
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 441

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 441 The 4 brothers of the Hong clan, raised their eyes and looked over!

But when I was so proud, I almost jumped up when I heard the second half of the sentence.

Just then, Su Xuanji hurriedly added.

"One mount, one mount is good. 99


Not even once!

The Qilin Qi's tail kept sweeping to the ground~.

In an instant, cracks appeared on the ground, and the entire mountain trembled.

It seems that the fissure is going to crack to the end, dividing the mountain - splitting it in two.

Su Xuanji suddenly laughed.

"Could it be, do you think you will lose?

As soon as this remark came out, Qilin immediately denied it.

"of course not.

"How can I lose to you?"

"I am the beast unicorn!""

"You are fantastic!""

Su Xuanji's figure disappeared instantly, but his words lingered in Kirin's ears.

"Then why are you so angry? 99

"Come and chase me, chase me, and I'll tell you what you want to know.

"If you're afraid..."

"That's it...hehe..."

As a mythical beast, the unicorn has its own pride.

In other words, the law of stimuli was very useful to him.

Qilin's eyes flashed with anger, and he disappeared in place in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of Su Xuanji and Qilin appeared in different corners of Yunmeng Mountain.


Su Xuanji appeared by the cold pool.

The four Hong brothers, who were squatting in the corner, raised their eyes and looked over.

Immediately, a pair of eyes instantly filled with anger.

But if you look closely, there are also fears and irritability that are hard to ignore.

If there was anyone they wanted to see the most at the moment, it would be Su Xuanji.

When they saw this person, they thought of what they had experienced during the day.

It's just being played around in groups!

The feeling of being so aggrieved that he was about to go crazy, which he couldn't use forcefully, came to his mind in an instant.

Su Xuanji looked at them with an unusually kind smile.

The faces of the four were split in an instant.

"It's that smile again!

"I'm going to have a nightmare when I see it!"

"Who's going to poke my eyes out!"

"I will never laugh again! 35

Just then, Kirin suddenly appeared behind Su Xuanji.

There was an instant joy in his eyes.


Finally caught up.

He almost doubted his speed.

However, the moment Kirin was about to meet Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji turned back, and that kind smile was instantly imprinted in Kirin's mind.

Meanwhile, Su Xuanji disappeared.

Qilin fluttered in the air, his eyes full of exasperated anger and incredible consternation.

"Su Xuanji!"

"You wait for me! 35

"I must chase you! 35

"Wait and see!

The words fell, and the unicorn disappeared in place.

The four brothers froze in place for a moment.

After a long time, the four of them looked at each other.

"Qilin didn't catch up with that guy? 55

"It does look like..."

"But how is this possible...""

"But it's true...

After a while, Hong Si faintly spoke.

"That man is Su Xuanji.

The other three stood up in an instant and looked at Hong Si angrily.

"I don't want to remember the name."

"Don't you need a beating if you talk too much?""

"Blow him up!"

When the words fell, the three elder brothers beat up the fourth younger brother.

While they were fighting, Su Xuanji had already reached the top of the mountain.

The unicorn appeared after the three breaths.

Looking at Su Xuanji's ethereal figure in the moonlight, Kirin felt that he would disappear at any moment.

After a long time of chasing, he has clearly realized that he can't catch up with the other party.

For a time, the mood was extremely complicated.

What is the origin of this Su Xuanji?

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

Is it so ordinary, just a son of a noble family?

Qilin didn't believe it, but if the other party didn't say it, he couldn't get the other party to answer.

"you lose.

Su Xuanji spoke suddenly.

The unicorn leaped forward and landed on Su Xuanji's shadow.

That figure, that movement, instantly reminded Su Xuanji of a puppy.

He looked embarrassed, then looked at Qilin curiously and asked.

"What are you doing?

The unicorn flicked its tail angrily.

"I followed you.

"This shadow is yours, then I win. 55

Su Xuanji suddenly laughed angrily.

"The dignified unicorn is actually cheating.""

'Are you really a beast?

"You are simply humiliating the beast.

I'm coming.

The trick is coming again.

But damn it works.

Kirin raised his head viciously and grinned at Su Xuanji.

"OK! 35

"you win!"

"Are you satisfied!"

Su Xuanji smiled in satisfaction.

"I am very satisfied.

"Get bigger.

"My mount.

As soon as these words came out, Qilin's whole body became manic.

It seemed like he was going to pounce and tear Su Xuanji to pieces.

Su Xuanji's face was calm, but he was secretly alert.

He must beware of the unicorn dog jumping over the wall, no matter what, this is a mythical beast.

Although it loses in speed, it must not be weak in other aspects.

However, he is also looking forward to it. If he fights against the divine beast, he should feel good.

However, Qilin looked at him fiercely, but never did anything.

His eyes swept across the token around Su Xuanji's waist from time to time, making Su Xuanji understand why he was doing this.

It must be because he was sent by the Emperor of Heaven, so he didn't take action.

After all, the unicorn is a divine beast, not a ferocious beast, and naturally it is still subject to the constraints of the Emperor of Heaven.

Chapter 442 Jump up and go straight to the Heavenly Palace!

Will you do it at will?

Besides, in the end it was Kirin who lost.

The smile on Su Xuanji's face grew even wider.

If you don't fight, you won't fight, at least there are mounts you can sit on.

At this moment, the unicorn roared suddenly, and the figure suddenly skyrocketed.

In the blink of an eye, it was more than three times bigger than Su Xuanji's, and it didn't stop. It continued for a lot longer before it stopped.

Then he looked down at Su Xuanji condescendingly, as if to say, are you satisfied with the little reptile?

Su Xuanji looked at the incomparable unicorn, and didn't care about his eyes at all.

His eyes were full of brilliance, such a heroic unicorn was the divine beast he imagined.

Immediately, Su Xuanji flew up and landed directly on the back of the unicorn "One Three Seven"


Kirin instantly froze.

Although I lost, I can imagine that I can bear it, and when the real Su Xuanji came up, I still felt a lot.

He immediately shook violently, trying to throw Su Xuanji off.

However, half an hour later, Su Xuanji was still as steady as a mountain.

And Kirin is already tired.

He lowered his head and turned to look at Su Xuanji with a look at his nemesis.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I've been your mount once, can't you reveal a thing or two?"

