder was patted again.

The Demon Lord is very sure that the feeling this time should be true.

He immediately turned around.

However, again, there was no one there.

There was only the void that he had broken, full of cracks.

Other than that, nothing.

"It's like this again..."

"Could it be my hallucination again..."

The Demon Lord's eyes were confused again, and in the confusion, it was full of suppressed madness.

"Su Xuanji."

"Where the hell are you Su Xuanji!"

At this time, his left shoulder was patted again.

The Demon Lord trembled instantly.

He could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion, and he dared not look back.

He could barely hold the knife in his hand, his mind was full of Su Xuanji's kind smile, and his breathing went silent. . . .

at this time.

The force on his left shoulder increased a lot.

But the Demon Lord still did not look back.

next moment.

The entire left shoulder was instantly smashed down by an indescribable force.

In an instant.

The Demon Lord's left shoulder collapsed, and a scream resounded throughout the entire Demon Valley.

Everyone was attracted by the scream.

Then they looked over.

At this moment, the Demon Lord has no appearance of the Supreme Being of the Demon Race.

He was slumped and terrified, and his body had countless injuries, both large and small.

The most conspicuous is the depression on the left shoulder.

The devil's pale face was full of pain.

Immediately, he turned around with the knife and chopped it down, but there was nothing behind him.

Everyone saw it, and the devil himself saw it.

But the Demon Lord is not sure about anything.

He frantically waved the knife in his hand and kept roaring wildly.

"Su Xuanji!

"Get out of here!""

"Come out!"

"I'm going to tear you to pieces with my own hands!

"Come out, come out for me!"

"Please come out at 0.5 o'clock, please come out! 55

The Demon Lord screamed like a madman.

Not to mention the Demon Mountain, none of the other Demon Races have ever seen such a Demon Lord.

Is this still the devil?

Like a lunatic tortured by Su Xuanji.

He kept waving the knife in his hand in the air, again and again, doing that meaningless thing.

But Su Xuanji never showed up.

For a time, everyone wondered where Su Xuanji was.

Whether it is the Heavenly Palace or the Demon Race, all are no exception.

But no one found him, not even the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven swept his gaze and saw the expressions of disbelief, disappointment and terror of the demons.

Chapter 458 The big hand is released, the devil falls to the ground!

Immediately open the order.


"Don't stop!

The words fall.

Tiangong people shot again.

The demons, who had been demoralized originally, now have a loophole in their mood when the demon master is in a state of madness.

This made them fiercely resist them, and they couldn't show their previous strength for a while.

When everyone in Tiangong saw this opportunity, how could they miss it, and immediately shot more madly.

Soon, the demons who had been stubbornly resisted before, no longer had the strength to resist.

Under the power of Tiangong, the dead and wounded were numerous.

Heavenly Emperor that has come to an end.

Seeing the Demon Lord like this, the leaders of the Demon Race wanted to flee and dispersed.

It was just so scattered, giving Tiangong a chance to break through them individually.

And this time.

The Demon Lord has no time to take care of this at all.

He let Ran keep slashing the air, never tired of it.

After a long time, he finally stopped.

At this moment, his hair is already disheveled, and his eyes are actually a little dull.

But in the sluggishness, hysterical anger and unwillingness were suppressed, which was the surging emotion in his heart, which was extremely intense.

Yet at this moment.

Su Xuanji appeared suddenly, and happened to appear right in front of the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord's hand holding the knife suddenly trembled, and he raised his eyes and looked over.

But this time, he didn't take another shot.

It seems that I no longer trust my eyes and my senses.

He just stared at Su Xuanji in a daze, as if he couldn't react at all.

An absolute powerhouse turned into this, Su Xuanji gave a kind smile.

Seeing this smile, the Demon Lord trembled subconsciously.

"Don't be afraid."

"Come kill me.

"I'm right in front of you.

"I'm really, come on, come on.

Su Xuanji looked at the Demon Lord expectantly and said.

However, when the words fell, the Demon Lord directly threw the knife in his hand.

Obviously, he didn't intend to humiliate himself.

Su Xuanji frowned in displeasure.

"If you don't shoot me, I will shoot you.

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord suddenly smiled sarcastically.

"You are an illusion."

"Don't try to lie to me. 99

"You think I'm a fool, but I'm not.

"Are you going to hit me?

"Come on, hit me!"

The clamor of the devil.

