
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 461

Chapter 461 Full of fun, it seems that there is a bad breath!

The Demon Lord's hand trembled slightly, which was already the result of extreme restraint.

That's his magic pill, his magic pill!

But in order to survive, he has no other way than to sacrifice this thing.

He lowered his eyes, covering up everything.

His mouth was full of fearful thanks.

"Thank you God Son Su for your kindness."

"I will never forget the great kindness of Su Shenzi. 55

"Also ask God Son Su not to forget who gave you this magic pill..."

at this time.

Su Xuanji spoke again.

"This thing is enough to seal you.

"But at least you still have one life left.

The voice fell.

The Demon Lord looked up suddenly.

A pair of eyes were full of bitter grievances that had not yet been concealed.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji was not surprised at all.

"Could it be that I handed over the magic pill to you, can't you let me go? 99

"What am I going to do to make you feel at ease?

The Demon Lord couldn't help but ask.

Su Xuanji smiled lightly, and the coldness in his eyes gradually deepened.


"There's nothing you can do to reassure me.

"If you want to live, being sealed is your only option."

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord knew that he was afraid that he was doomed.

If you want to get out of here, you are afraid that you will not be able to do it without fighting.

At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor spoke.

"That's fine too."

"Re-seal him can also serve as an example."

"Let others see clearly what the end of provoking Heaven is." 5

"Even if the seal is broken, it is not to be sealed back.


The Demon Lord looked at the Heavenly Emperor.

There were no other complicated emotions in those eyes in an instant.

At this moment, there is only ambition left.

Immediately after.

The demon soul left the body instantly and submerged between the eyebrows of the Heavenly Emperor.

The distance between the two was so close that even Su Xuanji had no time to stop it.

"He wants to take the Heavenly Emperor! 99

Qilin exclaimed in surprise, and at the same time jumped off the shoulders of Tiandi and landed at Su Xuanji's feet.

One person and one divine beast stared at the Heavenly Emperor with anxiety in his eyes.

If the Demon Lord takes action directly, they can still help.

But this kind of thing, they can only rely on themselves, they can't participate.

Soon, the Heavenly Emperor's face continued to show black energy, and his expression became struggling.

Obviously, it was the Heavenly Emperor who competed with the Demon Lord again.

Immediately afterwards, the Heavenly Emperor's expression became more and more hideous.

All the faces on both sides don't look like they belong to the same person.

Duan Yan on the left and Xie Ren on the right, it was the Heavenly Emperor and the Demon Lord who were fighting each other for the manifestation of this body!

The two eyes are also different.

It looks very weird.


"It's up to you..."

"Don't be eroded by demonic energy..."

Su Xuanji looked at Tiandi worriedly, his eyes full of urgency.

But he couldn't help at all except to be anxious.

This can not help but go to Su Xuanji, feel a sense of powerlessness.

Even if the cultivation base has reached his step, there is still nothing he can do.

For a time, the feeling of wanting to become stronger became extremely strong.

at this time.

The devilish energy around Tiandi became stronger and stronger.

Su Xuanji clearly felt that the Demon Lord had the upper hand.

But Kirin didn't seem to notice any changes at all.

"Why are you still stuck...

"Heavenly Emperor must win!"

Kirin said in a panic.

Su Xuanji frowned.


"If it's still deadlocked, that's fine.

"Don't you feel that the devilish energy in the Emperor of Heaven is getting stronger and stronger?"

0... ask for flowers 0

Qilin was shocked when he heard the words.


"I just feel the magic, and it's not very obvious.""

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuanji frowned again.

At this moment, the expression on Tiandi's face changed again.

Gradually, the expressions on both sides of his face have tended to synchronize.

The expressions in the two eyes became more and more the same.


Extraordinarily hideous.

Evil is very strange.

Su Xuanji had never seen such an expression on Tiandi's face.


"The Emperor of Heaven is about to be occupied by demonic energy!"


Now, there is no need to feel the changes in the magic energy.

Kirin could already see that something was wrong.

But he, like Su Xuanji, was equally powerless.

"This is how to do!

"Su Xuanji, think of a way! 35

In a panic, Kirin can only ask Su Xuanji for help.

However, Su Xuanji is not omnipotent, and he is helpless for a while.

at this time.

The expression on Tiandi's face was completely the same.

The bitter resentment in his eyes fell on Su Xuanji.

"Su Xuanji. 35

"Do you still want to kill me?"

"Now, even if you are willing to take action, the people in Tiangong will not agree."

Heavenly Emperor spoke slowly.

To be more precise, the one who spoke was the Demon Lord who became the Heavenly Emperor.

His voice still belongs to the Heavenly Emperor.

But no matter the expression or the eyes, they are no different from the Demon Lord.

Su Xuanji looked at him with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

"Come on, do it. 95

"I don't have to fight back, let you do it."

"I'm afraid you won't dare to do it.

The Demon Lord looked at Su Xuanji and laughed wildly and proudly.

His tone was full of cheerfulness, and it seemed that there was a bad breath.

Chapter 462 The face changing kung fu is really amazing!

"You're less proud!

"I don't think you have succeeded in seizing the Heavenly Emperor, but you have only temporarily suppressed the Heavenly Emperor."

"We will definitely restore the Heavenly Emperor to his original state!

Qilin looked at the Demon Lord and said angrily.

"Ha ha...."

The Demon Lord smiled dismissively.

Very sarcastic laugh.

"so what?

"It's me who has the upper hand now, and it will be later."

"As long as I continue to strengthen the suppression of him, soon, this body will be completely owned by me."

"From now on, I am the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven is me. 35

"Heavenly Emperor and Demon Lord merged into one, I am afraid that the world will break their heads, but they will not think of it.

"Hahahaha "One Fifty Zero"

The Demon Lord's words fell in the ears of Su Xuanji and Qilin, instantly sending chills down their spines.

If the Emperor of Heaven is really suppressed by the Demon Lord, he may really develop according to what the Demon Lord said.

At that time, the Heavenly Emperor is really the Demon Lord, and the Demon Lord is the Heavenly Emperor.

at this time.

The expression on the Demon Lord's face suddenly changed.

From the previous hideous, arrogant, sinister and sinister, it has become the dignified and upright as always.

This face-changing skill is really amazing.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his voice.