Su Xuanji looked embarrassed, and then he spoke to him right and left.

"The mount can't just sit, you have to run."

When the words fell, he seemed to be nervous and hurried without adding a word.

"As long as you don't go to the direction of Tiangong, you can go anywhere.

As soon as these words came out, Qilin was silent for three seconds, then turned around and jumped up, heading straight for the Heavenly Palace.

Su Xuanji, who was sitting firmly on his back, showed a kind smile.

At this moment, the red four with a blue nose and a swollen face, followed the four older brothers to the top of the mountain.

Hong Si hurriedly shouted at the back of the unicorn.

"Kirin, where are you going?

Kirin's voice came from afar.

"Heavenly Palace.""

When the words fell, the speed accelerated a lot, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Then Su Xuanji is so powerful that he can ride a unicorn back to the Heavenly Palace. 39

Red Si muttered.

When the words fell, he felt three gazes falling on him.

Immediately afterwards, a rain-like fist smashed down.

Heavenly Palace.

"Huh....a rare thing!"

"The unicorn actually came back by himself! Go and call the Emperor of Heaven to see it!

"After living for a long time, I can see everything, and this good thing!""

"Wait! Is there someone on the unicorn's back?"

"How is this possible, you can't have this eye."

"Look carefully, there really is! There really is!"

"It seems...it seems like...is God Son Su..."

"I saw it too, can't I have this eye too!

"Have we fallen into an illusion? How is this possible!"

"If you are caught in an illusion, this illusion is too scary..."

The people in Tiangong were talking a lot.

All of them had unbelievable daze and astonishment on their faces.

Even if the unicorn is getting closer and closer to him, he can see more and more clearly.

People still insisted on not believing what they saw.

Impossible, these three words fill everyone's mind.

What kind of existence is a unicorn?

divine beast.

A very arrogant beast.

A beast who loves tricks.

It was a miracle that he could take the initiative to return to the Heavenly Palace.

Even the Emperor of Heaven couldn't turn it into a mount, and neither could anyone else.

Even Su Xuanji is incredible.

Qilin will not allow it at all, and become an inferior existence.

Although they don't feel ashamed of being a mount, Qilin feels that, and is extremely resistant to 0...

Whoever dares to joke about this must be prepared to heal for decades or even centuries.

That's it, it's still a minor injury in the face of the Heavenly Emperor.

And although Su Xuanji is kind to Tiangong, Kirin doesn't know.

He is not a person from the Heavenly Palace either, so he dares to try to make the unicorn a mount, and the unicorn will not kill him directly?


Absolutely impossible.

People would rather believe in being trapped in an illusion than believe in what they see.

Yet at this moment.

The unicorn has fallen in front of them.

Immediately, the figure quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye, it became a height that could not reach the waist of others when standing up.

Such a miniature unicorn, everyone is used to seeing it, and they don't feel anything.

But a person had just turned over from him, but he had never seen it before.

The man also waved his hands at everyone and greeted the nearest person with a smile.

"Your knife is about to break, put it away.

"Isn't....yes....jump down a....people!"

"Still.... still talking to me...?"

The person who was called up instantly grabbed his knife even more nervously, and was so shocked that he even said 0.5 was incomplete.

The expressions on the faces of the people present can no longer be described as shock.

It's literally a horror.

"It's Su Shenzi who is talking to you, what is it for one person and two people..."

Someone said quietly.

However, the man was so frightened that his tears were about to fall.

"Is it Su Shenzi?

"Why can't I recognize it? 99

"Are you scared?"

"The one next to me, who are you?"

Just when everyone was stunned in place, unable to return to God for a long time.

The Emperor of Heaven was standing in the distance, looking at Qilin and Su Xuanji coming towards him in shock.

Chapter 443 Go to the Demon Valley and eradicate the Demon Race!

Although he was a little late, he still saw Su Xuanji roll over.

Although he felt unbelievable, but with his mind, he did not think that he was wrong.

But this scene, he had to admit, was indeed unbelievable.

How arrogant the unicorn is, how could he not know it?

Even he couldn't take the unicorn as a mount.

How on earth did Su Xuanji do it?

And even if the unicorn comes back, shouldn't it be reluctant?

Why does he seem to be very active, and he comes straight to him excitedly?

What the hell is going on?

Is the unicorn crazy or the world is crazy.


Su Xuanji has an indescribable magic.

Make the impossible possible.

Heavenly Emperor took a deep breath and relieved his emotions of being shocked again 03 times.


The unicorn pounced directly at the feet of the Heavenly Emperor.

Standing up and looking at the Heavenly Emperor, his eyes were full of pride.

Heavenly Emperor was surprised to see this.

What is this guy proud of?

Is it being used as a horse?

This is so weird!

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji with questioning eyes.

Su Xuanji looked at the question in Tiandi's eyes, and immediately spread his hands, looking innocent.

"He's so enthusiastic."

"I have to come back." 35

"I told you not to worry.

"It's nothing if you don't come back.

"If he doesn't listen, I can't help it."

As soon as these words came out, not only the Heavenly Emperor looked horrified.

Even the people in Tiangong, who were listening to the movement here with their ears open, were horrified.

"He said.... Kirin is too enthusiastic?

"Do you have to come back?

"He's talking about a unicorn? Not a miracle?"

"What the hell did I do to make me hear such a nightmare!"

Everyone opened their mouths.

Kirin always runs to Yunmeng Mountain.

Many of them have been instructed to find Qilin.

When I was naive and ignorant at first, I thought it was a good thing, and everyone was fighting for it.

But after being terrified, every time the unicorn leaves for a long time, it is estimated that the emperor will send someone to look for it.

Everyone tried every means to keep themselves busy, and even avoided the Heavenly Emperor.

Can not meet, never meet.

They could not bear the devastation of the unicorn.

Whoever was ordered by the Emperor of Heaven could not wait to cry and beg the Emperor on the spot.

But the Emperor of Heaven had expected it long ago, and after giving the order, he turned around and left, never giving anyone a chance.

Therefore, everyone who is named can only bite the bullet and climb Yunmeng Mountain.

There is a big wind, Xiaoxiao, and Yi Shuihan, looking for the tragic and solemn that the unicorn will never return.