Crazy echoes between heaven and earth.

at this time.

An irresistible force knocked it out in an instant.


The screams suddenly sounded, it was the voice of the devil.

Immediately, there was a loud bang, and a deep pit was smashed out by the Demon Lord.

The screams continued.

Heavenly Emperor happened to solve the opponent, and immediately flew over.

Looking down, the figure of the devil is still falling down.

And his screams kept echoing in the deep hole he smashed for a long time.

Heavenly Emperor turned his head to look in horror.

There, an innocent-looking Su Xuanji was standing.

He spread his hands, eyes full of helplessness.

"This request."

"I've never heard of it in my life."

"It seems unreasonable not to satisfy him.

Hearing the words, the Emperor of Heaven was dumbfounded.

Does this satisfy the Demon Lord's request?

This is the Demon Lord being tortured and going crazy!

"You, you..."


Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji, not knowing what to say for a while.

at the same time.

The masters of Tiangong finally solved their opponents and came to watch the fun.

Each head hangs down against the deep pit, and the voice of the devil seems to be more distant.

"Isn't this going to keep falling?

"It's too bad, I feel sorry for him.

"Poor, pitiful!"

The masters of Tiangong said with a smile.

Su Xuanji reached out and removed the heads.

"Let let, let let.

"I'll take a catch."

The words fall.

Su Xuanji held out his hand.


In the void, a big hand appeared.

The big hand moved towards the deep pit in an instant.

Immediately after.

Everyone felt that the screams were getting closer.

It didn't take long.

The big hand grabbed the Demon Lord and came out of the deep pit.

The demon master at this moment is so miserable that it is almost unrecognizable.

The twisted muscles and bones in that body looked out of shape.

The horror and daze in his eyes made those who saw it even more sad.

He cried out in pain and wailing, which also made the smell shed tears.

Su Xuanji wiped the corners of his eyes, the tears that came out of his smile.

"Demon Lord.

147 "Look at you."

"It's so annoying."

"You actually asked me to hit you.

"I can only reluctantly agree to your unreasonable request.

"Alas....It's so hard to be human..."

Su Xuanji said with a face of vicissitudes.

Heavenly Emperor:

Tiangong people:


I didn't see it!

The corners of the laughing mouth cracked to the back of the head!

If you have the ability, hold back and talk about it!

However, the complaints are only in the heart, who dares to say it?

Aren't you afraid of ending with the Demon Lord?

Scared to death, okay?

The Demon Lord's eyes rolled and looked at Su Xuanji.

At this moment, the big hand released, and the devil fell to the ground.

As a demon master, he rarely felt pain, and this was the first time that it was so unbearable.

Even being thrown to the ground by a big hand, his soul trembled in pain.

He knew that Su Xuanji must have used his power secretly.

At this moment, he was finally awakened by the severe pain.

Suddenly understood everything.

It turned out that Su Xuanji was playing him.

Chapter 459 Parting ways, why should I keep it in my heart!

Been playing with him all the time.

The dignified devil was actually being played around!

The Demon Lord was furious.

But he no longer has the courage to continue his confrontation with Su Xuanji.

He knew that he had lost to Su Xuanji.

A crushing defeat.

As long as Su Xuanji wants to, he can directly kill him.

He just came out of the seal, and he doesn't want to die yet.

He is the Lord of the Demon Race, with a distinguished status, how could he die here.

at this time.

The thunderous cheers rang out.

That was the voice of everyone in the Tiangong.


"We won!"

"I knew it would be so!

"The Heavenly Palace is invincible! 99

"The Heavenly Palace is invincible!

"The Heavenly Palace swept the Demon Race!""

The cheers rose from wave to wave.

Su Xuanji and Tian Di turned their heads to look, and the Demon Lord also looked over.

At a glance, there are stumps belonging to the demon race everywhere.

Even if the demons are not dead, they are still alive, but they obviously do not have the power to fight.

Tiangong was victorious.

This scene made Tiandi smile.

But it deeply hurt the eyes of the devil.

He also made a heartless decision.

He hurriedly looked at Su Xuanji and knelt down.

This kneeling instantly shocked the Heavenly Emperor and everyone in the Heavenly Palace.

At the same time, the Demon Lord spoke up.

"God Son Su.

"Before, I was blind to Mount Tai and offended you. 35

"Also ask God Son Su to let me live!"

