
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 431

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 431 The matter of taking refuge is a long way to go!

Su Xuanji can only rely on flying, but as soon as he sees a way out, he falls back and keeps going.

His actions all fell into a pair of vertical pupils.

The owner of the vertical pupil then slowly retreated.

Su Xuanji knows this, but doesn't care~.

There are monsters in the mountains, is it not a common thing?

Magic Valley Grotto.

"Damn Su Xuanji!

"If it wasn't for him to help Tiangong, how would I be defeated and return?"

"I'm going to smash him into ten thousand pieces, ten thousand pieces!

The Demon Lord kept roaring.

Although it has only been half a month since the last battle with Tiangong.

But every time he thinks about it, he is still furious.

Especially the moment when he turned around and fled, he was still in front of him.

Time and time again, he kept reminding him how embarrassed he was.

"Su Xuanji…."

"Am I really inferior to you? 39

"I do not believe!

"Absolutely not!

"Next time, next time we meet, I'm going to kill you!"

The Demon Lord gritted his teeth and said, the whole person trembling with anger.

The Demon Mountain on the side saw this and was disdainful.

The facts are obvious, what's the use of not believing or not being reconciled?

Better to recognize reality.

"Magic Mountain.

The Demon Lord said sharply.

The magic mountain immediately stepped forward and fulfilled his duty.

"The Demon Lord is the strongest ruler between heaven and earth.""

"No one will be the opponent of the Demon Lord."5

"No one makes an exception."

"The Demon Lord will surely be able to raze the Heavenly Palace to the ground.

One sentence after another, Moshan doesn't know how many times he has said it these days.

He was tired of talking himself, but the Demon Lord would never get tired of listening to it.

The Demon Lord's expression softened a little when he heard the words, but he didn't call the Demon Mountain to listen to this.

At least, not this time.

"Call out all the demons immediately. 35

"Wait for me in the valley."

"Going right now."

The Demon Lord ordered.

Mo Shan frowned when he heard the words, and tried out the purpose of the Demon Lord.

"I don't know what the devil is planning to do, but it seems that he is planning to attack Tiangong again?

If he is going to take another shot at Tiangong, he is very good at tipping off.

The last time he encountered Magic Mountain halfway, he didn't have a chance to contact Su Xuanji along the way.

This time he must find a chance.

However, the Demon Lord was impatient to deal with him and started drinking again.

"Don't go soon!"

"What are you doing here!

"Stop talking nonsense, otherwise what's the use of keeping you! 35

Seeing the Demon Lord jumping into a rage, it seemed that he could kill at any time.

Moshan did not dare to delay, and immediately said yes, turned around and left.

For fear of walking too slowly, he would be slapped to death by the Demon Lord.

In a stick of incense, all the demons were already waiting in the magic valley.

But the Demon Lord has not arrived yet.

The demons did not dare to leave, let alone speak ill.

Can only wait quietly, in the entire magic valley, there is a depressing atmosphere.

Because there are too many demons.

At the entrance of the cave, above the valley, there are densely packed demons.

Even in the air, there are many demons hanging.

If a timid person sees this scene, they can be scared to death without the demons taking action.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew across the faces of each demon.

A figure suddenly appeared in the air.

Those eyes are extremely eerie and terrifying, no matter how many times the demons have seen it.

Still, because of being swept by these eyes, his body was cold and shivering.

Even the commanders like Mo Qing were just a little calmer.

But such a demon master was tortured by a god-son named Su Xuanji and almost gave birth to a demon.

0... ask for flowers 0

No matter what they are cultivating or doing.

You can always hear the roar of the Demon Lord coming from the burrow from time to time.

The content is nothing more than to kill Su Xuanji.

Even the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Palace only appeared twice in the roar.

The rest of the time, it's all Su Xuanji, Su Xuanji, Su Xuanji....


This makes everyone Demon Race, and occasionally this name pops up in their heads.

No matter what they are doing, even if they are cultivating.

There were even two who went so crazy and nearly died because of it.

This made the other demons worry about themselves, but as a result, the name appeared more frequently in their minds.

Even, sometimes even scolding Su Xuanji to vent his anger.

I just didn't dare to be too loud, lest I disturb the Demon Lord and make him angry.

The magic mountain is well aware of what happened.

This is the happiest thing of the day.

When I thought of that, everyone would shout Su Xuanji in a low voice, as if shouting some slogans together.

He couldn't stand upright with joy, and wished he could tell Su Xuanji about this funny story right away.

But frustratingly.

He never saw Su Xuanji.

Taking refuge is a long way to go.

Mo Shan sighed in his heart, but his face was respectfully standing behind the Demon Lord.

His position is also unique.

Even the commanders are not qualified to stand in this position.

"Starting today, I want you to practice this formation!

The Demon Lord said sharply.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of light flew out of his hands, instantly disappearing into the eyebrows of every demon present.

Immediately, a formation appeared in the consciousness of each demon.

Ten magic formations.

For this formation, ten demons are required to form five.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 432 Confused and ignorant!

There is no need for external force, as long as the blood of the demons is stimulated, it can be done.

The only thing to pay attention to is the movement and footwork and the cooperation between them.

It can be said that this is a relatively simple formation that can improve their combat power in a short period of time.

The combined strength of ten people's separate shots is 30% less than the combined power of ten people's shots.

Don't underestimate these three percent.

It is these 30%, enough to determine success or failure.

Originally, there was a difference in strength between the Demon Race and the Heavenly Palace, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

But the demons have one of the most headaches for Tiangong, that is, there are many people, and their vitality is tenacious.


On top of this, plus 30% of the power of "one three three", Tiangong is really hard to stop.


The demons suddenly had confidence in their hearts.

The morale, which had been hit originally, also recovered a lot.

But this is far from enough for the Demon Lord.

What he wants is that all the demons are full of evil spirits, overflowing with murderous intent.

His morale to be beaten will be completely restored, even better than before.

He wants all the people in Tiangong to die at the hands of the demons.

He wanted Su Xuanji and the Emperor to be powerless.

Let them die on the spot!

Thinking of that scene, the Demon Lord's excited soul trembled.