And what happened after going up the mountain was the nightmare of everyone who was instructed to bring back the unicorn.

Not only have to endure the teasing of the unicorns, but also to be teased by the unicorns one after another, so that the unicorns do not drive them down the mountain immediately.

If you want to get the unicorn back, you have to do your best to please the unicorn.

And the most effective way to please Qilin is to be played around by him.

Even so, the ones who can successfully bring back the unicorn are still a few of the few.


Su Xuanji had no ears to hear what the unicorn was enthusiastic about, and what came back on his own initiative.

It's too fake, I can't even dream of such a beautiful dream.

How is this possible!

God doesn't believe it either.

It's not that he doesn't trust Su Xuanji.

It's just that it's impossible for this to happen to Kirin.

He would rather believe that the unicorn was out of pocket than to believe such a ridiculous thing.

However, at this moment, Kirin opened his mouth.

"Hmph, do you want to tell me not to come back?

"There are no doors!"

"I want to come back!

'Piss you off!

Kirin twitched his tail and said triumphantly.

Because he was standing, his front paws were lifted in the air.

It looks like a puppy picked up by Su Xuanji, not a unicorn!

And what he said also made people suspect that after his eyes were no longer available, he could no longer want his ears.


Want to come back?

Are you sure it wasn't you who said it wrong?

All the horrified sights were instantly focused on the divine beast Qilin.

Including Heavenly Emperor, as well.

This makes Kirin feel proud.

He firmly believed that the purpose of the Tiandi sending Su Xuanji to him was really just to confuse him.

On the surface, he wanted him to come back, but in fact it was just the opposite, he didn't want him to come back.


Otherwise Su Xuanji wouldn't have done that either.

This is one of the reasons why Kirin wants to come back.

His unquenchable curiosity.

As for the second reason, it is also an extremely important point.

That is his revenge on Su Xuanji!

Instead of obediently letting him play, Su Xuanji played him.

If he can't take revenge, won't he lose face?

Simply bring Su Xuanji back, so that he can not fulfill the entrustment of the emperor.

The more Kirin thought about it, the more he felt that he was extremely smart, and there was no such clever divine beast in this world.

Thinking like this, Kirin's tail wagged even more happily.

Tian Di looked at the eccentric unicorn, and laughed at the inscrutable Su Xuanji.

Intuition that there is something tricky in it, he looked down at the proud unicorn and opened his mouth slowly.

"You came back just in time.

"Soon, we will go to the Demon Valley to eradicate the Demon Race.

"I asked Su Shenzi to find you, just to get help. 99

As soon as these words came out, the unicorn's tail that was fluttering in the air suddenly stopped.

Chapter 444 If you lose, the rules remain the same!

"You sent someone to find me back?"

"To eradicate the demons?"

"So....you wish I could come back..."

The voice of the unicorn is extraordinarily erratic.

Something seemed to shock him, and it was difficult for him to accept it.

Tiandi nodded naturally when he heard the words.

"This is Su Xuanji, you must already know him.

"He and I have known each other not long ago, but they are already close friends. You must not be rude to him."5

"It's even more impossible to make trouble at will, otherwise I won't spare you.

The unicorn looked at the Heavenly Emperor, and his eyes were unprecedentedly round.

"Heavenly Emperor, you really want me to come back..."

Heavenly Emperor frowned.

"Why do you still ask?"

"To bother God Son Su to find you, of course he wants you to come back."

"What do you always ask this for?"

Kirin didn't answer, but looked at Su Xuanji beside him.

Su Xuanji still had an innocent face, with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I never said that I wouldn't let you come back."

"You don't believe it yourself, what can I do?"

As soon as these words came out, the unicorn instantly became bigger, and then rushed up fiercely.

Su Xuanji turned and ran.

The speed of one person and one divine beast was abnormally fast, and soon disappeared.

But Kirin's roar, and Su Xuanji's laughing voice, were still clearly audible.

"How dare you play me?"

"I didn't, you misunderstood, how can you take anger at me?"

"You just misunderstood me on purpose!

"No or no, you are the big misunderstanding

"You don't have to argue, and see how I teach you a lesson!"

"If you can catch up to me, let's talk about it, hahahaha..."

Hearing this, Tiandi instantly understood what was going on.

It was Su Xuanji who played the unicorn!

"Kirin, ah, it turns out that you have this day too."

Heavenly Emperor said with tears in his eyes.

At the same time, everyone in Tiangong also realized.

It turns out that it's not that they can't have eyes and ears, it's that the unicorns are being played!

This person who always plays tricks on others is played around by Su Xuanji!

He actually came back on his own.

This is simply the biggest joke since Tiangong was established!

But everyone didn't dare to laugh because they didn't have the speed of Su Xuanji.

Neither does Su Xuanji's brains and guts.

If he dared to laugh out loud, he would be beaten by the unicorn.

In order to watch the play safely, it is best to keep a smile.

For example, laugh out two teeth at most, at most, no more.

At the same time, they were also curious.

What is the process of Su Xuanji playing the unicorn?

Although they saw it with their own eyes, they guessed that it must be very exciting!

Everyone made a decision in their hearts.

After Su Xuanji gets rid of the unicorn, they will definitely ask!

They have been played by the unicorn enough, it's time to laugh at the unicorn!

For a time, Su Xuanji's status in the hearts of everyone in Tiangong suddenly rose.

He became a big hero in everyone's heart.

A unicorn who helped them teach them the lesson they always wanted to.

They didn't dare and couldn't do it, but Su Xuanji fulfilled their wish.

Rounding up, that's what he did, no problem.

Heavenly Emperor was also at ease.

Although Su Xuanji regards the unicorn as a mount, even he does not do it.

But it is also good to be able to teach Kirin a lesson like this.

He had already thought of doing it, but he and Su Xuanji had a very different temperament and behavior.

If it was him to teach Qilin a lesson, it seemed too formal.

This is also one of the reasons why he has always been so tolerant of Kirin.

However, he was extremely curious, how did Su Xuanji make the unicorn nod and let him come back as a mount?

Even if it was tricked, it wouldn't be so.

Isn't it the same when Kirin comes back by himself? Why did he bring Su Xuanji with him?