As soon as these words came out, even Su Xuanji was surprised.

Is this the devil begging him for mercy?

Or kneeling?

As for?

The dignified devil is so unbearable.

In order to live, can you even ignore your face at all?

But which is more important, life or backbone, is a matter of opinion.

Su Xuanji asked himself, if he were defeated, he would definitely not be so humble and begging for mercy.

But with the cunning and insidiousness of the Demon Lord, in order to survive, it does not seem to be very surprising.

At this moment, Qilin suddenly jumped on Su Xuanji's shoulder.

A tail swung back and forth, looking very leisurely.

Su Xuanji looked at the unicorn helplessly, and always felt that the unicorn was more like a dog.

How could there be such a unicorn, it simply shattered his fantasy.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"The devil is still waiting for your answer!"

"What kind of torture has been done to others, I think you should give him a way out."

Kirin looked at Su Xuanji and said.

Hearing this, Su Xuanji raised his eyebrows.

"Do you really think so? 35

"Give him a way out?"

Kirin nodded without hesitation.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the Demon Lord, he was instantly overjoyed.

At this time, the magic mountain rushed over.

"Master, the Demon Lord must not stay."

"He is very insidious, maybe he is calculating something."

"And if he survives, he will definitely take revenge in the future, so why leave an enemy for himself? 39

The magic mountain said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord was instantly furious.

"Magic Mountain, I treat you well on weekdays!

"You actually want to kill me!"

When Mo Shan heard the words, he smiled coldly, his face full of disdain.

"Not thin?"

"You just like to hear hype.

"Who are you really not being thin to?"

What the Demon Lord is like, Mo Shan is very clear in his heart.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be like a duck to water around the Magic Mountain.

The sight of the two collided in the air, and each was full of murderous intent.

If it weren't for the fact that Mo Shan was now Su Xuanji's servant, the Demon Lord would immediately kill him on the spot.

The masters of Tiangong looked at the undercurrent between the Demon Mountain and the Demon Lord, and their expressions were extremely complicated.

As for the demons, they all advocated killing things.

Although this magic mountain has made meritorious deeds, it is naturally difficult to trust if it is not of our race.

Who knows if he has any plans in mind?

It's hard to say.

But because of Su Xuanji, they couldn't say anything.

But looking at the magic mountain, it is hard to hide the badness.

This, Su Xuanji and Magic Mountain are aware of.

It's just that the former doesn't care, and the latter doesn't take it seriously either.

Why should they care what other people think?

Are they unhappy, and they have to follow them when they fail?

Everyone is only in the same position for the time being, and they will part ways in the future, so why bother.

However, when the Heavenly Emperor saw this, he did not want to see it.

Su Xuanji helped him a lot, and so did Magic Mountain.

Now that Moshan is already Su Xuanji's servant, Tiangong should change his attitude towards Moshan.

This time is afraid to be difficult.

The Heavenly Emperor pondered for a moment, then looked at the masters of the Heavenly Palace and opened his mouth.

`々 According to the previous plan, (De Li's) deal with those demons.

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that they were chasing people.

But how could the masters of the Heavenly Palace not listen to the Heavenly Emperor?

They could only nod their heads and say 'yes', and then walked away.

at the same time.

The Demon Lord looked at the unicorn on Su Xuanji's shoulder.

"What Kirin said before is very reasonable.

"I also ask God Son Su to spare my life, I will definitely be grateful.

"It's definitely not going to happen what the magic mountain said."

"I promise, with the majesty of the Demon Lord.

As soon as these words came out, Qilin couldn't help but laugh.

Demon Lord's majesty?

What majesty do you have, the devil?

It was so funny.

However, Kirin still insisted on the previous rhetoric.

"Give him a way out."

Chapter 460 The flow of black light seems to contain infinite power!

"I am convinced of such a demon master who has no courage to even die.

"I'm going to show my little brothers a joke first.

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord's face turned green.

It turned out that he wanted to keep his life because he wanted others to watch the joke!

When Su Xuanji and Tiandi heard the words, they laughed out loud.

Heavenly Emperor looked at Qilin helplessly, and he knew that Qilin had no good idea.

"Your little brother?"

"Red big them?

"Not very smart."

Su Xuanji touched his chin.

Kirin flicked its tail and hit Su Xuanji's hand.

I thought I could cut Su Xuanji's skin to pieces, but I didn't think so.