The murderous intent in his eyes suddenly blew out like a gust of wind.

At this moment, everyone felt the cold murderous intent, but it made them even more excited.

The demons are bloodthirsty, not just talking.

but really exists.

They like to kill.

Like to see blood flying.

The more stumps there are on the ground, the more joy and power they gain from killing.

The Demon Lord was quite satisfied watching the murderous intent burst out in the eyes of everyone, but this was not enough.

He wants to see the complete madness of the demons.

That's the key to victory.

"Practice formations require opponents. 99

"It's a waste of time to search for pranks.

"It's up to you to make a team of eleven people, and choose one more person to practice as someone from the Heavenly Palace.

"If you can survive the next round, you will be replaced. If you die, you will be dismantled with other people who are also under-numbered."

"No one is allowed to stop without my order today.

"Otherwise, kill without mercy.

The last three words speak of infinite murder.

After listening to the previous words, the demons who fell into shock and resistance instantly surrendered.

At the same time, there seemed to be something resuscitated in the blood.

The boiling murderous intent constantly runs through their blood vessels, making their blood boil, and even scorching through their meridians and bodies.

At this moment, only killing can calm their mood.

Immediately, they did so.

The unlucky ones who were selected hardly persevered.

But it doesn't matter, one hapless one is gone and there is another.

At this time, the Demon Lord spoke again.

"Half an hour later, there are two people in the formation."

"After an hour, there are three people in the formation.

"In another half an hour, one more person will be in the formation."

"And so on, until ten against ten.


As soon as these words came out, the entire magic valley was filled with the voice of response.

"Yes, Demon Lord!"

This voice, echoing in the magic valley, was deafening.

Moshan looked at this scene, and his eyes were full of horror.

He wanted to let Su Xuanji know about it immediately, but the Demon Lord was always by his side, and he had no chance at all.

For a time, I was in a hurry.

The icy voice of the Demon Lord sounded.

"You don't seem very happy. 99

The Demon Mountain has been with the Demon Lord for a long time, and he can clearly hear the murderous intent in this voice...

Busy immediately opened his mouth.

"Not happy or unhappy... I..."

"I am in awe!

"The Demon Lord is wise and wise, to be able to think of such a method, I am speechless in admiration."

"It is a great blessing for the demons to have such a clear master!"

Moshan looked frightened, and spent his whole life acting here.

If it was in the past, the Demon Lord would have to smile.

But this time, it failed.

The Demon Lord turned to look at him with a gloomy look on his face.

Seeing this, Mo Shan's heart skipped a beat.

He tried his best to restrain his heartbeat and expression, and looked at the Demon Lord with admiration.

His eyes were full of sincerity, as if he were looking at Su Xuanji.

But the Demon Lord remained unmoved.

This made Moshan completely lost in his heart.

The tricks of trying Bailing are useless, what's going on?

Is it....

Does the devil know that he betrayed him?

Thinking of this possibility, Mo Shan's cold sweat almost came out.

Fortunately, his ability to pretend to be foolish and stupefied on weekdays is so perfect that he was not frightened by any flaws.

But he was almost unable to hold his 0.5 times anymore, so he could only speak first.

"Demon Lord, but what did I say wrong?

"If it is, ask the Demon Lord to punish you, you know that the Demon Mountain has been laughed at and foolishly and has no brains.

"Also ask the Demon Lord to make it clear, what is wrong with the Demon Mountain?"

The magic mountain knelt down directly.

"You really don't know?"

The Demon Lord finally spoke up.

The voice was cold as if it came from under Jiuyou.

Moshan's face was confused, as if he was ignorant.


"You're used to putting on airs.

"Even I lied to it. 35

"Don't tell me, do you think I really don't know it's you who tipped off.

Chapter 433 The sky is above, the sun and the moon can be learned!

"Tell Su Xuanji about the betrayal of those Heavenly Palace masters?"

The Demon Lord looked at the Demon Mountain Road with an unusually gloomy look.

The heart of the Demon Mountain continued to sink with the words of the Demon Lord.

When the last sentence came out, he almost jumped up and turned and ran away.

But he clearly knew that he was not the opponent of the Demon Lord at all.

Not to mention the Demon Lord, any commander can bring him back.

He must not escape, if he escapes, he will die.

In other words, he must not show his cowardice at this time.

Moshan immediately pretended not to understand, and then there was a hint of stunned expression on his face.

It seems that he just reacted, what the devil is saying.

At this moment, doubts flashed in the Demon Lord's eyes.

But his face was still gloomy.

"Demon Lord, I don't have it!"

"How could I do this?"

"I can't do that. 39

"No, you misunderstood me 03."

"I really don't. 35

The magic mountain turned over and adjusted the past and said a word, all the rhetoric in the past, all of which were deliberately hidden at this time.

He seemed to be really wronged.

His face was full of fear of death, and misunderstood grievances.

It seems that he doesn't know how to justify it at all, and only knows how to say those words over and over again.

"Demon Lord, I really didn't do anything."

"I do not have."

"I really don't."

"How could I betray the Demon Lord?"

"Su Xuanji is a human race, I didn't betray the Demon Lord, I didn't... No..."

As he spoke, Moshan cried out directly.

He is not pretending.

He really cried.

He is afraid.


The Demon Lord hasn't started yet, which shows that he is hesitating.

But if the other party really confirms it, or rather kill the mistake and let it go.

Not only will he die, but he will die miserably.

With the cruelty of the Demon Lord, he will definitely be tortured for a long time.

And in front of all the demons, he killed chickens to warn the monkeys, and made everyone take him as a warning.

Magic Mountain can die, but he definitely doesn't want to die so miserably.

When he thought that the torture methods that the Demon Lord had used on others would be used on him, he had already started to hurt.

The more the Moshan cried, the more miserable it became. The snot and the tears came from the crying, as if he had been wronged by the sky, and he was trembling with fear.

Looking at such a magic mountain, the demon master is very suspicious.

Does he have the courage to betray himself?

But the more he thinks about it recently, the more wrong it is.

How did Su Xuanji know that those Tiangong masters betrayed Tiangong?

Of course, he also knew that this might be the rumor that the betrayers had leaked.