"The generals of the Heavenly Palace obey orders!"

"All shot, kill Su Xuanji!"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the Tiangong who were dealing with the demons as planned were stunned.

"Am I right?"

"Heaven said to....kill.... Su Xuanji?

"I heard it too...but this...how is this possible!"

"No way! 99

Everyone in Tiangong couldn't believe it.

No one in Tiangong does not know how much the Emperor of Heaven respects Su Xuanji.

Even because of this, they used to have an inexplicable hostility towards Su Xuanji.

The Emperor of Heaven suddenly gave such an order, and no one responded.

Those who thought they heard it wrong accounted for the majority.

Seeing that they didn't move, the Demon Lord spoke again.

"If you want to be like a unicorn, it's not going to work!

"Hurry up and kill Su Xuanji!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone was finally sure, and they didn't hear it wrong.

They came to Tiandi one after another, but they were dumbfounded, and no one took any action.

"God, why do you want to..."

"What did Su Shenzi do..."

"What happened to Kirin..."

Everyone in Tiangong asked.

The Demon Lord had a sad look on his face and looked at Su Xuanji and Qilin's expressions, instantly filled with disappointment.

"The Kirin betrayed the Heavenly Palace and took refuge in Su Xuanji. 39

"And Su Xuanji, just about to kill me!

When this remark came out, the whole audience was shocked.

All faces were filled with disbelief.

at the same time.

The unicorn jumped like thunder.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!

"He is not a god at all, but is occupied by the demon soul of the demon master! 99

"Now, it is the Demon Lord who gives the orders from the mouth of the Heavenly Emperor!


All the people in Tiangong were even more shocked.

What exactly happened here.

Each of the words said was more unbelievable than the other.

Heavenly Emperor is occupied by Demon Lord?

Not like it!

Everyone in the Tiangong looked at the Demon Lord, the body belonged to the Emperor of Heaven, and his expression was full of grief and sorrow.

No flaws can be seen at all.

"This is clearly the Demon Lord."

"The expression is still very disappointed, I have never seen such an expression on Tiandi's face.

"What should we do now, who's to listen to! 95

Everyone in Tiangong frowned and said 0...

The Demon Lord's eyes sank.

"I am the emperor of heaven, so naturally listen to me. 35

"The unicorn said that I was occupied by my devil master, can you feel the devilish energy from me?"

"Not a single star at all!"

"The Demon Lord really wanted to take his body from me just now, you look at his corpse, obviously the demon soul is no longer there!

"And it's still under the control of Su Xuanji, who wants to take away from me, in order to take away the Heavenly Palace!"

"Actually, everything was planned together by the Demon Lord and Su Xuanji. Otherwise, how could the Demon Mountain take refuge in the human race? Even Qilin betrayed me!

"If it weren't for the fact that I was not succeeded by the devil just now, the one standing in front of you now would be the devil, not me!"

"I'm really blind to think Su Xuanji is a reliable person!"

The Demon Lord's remarks can be said to be crying blood.

Anyone who heard these words would find it hard to doubt him.

In particular, he is also the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, the Heavenly Emperor.

And on his body, the people in Tiangong did not feel that they were being eroded by demonic energy.

In contrast, according to the words of the emperor, Su Xuanji is indeed somewhat suspicious.

He didn't ask for anything to help them, and he was very close to a demon 0.5, and he said that he was his servant.

The Demon Lord was repelled by him several times, and he also saw through the flaws in the previous ten demon formations. Is it really due to his strength?

It's not easy to say.

And the unicorn....

This guy is even weirder.

Such a arrogant and arrogant mythical beast, he was hanging out with Su Xuanji all day.

Even made a mount for Su Xuanji.

That is something that has never happened to God.

If they said that they had nothing to hide before, they would not believe it.

After thinking about it for a while, the eyes of everyone in Tiangong looking at Su Xuanji and Qilin changed instantly.

The magic mountain looked very anxious.

But he knew he couldn't speak at this time.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 463 Be generous and considerate, never be too harsh!

Even if he stands up to clarify the truth, I am afraid that these people in the palace will not believe Su Xuanji even more because he is a demon.

"Aren't you?"

"Do you believe what the devil said?"

"Hurry up and shoot at him!"

"What are you still doing!"

The unicorn looked at everyone in the Tiangong in anger.

However, the more eagerly he wanted to get everyone to take action against the Heavenly Emperor, the more he would make everyone suspicious.

In their conception, this is wrong.

As a person from the Heavenly Palace, it is absolutely disrespectful to take action against the Heavenly Emperor.

And betrayal.

Only a traitor would do such a thing and say such a thing.

For a time, the balance in the hearts of everyone in the Tiangong began to lean towards the Demon Lord.

And the Demon Lord spoke again.



"Kill Su Xuanji."

"Let me see your faithfulness.""

this time.

The people in Tiangong finally moved.

The 03 masters of Tiangong even surrounded Su Xuanji and Qilin Magic Mountain.

"You fools."

"It really pissed me off.'"9

"You are helping Zhou to abuse! 55

"You are hurting the Heavenly Emperor, do you know that?"

Kirin roared at the crowd.

However, everyone was unmoved.

Immediately afterwards, all swarmed up.

Su Xuanji frowned, these people naturally pose no threat to him.

But if he fights back, these people will not be killed or injured.

Although they are extremely stupid, in the end they are the people of the Heavenly Palace, the people of the Heavenly Emperor.

If he doesn't care about the shot, he doesn't care about the emperor at all, naturally it will not work.

And this moment.

Almost everyone rushed towards him.

There was almost no one on Qilin's side, obviously there was a difference in kinship.

No matter how you say it, the unicorn is still the divine beast of the Heavenly Palace.

Su Xuanji laughed at himself, and suddenly remembered that those people had apologized and thanked him before.

As a result, with a few words from the Demon Lord today, they can easily provoke them to take action against themselves.

It's ridiculous that he didn't even give him a chance to explain a word.

Just then, Kirin stood up and stood in front of Su Xuanji.

He opened his mouth and spit out a fire dragon.

The fire dragon surrounds the Su Xuanji magic mountain and the unicorn, making it impossible for everyone in the Tiangong to approach for a while.

Although Qilin was furious, he still did not give up.

kept persuading.

"You guys stay awake. 35

"How could I betray the Heavenly Emperor?