There was no trace left on that hand.

Qilin was shocked again, and at the same time jumped on the shoulders of the Heavenly Emperor with great dissatisfaction.

With his back to Su Xuanji, he didn't want to communicate with him.

"I can't ask for it..."

Su Xuanji laughed.

Immediately, he looked down at the Demon Lord.

It's just this slight and natural movement that scared the Demon Lord 150 into a momentary tremble.

As if Su Xuanji was going to do something to him, his eyes were full of horror.

Su Xuanji was speechless for a while.

At this time.

The Demon Lord pleaded again.

"God Son Su.

"I promise not to oppose you again, please let me go.

When the words fell, he turned his head to look at the Emperor, and made a promise without hesitation.

"I won't attack Tiangong again."

"The grievances between me and Tiangong have since been written off."


The Demon Lord wanted to let Tiandi and Su Xuanji go but he was worried.

This is more likely to let him go.

But his words made it even more impossible for Su Xuanji to let him go.

Heavenly Emperor didn't feel more at ease, but felt that he had a bad heart.

Just ask.

How could a demon master with such a strong desire for revenge really let it go?


This is absolutely impossible.

As long as there is an opportunity in the future, the Demon Lord will wait for the opportunity to retaliate.

There is no doubt about this.

Both Su Xuanji and Tiandi knew this.

How can it be the evil of the devil?

"Don't waste your time."

"Demon Lord, you can't escape today.

The Heavenly Emperor looked at the Demon Lord and said coldly.

His eyes were even colder than his voice, causing the demon master who was watching to shudder.

He knew that the Emperor of Heaven could influence Su Xuanji's decision, and he panicked.

"I really won't do anything bad to Tiangong again.""

The Demon Lord said hurriedly.

Seeing that Tiandi was still unmoved, he could only look at Su Xuanji again.

Su Xuanji was still smiling and kind.

He seems to be an excellent talker, he will answer whatever you say.

But what the truth is, the Demon Lord has already deeply understood it.


He wished he never broke the seal.

Never offended Su Xuanji.

In this way, he can at least continue to live and live in the seal.

"God Son Su!"

"Please trust me!"

"I really have no ill intentions! 35

"I will no longer be enemies with you and Tiangong!

"Please God Son Su let me go!

The Demon Lord looked at Su Xuanji and couldn't stop begging.

But Su Xuanji's eyes never wavered.

That feeling of lightness and lightness, (adaf) seems to be able to take anyone's life at any time.

The more the Demon Lord looked, the more frightened he became.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore.

The right hand was instantly placed on the dantian.

At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor's eyes were sharp, and he was about to take action immediately.

However, his hand was pressed down by Su Xuanji.

"Not busy. 35

Su Xuanji said.

Tiandi frowned when he heard the words, but didn't say anything.

Just the whole body is tense, ready to shoot at any time.

next second.

A black light suddenly flashed on the right hand of the Demon Lord.

A surging force emanated from his hand.

The Heavenly Emperor looked at his hand in astonishment, and saw that the Demon Lord turned his palm over, revealing the contents.

It was a black ball.

Only the size of a child's fist.

The black light flowing on it seems to contain infinite power.

"This is...."

Heavenly Emperor was shocked.

The Demon Lord himself took the initiative to speak.

"Magic Dan.

"It's my magic pill."

His voice was low and desperate, with a hint of hope in it.

He looked up at Su Xuanji, and brought the magic pill in his hand to where Su Xuanji could reach.

"Is it sincere enough to dedicate the magic pill to God Son Su?

"I also asked God Son Su to let me go after accepting it.

The words fall.

He looked at Su Xuanji quietly, waiting for the answer.

Su Xuanji looked at the magic pill in the hands of the devil, and made a decision in his heart.

That is, he absolutely cannot let the Demon Lord go.

Absolutely not.

Although the demon master even offered the magic pill, he could even give up the magic pill just to survive.

How intense is the hatred in his heart?

How fierce will his subsequent revenge be?

It might even implicate the Su family!

A person like the Demon Lord, who, for a purpose, will do whatever it takes, even without dignity.

Once let him regain power, it will be crazy revenge.

This is for sure.

with no doubt.

There is absolutely no other possibility.

"now that...."

"You can even hand over the magic pill..."

"It's not impossible to keep you alive..."

Su Xuanji said slowly, and immediately reached out and took the magic pill.