But thinking about it again, the magic mountain was actually very suspicious early in the morning.

Before Moshan followed the demon ministers to besiege the Heavenly Emperor, but all the demons he sent died, and only one came back to Moshan.

How did he survive?

By strength?

Does he have?

By betrayal?

That's possible.

It was just that he was busy breaking through the seal at the time, and the Magic Mountain was really in his heart, so he didn't doubt him.

But this time, the whole army of the Demon Clan was wiped out, which made him think of this doubt again.

He did not forget that it was Moshan who proposed to him the idea of ​​going out and staring at Mo Qing.

He also did not forget that Moshan volunteered himself, saying that he could do the job.

At that time, what Moshan said was justified and persuaded him, but now it seems that he is fooling him.

And when Mo Shan left, Mo Qing and the others were soon attacked by Tiangong.

Among them, is it really the handwriting of the magic mountain?

The Demon Lord's first feeling was disbelief.

But when you think about it, it's not entirely certain.

After all, the Demon Mountain had left a deep impression on him. He was a little Demon Race who only flattered and was very comfortable.

He has always taken good care of Moshan, because Moshan is also considered a talent when it comes to flattering.

It is precisely because of this that he did not slap him to death when he was in doubt.

Instead, he stayed by his side, hesitating.

Just now, Mo Shan was looking at the expressions of the Ten Demon Arrays, which was very complicated.

It made him suspicious again.

This time, he could no longer let his plan go wrong.

But when he made up his mind to make a move, Moshan was crying, as if he could hold his breath at any time.

133 This shook him again.

After so many years, I was so good at flattering, but I couldn't find a second one. It's a pity to kill him.

For a time, the Demon Lord was extremely entangled in his heart.

The Demon Mountain followed the Demon Lord for a long time, and naturally he could see his wavering.

Immediately took the opportunity to amplify the sound of crying a little bit.

"Demon Lord!"

"The sky is above, the sun and the moon can be learned!"

"I am loyal to the Demon Lord!"

"How could I betray the Demon Lord!"

The Demon Mountain was lying at the feet of the Demon Lord, looking pious.

I was cursing in my heart.

The Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and stared at the Demon Mountain, asking the question in his heart.

"How did you escape from the Heavenly Emperor in the first place?"

Moshan was stunned when he heard the words.

In an instant, I thought of where the suspicion of the Demon Lord came from.

He paused in his heart and immediately raised his head.

Without fear, he looked directly into the terrifying eyes of the Demon Lord.

"I didn't escape from the Heavenly Emperor."

"I escaped from Su Xuanji.

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord's face instantly became even more ugly.

Chapter 434 When has the Lord of the Demon Race been so abused!

It looks like I guessed correctly, there is a collusion between you and Su Xuanji.

Then, the magic mountain explained again.

"Su Xuanji was with the Emperor at that time.

"He killed everyone, only me, who was protected by Lord Mochen, was left. 99

"I just yelled at him and told him to be careful that the devil would seek revenge from him.

"He just said, come, come, I'm afraid he won't succeed. 99

"I was pissed off.

"I'm going to fight him right now!

"He laughed, leaning back and forth, and said that he was afraid of death, afraid that I would kill him.

"Although I'm not very smart, I can still hear the irony."9

"I was so angry that I moved out of the Demon Lord again, but he said..."

Speaking of this, Mo Shan suddenly fell silent.

With a pair of eyes, he looked at the Demon Lord carefully, as if there was something unspeakable.

Naturally, the Demon Lord couldn't stand hearing half of it, so he immediately started asking questions.


"What did he say!"

Moshan looked embarrassed, but he seemed to be unable to disobey half of the orders, and began to tell the story.

"He says...."

"What is the Demon Lord? 99

"I don't deserve Su Xuanji's shoes.

"It's just something that was sealed, how dare you take action against the Emperor of Heaven. 35

"I, Su Xuanji, will definitely skin and bone it, and then throw it to the dog.

"I really thought that I was called a Demon Lord, but I couldn't be the Lord of the world."

"Finally...he told me to go back and tell the devil all these words one by one, how dare I..."

Speaking of this, Moshan looked at the demon master with a murderous look, and quickly reminded again in a deep voice.

"He said it."

"It's not what I said.

"Of course I don't think so at all."

"Please also let the devil rest his anger. 55

At the same time, Moshan was saying the exact opposite in his heart.

Taking the opportunity to scold the Demon Lord for a meal is a joy.

When the Demon Lord heard the words, the grim expression on his face gradually thickened.

A face, distorted and lost its appearance.

In anger, he believed the words of the magic mountain.

If this is the case, it can perfectly explain why the Magic Mountain can return alive.

It turned out to be a message for him, but he didn't dare to say it.

Damn Su Xuanji for despising him so much!

As the Lord of the Demon Race, when has he been so abused!

It just doesn't make sense, it makes no sense!

"Get up.

The Demon Lord said gloomily.

The Demon Mountain didn't dare to play any tricks at this time, and immediately got up and stood behind the Demon Lord obediently.

The low voice of the Demon Lord sounded, and every word was smashed, full of murderous intent and deep-seated resentment.

"I'm going to kill you!

"Kill you!

"Su Xuanji!"

In an instant, the entire Magic Valley echoed with Su Xuanji's name.

at the same time.

Yunmeng Mountain, halfway up the mountain.


Su Xuanji rubbed his nose and mumbled with a displeased face.

"What bastard is calling me.

Su Xuanji knew that he was hated.

It is natural to blame others for his sudden indecentness.

Although he was not wrong, Su Xuanji at the moment knew nothing.

He climbed slowly in the Yunmeng Mountain, and saw nothing along the way except the harmless little rabbit.

Where is the unicorn, he did not deliberately look for it.

He knew that as long as he measured this mountain over and over, he would definitely be able to find it.

But when he walked up for a while, suddenly there were footsteps behind him.

And it was careless and unconcealed, as if he was afraid that he would not find it.

He turned his head to look, and saw a very rough-looking guy with red hair, looking sideways at him.

A look that doesn't look good to him.

Su Xuanji raised his eyebrows, and before he could ask anything, the other party waved at him impatiently.