"I'm a unicorn, how could I cooperate with someone who colluded with the demons?

"You have been deceived by the Demon Lord, just shoot him!"

The more Kirin asked them to take the initiative to fight the demon, the more their eyes became colder.

It seems that they are saying that they are loyal.

The unicorn became bigger when he was angry, and it seemed that he was going to kill the Quartet and let out his anger.

Su Xuanji sighed softly, grabbed the magic mountain, grabbed Qilin's tail, and flew up.

Immediately under the siege, he dodged and moved around. Although he didn't make a move, he could easily evade the attacks of others.

Immediately after, he rushed out of the siege, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Demon Lord's eyes sank.

If it weren't for the fact that his shots were easy to reveal flaws, he would have to find a way to keep them.

"Heavenly Emperor, the subordinates are incompetent and let them escape."

"Kirin he... ugh..."""

"In the past... I really didn't see that Su Shenzi was such a person..."

Everyone in Tiangong spoke up.

When the Demon Lord heard this, he wanted to scold them for being trash and idiots.

But he thought, Heavenly Emperor should not be like this on weekdays.

So, the Demon Lord made a generous appearance and slowly opened his mouth.

"It's okay.

"You're just too shocked to stop them. 35

"Alas....I didn't expect that Su Xuanji would be such a person..."

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were completely relieved.

Isn't this their god?

Be considerate and never be too harsh.

Where can the Demon Lord be compared?

It's just a pity that the unicorn has actually become the beast of the back master.

Seeing him rebellious in the past, I thought no one would obey.

I didn't expect to get mixed up with Su Xuanji, and also colluded with the demons.

It's really chilling to think about.

"You are all tired."

"Let's rest in place today."

"We will discuss how to deal with Su Xuanji tomorrow."

The Demon Lord opened his mouth.

As soon as these words came out, everyone 150 once again thanked the Emperor for being sympathetic.

the other side.

Su Xuanji found a hidden cave.

With the unicorn and the magic mountain, he entered it.

The unicorn struggled furiously, and was still shouting loudly.

"You let me go.

"Let me fight those idiots to the death!

Su Xuanji smiled helplessly.

"If you go all out against them.

"Many people will die at your hands."5

"As a divine beast in the Heavenly Palace, are you really doing that?"

"I am skeptical.

When Qilin heard the words, his tail slammed hard, and Su Xuanji let go of his hand.

"Of course I would do that.

"Why are you still alive like that?"

"It will only help the tyrants and piss me off those stupid things!

Qilin scolded one stupid thing one by one, gnashing his teeth as if he could not relieve his anger even so.

Su Xuanji sighed lightly.

Why wasn't he annoyed.

But those people, in the end, are all from the Heavenly Palace.

Even if the unicorn shouts happily now, he won't really kill the killer, and he will take it into consideration.

Chapter 464 As a divine beast, your identity is attractive enough!

Again, stupid, but still faithful enough.

Otherwise, it will not be so obedient.

If you look at it from both sides, you can find a lot of comfort.

"What should I do now.

"If you let the devil continue to occupy the body of the emperor. 99

"The Emperor of Heaven will be completely taken away by him sooner or later. 99

"It's really powerless to return to the sky at that time, the devil will become the emperor of the sky.""

"This is a great irony! 39

Kirin anxiously paced back and forth on the ground.

The Heavenly Emperor first prevented the Demon Race from breaking the seal, and then prevented the Demon Race from harming the common people.

As a result, he became a demon master himself, which was really maddening.

Seeing that Su Xuanji did not speak, Kirin swung his tail on him.

"Hello. 35

"Don't you think fast?"

"Turn around my tricks, there must be a way to deal with the devil, right?"

Kirin looked at Su Xuanji expectantly.

Su Xuanji pondered for a moment and took out the magic pill.

"This thing is of great use.

As soon as these words came out, Qilin's eyes lit up.

"I see, you must want to use this thing in exchange."

"Let the demon soul voluntarily give up the body of the Heavenly Emperor!

Su Xuanji shook his head.

"you are too naive."

"Since there is a chance to seize the Heavenly Emperor, how could the Demon Lord give up?"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"As long as he succeeds, he will always be the Emperor of Heaven."

"Not only can they walk freely, but they will even be regarded as supreme beings and respected by others."

"Compared to the current tragic situation of the Demon Race, it is more cost-effective to be the Emperor of Heaven."

Qilin slumped again when he heard the words.

"Then what else can your magic pill do?"

"You can't take it and destroy it in front of the Demon Lord, just be mad at him. 99

Su Xuanji smiled and shook his head.

"It's not worth it to waste this magic pill for such a childish thing."

"This magic pill is the key to saving the Heavenly Emperor."

Kirin instantly jumped in front of Su Xuanji, his eyes full of impatience.

"Then don't sell your shit.

"Hurry up and listen."

"Just what to do!"

Su Xuanji didn't say anything yet, and Moshan was very dissatisfied when he heard this.

"Kirin, it's not that our son is selling off.

"It was you who kept interrupting.

"If you want to know, don't always open your mouth. 99

Qilin was furious when he heard the words, and looked at the magic mountain viciously.

"You little demons dare to speak rudely to this divine beast.

"Are you tired of living?"

"Don't think I dare not kill you because you are Su Xuanji's servant."

Moshan suddenly smiled proudly.

"You come to kill.

"Do you really dare?"

"Besides, I'm just telling the truth, why did you kill me?"

The Demon Mountain's unfazed appearance fell into Qilin's eyes, feeling ironic.

If it weren't for the remaining reason suppressing him, he would have really shot.

He now has to rely on Su Xuanji to rescue the Emperor, which will never cause trouble.

"Magic Mountain."

"Don't talk too much.

Su Xuanji opened his mouth.

Qilin immediately looked at the magic mountain proudly, as if he was the winner, and Su Xuanji still favored him.

As a result, Su Xuanji's next sentence made Qilin annoyed.

"Even if what you said is right, it's in the face of the Heavenly Emperor, leaving face for Qilin.

Kirin took a deep breath and forced himself not to care about Su Xuanji.

But he really couldn't hold back.

A pair of eyes stared at Su Xuanji like fire, wishing to rush to beat him.

Su Xuanji smiled lightly and waved the magic pill in his hand.