This question is not only curious about him, but everyone in Tiangong is equally curious.

Even after they calmed down, it became the first curiosity after how Su Xuanji played the unicorn.

For a time, everyone wanted to pull Su Xuanji over and ask him clearly.

I only hate the speed of losing to Su Xuanji, and I can only wait for the outcome between him and Kirin.

But they didn't know. After Qilin calmed down a little, he knew that he would never win.

Didn't he lose to Su Xuanji before?

In the same competition, there will be no two results.

Kirin soon realized that he seemed to have no way to take Su Xuanji for the time being.

He suddenly stopped in dejection, and Su Xuanji also appeared in front of him.

Kirin raised his eyes (good Zhao) to look at Su Xuanji, his eyes full of anger.

"'々 Su Xuanji."

"You're the first person to trick me.

"I remember you, we'll see. Nian

"Sooner or later I will win back a city!

Su Xuanji's smile was still kind.

"Then I'll be waiting for you.

"You have to cheer.

"But before that, it's better for us to compete again. If we lose, the rules will remain the same."5

As soon as these words came out, Qilin was instantly furious.

"You think I'm stupid!

"Stop dreaming."

"There is no second time."

"Stop being delusional!

Su Xuanji sighed regretfully.

"It seems that I can only reminisce on my own.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 445 Grinning, the smile is extraordinarily brilliant!

"But I believe that those people in the Tiangong who have been played by you for a long time must be very curious."

"How on earth did I take you as a mount, you say, do I want to tell you all about it?"

Hearing this, the unicorn digs straight into the ground.

He is a majestic unicorn.

He has always been playing tricks on the people in the Tiangong, laughing at the people in the Tiangong.

When is it time for others to laugh at you?

It's already very embarrassing to be deceived back. If it is known that he lost to the person in front of him in terms of speed, wouldn't he be laughed to death?

This will not work.

Absolutely not.

"Don't say it.""

"When I say it, I...


Kirin "I will" for a long time but can't go on.

He had absolutely no idea what to do with Su Xuanji.

To be precise, it is impossible to do what Su Xuanji can do.

This realization made him suddenly very depressed.

But he didn't want to just admit it, so he could only take the overall situation as 143.

Aggrieved yourself, bow your head first.

He reluctantly became smaller again, and reluctantly came to Su Xuanji's side.

A pair of eyes suppressed anger and looked at Su Xuanji.

"That's good, I can forget about you playing with me. 99

"But you are not allowed to say anything about my loss to you. 99

Su Xuanji nodded immediately with a smile.


"Absolutely no problem.

As soon as these words came out, Qilin suddenly made a sound.

And this good thing?

He agreed so easily.

Will Su Xuanji be so kind?

He's an existence that turns his own game around!

Kirin's heart lifted instantly.

Watching Su Xuanji warily, he questioned.

"Why did you promise so happily?

"Do you have any conspiracy?"

"You want to stabilize me first, and then you should talk to the outside world, right?"5

Su (adaf) Xuanji looked at Qilin with a hurt face.

"Who do you take me for?"

"Promise you not to say it, you will definitely not say it, you can rest assured. 35

"However, the premise is that you promise me a condition.

"That way you can rest assured, don't you?"

Hearing this, Kirin snorted coldly as if I knew it.

"Go ahead."

"What conditions do you want to make? 39

Su Xuanji grinned suddenly, with an extraordinarily bright smile.

This appearance made Qilin's heart skip a beat.

"it's actually really easy."

"This condition is the same as before. 95

"How about being my mount once, it's not a loss, right? 55

Kirin was instantly furious.

"You're so Damn it.

"How dare you mention such a condition.

"No way, don't even think about it!

Before Qilin promised that he did not expect to lose.

If he agrees again at this moment, he is stupid.

He wouldn't do anything about it.

Looking at the unusually resolute Kirin, Su Xuanji was not reluctant.

He looked at the people in Tiangong who were looking here curiously, and raised his voice.

"Does anyone know how I used the unicorn as a mount?"

"Speak up and let me hear your voices!

"Raise your hands and let me see your enthusiasm! 35

his voice.

In an instant, it appeared clearly in the ears of everyone in the Heavenly Palace.

At this moment, both hands waved.

At the same time, the voice resounding through the Heavenly Palace suddenly sounded.

"Want to know! 99

"Tell me about it!""

The Heavenly Emperor even spoke in a low voice, raising and lowering his hands like nothing.

A look like he wanted to wave his hand, but couldn't save his face.

But at this moment, no one pays attention to the Heavenly Emperor.

All attention was on Su Xuanji.

All of them looked impatient, without the slightest bit of tolerance.

If someone saw them at this moment, no one would have thought that they would actually be from the Heavenly Palace.

It can be seen why the unicorn became Su Xuanji's mount, even once, it is enough to attract everyone.

And in the entire Heavenly Palace.

At this moment, only Kirin's eyes are already angry and depressed.

He had no idea that Su Xuanji would actually be beating gongs and drums to preach.

And looking at Su Xuanji's smiling face, Kirin completely believes that he can definitely do it.

As long as he doesn't agree to his terms, Su Xuanji will lose his face.

Thinking of the wiseness of his own life, Qilin gritted his teeth and nodded viciously.

Looking at the appearance, it is almost like tearing a piece of meat from Su Xuanji's body.

"Those who know the times are Junjie. 35

"Kirin, you made the most correct choice."

When the words fell, Su Xuanji turned to look at everyone.

He raised his hand and pressed it down.

In an instant, the entire Heavenly Palace was silent.

Even the sound of breathing can hardly be heard.

However, just when everyone thought that Su Xuanji was about to reveal everything, his words made everyone almost stunned.


"I understand very well your urgency to know."

"Please keep up your enthusiasm.

"As long as you always keep your original intentions, my Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zang Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zang Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zang Zeng Zeng Zeng Zang Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng.... will tell you to listen to.

After the words fell, Su Xuanji turned around and walked away with the unicorn under the dumbfounded gaze of the audience.

That handsome back made everyone want to hammer him.

"Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng...I don't know how many Zeng's great-grandchildren? I don't know if you will have them, I can't live anyway.

"Did he play tricks on us?""

Chapter 446 Anxious, but helpless!