"What are you looking at?"

"Come here.

"'々 You also asked me to come over and invite you?

Su Xuanji didn't move.

He touched his chin and looked at the other party, always feeling that the other party seemed to be looking for him.

But he didn't recognize the person in front of him at all, no, it was a demon to be exact.

That fiery red hair and a pair of equally fiery red eyes couldn't be more obvious.

"you call me?"

Su Xuanji looked at each other and asked.

The other party rolled his eyes and became more and more impatient.

"Who do I not call you?

"Anyone else here?"

"Follow me quickly and stop talking. 35

It was the first time that Su Xuanji was so impatient, and he couldn't help but be happy.

"What did you ask me to do?"

"I don't know you. 35

"who are you?

The impatience on the other party's face became more obvious when he heard this, and his tone (well) became more impatient.

"Who am I and what is your business?"

"Who are you and what does it matter to me?"

"Didn't you come to find Qilin? He asked me to take you there."5

"Rory, are you going to leave?"

Su Xuanji was taken aback for a moment.

Even if the unicorn is in this mountain, he knows that someone has climbed the mountain.

But how do you know that he was sent by the Heavenly Emperor to find him?

He is not from the Heavenly Palace, Father!

But then, Su Xuanji noticed that the other party's eyes swept across the token on his waist from time to time.

It was given to him by the Emperor of Heaven, and asked him to show it to Qilin, and the other party would know that he was sent by the Emperor of Heaven.

Su Xuanji looked down and realized instantly that many people used this card to find Kirin․

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 435 Turned into powder and scattered all over the ground with the wind!

This made it easy for him to discover the clue when he was secretly watched as soon as he went up the mountain.

And the person who discovered this matter found the unicorn, and the red hair sent by the unicorn.

Su Xuanji guessed, that should be the case.


"Why are you still standing there?"

"The Emperor of Heaven is still waiting for your return, follow me to find Qilin. 35

Redhead urged again.

Su Xuanji smiled lightly, put his hands behind his back, and turned away.

Looking at his back as he continued to climb, the red hair was stunned for a moment.

By the time he reacted, Su Xuanji had already walked a bit further.

He hurriedly shouted at Su Xuanji's back.

"You stop!"

"Aren't you wearing a token around your waist?"

"Did you come to find Qilin!

"Don't go! Kirin is waiting for you!"

Su Xuanji's footsteps were a little quicker in an instant.

Seeing this, the redhead stomped his feet and chased after him.

He instantly appeared in front of Su Xuanji and reached out to stop him.

"Why are you yelling and walking away, what the hell is going on with you?

"Don't you want to hang out in the Heavenly Palace?"

Seeing the furious red 133 hair, Su Xuanji laughed.

A brilliant smile.

This can turn the red-haired Qiqiao into smoke.

"why are you laughing?"

"What's funny, if you tell me to come with me, just follow me. 35

Su Xuanji didn't change his smile, then shook his head under the other's glare.

"I'm not from Tiangong, and naturally I don't care if I can get along. 39

"Go back and tell Qilin, and ask him to come to me by himself."

"But tell him to wait and don't bother me now. 99

"When I have traveled through the scenery in the Yunmeng Mountains, he will come again, and I will lead him back.

Hearing this sentence, the redhead was stunned.


Let Kirin come to him by himself?

Still waiting? Can't disturb him to enjoy the view?


Still take the unicorn back?


The redhead gasped for a moment.

Like seeing some fool looking at Su Xuanji, his eyes are full of disbelief. (adaf)

That's a unicorn.

The unicorn of the Heavenly Palace.

Mythical beast unicorn.

Is this person crazy to dare to take it so seriously?

"Don't get in the way.

"Get off.

Su Xuanji waved his hand like a fly.

The redhead, who couldn't turn his head around, subconsciously stood aside.

I watched Su Xuanji, who passed by him, walk away.

By the time he reacted, Su Xuanji had disappeared.

He immediately chased after him and saw Su Xuanji's shadow in the distance. Just as he was about to chase again, he saw that the other party instantly disappeared in place.

Soon, there was another place farther away.

Seeing this, the redhead frowned.

"Actually, he really said he would leave."

"Why are the people sent by the Emperor of Heaven so weird this time?"

"Where did you get it from? It's a strange thing."

When the words fell, the red hair turned around and left, and soon disappeared.

Of course, when he was alone and appeared on the edge of a cold pool, a suspicious voice suddenly sounded.

"What about others?"

"Why only you?

The redhead scratched his messy hair, and he didn't know how to answer this question.

At this time, more voices sounded.


"What about Qilin asking you?"

"What about that guy?"

Hearing this chattering voice, the redhead felt agitated.

"He was visiting the scenery of Yunmeng Mountain.

"I'm not free now."

"Tell Qilin to find him.""

"But wait a minute.

"Don't disturb him enjoying the view.""

After the red hair crackled, he heard exclamations one after another.

"Are you stupid? 35

"Let him come here!""

"How can I let Qilin find him! 99

"The trap we laid has not been used yet!

"Let him have fun!"

Hearing this, Hongfa grabbed the head valve angrily and emphasized again.

"I didn't say those words."

"He said it.

"He himself asked Qilin to find him.

"Then he left. You said what's wrong with this man, and it made me mad."

This remark was once nonsense, and the whole audience was dead silent.

Ask Qilin to find him?

So wait?

Sounds reluctant to see the unicorn look!

There are many people who come to look for Kirin, this one is really special, and it can even be said to be the most special one.

How dare you not care about Qilin so much, isn't he afraid of the wrath of the Heavenly Emperor?

Shouldn't he find a fool?

It's so weird!

"This... how is this possible?"5

"I also think it's unlikely.

"No one dares to be so disrespectful to Qilin. Could it be that you were lazy and didn't go?"

"Unbelievable. 35

"It's better to be honest and say it directly if you don't go.

Hearing these words, the red hair instantly became furious.

"I'm going."

"I really went!

"He himself refused to come!

"If you don't believe me, go on your own, don't talk nonsense here!""

Looking at the redhead who lost his temper, everyone stopped talking for a moment.

One of them stood up.

"I go!"