Kirin was immediately discouraged.

"Okay, you won.

"How on earth are we going to use this pill to save the Heavenly Emperor?

"Come on, I'm dying.

Su Xuanji smiled kindly when he heard the words, and then opened his mouth to explain.

"This magic pill belongs to the demon master, and the demonic energy that belongs to him is extremely strong. 35

"As long as this pill is used as the formation eye, the magic energy will be aroused.

"Then introduce the demon master into the formation, and let the demonic energy in the magic pill form an induction with the demonic energy in the emperor's body.

"With the help of this magic pill and formation, the devil's soul of the devil master can be separated from the heavenly emperor.

Kirin's eyes grew brighter as he listened.

"good idea!

"What a great idea!

"But....there is a problem to be solved..."

"Then how can the demon master enter the formation arranged by this magic pill?

Su Xuanji looked at the unicorn and smiled kindly.

Kirin felt a chill down his spine.

"Why are you laughing so scarily?

"What's your idea?

Su Xuanji raised his eyebrows.

"Make up your mind?"

"Even if someone hits you, it's not me, but the devil. (Lee's)"

"Don't forget, you are a unicorn, a mythical beast unicorn. 39

"Who doesn't want to own a beast?"

"You are the perfect bait to attract the Demon Lord."

Qilin heard the words and fell silent.

A pair of eyes rolled around and seemed to think that this idea was a good idea.

Just a little carelessness, it is easy to hook yourself in.

But in order to save the Heavenly Emperor, there is no other way.

There are only three of them here.

The strength of the Demon Mountain, if thrown out is to send food, the Demon Lord must torture him to death, and he will not be attracted at all.

If Su Xuanji goes, the Demon Lord will naturally be afraid and will not follow.

He is the only one with the strength in the middle of the three.

And as a beast, the identity is attractive enough.

Chapter 465 If you are greedy, you will follow!

As long as the Demon Lord is greedy, he will follow.

For God.

Qilin gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and nodded.

"Okay. 99

"Then I'll go.

"But it was said beforehand."

"If I am caught by the Demon Lord and those idiots in Tiangong, you can go and save me."

Kirin looked at Su Xuanji very seriously and said.

Su Xuanji nodded very sincerely.

"Do not worry."

"Don't forget, you are my mount.

"Although there is only one more time, I will not leave you alone.

There is another sentence Su Xuanji did not say.

That is, Qilin didn't ignore him before, and let the people of Tiangong shoot him.

Just for this, he will not disregard the safety of Qilin.

The unicorn suddenly blew white air out of his nostrils.

Su Xuanji deeply doubted that perhaps a fire dragon would soon burst out of those two nostrils.

"You don't want to be too excited."

"I know it's your honor to be my mount."

"Calm down, calm down, look at your unpromising look."

Su Xuanji looked at Qilin Road earnestly.

The unicorn wailed, then turned around and jumped out of the cave.

"Looking at his back, you can see how excited he is now."

"It's the first honor in the world to be the son's mount."

The magic mountain's voice full of admiration and admiration entered Su Xuanji's ears.

Su Xuanji turned his head to look, and what caught his eye was the face of Moshan, which was full of righteousness.

There was even a trace of jealousy in those eyes.

At this time, the magic mountain spoke again.

"I wish I could be a beast."

"Unfortunately, I'm just a little devil.

"The usefulness to the son is always limited. 39

"Fortunately, the son does not give up, otherwise it will be the biggest regret in my life. (adaf)


Su Xuanji quickly stopped with his hands.


"You are no longer by the Demon Lord's side, so you don't have to do things like flattery. 35

The Demon Lord naturally seemed to enjoy it.

But he had goosebumps all over the ground and was extremely uncomfortable.

Mo Shan's face changed suddenly, as if he had been wronged by Tian Da.

"I'm not flattering.

"Every word I say to the son is sincere."

"My admiration for the son is like the waves of the sea, rolling endlessly, and like..."

Su Xuanji raised his hand again to stop Moshan's next words.

"All right."


"Shut up."

Su Xuanji never imagined that this servant, whom he had relented and accepted for a while, would talk so much.

And he was serious, and he was talking flattery.

Enough is enough.

"Yes. 55

"Young Master won't let me speak, I will shut up. 35

"I only said it when the son asked me to say it.

"I will definitely make strict demands on myself with the command of the son."

"Please don't worry, son."


The magic mountain continued to talk, unaware that Su Xuanji even closed his eyes.

Su Xuanji is now very curious about the tolerance of the Demon Lord.

How on earth did he tolerate such a long-winded man without slapping him to death?

Can't figure it out.

Su Xuanji really couldn't figure it out.

at the same time.

the other side.

The unicorn has approached the magic valley that has collapsed.


You can see people from Tiangong patrolling around.

The unicorn did not appear, but as soon as it approached, it immediately hid.

If they are disturbed, it will inevitably be another unavoidable battle.

Although Qilin really wanted to teach these idiots a lesson, but at this time, it is better not to make extra troubles.

The unicorn glanced at it, and soon found the location of the demon master.

There are people from Tiangong around there, and it is obviously in this cave.

"How do I get him out..."

"At the same time, it doesn't disturb the rest of the Tiangong..."

"It's all because of Su Xuanji's mad at me...

"I'm going to leave immediately, or I have to ask him to give me an idea!

Kirin muttered to himself angrily.

At the same time, I was constantly thinking about what to do.

As a unicorn who makes trouble all day, there are still a lot of crooked ideas.

It's just that the object of this time is the Demon Lord, so naturally it can't be treated normally.

Whether it is brains or cultivation, the Demon Lord is not comparable to other people from the Heavenly Palace.

You must be cautious and cautious, otherwise the Demon Lord will not be fooled at all.

This time, Kirin was really stumped.

While he was thinking hard, Su Xuanji stepped up.

Before Qilin left, he hadn't set up the formation yet, that guy had obviously ignored this.

All Su Xuanji can do now is to get the formation ready as soon as possible.

In case you don't live here, and the array is not ready yet, it will be fun.

But Su Xuanji is not too worried.

One is the speed of his formation.

The second is that he also knows the brain of the unicorn, and if he wants to attract the demon master, it will be difficult for him to do it for a while.

This way down.

The blank time in the middle should be enough for him.