"Do you still need to ask?"

"Why is my hand suddenly itchy?"

"So are my teeth."

The Heavenly Emperor grinded his teeth and felt that he wanted to tear something apart.

But as the Emperor of Heaven, he needed restraint the most.

He took a deep breath, then turned around and went straight to the distance of the Tiangong.

It didn't take long.

Everyone in Tiangong heard a loud bang.

It was as if something had smashed the earth out of the abyss.

at the same time.

Su Xuanji and Kirin are crouching under the old tree on the south wall.

"I can't be in the Heavenly Palace, I'll make you a mount when I go farther.

"Don't be in a hurry, I'll save it first and save it slowly."

"Save? Are you plotting against me?"

"You're so smart, who can count you?"

"Hmph, you know it's good, say it once is once, there will be no more. 99

"Well, you seem to have said that last time.

66....you wait for me!

"Waiting for you to make me a mount?"

"You are a rascal. 35

"Thank you for the compliment.

"Farewell, I want to go back to Yunmeng Mountain."

"It's fun to clean up the demons, are you sure you don't want to go?

"...Then I'll pack up the demons and go back! 35

"Well, you can definitely go back.


The furious roar of the unicorn reverberated throughout the Heavenly Palace.

Everyone in Tiangong was very curious, but they had no chance to explore the reason.

Heavenly Emperor has come back with a straight face.

Although the Heavenly Emperor is still the same Heavenly Emperor, the faint crowd just feels scared.

Immediately afterwards, the already extremely difficult training became even more terrifying in an instant.

Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

God ordered.

Except for the guards, they all went to the Demon Valley to exterminate the Demon Race.

The Tiangong congregation set off in a mighty manner.

In the magic valley.

Intensive practice is also being carried out.

The current ten magic formations are already a team to a team.

It is extremely difficult for anyone who wants to beat anyone else.

But through constant tempering, the power of the ten magic formations has been quite effective.

It's much better than when it first started.

The Demon Lord keeps an eye on him every day, and no one dares to be lazy, let alone show a little bit of an unsatisfactory performance.

Otherwise, the Demon Lord will shoot without hesitation.

During this period of time, the demons who died in the hands of the demon master can already be piled up into a hill.

This is also one of the reasons for the rapid progress of the demons.

And the magic mountain.

It is still only responsible for the Demon Lord alone.

He stood upright behind the Demon Lord, with an appearance of being devoted to his duties.

But in my heart, I was anxious.

He has been looking for opportunities to find ways to contact Su Xuanji.

But since he was suspected by the Demon Lord, he didn't dare to be careless at all.

As long as he expresses his desire to be alone, when the Demon Lord frowns.

He would immediately change the conversation and never leave the Demon Lord for half a step.

For fear that the Demon Lord would suspect him again and slap him to death.

But the power of the ten magic formations is becoming more and more skilled.

If Su Xuanji didn't know, then when the Demon Lord led the Demon Race to the Heavenly Palace again.

The result is obvious, Tiangong is bound to suffer a big loss.

Mo Shan was anxious in his heart, but he was helpless.

He peeked at the Demon Lord from time to time, and the Demon Lord quickly noticed it.

"Magic Mountain."

"What do you always peep at me for?"

As soon as these words came out, Moshan almost fell to his knees in fright.

He secretly scolded himself for being careless when he was anxious, and made such a mistake.

He rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea.

"I have a question for the Demon Lord."

0... ask for flowers 0·

"But I don't dare to disturb the Demon Lord, so...

When the Demon Lord heard this, he asked without looking back.

"What's the matter?"

"tell me the story?

Hearing the words, Moshan said his question without hesitation, and spoke very fast.

A look that really wanted to ask, but provoked it for a long time.

"I want to know when the Demon Lord plans to clean up the Heavenly Palace. 99

"I can not wait any more."

"The power displayed by the ten magic formations is too great, and it will definitely damage the Tiangong!"

The Demon Mountain looks yearning, and he can't wait to fight Tiangong immediately.

Hearing this, the Demon Lord laughed gloomily.


"I'm going to leave in three days.""

Mo Shan was surprised when he heard the words.

"So fast?"

"I mean... Tiangong must be unexpected.

The Demon Lord nodded heavily when he heard the words.

"All they want is for them to be unexpected. 55

"The Emperor of Heaven would never have guessed that I killed him so quickly."

"It will definitely be crushed by us.

"This time, I want to let Tiangong know how powerful the Demon Race is!

"If only people from Tiangong appeared here now.

"I can't wait any longer."

The voice just fell.

The Demon Lord noticed that someone was approaching quickly in the distance.

next moment.

Suddenly, the voice of the Heavenly Emperor came from afar.

"The devil listen.

"I am the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Palace, and I will lead the people of the Heavenly Palace to clean up the demons in the future.

"Today is your day of death."

"Magic Valley, is your burial place!"

The voice of the Heavenly Emperor appeared clearly in the ears of every demon.

It was as if the god of heaven was right in front of him.

All the demons were stunned.

No one would have thought that the Emperor of Heaven actually called Wu.

Chapter 447 Swarm out, all outside the valley!

They're not going, they're coming!

This action is simply faster than them!

"Ha ha ha ha.....

"Good come!"

"I just can't wait to pick you up!"

"I took the initiative to send it to the door to die, which just happened to be the stepping stone of the ten magic circles.

"The demons obey the orders.

"Kill without mercy!

The demons were also very excited when they heard the words.

They practiced the ten magic formations hard for this moment.

The other party actually came, as if they were deliberately sent to the door to find death.

It's so convenient for them!

at the same time.

They have great confidence in the Ten Demon Arrays.

Over the past few days, this array has been used very smoothly, not to mention "one four three".

Improving the strength of 30% is not a problem at all.

Tiangong is going to be unlucky!


All the demons swarmed out and all came to the outside of the valley.

The emperor brought people to the vicinity, and at a glance, there were densely packed demons everywhere.

but in the meanwhile.

Heavenly Emperor also keenly discovered.

Demons seem to be a little different.

But where is the difference, I can't say much.

But at a glance, it can be determined that the murderous intent in the eyes of the demons is even stronger.

It seemed that he had just fought someone.

However, this place is full of demons, who can you fight with?