When the words fell, he immediately disappeared in place.

The unicorn lying on the edge of the cold pool raised his hand and waved, leaving deep claw marks on the boulder.

In the next second, the boulder instantly turned into powder, and it blew all over the ground with the wind.

Seeing this, no one knew the annoyance in his heart at the moment.

It seemed that the only way to vent his anger was to play tricks on that person.

Chapter 436 The strongest strength finally broke out!

At this moment, Su Xuanji was not completely unaware of the anger of Kirin.

Although he had never met a unicorn, he remembered that the Emperor of Heaven said it was naughty.

The place is to stay in Yunmeng Mountain, not in Tiangong, obviously do not want to go back.

And when he came, he wanted to go directly to him.

The reason is definitely not to go back with him, so what else can it be for?

That's definitely not a good thing.

Su Xuanji will be fooled, he is not a fool.

Moreover, not only did he not go to see him, but he also let Qilin come to him.

He is very confident about this.


Footsteps sounded again behind.

Su Xuanji smiled faintly, walked straight to the big stone beside him and sat down.

The action is like flowing clouds and flowing water, and it is very chic.

He looked up and saw another redhead standing in front of him.

The reason why it is said to be the other one is because, although the person in front of him has the same red hair as before, his eyes are different.

There is a kind of cunning and mellowness, completely different from the straight red hair before.

The red hair is also extraordinarily neat, which is completely different from the former, and that is why he concluded.

"You're the redhead just now..."

Su Xuanji took the initiative to speak.

The man smiled, showing a very comfortable smile.

"That's my eldest brother. I'm the second eldest. You can call me the second red. That's what Qilin is called."5

Su Xuanji had a sudden realization when he heard the words, but Hong Er's face sank as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Little two."

"Are you looking for your big brother? He's gone.

"You go too, no more. 35

Hong Er's heart surged with anger, and she endured and endured it before she suppressed the anger and put on a smile again.

"Kirin asked me to invite you over.

"You must have come to find him, come with me."

"Otherwise it will be unfavorable, and the Heavenly Emperor will be very disappointed with you, and it will be unfavorable for you.

Hong Eryi has a sincere expression and seems to be thinking of Su Xuanji very much, just like a friend.

However, Su Xuanji was unmoved.

"God is not in a hurry.

"I'm not in a hurry."

"Then Yunmeng Mountain has a good view. The Difficult Kirin likes to come here, and I like it too."

"I'm reluctant to leave myself, how can I let Qilin leave with me?

"I want to go around again, you go back, don't disturb me.

When the words fell, Su Xuanji lay directly on the stone.

Half-resting his arms, he leisurely admired the exquisiteness around him.

This scene left Hong Er stunned.

He didn't believe what the red hair said before, this would be considered true.

It's just that this guy doesn't have a bit of self-awareness?

Is God's order so easy to disobey?

Really enjoyed the scenery!

Aren't you afraid of being punished?

What about trouble?

Hong Er was simply dumbfounded.

I didn't know what to say for a while.


he noticed.

Su Xuanji's eyes closed!

He is closed!

What is this for?

when he doesn't exist?

The next second, a slight snoring sounded.

Red two: ""

At this moment.

Hong Er wanted to strangle someone to death like never before.

He instantly understood why Hong Da was so irritable after returning.

He can't stand it either!

Hong Er took a deep breath and kept telling himself that if he couldn't bear it, he would make a big mess.

After repeating it seventeen times, he reluctantly suppressed his anger.

He looked at Su Xuanji on the boulder, showed a smile that he thought was very kind, and opened his mouth softly.

"Wake up."

"Don't sleep."

"Will you get up and come with me?"

"The Kirin is waiting for you.

"Don't sleep any more.

0・・・For flowers 0.

"Wake up!""

"Wake up!

Hong Er finally went irritable.

A pair of fists clenched tightly.

Just as he was hesitating whether to punch him or not, Su Xuanji's eyes finally opened.

But it's just a seam.

Hong Er was very doubtful whether the crack could hold the complete self.

"Why are you still here?"

"How long have I slept?"

Su Xuanji spoke slowly, with a hoarse voice that he had just woken up from.

This made Hong Er, who was a little suspicious of him pretending to be asleep, doubted himself in his heart.

But no matter what, the man finally woke up.

He spoke hastily.

"You have been sleeping for a long time. 99

"Very, very long.""

"Don't sleep anymore, follow me to find Qilin."

"If you don't go, Qilin will be impatient and leave."

"How will you return to life then?"

Hong Er looked at Su Xuanji bitterly, he believed that the other party would definitely go with him this time!

Su Xuanji supported the boulder with his arms and slowly got up, then jumped down from it.

While patting the dust on his body, he muttered to himself.

"Have you slept for a long time?

"It's time to go.

As soon as these words came out, Hong Er immediately nodded hurriedly.


"It's time to go.""

"Definitely time to go."

"Let's go now!"

Su Xuanji nodded in agreement, then looked at Hong Er and smiled.

Hong Er was overjoyed, he knew he would succeed!

The next second, however, Su Xuanji raised his hand and pulled him aside, walking towards a path behind him.

There are still words in the mouth.

"This road has not been traveled. 35

"Let's go this way, I don't know if it's the way up the mountain. Five.

Chapter 437 The desired results are not all!

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

"Maybe there may be unexpected scenery."

While speaking, he has gone farther and farther.

Hong Er stared at his back in a stunned manner, wishing he could just drag him over for a while.

But what the unicorn wants is to let the other party fall into the trap. If it is thrown directly into it, what kind of fun is there?

Hong Er gritted his teeth and chased after him again.



"Wait for me!


Hong Er suddenly stopped.

Because he found that the trail was empty.

Su Xuanji didn't know where to go.

"What did you say?"

"He won't come?"

"One three three" "Still asleep?"

"Are you asleep and dreaming?

"How could Tiangong have such an inconsiderate person?"

Beside Kirin, two identical redheads were arguing non-stop.

Only at the very beginning, Hong Da, squatted in the corner without saying a word, poking at the stones on the ground viciously.

It seems to have the same deep hatred as those stones.


Hong Er's face is exactly the same as the previous Hong Da.