Magic Mountain couldn't help, and could only watch from the sidelines.

At the same time, he kept boasting that Su Xuanji was so proficient in formation, but he couldn't help himself.

As if he had forgotten, Su Xuanji asked him to just shut up.

Chapter 466 As soon as his eyes roll, he has an idea again!

It took a lot of effort for Su Xuanji to control himself not to shoot Death Mountain.

the other side.

Kirin is pacing in place.

"what can we do about it...."

"How on earth can we lead the Demon Lord out..."

After thinking about it, Kirin never had a solution.


A light flashed in his mind.


"I want to draw out the Demon Lord alone...~"

"It doesn't have to be on him...

"Isn't it the same to lead other people away?

"Isn't he the only one left?"

Do it when you think of it.

Qilin's quick temper made him no longer want to think about it any longer.

Seizing the opportunity, he instantly appeared in front of the patrol team and made a move to rush into the cave.

Seeing this, everyone in the Tiangong immediately surrounded them.

Even those who guard outside the cave are no exception.

Qilin broke through while cursing.

"Get out of the way."

"Let me kill the Demon Lord.

"Su Xuanji has gone to rescue the soldiers, let me control the demon master, and he will die after that.

"Idiot, don't shoot at me, we are all one."

The unicorn was originally pretending, but after scolding and scolding, the real fire came out.

In particular, the people in Tiangong kept attacking him, making him half-dead.

After injuring a few people neither too lightly nor too seriously, Qilin broke through the encirclement angrily and headed south.

Wherever the people in Tiangong were willing to let go, they all chased after them immediately.

In his mouth, he kept shouting words that made Qilin jump with anger.

"Don't let Qilin run away.

"Hurry up, catch him and ask his sins.

"To dare to betray the Heavenly Emperor and slander the Heavenly Emperor is outrageous."9

If Qilin hadn't remembered Su Xuanji's plan, he would have turned around and killed him now.

Punch these idiots to the ground.

He disappeared behind a boulder in a flash.

But in the eyes of everyone in Tiangong, they escaped from the direction behind the boulder.

They continued to chase in that direction.

And the unicorn had already returned, heading for the cave where the Demon Lord was.

Soon, he came to the front of the cave.

Once here.

He could feel the magic energy surging in the cave.

Although faint, it can still be felt.

And those people in the Tiangong, but no one noticed, Qilin couldn't help but scolded an idiot again in his heart.

He lifts his foot to step into it.

But looking at the dark cave, there is no sound inside, which is obviously wrong.

With such a big movement outside, the Demon Lord has no reason to be unclear.

And even if he was busy occupying the body of the Heavenly Emperor, he would not still be immersed in it after he came.

The only possibility is that the Demon Lord is lying in ambush inside.

As long as he enters this cave, he may fall into a trap.

Qilin thought about it and took back the steps he took forward.

Although he was impatient and impulsive, he was not a fool.

Especially at such a tense moment, one can't go wrong at all, and the mind seems to be clearer.

He knew that he absolutely could not go in, otherwise, once an accident occurred, it would be of no benefit to saving the Heavenly Emperor.

The best way is to let the Demon Lord come out by himself.

As for how to get out....

It doesn't seem to be difficult either....

"Cough cough..."

Kirin cleared his throat, then took a few steps back.

Then facing the cave, he started yelling.

"The devil inside, listen.

"You are surrounded by me.

"Get out immediately and kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe it will make your death more enjoyable."5

"Otherwise, I will light your demon soul!""

0...for flowers...

After the words fell, the cave was still as quiet as ever.

Qilin raised his claws and scratched his head, his eyes rolled, and he had an idea again.

He spoke again.


"Speaking of which, it's really miserable for the dignified devil to be like you."

"There's no way out but pretending to be someone else.

"If I were you, I would just find a tree and hang it."

"How can there be any face to live until now, it's really a shame."

Having said that, Kirin pricked up his ears and listened.

But in the cave, there was no sound at all, as if there was a dead person inside.


The unicorn raised his paws and scratched the ground fiercely, twitching his tail irritably.

It seems that he did not expect that these words would have no effect on the Demon Lord.


A flash of light flashed in Kirin's mind, and he thought of Su Xuanji and Magic Mountain.

Those two are the ones that Kirin hates the most in his life.


Kirin gave a wicked smile, then raised his head and spoke again.

"Actually, I don't blame the Demon Mountain for betraying you.

"As the saying goes, good birds choose wood to perch, and this is also a normal thing.

"You don't have any skills, of course Moshan chose Su Xuanji."

"Su Xuanji is wise and wise, and he is also very talented and personable..."

Speaking of which, Kirin couldn't go on.

Complimenting Su Xuanji against his will, his first disgust is himself.

He had no other way at the moment, but he could only bite the bullet and continue, and the more disgusting thing was behind him.

"All in all, Su Xuanji is nothing but one, no semicolon. 35

"Now the Emperor of Heaven is occupied by you, if I can't get rid of you, I can only go to Su Xuanji.

"I'm a mythical beast! I must never submit to you, the demon master, or the demon master of Su Xuanji's defeated generals. Five

Chapter 467 The golden mask bounced back instantly!

"If I want to choose, I will choose Su Xuanji."

"I....I made a mount for Su Xuanji..."

"I won't let you go back to the Heavenly Palace to be a divine beast..."

Qilin closed his eyes, and two lines of tears almost flowed out.

He had never told such an uncomfortable lie in his life.

He will never forget this scene in the future.

It can be said that this is a lifetime of torture.

For the Emperor of Heaven, he also fought hard.

If the Demon Lord still doesn't respond, Qilin doesn't know how to face himself.

But the emperor did not bear the unicorn against his will.

In the cave, the Demon Lord finally responded.


"You also want to rely on Su Xuan's "One Five Zero" machine?

The Demon Lord's tone was low and cold, and seemed to be full of endless anger.

When Qilin heard it, his spirit came.

I even think it's the best sound I've ever heard.

"Not bad. 35

"If you don't take refuge in him, do you take refuge in you? 55'

"It would be fine if Su Xuanji took the Heavenly Emperor, but you are the loser, tsk tsk..."

"To rely on you, I really feel shameless when I think about it."

"Otherwise, I'll find you another body, and you can pick one of those people in the Heavenly Palace. 99

"Give me back the Emperor, what do you think?