This thought flashed through his mind, and was immediately thrown out of his mind by the Heavenly Emperor.


the most important.

Just get rid of the demons.

Otherwise, he doesn't need to find out why.

Su Xuanji frowned.

So unusual.

From the Demon Race, he felt a different momentum from the past.

That is not illusory morale, nor is the cultivation base improved.

It is a very strange tie, which seems to connect all the demons that are not used together.

His heart suddenly sank, and he always felt that it was not good for Tiangong.

But at this moment, the two sides confronted each other.

He didn't need to say something that he couldn't see or touch to disturb the minds of everyone in the Tiangong.

The only thing he can do now is to help Tiangong win.

Even if he didn't agree to come here at first, it was just as he said to the Emperor before.

He has no right to stop, nor will he interfere too much with the decision of the Heavenly Emperor.

All he has to do is try his best.

That's all.

at the same time.

Su Xuanji's eyes kept searching for the magic mountain.

Soon, he found the magic mountain.

And he should have found the other party faster, because the magic mountain is standing beside the devil master.

But he subconsciously thought that the magic mountain would not stand at the core, so he directly ignored it.

When he saw the magic mountain, the surprise in Su Xuanji's eyes instantly suppressed, as if he had never seen the magic mountain before.

But Mo Shan's expression at the moment, he can see clearly.

That is glaring, staring fiercely at the Emperor of Heaven.

It looks like he has a deep hatred with Tiangong. It seems that the person who told him about the betrayal in Tiangong before is not the same as him.

Su Xuanji was amused for a while, but his face was still very serious.

It became even smaller, the unicorn lying on his shoulders, flicked his tail, and sneered.

"Why so serious?"


"If you're afraid, go back to your Su's house." 5

Kirin said with a venomous tongue.

During the half month in Tiangong and the time on the road, Qilin has already gotten to know Su Xuanji.

Or rather, they've gotten used to teasing each other.

As long as the two guys get together, it is absolutely non-stop.

But Qilin is very strange, the more he falls, the more he likes to fall.

He has repeatedly failed in provocation, but not only does not stay away from Su Xuanji, but instead relies on him.

Lying on Su Xuanji's shoulders all day, whoever passed by would not open their eyes.

But if you mistakenly think that Su Xuanji and Kirin have a good relationship, it would be a mistake. The daily quarrel between the two can spread for three miles.

There is no one in the entire Tiangong who does not know that this person and a beast are at odds.

Not even face to face.

Su Xuanji looked down at the unicorn on his shoulder, and sneered as well.

"You said, will the demons want to stew you when they see a divine beast with no prestige like you?"

As soon as these words came out, Qilin immediately jumped on Su Xuanji's head.

Raising his claws and tugging at random, seemed to make Su Xuanji bald at an early age.

Mo Shan, who was watching this scene from a distance, instantly felt a fire in his heart.

That fire is jealousy!

It just doesn't make sense!

How dare that puppy be so rude to his master!

Feeling the anger behind him, the Demon Lord turned his head slightly.

The magic mountain was glaring at Su Xuanji's direction fiercely.

The Demon Lord instantly trusted the Demon Mountain even more in his heart.

What the Dark Path Magic Mountain said before was right, he really couldn't take refuge with Su Xuanji.

Fortunately, fortunately, he didn't kill the flattering 0.5 essence of the Demon Mountain before.

The Demon Lord raised his eyes and looked faintly at the Emperor, with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips.

"It's great that you can take the initiative to come and die.

"It also saves my Demon Race's time to travel."

"If you don't come today, I will find you in three days at the latest."

Tiandi smiled coldly when he heard the words.

"I don't want to dirty the place in the Heavenly Palace.

"It's better for the demons to be buried in this barren valley."

"This is the best place to bury your bones.

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord immediately revealed murderous intent.

"It's useless to talk about it.

"You Heavenly Palace, after all, will worship in the hands of the Demon Race. 39

Chapter 448 Relying on the general, no fear at all!

"The demons are different today, don't think that your victory can be replicated last time."

The Demon Lord spoke with great confidence.

Heavenly Emperor's eyes suddenly sank.

Although he doesn't believe what the Demon Lord says.

But he could still feel the extreme confidence of the other party at the moment.

As if there is something to rely on, there is no fear at all.

But how is this possible?

It wasn't long since we last saw each other.

Could it be that during this period of time, the demons have tossed out some trump card?

Thinking of this possibility, the Heavenly Emperor subconsciously denied it.

First, the time is short, and he just tempered the people in the Tiangong. How can he have time to cultivate some killer skills?

Second, they have already come here, and there is no turning back.

Heavenly Emperor does not allow himself to regret retreating, this battle is inevitable.

"Su Xuanji!"

Suddenly, a loud shout sounded.

03 instantly startled everyone.

It's not how scary the voice is, but the person who speaks is really unexpected.

He is not the Demon Lord, or even the leader of the Demon Race.

It's a demon who doesn't look very powerful.

If there is something special, it is that he is standing beside the Demon Lord.

It looks like the identity should be extraordinary.

This person is the magic mountain.

The Demon Lord and other Demon Races were also taken aback by the Demon Mountain.

The matter of calling the formation, even if it is a round, it will not be a small magic mountain.

What is he doing here now?

Under the curiosity of the Demon Lord, he did not stop it.

I saw that the magic mountain took two steps forward, but it was still very orderly, and stopped one step behind the demon master.

Definitely not more than a star.

The details are sincere, and the doubts of the Demon Lord about the Demon Mountain have been completely dissipated.

At this moment, Mo Shan raised his hand and pointed at Su Xuanji viciously.

With that look, it seemed like he had a life-and-death feud with Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji was stunned.

God was also stunned.

Apart from Su Xuanji, Tiandi is the only one who knows that the magic mountain is Su Xuanji's dark pile among the demons.

But what happened to this magic mountain?

What are you going to do at this time?

Shouldn't it be self-disclosure?

Just when Su Xuanji and Tiandi were extremely confused, Moshan spoke up.

He looked at Su Xuanji, and the pronunciation of each word was extremely heavy, as if he wanted to kill Su Xuanji with each word.

"Very goddamn guy.

"How could you be able to provoke the Demons twice or three times?