Filled with anger and an unquenchable irritability.

"He just fell asleep. 35

"I fell asleep in front of my face!

"This man is too Damn it!"

"It's the first time I've seen such a wonderful creature!"

"Can't you be as deceitful as they used to be?"5

"It really pisses me off!

Anxious Hong Er, strode to Hong Da's side.

He squatted down suddenly, and took the lead, piercing a stone in front of him.

Hong glared at Hong Er, and then moved faster.

Hong Er was not to be outdone, and the two actually scrambled for it.

It seems that the stone is regarded as his enemy.

Looking at the two people who kept shooting, Hong San stood up.

"I go!"

"I don't believe it, this person can't be brought back!"

"Big brother and second brother, I didn't say you, you are too bad, look at me!"

When the words fell, Hong San turned around and left.

Qilin looked at Hong San's back without saying a word, and slapped his tail on the surface of the cold pool.

After a loud bang, the water in the cold pool, like being rolled up by a hurricane, rose into the sky.

Immediately, it slammed into the stone wall.

In an instant, a deep trace appeared on the stone wall.

Like being beaten with a whip.

"Who the hell did the Emperor send this time?"

"It's so unreliable.

"We'll see how I treat you later!

Kirin anxiously and angrily looked forward to it, and he had already planned a plan to harass him.

This time, he will not let this person off easily, and he needs to take a good sigh of relief.

at this time.

Hongsan is looking for someone in the mountains.

But after looking around, Su Xuanji was nowhere to be seen.

This can't help but make the red three make trouble.

"It's weird.

"What about people?"

"Shouldn't he be leaving?"

"That's so boring!"

Just then, a voice sounded behind him.

"How red are you?

There was a sudden chill behind Hong San's back, and he didn't even notice that there was someone behind him!

He turned around immediately and answered subconsciously.

"I'm Hong San."

Su Xuanji nodded when he heard the words, looking kind and talkative.

"Hongsan, you came to find me too. 35

"But I'm not free now, how can this be good.

Hong San looked at Su Xuanji suspiciously.

He wondered why this person still looked very good, not as Damn it as the eldest brother and the second brother said.

But no matter what, his purpose is simple and firm.

That is to abduct Su Xuanji to Kirin...

If you don't play with this person well today, not only will the unicorn be boring and faceless, but so are the brothers.

"The scenery of Yunmeng Mountain is really good.

"But there is time to visit.""

"You still go with me.

Red San said with a sneer.

He didn't intend to rely entirely on negotiation.

To discuss and add fists, he believes that he can always make the other party submit!

Su Xuanji sighed softly, then looked at the mountain wall with a sad face, and remained silent.

Hong San frowned, and was immediately displeased.

"Did you hear me?"

"Come with me, don't tell me to do it. 39

"Don't you want to see Qilin? I don't believe it."

Su Xuanji sighed again.

"I will not leave until my wish is fulfilled. 95

Hearing this, Hong San didn't want to talk anymore.

Even if he didn't want to drag this person away, lest everyone be boring.

But if he doesn't take people, what will he do with his cruel words?

Isn't it embarrassing?

He immediately grabbed Su Xuanji.

When he was about to touch Su Xuanji's shoulder, Su Xuanji suddenly took a step forward 0.5 and happened to dodge.

This made Hong San, who thought he was sure of everything, was taken aback for a moment.

In the next second, a burst of anger suddenly rose.

He actually missed it!

But it must be an accident, it must be an accident!

He took another shot at Su Xuanji, this time faster and harder.

He believed that this time Su Xuanji would definitely not be able to escape.

However, just as he was about to touch Su Xuanji's shoulder again, Su Xuanji moved again.

His speed doesn't seem to be fast, but with just a slight movement, the red third hand fails again.

This time, Hong San was furious and took the shot regardless.

His figure kept appearing around Su Xuanji, trying to catch Su Xuanji.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 438 The gap in talent is revealed!

But Su Xuanji seems to be able to see his movements in advance, and can always avoid him in advance.

This made Hong San annoyed and shocked at the same time.

He had no idea that Su Xuanji was so fast.

Fast, he couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all, and was completely led by the nose.

But Hongsan couldn't kill with all his strength, after all, the other party was from Tiangong.

He can trick people, but he can't kill them.

Otherwise, it would be a provocation to the Heavenly Palace and the Heavenly Emperor. He would not do this, and Qilin would not allow him to do so.


Red San refused to consider the question of whether he would win if he was genuine.

If you have to ask, it is the default, and it will.

Hongsan stopped and looked at Su Xuanji angrily.

"Say it.

"What exactly is your wish?

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

Hearing this, Su Xuanji looked at Hong San with a look of surprise.

All eyes are, 'You are such a wonderful person. "

Looking at Hong San for a while, he felt a little embarrassed.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Red San eased his tone and asked.

Su Xuanji pointed to the stone wall beside him, and his words were astonishing.

"I'm going to open a cave here.""

As soon as these words came out, Hong San was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

He asked again and got the same answer.

"Why do you want to open a cave here?

"Why are you always guarding the unicorn here?

Hong San looked at Su Xuanji in confusion.

Su Xuanji shook his head without hesitation.

"The scenery here is nice."

"It's a treasure. 99

Hong San has been hanging around here all year round, and he deeply agrees.

But he still had some doubts.

"Then you can open up, and no one will stop you.

Although Kirin must not like it.

But deceive people first.

The cave has been opened, can it be filled again?

It doesn't matter whether this person does white labor or not.

Su Xuanji looked confused.

"I have a lot of ideas about what the Dongfu will look like. 35

"It's just that I'm very confused and don't know how to start. 99

"It would be great if someone could help me.

As soon as these words came out, Hong San came to the spirit.

"When your cave is ready, come with me?"

Su Xuanji nodded without hesitation.

Hong San immediately slapped his shoulder.

"I'll help you."

"You come with me."

Su Xuanji nodded again and added.

"It has to satisfy me, otherwise I'm not in the mood to do anything else."

Red San sneered disdainfully.

"This trivial matter can still stumped me, Hong San?"

"Look at me. Lo

After the words fell, Hong San started to do it.