Qilin takes retreat as the way forward.

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord came out of the cave directly.

Looking at the body that had the appearance of a Heavenly Emperor, but the expression belonged to the Demon Lord, Qilin felt even more anxious in his heart.


"Now the Emperor of Heaven is me, and I am the Emperor of Heaven."

"If you want to keep your honor, come with me to deal with Su Xuanji, and I'll help you speak kindly in Tiangong."

"Let you return to me and become a divine beast in the heavenly palace. 35

"What do you think.

The Demon Lord looked at the unicorn and said greedily.

In addition to greed, his eyes are still full of desire to win.

Obviously, he wants to take on Su Xuanji.

When Kirin saw this, he knew that his method was effective.

He immediately sneered disdainfully.

"just you?"

"You still want me to recognize you as the Emperor of Heaven?"


"It's because of your ability? It's because of your shamelessness?

The words fall.

Qilin jumped up directly.

The Demon Lord was annoyed and immediately fought back.

Qilin has not forgotten his purpose, and after some entanglement, he feigned defeat.

"You wait for me.

"When Su Xuanji comes back, let's see how he takes someone to clean you up."

Qilin was not reconciled, and immediately turned around and fled.

The devil saw that Su Xuanji never appeared, and Qilin turned and fled.

If you don't take the opportunity to win the unicorn, it will be difficult to have a chance in the future.

Seeing that the other people from the Tiangong haven't come back, they can only chase after them.

Qilin did not immediately bring the Demon Lord back to the cave, which seemed to have a strong sense of purpose.

He ran around with the Demon Lord, hiding from time to time for the Demon Lord to find for a while, and then attacked from behind.

After the pretended sneak attack failed, he continued to escape, going around in circles all the way.

An hour later, the unicorn led the devil out of the cave, and he jumped in instantly.

After waiting for a long time, Su Xuanji saw him return and motioned for Qilin to stand in the formation.

The magic mountain has been hidden by Su Xuanji for a long time, and he himself is confident that the demon master will not notice his existence.

Therefore, when the Demon Lord rushed into the cave in a fit of rage.

Only Qilin was standing in the formation, looking at him anxiously, angry and a little flustered.

"You are really chasing, are you a dog?"

Qilin said angrily, and stepped back slightly with eyes full of alertness.

At the same time, he stood up and seemed to be ready to run away at any time.

See him so nervous.

The devil is happy....

"You are very cunning, and you play me around and run around. 99

"You will run into this cave in a panic and see where you can escape."5

When the words fell, the Demon Lord shot directly.

He immediately came to the front of Qilin.

And the unicorn.

In an instant, he leaped and landed directly in the far corner.

A successful smile appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, the Demon Lord suddenly felt bad.

But when he wanted to leave here, his feet suddenly lit up.

Looking down, a golden light flickering formation was revealed.

Not bothering to check too much, the Demon Lord rushed out immediately.

However, it was instantly bounced back by the golden mask that erupted from the great formation.


"It's a trap.

The Demon Lord roared.

Immediately, he rushed towards the golden mask that held him upside down.

But again and again, every time it was bounced back by the golden mask.

"how so.""

"What kind of formation is this?"

"Kirin, you can't be made by you!"

"What about Su Xuanji? 39

"What about others?"

"It must be made by him 0.5, it must be!

The Demon Lord roared hysterically.

The whole person was full of anger and panic.

At this time.

Su Xuanji suddenly appeared in front of the Demon Lord.


is outside.

The eyes of the two collided, and it seemed that a knife could fly out of the Demon Lord's eyes.

Su Xuanji raised his eyebrows, the kind smile on his face deepened instantly.

"Demon Lord. 95

"We meet again.

"Seeing each other for a day, you seem to be a little stupid again."

"Even even the unicorn can take the role. It's amazing, I admire it.""

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord immediately shouted out angrily.


"Ah! 99

Chapter 468 No matter what, I will beat you once!

"Damn Su Xuanji, damn it! 39

"I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

The Demon Lord's voice was broken.

It seemed difficult to accept that the self who had just turned the situation around was suppressed by Su Xuanji again.

This gap made him even more hysterical.

Kirin is also not happy.

"If you hurt him, you will hurt him, what are you doing with me?

"I've helped a lot. If you don't thank me, it's your fault. How can you be so embarrassed to question my wisdom? 35

He sacrificed his reputation to attract the Demon Lord.

Su Xuanji's implication, to say that he is stupid, is really outrageous.

This kind of slander, Kirin will not accept it anyway.

Su Xuanji smiled kindly, his eyes full of magnanimity looking at a fool.


"Your wit is unmatched."

"It actually attracted the Demon Lord 03."

"And when I didn't start the formation, I rushed out to attract the Demon Lord.

"You are amazing.

As soon as these words came out, Qilin's face turned green.

He didn't think about it at all!

If he drew the Demon Lord, but Su Xuanji did not complete the formation.

Wouldn't that be a waste of time?

Am I really stupid?

Kirin was full of doubts about himself for a moment.

At this time.

The Demon Lord roared again.

"Su Xuanji.

"What kind of formation is this?

"Why do I feel a strong demonic energy! 99

"What the hell are you going to do!"

"You goddamn thing!

The Demon Lord cursed Su Xuanji wildly.

It seemed that he was not the one who knelt down before Su Xuanji and begged for mercy.

His eyes were flustered and his tone was irritable.

It made Su Xuanji laugh outright.

"Ha ha ha ha.....

"Didn't you already guess?

"That's right, just use your magic Dan cloth."

"I want to strip your demon soul from the Heavenly Emperor.

"I have never taken such pains to an enemy.35

"To have such an honor, you should cherish the blessing, why are you yelling at me? 35

Su Xuanji's tone was smiling.

It even sounds tender.

But the look in those eyes was unusually ironic and cold.

Make the devil shudder.

And Su Xuanji's remarks also broke the last fluke of the devil.

This formation was actually arranged by magic pills!

Really are!

At the moment when the formation stimulated and trapped him.

The Demon Lord has already felt a strong demonic energy, so strong that only the Demon Lord can possess it.

And that demonic energy is also very familiar, and the familiarity makes the demon master tremble with fear.

What is the purpose of Su Xuanji?

In fact, he immediately understood.