"In the battle before the battle, do you dare to fight against the Demon Lord?"

When the Demon Lord heard the words, he instantly straightened his originally straight back.

He finally understands what the magic mountain is going to do, this guy is going to flatter him!

Flattery should be shot in public so that more people can see it.

The Demon Lord instantly gave Mo Shan an admiring look.

Although it is impossible to kill Su Xuanji immediately, it is possible to let Moshan scold him.

It's like boosting morale before the battle with Tiangong!

Mo Shan looked at the Demon Lord, and immediately showed a look that you can rest assured that I'm doing things, and then continued to yell at Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji listened carefully, bewildered.

"A little goddess who came out of the Su family dared to disrespect the devil repeatedly.

"In our Demon Lord, the Demon Lord is the sky, the earth, and the king! What are you!

The words fell, and the demons responded instantly.

Although it is usually not pleasing to the eye to see the magic mountain, but at this time whoever dares to open his mouth and fall behind half a step, it is easy to be slapped to death by the devil master.

"The devil is supreme!"

"No disrespect! 35

"Bright with the sun and the moon!"

This voice resounded through the sky, making the Demon Lord's face even better.

Immediately there was a sense of pride in my heart, and it seemed that I could put Su Xuanji and Tiandi to death on the spot.

At this time, the magic mountain spoke again.

"It's okay to kill you! 35

"Betraying the Heavenly Palace is your only way out. If you don't come over and kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Demon Mountain waved his big hand, although his strength was not enough, his aura was sufficient, which was extremely bluffing.

Su Xuanji was stunned when he saw it. He had no idea that the magic mountain was such a magic mountain!

The magic mountain in his eyes.

It's silly and silly.

Simply put, it's heartless.

He didn't even expect the other party to bring any news from the Demon Race.

After 143, even if the magic mountain brought useful news, he still felt that he was an iron man.

But now with this acting, this momentum, whoever said Moshan is stupid, who is he anxious about!

It's no wonder that being able to mingle with the Demon Lord, this flattery is not ordinary!

It's just that this is what I'm saying to myself when I'm on the battlefield

Su Xuanji frowned slightly.

He always felt that the words of the magic mountain would not be so simple.

They have a secret relationship.

No, bah!

It's a mutual relationship!

He said this to himself in public, there must be some deep meaning.

what is it?

Su Xuanji was full of doubts, but his face gradually showed anger.

No way, he has to cooperate!

"Little devil, how dare you yell at me.""

"Speaking so rudely, I think you are tired of living.""

Su Xuanji said extremely coldly, the murderous intent in his eyes was extremely realistic.

Made the magic mountain almost think he was going to die.

Chapter 449 Full of nervousness, with hidden anxiety in his eyes!

But adhering to the professionalism of meticulous work, he still dared to add a sentence.

"Little Thief Su, you'd better taste my words carefully, or you will regret it later!"

As soon as these words come out, what is Su Xuanji uncertain about?

There must be a mystery in this!

But what is it?

Su Xuanji had no idea for a while.

At this moment, the Demon Lord raised his hand and waved away from the Demon Mountain, looking at Tian Di and Su Xuanji with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Enough time has been given to you to live. 35

"Now, I want you to watch all the people in Tiangong die in front of you. 99

"All demons obey orders..."

"Kill, kill all the people in Tiangong to me, not a single one!"

The words fall.

All the demons were dispatched instantly.

In an instant.

Everyone in Tiangong only felt that darkness was coming towards them.

That astonishing murderous intent was even better than when the demons attacked the Heavenly Palace before.

The intense lust is disgusting.

"how so?

"Such a change in such a short period of time!

"this is too scary...."

The people in Tiangong were shocked.

Heavenly Emperor was also stunned.

He did not expect that the Demon Race had made such great progress in a short period of time.

It was too big for him to imagine.

It's not that the Heavenly Emperor underestimates the Demon Race, but it is simply unbelievable to want to achieve such a transformation in a short period of time.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, or if others told him about it, he wouldn't believe it.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no turning back.

"Everyone obeys."

"The devil is bluffing, there is no need to be afraid." "5

"You are the fierce generals of the Tiangong, and you will definitely be able to kill all the demons!

"Kill, kill all the demons, and avenge the death of the Tiangong companions!

The Heavenly Emperor shouted angrily.

The Heavenly Emperor at this time was different from the usual gentleness and indifference.

However, it was murderous and full of anger.

Let him look at it, it is almost difficult to recognize that this person is the Emperor of Heaven.

Everyone in Tiangong was instantly shocked by the imposing manner of the Heavenly Emperor, and their shock to the demons instantly turned into anger.

"Kill! Kill them all!"

"Avenge your comrade!""

"Removing harm for the common people!" 5

The people in Tiangong kept roaring and rushed out.

At the seal, the battle between the two sides caused Tiangong to die a lot.

Those victims are the companions, friends, and even confidants of the surviving Tiangong people.

Thinking of those who stay in the void forever and die miserably.

An unquenchable anger rose in the hearts of everyone in the Tiangong.

Let them seem to be filled with invincible power!

Su Xuanji hangs in the air, standing side by side with the Heavenly Emperor.

Seeing the encounter between the Demon Race and the people from the Heavenly Palace, just like the Heizi Baizi he was looking forward to, his eyes instantly turned red.

And neither Su Xuanji nor Tiandi moved.

Neither does the Demon Lord.

This battle not only belongs to them, but also the people of the Demon Race and the Heavenly Palace.

Their strength is also the key to victory.

The Demon Lord's face was full of confidence, as if he was certain that he would win this time.

Su Xuanji glanced at the Demon Lord's face, and his eyes swept across the Demon Mountain's face.

It seemed that he just glanced at it inadvertently.

Moshan's face was full of tension, and his eyes were also full of anxiety.

It seemed that he was nervous about the demons, but Su Xuanji knew that he must have hoped that he would quickly understand what he meant.

But what does it mean?

Su Xuanji really had no idea for a while.

Although his cultivation base is in the quasi emperor, he is not omniscient and omnipotent.

Demon Mountain's inconspicuous words seem to be all praise and disdain for the Demon Lord. What key things can be hidden?

Su Xuanji didn't know.

He really doesn't know now.

And this feeling made him frown anxiously.