This is indeed a trivial matter, and it is trivial for practitioners.

Very easily, he took out a big hole in the mountain wall.

He clapped his hands and waved to Su Xuanji.

"Let's go.


Su Xuanji frowned in disgust.

"Too ugly.

"not in the mood.

Hong San's heart suddenly rose again with anger.

But after all, he had something to say, so he could only suppress his anger and ask patiently.

"Where is it ugly?"

"What are you going to do?"

Su Xuanji glanced at the uneven cave and made his own little suggestion.

"First of all, the inner wall should be flat."

"Secondly, it's not good without decoration, and it's not good for being too petty.

"Just carve a dragon and a phoenix, the left dragon and the right phoenix. It must be lifelike and expressive."

"Again, this floor needs to be covered with a carpet, it's too tacky, it doesn't fit the temperament of a cultivator.

"You go and weed some weeds, ask for bigger ones, and lay them neatly for me.

"Finally, if there is no indecent bamboo, no flowers are not fragrant, you have to move some for me to the front of the cave."

"That's it for the time being, after all, this mountain has no other material to choose from. 99

The words fell, and the entire cave did not make any sound for a long time.

Su Xuanji raised his eyes to look at Hong San, who was surprised and angry, and raised his eyebrows.

"If you do this, I will be in the mood.

Hongsan took a deep breath, but this breath almost didn't come out.

Under the circumstance of constantly reminding myself that I must take people away, I forced myself to leave without turning around.

"Good. 35

"You wait for me.""

What Hong San said was like a fight, but he was still furious and went to prepare.

Su Xuanji133 smiled kindly and sat outside the cave waiting.

It didn't take long for Hong San to come back.

He first planted bamboo and unknown flowers outside the cave, and left immediately.

When he came back again, he was holding a large bundle of unknown grass in his hand, which smelled faintly fragrant.

He doesn't know how to make it up at all, and can only constantly place it horizontally and vertically in a staggered form.

In the end, he continued to carve and paint in the cave, using his own hands.

Fortunately, the nails are sharp, and it doesn't affect anything.

He was drawing very seriously, Su Xuanji was admiring the scenery of the distant mountains.

Kirin and the other last Hong brothers who haven't seen Su Xuanji, are waiting for Hong San to come.

But half an hour passed.

An hour has passed.

Two hours have passed, and there is still no sign of Hong San.

This made them all wait a little impatient.

Red Four stood up.

"Why don't I go and find him."5

Kirin flicked his tail.

"Wait for him another half an hour. 35

Red Four retreated after hearing the words.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 439 The appearance of Shenjun is completely different!

And the red three they were looking forward to was glaring at Su Xuanji with the look of wanting to kill him.

"What are you dissatisfied with?"

"I did everything you asked me to do.""

"I can move in myself.

"What are you going to do!

Su Xuanji looked at the dragon and phoenix on the stone wall with disgust, glanced at the carpet on the ground, and glanced at the bamboo and flowers outside.

"This dragon and phoenix carving is not bad, but it is asymmetrical, the head is one point off, and the tail is two points off.

"The rug is braided like a joke, it's not as good as your big brother's hair."

"The bamboos on the outside are not placed properly. It needs to be sparse on the outside and dense and dense on the inside to have a deep feeling."

"The number of petals of the flower is wrong and inconsistent. I think it looks best when thirteen petals are stacked together. You can choose this one."

"If you want to look good, you can't do it, replace it. 35


Su Xuanji's ears were filled with the gasping sound of Hong San.

He seemed to be about to give up his anger.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Do you feel guilty?"

"It doesn't have to be, I'm not mean, I'm willing to wait for you to correct me."5

"When I'm in a good mood, I can go with you.

Su Xuanji looked at Hong San kindly and smiled.

"What's up with him?"

Hongsi looked at Hong Sandao in confusion.

Qilin also looked at Hong San, his eyes full of doubts.

Hong Da and Hong Er also looked over.

I saw Hong Sanyi's head of weeds, and its body was covered with petals.

The hands are full of mud, and the nails are full of rubble.

He was fine when he left, and came back like a mason.

He kept poking at the stones on the ground, no one paid any attention, and he was still muttering.

"One inch away, I'll let you one inch away...

"Thirteen petals, I call you Thirteen petals...

"What exactly happened here?"

Hong Si said anxiously and angrily, but Hong San did not respond at all.

The whole person seems to be immersed in a kind of manic and difficult to express emotions.

To put it simply, it is suffocating.

"I'm going to meet him!

"I want to see, who is it, who actually harmed my three brothers like this!"

When the words fell, Hong Si turned around and left in a hurry.

At this time, he no longer wanted to abduct people back, he just wanted to teach them a lesson and bring them back.

At this moment, Kirin opened his mouth.

"If you can't bring it back, ask him what his name is."

Red Four's vicious voice came immediately.

"There is no such possibility. 55

"I'll bring him back later. 55

Looking at the direction in which Hong Si disappeared, Qilin was not optimistic about his words.

He used to believe that Hong Da could bring the other party back, but what happened?

"Who on earth is it?

"I don't remember Tiangong having such a difficult person. 35

"It's weird..."

"But no matter who you are, I will make you look good. 35

Two hours later.

Red Four is back.

He couldn't help walking to Hong San's side, crouched down, and poked at the stone.

The action is complete.

Kirin: ""

After a while, Kirin asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Speak! 35

The sullen voice of the red four sounded immediately.

"I can't beat him..."

"He said that if I help him tidy up the cave, he will be in a good mood, and if he is in a good mood, just follow me..."

Hong San moved his ears immediately.

Why is this way so familiar?

Immediately afterwards, I heard the red four continue to say.

"He said he wanted a flower with thirteen petals...

"I just finished it, the sun is setting, he said that the night is as cool as water, or the eighteen petals can better reflect the mood...

"I got it done again. He said that the moon is not round enough tonight, and it looks like a story. He asked me to write a poem..."

"I cried and held it back. He said the poems I wrote were too sad... He won't be in the mood for a few days..."

When the words fell, Hong Si no longer spoke.

His red eyes kept poking at the stones.

This time, no one robbed him, and even the heart was sent to his eyes.