It's just that he didn't dare to admit it, and he didn't want to admit it.


Su Xuanji himself said it himself, even if the Demon Lord doesn't want to admit it, he can't do it.

"Su Xuanji.

"Why do you have to put me to death!"

"What kind of grudge do I have with you!"

The Demon Lord roared wildly.

Su Xuanji scratched his ears and smiled casually.


"Don't say those words for the common people.

"Take you and me as an example, you are trying to kill me over and over again. 39

"The reason why you didn't succeed is just because your skills are not as good as others."

"And you used your identity as the Emperor of Heaven to wrong me yesterday, isn't that not a grudge?

"The most unforgivable thing about you is that you occupy my friend's body, which I can't bear.

Although the status of the emperor is very noble.

But Heavenly Emperor never used his identity to suppress him, nor did he have any estrangement from Heavenly Emperor Jian because of Heavenly Emperor's identity.

On the contrary, the two get along very equally.

And Su Xuanji also admires Tiandi as a person.

Therefore, he has long regarded Tiandi as a friend.

To say that they are close friends is nonsense, and it has not reached that point.

But buddy, that's for sure.

At least that's how he sees it.

So the Heavenly Emperor was occupied by the Demon Lord, how could he stand idly by?

If he left it alone and let the Demon Lord act, then soon, the body of the Heavenly Emperor would completely belong to the Demon Lord.

After that, even if he wanted to help the Heavenly Emperor, there was nothing he could do.

This is also one of the reasons why he and Qilin are anxious.

Fortunately, they succeeded.

The demon master attracted by the unicorn, and the formation he arranged 150 times, also successfully trapped the demon master.

Everything is going smooth.

Su Xuanji breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he seemed to be in control, he was actually always worried that an accident would happen.

He is not omniscient and omnipotent, and naturally he cannot control everything at will.

But luckily.

No surprise this time.

He succeeded!

Next, is the step of stripping away the demon soul of the demon master.

At this moment, the Demon Lord suddenly burst into laughter.

It was a hysteria of despair.

That is powerless jade and stone burning.

He looked at Su Xuanji resentfully, his eyes full of ruthlessness.

"Ha ha ha ha....

"Su Xuanji!

"You want to save the Heavenly Emperor, but I won't allow it!"

"No matter what, I'm going to beat you once!

"I want to beat you once!"

"And this time, I will definitely win!

When the words fell, the Demon Lord instantly roared.

The sound was like rolling thunder, resounding through the sky.

At the same time, the power of the Demon Lord surged wildly, constantly escaping.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 469 Belief and madness instantly become ridiculous!

The entire cave shook violently in an instant, and in the next second, it instantly turned into powder!

A gust of wind blew, and the powder instantly fluttered with the wind.

Immediately after.

Su Xuanji, the unicorn, the magic mountain, and the great formation that trapped the demon master appeared in the sun in an instant.

Smoke billows in.

The Demon Lord's expression became more and more manic and distorted, and the power around him became more and more volatile.

It seems to explode at any time.

"not good.

"He wants to control the power of the Emperor of Heaven to destroy himself between heaven and earth."

"If you can't live by yourself, neither can the emperor.

"Simply vicious!

"How to do?"

"What should we do now?"

"Su Xuanji, it's up to you!"

"You can't lose!"

"You absolutely can't lose!""

"You're not going to lose, are you? 39

Qilin suddenly panicked and jumped to Su Xuanji's side.

The words in his mouth came one after another, and he seemed to be too frightened to stop.

Su Xuanji stretched out his hand and squeezed his mouth.

"Don't panic.""

"Nothing. 55"

"The winner will only be me, Su Xuanji."

Su Xuanji stared at the Demon Lord and said coldly.

At the same time, he instantly took control of the formation.

"Make it for me!

Su Xuanji said solemnly.

The words fall.

The Demon Lord in the array instantly froze.

Not only the movements, but also the manic and restless power that seemed to explode at any time.

In the entire formation, as if it were frozen, it was completely isolated from the outside world into two worlds.

"how so...."

"It's impossible"!

"How can I not even move my fingers!"

The Demon Lord roared in disbelief.

The kind of conviction and madness before, instantly became ridiculous.

Su Xuanji smiled coldly.

"You are in my formation, do you think you can be independent?"

"It's ridiculously naive and childish, how do you sit on the throne of the devil so much?

"Could it be that your Demon Lord was more stupid than anyone else, who was picked out?

"That's really appropriate, and it deserves its name."

The sarcastic words, sentence by sentence, made the devil dizzy.

There was resistance in his eyes.

He refused to accept, and did not want to accept this fact.

He was crushed by Su Xuanji again!

Couldn't he even die on his own?

Is it so unattainable for him to win Su Xuanji once?

Not reconciled.

He was not reconciled.


The Demon Lord turned all his unwillingness into this roar.

It sounded dreary and desperate, and the nearby creatures fled in shock.

Su Xuanji, however, was unmoved.

Self-inflicted sin can not live, the devil is the model of self-inflicted sin.

not to mention.

What he provokes is someone who absolutely cannot provoke.

Who is to blame?


"My God, what have you done to the God of Heaven!

"You guys are just crazy, is the Emperor of Heaven treating you badly?"

"You have no gratitude at all!

"Let go of God.

"Release the Heavenly Emperor immediately! Nian

Everyone in Tiangong heard the sound.

He looked at the Demon Lord in the formation, Su Xuanji Kirin outside the formation and the Demon Mountain standing behind Su Xuanji in shock and anger.

The combination of these three people made everyone in the Tiangong angry.

"Kirin, Su Xuanji is not a person from the Heavenly Palace, but you are the divine beast of the Heavenly Palace."

"How can you help outsiders to harm the Heavenly Emperor?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Kirin, quickly abandon the darkness and cast the light, maybe the Emperor of Heaven will forgive you.

"What are you still doing, why don't you release the Heavenly Emperor?"

The people in Tiangong persuaded again.

They didn't expect that they were actually caught in the unicorn's trick.

The Heavenly Emperor was so fast that Su Xuanji and Qilin controlled the strange formation.

All of them stared at the unicorn, hoping to influence him and let him release the emperor obediently.

It's not that they don't want to do it directly, but they know that Su Xuanji is here and Tiandi is trapped, and they can't win.