He can't wait to pull the magic mountain over and ask what it means.

But he can't.

Although he felt that defeating the Demon Lord, he could do it.

But if the Demon Lord is thought to be extremely weak, and he can't even take action against a little Demon Race in time, it would be a bit too much.

The Demon Mountain had done a great job in letting him know that someone betrayed Tiangong.

Even if he couldn't keep Moshan by his side, he couldn't help but take Moshan's life seriously.

He can only rely on himself.

Find out what the hidden meaning of those words is.

The unicorn hit Su Xuanji's forehead with its tail.

"'々What do you think?'


"Tsk tsk..."

"You were called stupid by that little demon?"

"You are really promising.

Kirin spared no effort to mock Su Xuanji.

At the moment, however, Su Xuanji didn't care about him.

He grabbed the Qilin's tail and turned it around in his hand.

Qilin was immediately furious, opened his mouth and spat out a fire dragon, hitting Su Xuanji's hand.

Although Su Xuanji threw the unicorn away, he grabbed the fire dragon with his free hand and pinched it in the palm of his hand.

When he opened his hand, there was nothing in his hand.

Kirin was instantly shocked.

What is Su Xuanji's cultivation base?

How could his fire dragon be turned into nothing so easily?

It's... so possible...

Simply incredible!

Kirin's heart was instantly filled with doubts.

But now is clearly not a good time to ask.

He could only suppress the doubts in his heart and returned to Su Xuanji's shoulders.

And at this time, the sound of killing was terrifying.

Chapter 450 Get together and attack!

Everyone was shocked by the sound, and Kirin even felt his blood boil.

He looked into it, and saw black and white mixed together, and the killing was indistinguishable.

Both sides have endless murderous intentions and regard each other as their most hated enemies.

That kind of deep-seated hatred is as real as it is, and it is shocking to see.

At this moment, Su Xuanji and Tiandi frowned at the same time.

Immediately, the two looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

Looking condescendingly, it can be clearly found.

The people in Tiangong, who would never be too far apart from each other according to the tactics, have now been gradually separated by the demons.

Although not everyone is like this, but there is already a trend.

Moreover, those Demon Races are like a team of ten, and together they surround a group of people from the Heavenly Palace.

The number of people surrounded will not be more than twice their own, and will not be less than double.

Very regular and rhythmic.

It seems that he has practiced many times a long time ago, and he is very familiar with it.

143 "Looks like the demons are already prepared."

Su Xuanji said solemnly.

Heavenly Emperor approved.

"It seems that what the devil said is not a lie.

"If we don't come to him, he will also go to the Heavenly Palace to seek revenge for us. 35

"It seems that they plan to form a team of ten people and divide the Tiangong into divisions.

"With their numbers, it is indeed possible."

Su Xuanji nodded solemnly.

"It can't go on like this, otherwise it will be extremely unfavorable to the Tiangong."9

Although I don't know what the demons are doing, there is definitely nothing good.

What to do now is to try not to let them succeed.

The Heavenly Emperor naturally understood this truth and ordered it immediately.

"Be careful, don't be separated by the demons, get together, and attack together!

Although the voice of the Heavenly Emperor was not loud, it appeared clearly in the ears of every person in the Heavenly Palace.

They immediately did as the Emperor said, but it was not easy.

They had been consciously dispersed by the Demon Race, and after realizing what they had noticed, the Demon Race simply didn't hide it.

Directly encircling the situation, and soon surrounded a lot of people from the Heavenly Palace.

I can't guess that if there are tricks, they are fools. They must have a purpose.

The people in Tiangong resisted even more fiercely.

However, the Demon Race is not weak, and after the life and death training of the Demon Lord, it is even more difficult to deal with.

For a time, it was difficult for Tiangong to reverse this situation.

And the plans of the demons quickly surfaced.

That ten-man team of demons showed shocking power.

This is not to say that their strength has suddenly jumped to a high level, but it has improved a lot compared with themselves.

Su Xuanji estimates that there are at least 30%.

Everyone is 30% higher!

It's definitely a lot, especially everyone, and it's simply amazing.

The people of Tiangong were surrounded by them, and even though they had made some progress recently, they were nothing compared to the great changes of the Demon Race.

Especially under the siege of ten demons, that kind of perception is simply very conspicuous.

Although it cannot be said that there is no power to fight back, but it cannot persist for too long.

Soon (adaf), many people were injured or even fell.

This made the demons even more excited in an instant, they used to use themselves to practice.

I had long expected to leave Tiangong's killing, if the palace delivered it to my door today, it would be a gift from heaven.

They are going to take this gift apart, and the pieces are in pieces and can't be put together again.

For a time, the sky was full of blood.

The demons even roared excitedly, as if they were cheering their victory in advance and enjoying the pleasure of slaughtering the people in the Heavenly Palace.

But Tiangong is the opposite, they are like lambs to be slaughtered now.

Although it is not that they have no resistance, the awareness they show to each other has shaken their confidence.

The previous ambition, the ambition and hatred to wipe out all the demons, seemed like a joke at this moment.

They didn't know how the Demon Race did it, but they knew that it was difficult for them to resist.

The disappointment of themselves and the shock of the Demon Race all affected the strength they exerted.

Tiandi and Su Xuanji soon felt this.


All in all.

Su Xuanji looked at the triumphant Demon Lord, and it was self-evident who was behind it.

The Demon Lord noticed Su Xuanji's eyes and immediately looked over.

The pride in his eyes instantly became more intense.

Su Xuanji's heart suddenly sank.

He is not worried about himself, but those people in the Heavenly Palace are afraid that it will be bad.

"God Son Su..."

"I seem to have made a wrong decision..."

The Heavenly Emperor suddenly spoke slowly.

His eyes are still firm, because he knows that once this battle begins, it cannot be stopped.

But his tone was regretful.

If he had listened to Su Xuanji's advice in the first place, don't come over in such a hurry.

Tiangong does not have to fall into such a passive situation.

But at that time, he was anxious to completely uproot the Demon Race, and chose to take action as soon as possible.

But although the current result has not finally appeared, Tiangong has already lost a lot of people.

And this is just the beginning.

How can God not regret in his heart?

Su Xuanji immediately shook his head upon hearing this.