The unicorn stood up abruptly, jumped abruptly, and disappeared in place.

When he found Su Xuanji, Su Xuanji was reciting a poem.

"`々 Thirteen petals, eighteen petals.

"The moon is round and the moon is missing."

"In a good mood, come with me. 99

"If you don't go, what am I going to do?"

The unicorn slipped and almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, applause suddenly sounded.

"Good poetry, good poetry.

"It's really a handed down sentence!"

"A person who is not astonishing and talented can't do such a masterpiece of the ages!""

"Who are you anyway?"

"Why haven't I seen you in Tiangong?"

Kirin stared at Su Xuanji coldly.

He (good Zhao) has been guessing who this person is in the heavenly palace.

The result was unexpected, this person does not seem to be from Tiangong at all.

Su Xuanji turned to look, his gaze changed from looking up to looking down.

A small unicorn, I am afraid that it has not reached his waist when he stands up, how is this completely different from the divine horse he imagined!

Su Xuanji looked at it carefully, the boss with staring eyes.

"The head is like a dragon.

"The tail is like a cow."

"Shaped like a horse, shaped like a deer. 35

"Its back is colorful and fur patterned, and its belly is more gold than gold.

"This is unicorn yes.... points"

"Why is it so small!"

Su Xuanji was disappointed and looked at Kirin, as if the Kirin had hurt his feelings.

Kirin was instantly annoyed.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 440 More confirmation, definitely tricky!

"You take care of me getting bigger or smaller, I'm happy, I like it, you take care of me?

"The emperor doesn't care about me, how old are you?"

"who are you?"

Su Xuanji touched his chin, he is the son of the Su family, the first person.

This generation is rounded up, it is the boss.

He spoke calmly.

"I'm the boss.""

"My name is Su Xuanji. 35

"You can call me Boss Su, I don't really mind."

Kirin was immediately furious.

"Can't you think of me as a fool? 39

"Call you Boss Su, am I not your little brother?"

Su Xuanji smiled.

"That's not what you called."

"You don't have the conditions to be a big brother with your figure."

Qilin's anger reached its peak in an instant, and he knew that he couldn't say enough about Su Xuanji.

Immediately, without further ado, he jumped and came to the top of Su Xuanji's head in an instant.

Incredibly fast.

Even Su Xuanji was taken aback.

But that's about it.

At the same instant, Su Xuanji disappeared in place.

Qilin suddenly fluttered in the air, and his heart was shocked.

He is a unicorn.

Mythical beast unicorn.

When did he miss 137?

Who is this person?

Immediately, Kirin discovered that Su Xuanji disappeared and never appeared again.

He looked around, but still found no trace of Su Xuanji.

"What about people? 35

"Come out with me.

"Stop pretending to be mysterious! 99


He jumped back.

Su Xuanji moved back, ducked, and looked at the unicorn with a smile.

"You are very fast.

"I was careless and almost got bitten by you.

The anger in his heart was indescribable when Qilin looked at his hippie smile.

He instantly understood why the people in Hong Da were so angry that they were like that.

"Do you think I'm a dog?""

'It just doesn't make sense. ""

"who are you!

"How can you have the token of the Heavenly Emperor?"

Su Xuanji looked at the unicorn with a surprised look.

"Didn't I just say, my name is Su Xuanji, you forgot so soon?"

"I'll say it again, I'm Su Xuanji, from the Su family, not from the Heavenly Palace."

"As for why there is a Heavenly Emperor's token, it is naturally what he gave me."

"Could it be, do you think it was me who stole it?

Kirin snorted immediately.

"No one has been able to steal anything from the Heavenly Emperor, so naturally he gave it to you.

"It's the first time he actually gave an outsider token."

"You offend me so much, don't think that I will go back with you and restore your sight."9

Su Xuanji smiled lightly with a light expression on his face.

It seems that he doesn't care whether Kirin will go back with him.

There was even a hint of relief in his eyes.

This moment made Kirin suspicious.

Why does this guy seem to not care if he will go back with him?

What I said to Hongda and the others before, and various performances, also seemed to say that he didn't care about this.

"What are you giggling about?"

"If I don't go back with you (adaf), you won't be worried that you won't be able to explain to the Emperor of Heaven?

"How come you don't seem to care.

Su Xuanji heard the words and immediately put away the indifference and smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he put on a serious look.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he replaced his expression.

This made Qilin even more puzzled and felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, Su Xuanji spoke up.

"Of course I want you to go back with me.""

"I wish you would come with me right away. 39

"Go now, don't stop for a moment. 35

Su Xuanji spoke quickly, as if he was afraid that others would hear it clearly.

Qilin's eyes were even more puzzled, and he couldn't help but try it out.

"Then I'll go back with you."

"Anyway, I haven't returned to the Heavenly Palace for a long time."

"Everyone in Tiangong should have missed me."

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuanji frowned and looked like he was having a headache.

Seeing this, Kirin is even more sure in his heart, there is definitely something tricky!

From the beginning to the present, this person's every move and even every sentence seems to be saying that he does not want him to go back.

Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven deliberately sent an outsider to make him so angry that he did not want to go back to the Heavenly Palace with this person?

But why do it?

Do you think he's being tricky and don't want him anymore?

Impossible, he is a unicorn, and in this respect, the unicorn has absolute confidence.

Then what is it for?

What could it be for?

Kirin was puzzled and could only find out everything through Su Xuanji.

He looked at Su Xuanji, his eyes full of inquiry.


"Why don't you care if I go back or not. 99

"What did the Emperor call you to come?

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuanji's face became embarrassed, and his eyes began to dodge.

Kirin impatiently wagged his tail, then rolled his eyes and had an idea.

"Well, you are someone sent by the Emperor of Heaven. I can't take action against you, otherwise I won't be able to explain it to you if you die."

"Let's just compare the speed, I won, you tell me the purpose of your coming.""

"I lost, I'll go with you.

Su Xuanji immediately waved his hands again and again.

"If you lose, you will grow bigger for me to see, and be my mount. 55

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Kirin became more certain that Su Xuanji's purpose was not simple, and he felt more and more that he had guessed correctly.