Qilin looked impatiently at these people in the Tiangong, and no longer had the heart to call them idiots.

Idiots may be able to wake up by scolding, these people are simply blinded by lard.

"`々Kirin, you talk!"

"You are also a divine beast of the Heavenly Palace, so how could you help Zhou to abuse him?"

"Look at the demons next to Su Xuanji, they are demons! 35

"Those who are not of my race will have different hearts, how can you turn your head to harm the Emperor of Heaven by being in the company of the Demon Race!

Seeing that the unicorn did not speak, everyone in the Tiangong shouted again.

This annoying sound made Kirin unbearable.

"Shut up! 99

Qilin was furious, and immediately opened his mouth and spit out a fire dragon.

The fire dragon immediately went straight to the people in the Tiangong.

When the fire dragon approached, everyone felt a warmth that seemed to melt people.

But the unicorn took care of the emperor in the end, the fire dragon just hovered over the heads of everyone, and did not hurt anyone.

"You listen up."

"I say fire one last time. 35

"That's the Demon Lord, not the Heavenly Emperor.

"There is a limit to your stupidity."

"Su Xuanji wants to save the emperor, not to harm people."

"Although Moshan is a demon, he revealed to Su Xuanji the last time a traitor appeared in Tiangong.

"You don't have such a big contribution, how can you have the face to talk about others?

"Keep your mouth shut, or I'll be really rude to you!"

Chapter 470 Everything you do is made public!

Kirin roared.

At the same time, his body was full of anger.

It was obvious that he was definitely not talking about it.

If he dared to say something that made him irritable, he was afraid that he would really not be able to control himself.

Everyone in Tiangong frowned when they saw this.

At this moment, the Demon Lord in the formation spoke up.

"Kirin, you are still reversing black and white..."

"I'm so disappointed to be so stubborn..."

"It doesn't matter if you want my life, but you still continue to deceive the people of the Heavenly Palace, their hearts can be punished!

The Demon Lord said bitterly, his eyes filled with sorrow.

He rolled his eyes and looked at everyone in the Tiangong.

He knew that these people could not save him.

They couldn't do anything about Su Xuanji at all, but they weren't completely useless either.

Su Xuanji prides himself on being a man of justice, and naturally he will not kill all these people from the Heavenly Palace.

And so, he can use these people to get revenge on Su Xuanji.

"The generals of the Tiangong obey the order!"


"You don't need to wait here for Su Xuanji's poisonous hand, get out of here now!

"I'd rather die than be blinded and mutilated by them!

"But you have to remember, remember all!"

"Su Xuanji is the one who killed me, you have to let everyone in the world know that!""

"You are going to wash the Su family with blood, so that there is no one alive in the Su family!

"Just take it....you avenged me....for the emperor of heaven...."

The Demon Lord said slowly, his voice was incomparably clear, with boundless hatred and sternness.

When Qilin heard this, he could not wait to pounce on this guy and tear it apart with his own hands.

Su Xuanji also instantly understood the devil's sinister intentions.

If he couldn't beat him, he would retaliate against him by slaughtering the Su family.

Su Xuanji's eyes suddenly became colder.

It's like an eternal ice, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

At the same time, everyone in Tiangong was very moved.

"Heavenly Emperor, we will never leave you behind."

"Even if you die, we will save you.

"Come on, let's attack this formation together, and we will surely be able to rescue the Heavenly Emperor!

Everyone in Tiangong roared.

Every sentence carries a surging fighting spirit.

Immediately, everyone in the Tiangong attacked the formation that trapped the Demon Lord together.

a time.

All kinds of spells are extremely dazzling.

All were greeted by the great formation set up by Su Xuanji.

However, the golden mask was as solid as a rock, without even shaking it.

Steady trapped the Demon Lord in it, completely unaffected.

But everyone still refused to give up and kept making moves.

Seeing that Kirin was moved, he scolded again.

"Why am I the divine beast of the Heavenly Palace!"

"My name is tied to you, and I have lost my master!"

"I really hope you all hurry to a place where no one is there, and don't come out again in this life to be embarrassed!"

"You are the shame of the Heavenly Palace, the shame of wisdom!

"I haven't seen anyone more stupid than you in all my life!"

"Magic Mountains are smarter than you!

When Moshan heard the words, he immediately looked at Qilin.

"I think you're targeting me..."

The unicorn waved its big paw.

"(adaf) don't pay attention to those details.

"You're smarter than a fool.

Magic Mountain looked thoughtful.

"I still think you're targeting me..."

Qilin was immediately angry.


"I'm right.

"You are smart.

"It's all seen.

"I said nothing wrong, why are you staring at me and not letting go?"

The magic mountain immediately looked at Su Xuanji.

Exercising the right of a dog-leg follower.


"He scolds me. 99

"As the saying goes, it's up to the owner to beat a dog."

"He knows who my master is.

"To scold me is to scold you, so please clean him up!"5

Su Xuanji nodded repeatedly.

"This statement is well-founded. 99

"Well said, don't say it next time. 99

Moshan was wronged, but Moshan didn't say anything.

He sniffed, as if there were tears.

Su Xuanji pressed his eyebrows with a headache.

This guy is really good at acting!

How could he not find out before!

At this moment, the voice of the demon lord sounded again.

"You go away!

"leave me alone!

"It doesn't matter if I die, don't implicate you!"

"Remember to ask the Su family to avenge me!"5

"Put everything Su Xuanji did to the public!

"Let everyone see clearly what Su Xuanji is, and see how he can harm people in such a disguise!"

"Let's go, leave me alone, go, I want you all to live!"

"I don't want to implicate you, go! Go!

Su Xuanji looked at the tragic Demon Lord, then turned to look at the Demon Mountain.

The magic mountain was looked at in a daze.

It was totally unclear what Su Xuanji was looking at.

Su Xuanji spoke quietly.

"The devil master's acting skills were learned from you..."

"It's really a famous teacher and a master apprentice..."

Hearing the words, Moshan raised his hand and scratched his head, looking unusually simple and honest.

"I am an honest person, but I don't know how to act.

Su Xuanji raised his hand again and pressed his eyebrows, as well as the freshly baked, violent blue veins.

He did not expect that the servant he took in one day would be such a brazen person.

"My God.""

"I can't lose.".